Japan Today

Woman found strangled in Osaka love hotel


Police said Thursday that a young woman has died after being found unconscious in a love hotel in Fuse, Osaka, on Wednesday night.

NTV reported that police received an emergency call from a man in a room at the hotel, called Trump Tower, at around 10:40 p.m., saying that there was woman who didn't look well. An ambulance crew rushed to the scene where they found the woman in a state of cardiopulmonary arrest.

She was transported to a nearby hospital where she was pronounced dead a short time later, NTV reported.

Police were quoted as saying that marks found on the victim's body suggested that pressure had been applied to her neck. Police are treating the incident as murder and have launched an investigation. The woman, whose name has not been released, is said to be 17, NTV reported.

Another man was seen knocking on the door to the woman's room about 8:30 p.m., police said.

A local woman told reporters, "I was really surprised to see so many police here. This area's very quiet during the day, although it's usually bustling at night."

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17? arubaito job?...poor girl...RIP

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Poor girl. I hope they catch whoever did this. 17 is just too young for someone to die. My heart goes out to her family.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I wonder how The Donald feels about a love hotel called Trump Tower.

This is a strange case. There seem to have been two men with her. Who was the guy who called 119 and who was the guy seen knocking on her door earlier in the night?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

A local woman told reporters, " was really surprised to see so many police here. This area's very quiet during the day, although it's usually bustling at night."

But the call came in at 10:40 at night. The "Local Woman" has a strange sense of day and night.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Trump Tower? Is it owned by Donald Trump?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The woman?? She is only 17!!! Still a minor!! She can not legally Vote! Drink nor buy alcohol!! No smoking!! Who are the idiots calling this child a woman?? RIP young GIRL and the killer BIHFAOE!!!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

She was 17? Why does the headline say 'woman'? She is a girl!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

17 or 71 year woman? if former it's minor girl.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Rest in Peace to this poor girl - yet another case of a minor being exploited by men here. Let's just hope they find the coward(s) who killed the girl - but I'm not confident in that.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ensokosai? Murder? How about sex games gone bad?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

more like a sex game went terribly wrong

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Fuse isn't that bad and what on earth does the love hotel have to do with it? It could have been a regular hotel and had the same outcome.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

It could have been a regular hotel and had the same outcome.

Perhaps, but love hotels have far higher rates of seediness due to the anonymity

oh and it is time to correct the headline. A child has died - not a woman.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Taking a 17 yo to a love hotel? Isn't that illegal? Wow...strangulation...what a way to go. RIP kid!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

So very sad, I hope her killer is found quickly RIP

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Darran Brannan:

" Completely impossible to police the way that they are now. "

Oh yeah? And how are private homes policed, the place where such activity alternatively takes place? You want glass walls everywhere?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Sounds like the age was revealed too soon and the man changed the pedophilia charge by murder...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Love hotels - whist I do like using them - should be brought into line with regards to other hotels. For example, I cannot stay in a regular business hotel without producing some ID (passport/Alien Card) - yet children are allowed into Love Hotels with dirty old men? Protection of children comes before protection of anonymity in my books. Clean them up or force all of them to shut down.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Sounds like kinky play gone wrong. I'm guessing the man who called 119 and the man seen at "her" door (SHE rented the room?!?) are one and the same. There are apparently some people who get excited about strangling/being strangled during sex. The problem of course is it's way too easy to go too far with this kind of thing. RIP 17-year-old.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

play gone wrong ? a 17-year-old? The lawmen around here may actually pick up one or two of your rich imaginations and draw their conclusions accordingly. How about relationship gone wrong and the kid threatened to tell. .

1 ( +1 / -0 )


" I cannot stay in a regular business hotel without producing some ID (passport/Alien Card) - yet children are allowed into Love Hotels with dirty old men? "

17, while under age, is not a "child". And the story says nothing about "dirty old men". You don´t know how old the guys involved are.

And also you know very well that love hotels hardly work as regular hotels. I don´t know why people always demand techno-fixes. Doesn´t matter how many more rules and regulations you come up with, some bad things will always happen.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I lived in Fuse for 3 years and, honestly, it is a pretty shady part of Osaka. It's also known as the purse-snatching capital of Japan.

That's an unfortunate story.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

6 children all in their 40s now, but I remember them as teenagers, with all their hopes and dreams before them. This young one was robbed of her future whatever it may have been at just 17 years of age.Earlier I could not relate what I feel beyond the empathy I hope the perpertrator who took this young girls life will spend the rest of his life in jail to regret what was done, most of all I wish him a guilty conceince, no one will ever punish a person in a more bitter way then when conceince kicks in

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The biggest problem in Japan is the lack of CPR qualified ambulance driver's and the need for Emergency Medical Technicians in the ambulance. You always read about someone being pronouced dead at the hospital, and seems that they died in route because they bled-out in the ambulance, or didn't receive CPR until they arrived at the hospital. Ambulances are just high priced taxis... I live across the street from a major medical center and they drive the ambulance across the street to my building to take people to the hospital, when they could just bring the stretcher and wheel them across the street. You never see people going into a Japanese ambulance with an oxygen tank, or saline drip, or any form of medical attention...just a sheet over their body and face. Oh yeah! And the medical center across the street from my home, can only provide orthopedic assistance on weekends and they have an Emergency Entrance. Primative, Socialized Medicine....for a exuberant price.

RIP little girl..

1 ( +2 / -1 )

17, while under age, is not a "child".

So, 17 year olds are allowed into a Love Hotel - but not allowed to smoke, drink or vote? Sounds like a screwed up law to me.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Bura, not sure why you are giving ID to hotels here. If you live in Japan, legally they can't ask for anything. If you just tell them you live here, in Japanese, they don't push the issue.

17 is not a child. Sorry. At 17 this girl was probably very well aware of what she was doing in a love hotel. And probably expecting cash or a present for the transaction. Obviously not blaming the victim here but to make it seem like she was an innocent nine year old with no clue what goes on behind closed doors at a love hotel means some of you are living in lalaland.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Fuse is a very seedy place.

Not at all. There are love hotels and a pair of "adult businesses" in every neighborhood of Japan.

with no clue what goes on behind closed doors at a love hotel means some of you are living in lalaland.

I live in lalaland. I was convinced that in love hotels, people had sex or played electronic games. I was not in the known that was the place to go to get strangled... Half a dozen of my friends work in love hotels (as cleaners) and they never told me about their finding corpses.

Your point is she was suicidal ?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Most Love-Hotels got cameras recording who entered, etc (some even got hidden ones in the rooms). As for what goes on inside none less "seedy" than what happens outside them.

Heck, I grew up overseas where love-hotels didn't exist and things went on behind bushes, etc that would make your toe-nails curl. We would love to have had access to a love-hotel.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

love-hotels didn't exist and things went on behind bushes

Agreed - damned uncomfortable, those bushes were!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Cos, perhaps you should go back and reread what I posted. It was pretty obvious what was meant.

I still think it was probably a sex game gone bad. 17 years old and wants cash? She's probably do whatever for an LV bag!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

----"police received an emergency call from a man in a room at the hotel, called Trump Tower, at around 10:40 p.m.," -----"Another man was seen knocking on the door to the woman’s room about 8:30 p.m., police said."

"Another man" and "the man" could be the same man. The reason he called? In case he gets cought he could claim that it was accidental (say play gone wrong)? That he hoped she could be saved? His (their) criminal liability is way different from intentional killing---say kill her to silence her. Hope criminals are not any smarter than straight thinking lawmen.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Nicky Washeda:

" Agreed - damned uncomfortable, those bushes were! "

Ditto. I wish there had been love hotels when I was my, ahem, active period. They are friggin great!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

For example, I cannot stay in a regular business hotel without producing some ID (passport/Alien Card) - yet children are allowed into Love Hotels with dirty old men?

Actually, that is not true. If you are a resident of Japan (have an address), you are not required to show ID for a hotel room. Just write your name and address on the registration card. If you are a tourist, different story. In that case, you are required. Hotels try to get away with copying the ID of foreign residents, but this is not necessary. You cannot be refused a room for refusing to allow the staff to see/copy your personal information.

As far as the law is concerned, citizen or non-citizen is irrelevant, as long as you have an address in Japan.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

@bonyninja you are so right, cultural, socialized medical, or whatever the reason, Japan stays in the dark ages when it comes to paramedic, dental, and some medical services. This seems like another internet hook-up or child prostitution. Regardless, a child is no longer with us. Hope the authorities catch the individual(s) and find out what led to this. Those sex houses should have lots of cameras so lets hope for the best. The Donald? He might just take advantage of the free press and throw up a hotel or two in the neighborhood.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@DS and tmarie - cheers for that. Usually my wife does all that crap (and I pay!) . It's been a few years since I had to stay in a hotel by myself - and then they did want to p/copy my alien card (or passport) if I recall correctly. Will remember next time that they don't need to!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

17y old?! Calling her a woman because she was strangled...but if someone older than 18 has sex with her then they call him a pedophile and her an underage teenager or child.... But let's forget the stupid terminology, a life has been forced out of this child and finding the cold blood murderer is the first priority. God bless her soul.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Ebonyninja said:

You always read about someone being pronouced dead at the hospital, and seems that they died in route because they bled-out in the ambulance, or didn't receive CPR until they arrived at the hospital.

Actually, the reason they "die" at the hospital is because in most cases the people at the scene are not allowed to declare someone "dead". The body could be in rigor mortis on the scene, but they won't "die" until the hospital gets them.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

----"people at the scene are not allowed to declare someone "dead"---does not preclude the possibility that many died because of medically inadequate ambulances.. Remember Japan's population is shrinking.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@アメリ フセイン - I did a little research and it looks like Trump does own it. I'm not 100% sure though. I do know that Donald Trump has a chain of hotels that span across the globe and he does business with Japan. Also, I can't picture a hotel having the name "Trump" in it if Donald Trump himself isn't involved. That's not to say that Donald Trump is aware of how the hotel is being used - he could be totally oblivious to it. I also concur with Elbudo Mexicano, some14some and BurakuminDes - she was not a woman. For all we know she could had just turned 17 a week ago. That not only makes it more sad and devastating that she died in such a manner but it also raises the question as to where the heck her parents were throughout all of this!?!? Their underage daughter wondering around a freakin' love hotel??? That's if she even has real parents of parental figures.

It's not always the parents fault in these scenarios but you still have to wonder. At any rate, I hope the people responsible are caught and punishing accordingly and to the fullest extent of the law. I also wonder if, maybe, the same people who were involved in the decapitated head found in Kanagawa could be connected somehow with this girl since Osaka and Kanagawa are somewhat close by. R.I.P. to the victim. 神は女の子を賛美する.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Thanks Mike Connor! I still have no idea why the moderators do not change the title, 17 years old is NOT A WOMAN, not an adult, still a high school student age, but I really really doubt this girl ever went to high school, maybe she was never much at junior high school either, came from a messed up family?? Ran away from home?? Was trying to survive by selling her body?? Too many ???? and it is only Saturday morning, but if you have kids, love them, play with them, scold them when they are naughty, do not just dump them out on the streets to fend for themselves like this young GIRL, not woman at only 17, doing drugs and then dies at the hands of some twisted, evil pervert in crappy Osaka. I would like to do something make twisted to the criminal, few good kicks here and there but also to the stupid parents of this girl for not protecting her, GOD!! I just want to protect my kids all the more, love them take them to the park, fly a kite, do some silly stuff, just my humble opinion as a Mexican father of 2 bambinos who I love more than my own life! RIP young GIRL in Osaka.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

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