Japan Today

Woman dies after being hit in face with beer glass in Tokyo bar


Police said Wednesday that a 42-year-old woman died after she was hit in the face with a beer glass by another female customer in a Tokyo bar early Tuesday morning.

Police received an emergency call at around 3 a.m. from the bar manager, informing them that two women were fighting, NTV reported.

Police rushed to the bar in Adachi Ward to find 42-year-old Ayumi Omomo bleeding from wounds to her face and head. Eyewitnesses say her attacker Yuko Kohara, 43, also stamped on her abdomen, NTV reported.

Omomo was taken to hospital where she later died, police said. According to police, the two women were not acquainted, but had been drinking together when the argument started.

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emergency call at around 3:am ok and what time the fight began? did bar manager called police after one woman collapsed?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

OMG - there is just more and more of this.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Sad. RIP. This headline sounds funny, I thought that the beer glass had killed the woman with its own hands.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

That's one heck of a cat fight!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

'Manna' wa? Can we have a poster campaign with cute animals drinking sensibly, please?

The woman was not killed by a beer glass, but by a woman using a beer glass as a weapon.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Nothing good ever happens after midnight in a bar.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Jesus! Stamped on her abdomen - that's vicious, and probably what killed her.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Well well, are we seeing a new Japan emerging from all these news?

Head and face wounds, stamp in stomach by a Japanese woman... sure doesn't sound like something that would kill a person. Well, I'm sure this is not the whole story. Wether she was stamped with high heels, or the ambulance crew had difficulty finding a hospital that would accept to treat her before she bled to death, I'm sure large part of it will not be reported.

1 ( +9 / -9 )

"Happy Safety Japan" the delusion continues...

-2 ( +14 / -16 )

2 things. Glassing is just one more Western habit that has finally made its way to Jaapn. Metthew - Lots of good things happen after midnight in a bar - you must get out more.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Which Bar was it?

Anyone who glasses someone in the face is nothing but low life scum, if you must fight/attack someone atleast do it with your hands only, this new trend of using beer glasses in faces and stomping/kicking people once they are on the floor is abhorrent in this modern age.

The assailant needs a serious long jail term doing hard labour and then supervision once released.

Piece of filth Kohara baba.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

When RSA isn,t an issue in this country, it doesn,t surprise me we don,t hear more about these incidents, assuming that one or both of them were intoxicated!!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

No arrest made?

Getting loose with strangers is dangerous. Something 2 gals in their 40's learned too late.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Bad combination; 3:00 a.m., booze, dames with the same dress on ...

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Glass doesn't kill people, people kill people.

Public Service announcement for the NGA. (National Glass Assositation.)

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Two women both over 40 years old, I'm surpised I expected they would be much younger. Two women my mums age fighting in a bar after midnight. I just can't imagine it

Doesn't say what the argument is about, must have been bad, maybe one found out that the other had been playing around with the husband of the other?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Maybe the bars should use paper cups after midnight.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

"Well well, are we seeing a new Japan emerging from all these news?"

No. Same Japan, different day. These incidents are newsworthy precisely because they are uncommon. That's the fundemental meaning and purpose of "news."

According to information available at the National Police Agency's crime database, there's no significant increase in these kinds of incindents when compared against the last 10 years of data.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Women today are not much different from men. Their body is getting more boyish, narrow pelvis, masculine buildup and body language, they aggressions are rising, they're getting tough even without any specific reasons, meanwhile boys, specifically in Japan are more and more girlish.

But these two are still the old generation. I see the schoolgirls and boys in the street going in groups, hear their voices. The girls are very loud, with strong boyish voice and tone, the are very pushy and aggressive. Boys are more or less the same but less aggressive, rather idiotic.

It takes only ten years till they grow into adults and there will be more of these cases and not just in bars.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Rare... a freaky first. Still after all these years have only seen the hostess girls in Roppongi go at it. Suspended sentence, a lawsuit, done. RIP. My wife about the same age has thrown blows at me without the booze... hint hint. Throw on your boob tube during the day and these obasans are always killing/cat fighting each other on the dramas.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

All too common thing to happen in the UK and Australian.. many clubs / bars where im from are forced into using solid plastic cups. The sad part is it almost always leaves a huge facial scar. Even sadder that this lady died :(

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

In their 40s, out at a bar that late on a Tuesday? Can only imagine the type of women and the bar.

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

A beer glass and someone's head means trouble, the head bleeds quite easily and profusively when someone takes an object to it. My guess is the girl was just absolutely drunk and out of control. She should serve some hard time for this. Munya Times thinks there is a trend among women for this type of behavior!?? I don't think so, maybe your referring to the very small percentage of girls who box. Most girls I know are thin and wimpy and would never pick fights.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

tmarieApr. 05, 2012 - 10:39AM JST

In their 40s, out at a bar that late on a Tuesday? Can only imagine the type of women and the bar

That's a bit sexist. It's unlike you. Women have the right to do everything within the law that men do and it's judgemental jibes like yours that condemn Japanese women to stay imprisoned in the 19th Century.

11 ( +19 / -8 )

Munya Times thinks there is a trend among women for this type of behavior!??

No, I just pointed out the biological changes in women recently, scientifically proved and not only in Japan. These are continuous changes and possibly not trend, but consequently it will trigger different behavior pattern not only among women but also and more importantly between the two sex.

Methinks, unless the Maya calendar is true and a new age would start in 12/21/12 ( a better if possible), aggression will escalate and travel around our globe in circles and the growing aggression will affect and eventually will rise within the female population, specifically supported by the above mentioned biological changes that the females are going through.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Agree with Dog.

Often met my GF, wife in evenings at a bar after work, etc. Many times the real fun starts after midnight.

TMarie I think you need to get outdoors a bit more often and experience and enjoy your life and what you can do. Heck, my parents in their 60's are still partying till the early hours. And I know what type of woman my Mother is. ;)

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Women have the right to do everything within the law that men do and it's judgemental jibes like yours that condemn Japanese women to stay imprisoned in the 19th Century.

I would say her only mistake was to use the word "women". She could just as easily have said "people" and not set you off. 3 am, Tuesday, a bar, two people in their forties. Tell me you would think highly of them if they were men!

But I think she only said women because they were in fact, WOMEN. If they were men and she said "men" I doubt you would have much to say about it. So who is the real sexist here?

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Well well, are we seeing a new Japan emerging from all these news?

Hardly a week goes by without a glassing where I live.

I vouch for jessebaybay says. I don't bother hanging around the city at night-time. We have more violent crime with a population about 1/6 of Japan.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Tsk, tsk....shouldn't the headline read; Woman killed WITH beer glass !?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Alcoholics are horrible people.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Agree about the headline. People kill people. Beer glasses don't kill people. Ask the NRA.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Rough bar.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Nothing good ever happens after midnight in a bar.

Yeah - should have moved on to karaoke by then.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

People who smoke cannabis or marijuana don`t do this kind of violence to each other!

People who drink moderately don't either.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

People who drink moderately don't either.

Neither do people who are totally fried! Some people just cannot drink moderately. It does not mean I want to ban alcohol by any means. But there is no reason to step up to the plate and try to make alcohol out to be nearly as good as MJ on this score. It absolutely isn't.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

That's a bit sexist. It's unlike you. Women have the right to do everything within the law that men do and it's judgemental jibes like yours that condemn Japanese women to stay imprisoned in the 19th Century.

Had it been two men in the fight my post would have said "In their 40s, out at a bar that late on a Tuesday? Can only imagine the type of men and the bar." Nothing sexist about it at all. I can't imagine why anyone in their 40's would be out that late at night - on a "work" night no less and getting into fights. People in their late teens and early 20's I get. In their 40's and var fighting? Nah. Grow up and get a life.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

I'm with zichi! To bad I can't give 1000 thumbs up!

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Glassing should be given harsher punishment under law. Being drunk is no excuse.

Only a particularly weak, vicious type of person would push broken glass into someone's head or face. These people need to be taken out.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Wow !!!!! What kind of conversation were they having ?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I was pointing out that cannabis and marijuana never causes violence while alcohol frequently does.

While I can agree with you on this, I am rather shocked that the mods haven't deleted your post as "off topic". I guess you support legalizing certain things. From my understanding, Japan used to have pretty lax laws on this before the US and the second world war. Shame they changed it as it seems it would be a much better fit than the drinking here.

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

I was pointing out that cannabis and marijuana never causes violence while alcohol frequently does.

Yes, the only casualty of a nice spliff will be that bag of doritos lying around..

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I was pointing out that cannabis and marijuana never causes violence while alcohol frequently does.

Even if everyone in the Universe agrees with your statement, it is beside the point.

Alcohol doesn't cause violence, people drinking too much of it does.

Being finger-printed and hauled off to a holding cell may not be violent, but it is the result of being caught doing something illegal...

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Man, this website is getting more and more depressing every day. At this rate, I'll have to visit US news sites to lighten my day jeez. Japan is not a "safe country" no sir

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

tmarieAPR. 05, 2012 - 01:08PM JST Had it been two men in the fight my post would have said "In their 40s, out at a bar that late on a Tuesday? Can only imagine the type of men and the bar." Nothing sexist about it at all. I can't imagine why anyone in their 40's would be out that late at night - on a "work" night no less and getting into fights. People in their late teens and early 20's I get. In their 40's and var fighting? Nah. Grow up and get a life.

Back peddle much. Should I put on my boots be cause the bs is starting to get deep.

I imagine there are lots of things you can't imagine. Maybe these two women don't have jobs. Maybe they do (did) but the next day was their day off. Of maybe they work in the evening and just went out after work to get a drink. Who knows why they were there and what really happened? If you have first hand knowledge then please share it with us.

Btw, I saw a Japanese report that said the attacker is unemployed. The victim's employment status was unknown at the time the report was made.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

All readers back on topic please.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

**Back peddle much. Should I put on my boots be cause the bs is starting to get deep.

I imagine there are lots of things you can't imagine. Maybe these two women don't have jobs. Maybe they do (did) but the next day was their day off. Of maybe they work in the evening and just went out after work to get a drink. Who knows why they were there and what really happened? If you have first hand knowledge then please share it with us.

Btw, I saw a Japanese report that said the attacker is unemployed. The victim's employment status was unknown at the time the report was made.**

Not back peddling at all. Sorry, nothing is excusable for smashing a bottle over the head of a person, causing their death. More so when you are supposed to be an adult. 40 is laughable for this crap to happen - regardless of job status, gender...

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Wow! I once was at a isakaya and at a table near us were 3 older ladies (housewife style), drunk and really rude to the waiter. I saw this in Europe but never before in Japan, times are changing. My japanese friends were puzzled too.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

My image of a catfight until now was that they are rather harmless and fun to watch. They they turn lethal never entered my mind. And in Japan to boot, with it petite and well-mannered females. I guess times are changing, as others have pointed out.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I will call it as I see it and there are a few factors that says these are not your normal, lovely obasan. Adachi-ku. Have you ever been there? It is a shitty area. 3am? Tuesday? Who can be out that late, extreme-drinking? And then the final clue, the damm beer glass gets used as a weapon. This says trash to me and as sad it is for someone to have to die, it doesn't seem surprising in this case.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

i can imagine this happening in kabukicho but in adachi-ku? and 40+ year old women to boot. Oy vey!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

No. Same Japan, different day. These incidents are newsworthy precisely because they are uncommon. That's the fundemental meaning and purpose of "news."According to information available at the National Police Agency's crime database, there's no significant increase in these kinds of incindents when compared against the last 10 years of data.

Thank you for posting a sensible comment that includes perspective and facts. Most people just like to make lame jokes or try to use these types of stories to spew out platitudes regarding "new trends" or larger societal problems that they don't know anything about.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Killing someone while drunk isn't something of a big deal in here. She'll get off with a very light prison sentence. (3~4 years MAX.) Why? keyword: DRUNK

0 ( +3 / -2 )

If you count the numbers of bars in Tokyo, this is a isolated case. Same thing can happen at home between drunken temperamental husband and bitchy wife.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Some of these comments are just ignorant, "All Japanese should behave the same, I can't understand why some of them are violent!". As for the implication that an all-night bender is the reason she killed a friend, that's just absurd. I've never glassed anybody and I drink most weekends. Where's your explanation there?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Very sad I'm sure that the next day she was feeling guilty as all get out. Drunken behavior can change lives for the worst in an instant. Car wrecks, fights, glassing someone etc. Very sad and thank goodness it is not common. I'm still wondering why this is a western import as some have said?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


It just had to be Adachi-ku eh.



Adachi-ku. Have you ever been there? It is a shitty area.

Have you seen all of it? I've seen some pretty shiity areas in other, supposedly prestigious parts of Tokyo and elswhere.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Happy Safety Japan" the delusion continues...


The reason this kind of stuff hits the headlines is because it is so unusual (just look at the posts here to uderstand that). It rarely makes news in (for example) London, as alcohol fuelled violence happens all the time, and there is no space to report it all!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"All Japanese should behave the same, I can't understand why some of them are violent!"

Funny, I read the comments and haven't seen any of those comments.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

i think the stomping on the stomach was the kill shot.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

This glassing is disturbing. I just hope the UK's glassing phenomenon is not copied as the latest fad to hit Japan. Rest in Peace to the poor woman.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

People who smoke cannabis or marijuana don`t do this kind of violence to each other!

True. But unfortunately, the people that sell it do.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Gyouza - No it rarely makes news in London - but then again most (all that ive ever heard of) glassing incidents don't end in death.

I saw it happen once in a pub and it was horrendous. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

No it rarely makes news in London

It does when it causes death.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

its time for me to stay away from the bar ... i guess ramen shop is more fun and weeds ...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Nothing to do with the alcohol. Please don't let this stop you from buying.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Tsk, tsk, yet another alcohol-related incident.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

As for the implication that an all-night bender is the reason she killed a friend, that's just absurd. I've never glassed anybody and I drink most weekends. Where's your explanation there?

Is it a reading, or comprehension problem?

According to police, the two women were not acquainted, but had been drinking together when the argument started.

They were 2 strangers, drinking into the wee hours. An argument ensued, and one was brutally assaulted by another, which lead to her death, and no arrest was made.

And the top comment on this subject is how smoking dope is a better option.

Where's the justice for this dead woman?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

To suggest THC 'never' causes its users to be involved in violent episodes connected to the intake of said compound is wrong and naive. Although not the cause of as many incidences of violence as alcohol --not surprising as one is (ab)used a lot more than the other-- THC is not magically violence free. Sometimes when people use cannabis it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, resulting in an aggressive outburst especially amongst regular users. Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise. Any drug has consequences, so be INformed not MISinformed.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Put the glass wielding, stomach stomping Biotch behind bars! She obviously doesn't know how to control herself. Hostile peeps need to be monitored. Mary JoboJobo!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Statutory warning: Beer is injurious to girls health. My personal recommendation is wine or vodka (:

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Some walking time bombs out there in the streets of Tokyo, this woman killing another proves my point, better to keep your guard up, as for me, no need to be out at 3 am, too many drunken fools out there. RIP

-1 ( +1 / -1 )

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