A 45-year-old woman has been arrested for prostituting her underage daughter to a 72-year-old man in Nagano, police said Tuesday.
According to police, the woman took her daughter to a hotel where the "transactions" took place. NTV reported that the woman is believed to have received 20,000-30,000 yen each time. Although her current age is unclear, the girl is believed to have been a pre-teen or teenager when she was first sold to the man.
It is believed the pair met several years ago through a mutual acquaintance, following which the woman entered into a sexual relationship with the man herself, NTV reported.
The crime was discovered after a tip-off came from the girl's school. Police said the woman had been selling her daughter to the man for sex for several years.
© Japan Today
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Mirai Hayashi
Who is worse in your opinions the old man or the mother?
The man is a pig, but the mother is worse! Why? Because she's her mother!!!!
Unbelievable how some people can feel absolutely no sort of love for their own child. Even animals display more care for their offspring. I hope the old-man was arrested too.
SICK!!! This type of crime is incomprehensible.
This woman needs to be taken off the streets, now. There will always be perverts like the old bastard preying on kids, but I hope they castrate him.
lock up the old SOB & that sick b&^%h
Christina O'Neill
Brand them both with the word pervert accross their faces then let them loose to take their chances on the streets
why bash the japanese here? you think all westerners are so caught up on the well being of others? this lack of empathy is a universal thing, dude. get over it.
Yeah, school was on the ball 5 years late.
Junaid83 - I think the ultimate trust and love of, by and from your mother is more important than virginity.
I bet we only ever hear about a tiny minority of these cases in Japan. The person who should have been a mother and doesnt deserve that name needs counselling so she can fully understand the horror of what she has done, and the rest of her time in prison, so she can think long and hard about the damage she has done and the evil she perpetrated.
The old man is a pedophile, what can you say, they will find their kicks where they can. Let him finish his days behind bars too.
Good to see the school was on the ball.
Who is worse in your opinions the old man or the mother?
@ExportExpert...the mother's worse by far. If you can't rely on your own mother to have your best interest, then who can you rely on?
Japanese women. This is what Japan's family court system supports. Always giving the child to a woman solely on her gender and nothing of the testimony in court that could prevent such things from happening in the first place.
The mother must be a humanoid. If I was the husband, I'll have both of them sleep with the fishes.
Everything here is "shouganai" or, "not my child, not my problem". There is very little empathy or wider social conscience. People see little kids wandering lost in supermarkets, shouting mama, and dont pay a second glance. They ignore. So, once your phase of Japanophile, Japan-loving and not being able to see the faults in this place passes, perhaps you might see this society for what it is - one devoid of wider social responsibility, let alone empathy.
"There will always be perverts like the old bastard preying on kids, but I hope they castrate him."
Why? he was the lesser of the two evils here. If it's proven the girl was underage at the time he should be charged accordingly... although with prostitution laws here he should be charged anyway. The MOTHER, however, should receive a much harsher punishment. But my guess is she'll get very little, if not nothing.
goinggoinggone, you don't happen to live on the western side of Tokyo, do you? I've heard of and observed that type of behavior, but thank god I don't live out there. Anyway, I'm glad the school didn't take the shoganai approach this time.
Because if he's done it with this girl, research indicated there's a 25%~50% that he'll do it again with another child at some point within the next 10 years. That he was able to get away with it for "years" with the full cooperation of the mother suggests, at least to me, that he'll seek out a similar arrangement elsewhere if he can.
Christina O'Neill
Have indeed considered how the young one feels, hence the anger towards her disgusting mother and the perverted old man who took away her innocence. The assaults began in the young ones preteen years, when this child should have been out playing with friends, enjoying school, discovering new adventures of childhood instead of being defiled by a filthy lecher. Empathy for the young one and all she has lost> Yes, buckets full,hope that she will find real love and security in the future, yes, but absalute sick anger towards her abusers, YES
Thanks for the stern rebuke, however, you followed it up with:
Capped off with . . .
Talk about wild assumptions. You even manage to sneak in a scarcely disguised suggestion that this poor girl may have even liked being prostituted out to a 72-year-old-man.
Allow me a moment to indulge in an emphatic, "What the hell . . . ?!"
Blue Witch, do Japanese people in general even care about cases like this? Does it really bother them? Or is it a case of "nothing to do with us" and ignoring it as usual, for the most part?
Mother. Hands down.
Mothers should be incapable of doing something like this, but there are always missing links in the evolutionary chain which are so incomprehensible. What will happen to the daughter now?
"But my guess is she'll get very little, if not nothing" Very true, she'll probably get 3 years at the most and may get the sentence suspended. The sentences here are way too light in these cases, if this happened in the USA she'll probably get 10 years easy or even more I believe.
Kevin Lee Brooke
Both are gross, but the woman is definitely satan's sister. The old man's just a pedo perv.
That's a tough call. It's just so completely twisted and warped on both sides of the equation.
Nicky Washida
The old man is disgusting but the Mother - the one person you should be able to count on - that is the ultimate betrayal so definitely the Mother.
Jared Norman
This is discussing, i can't believe people will do this. Next week he will probably come to hawaii for the prostitutes out here.
Christina O'Neill
Southsakai Yes the abuse of children occurs all over the world and I can only speak for myself, where ever it happens my own reaction would be exactly the same, total revulsion for the perpertrators and would expect them to be punished severely. I do not think the posters on this site are Japan bashing and I am sure that they would react in the same manner if the felons hailed from Europe ,US Asia or anywhere else
Bravo LFR. Montblank should know better than to chastise the masses for making assumptions and then rapidly fire off a series of assumptions himself. Terrible. Not as bad as the mother and John in this article, but terrible.
My breakfast is ruined..Can't comment right now....
money is not everything. just for money throwing her daughter into hell , its very shameful act, she must be punished. virginity is most precious thing for a girl. very sad to read this article.
Two people deserve to be hanging from a few ropes.
Good ol' entrepreneurship and parental consent................
and punish the mother how? By taking her purse off her?
This is totally awful! People like this should be put away for a very long time. I feel so sorry for the girl in this situation. To have a mother sell her daughter to a 72 year old man is a disgrace, no matter how you look at it. So sad.
Poor girl. I hope she can get her life back.
Contrary to popular belief, castrating a man doesn't mean he cannot have sex, just that he can't reproduce. But he should of course be punished.
I dont think you understood what I meant Blue Witch. Because you are so exceptional, and so vocal against corrupted Japanese government and society, I thought you might have some comment about how the average Japanese person might feel about this case. You clearly care very deeply about children, but you seem to be the exception to the general rule, from what I have seen here.
Of course, its the same dirty old government, run by old men, who put the age of consent in Japan at 13.
Sorry I wasnt clearer.
Assumptions are just as smelly as manure piles. I like to stick to facts. They may still smell, but they're no where near as smelly as assumptions.
Fact: A mother has been arrested for selling her daughter to an older man for sex.
Fact: Based on the article, we don't know what happened to the older man after the arrest of the mother.
Fact: We don't know what happened to the daughter after the arrest of her mother.
Chinchan Zu
monster! should be burned alive
There are sick people thinking/doing disgusting immoral things all around us folks.Plenty of Japanese bashing here but these type of thing happens everywhere around the world, not just Japan so please don't bash Japanese because some selfish, uncaring heartless witch mother did this to her daughter.
That being said, this old man should be caned and given the ropes, The mother should get the same punishment.
Disgusting people doing this to their children. Children who look to Mother and Father for protection. This should never happen to any child!
The perv if he is not dead already needs to go to jail.
Nicky Washida
I am reading the comments above and almost seeing every single one thinking about the girl
That is quite possibly the biggest assumption of any on this thread! How about assuming that she is relieved to finally be rescued? Not a fact, nobody knows. But equally valid as the "she might have loved the man" assumption you are suggesting which I seriously doubt.
Oh, well, that makes it alright then! (Are you listening to yourself??!)
Why is it relevant how the school found out? The fact is they did, and they did the right thing, rescuing a young girl from an appalling situation. So she might now be taken away from her mother. Does this seem like a bad thing to you???!
Oh, well, you are right there, without names we cant possibly form an opinion on the situation....
They know the mother, the girl, the man, the place, the hotel, the amount, how they met, and that the mother had a relationship with the man herself. But because they either dont know or arent reporting the girls current age you think this is all suspect?!
agreed - innocent till proven guilty. But they dont go around picking up random ojiisan off the streets and making accusations such as this without some kind of evidence.
The mother.
There are pedo's in every society. However, the child was given to him by her own mother. Sick.
Nicky Washida
And you know this how? I think the situation must have been hell for her. But I dont think of her as a freak. I think of her as a helpless child thankfully now rescued from the control of two other freaks.
And conversely - the people who are thinking that what happened to her was ok and she may well have been fine with it and enjoyed it - are you saying these are people who have her best interests at heart???!
There is no excusing what was done to her. None whatsoever.
If you are suggesting that a pre-teen or teenage girl CAN enjoy sex with a 72 year old man who has also been/is sleeping with her mother then I also believe the presumption you are holding fast to is for your benefit - and that is something to really be concerned about.
I take issue with the headline, or maybe I am just learning something new (it happens every day), but is it possible for someone to "prostitute" another person? I thought the act of one person (A-san) making another person (B-san) perform a sex act with a third party (C-san) was called "pimping," while the act of "prostitution" was what occurs between B-san and C-san.
Nicky Washida
combinibento - I am not a cunning linguist (although I pretend I am for professional purposes - as a teacher I mean!) but my understanding is the verb "to prostitute" means to sell services - either your own or someone elses - for financial gain, with the insinuation being you have to perform said services relcutantly but necessarily for the financial gain. It is more commonly used to prostitute yourself ( eg as a salaryman to your company) but I think it can be used to prostitute someone or something else too.
The difference with pimping is I think a pimp obtains a number of "clients" and takes some if not most or all of the cash gained. So yes - in this case it sounds like the Mum is pimping her daughter but either expression is fine I think.
Thanks Nicky. I have never heard the phrase "X prostitutes Y" before. (It's usually "forcing Y into prostitution"). But it is a verb, and like you say it is the offering of "services." Well you certainly have the cunning linguist skills of a pro!
Nicky Washida
Oooh - combinibento - a little close to the bone there (pun intended!) but thank you!
Kamala Brown-Sparks
MasterHu---I went to the site that you suggested....it does say it's possible to want to orgasm, but because it physically feels good to your body and that one's body is wired for that. But it also says REPEATEDLY, that just because your body physically enjoyed it, it doesn't mean that the VICTIM enjoyed the fact that they were being abused.
A shocking crime in its extreme form ! Shift focus on how to help reconstruct the young woman's future life.
Laotian in Sapporo
Poor girl. The world is losing its morality !! Sad
Whenever I talk to my Japanese friends about these cases, their reactions are exactly what you would expect. Outrage, shock, and a demand for more information. I don't know who you are talking with, but perhaps it's just the company you are keeping if you find that there is a general sense of apathy.
Does jt keep a template for these kinds of stories? News in japan is always the same.
The guy started with this when she was a pre-teen, which makes this pervert a peodofile and he should be charged as such.
Elbuda Mexicano
Sure this mother is horrible but most likely her parents etc..did the same or worse and this evil cycle will continue so sad but how can we brake this evil evil karma??
Oh my gods! What makes you think, with all due respect, that I do NOT care about what happened to that young girl?
let me quote myself, seriously:
BlueWitchOct. 05, 2011 - 10:49AM JST
>My breakfast is ruined..Can't comment right now....
The meaning of my comment was that I was having my breakfast when I stumbled upon this disgusting article...disgusting because this POS so called mother sold her daughter for money to some maggot old pedophile and yes, of course I would feel utterly repulsed at such atrocity against a child.
Now you understand my reaction? It's OK.. It takes time to get to know me by reading my posts. Most of my fellow posters know how I stand against this type of article, because it is a crime against HUMANITY! This woman is not a human, she is subhuman, she lacks a human soul. Only a monster as greedy and cold blooded like this could sell her own child to someone for money. She is nothing to me and she will pay for what she have done, not in this country maybe because of the well known CORRUPTED/INCOMPETENT/SMEGMA government. Certainly she will pay in this life or the next. Even if she goes to trial and get convicted, I doubt she will get the sentence she truly deserves.
So please, don't generalize because there are japanese as well as international posters in this forum that would never agree with something like that. Not everyone is the same. I am not your average Tanaka Yuko. I stand against our government with all my passion and I will never back down. They are garbage to me, period. Did you know that our government is nothing but same old Meiji government with a different name. Same dirty and corrupted tactics. Everything against the common folk. They protect and serve the criminals along with the kempeitai.
Have a good evening, my friend. Welcome to JT. (^_^)
ps. I apologize, it seems my English is not good enough as I thought. -_-
LFRagain,the questions I am going to ask you wont answer any moral or legal questions at all, but it would help you to understand the situation if you were to think. Lets put it in it a nutshell. Are you saying that she could not enjoy sex, money, or both together? Are you saying she can't have enjoyed it because of her age, his, or both?
Seriously, if you cannot accept the fact that she might have enjoyed it, then you don't have the slightest clue what she faces now. If you think its guaranteed to be all joy and roses for her from now since that part of her life is now over, think again. People who imagine that the situation can only have been hell for her are the same people who will make her feel like a freak. They will be an obstacle to adjustment to her new reality. Well, whether she hated or enjoyed it, she is no freak. She is just as human as the rest of us. None of it makes the situation right, but the presumption I believe you hold fast to is for your benefit, not hers.
And for the record, there is a difference between an assumption and a possibility.
Master Hu,
I find the direction into which this discussion is going nauseating.
This was a child, for heavens sake, and if a child can not trust her mother, then who?
To even try to defend this... really now.
By reading and having a brain.
Its one possibility. The issue is with your desire to see it as the only possibility and insert the word "must". You weren't there.
This is not remotely related to what I said. I said you will make her feel like a freak if she experienced any pleasure. And its possible she did. Here is something for you to read, but more important than the article is the comments, especially those by the author. http://faithallen.wordpress.com/2008/05/08/orgasm-during-rape-or-other-form-of-sexual-abuse/ And many things are evident with the following quiote, like the author backtracking on things said in the article and the fact that ability to orgasm indicates even lower levels of pleasure are possible.
But, here you are telling us its basically impossible for her to have had any pleasure from this. And if you say that to her, and it turns out she did, you make her feel like a freak even if you don't think she is.
I do not believe it is okay within the type of society you would advocate, with people like you running around telling us the possible is impossible. What happens then is that people like you make people like her feel like a freak even if she didn't before.
As for her "best interests" that demands a rate of altruism that is impossible to acheive. Its a stacked deck you hand me. Most all human interaction has some selfish element to it, and no sexual encounter is purely altruistic anyway. Such selfishness is evident in this thread where people claim to feel so sorry for the victim, but the hangings and castrations they suggest are obviously more for their own sense of revenge rather than the girl. Can you imagine her feelings on having her mother hung on her account? Those people would happily victimize her again, if she even feels like a victim now. But I digress. The girl's feelings are at least partly dependent on society's view on this. But the only way to prove how much would be to literally create a human zoo and observe responses in a different society. Best we got is animal behavior, and I doubt that for all the adult on child sex that occurs in bonobo societies, that nearly all bonobo's are traumatized, feel like freaks, and didn't enjoy anything.
Fact is, the girl now has to adjust to society as you want, with arbitrary morals you advocate. Nothing for it. But the least you can do is recognize that you don't know how she feels about any of it until you drop your assumptions and instant judgements, close your mouth and open your ears. I do not know what tale she will tell. And I have the good sense not to pre-empt her story either. Truly she could say anything and she could feel anything, even if its not allowed for in the way you insist on viewing the world.
Nope. You assumed. If you actually considered it would allow for more possibilities than the finite ones you expressed. Nothing here states that she otherwise was not enjoying life. Nor can you say for sure if she will be enjoying life more or less from this moment on. You need to stop projecting your assumptions on all this.
Like an explosion in a assumption factory. The article tells us little and less.
We got the mother, the man and the daughter. Who do you suppose I care about most? Has anyone stopped to wonder how she feels? No. You imagine how you think you would feel in her shoes. Or you call for a rope and a castration.
I would say there is a fair chance her biggest regret in all of this will be that she said anything. Because now the whole school knows. And her mother is going to be gone from her life. Her father probably already is. And the man? Who even knows how she feels about him?
Not that I agree with child prostitution, but this girl was not passed from man to man and she was not locked handcuffed in a room either. Who knows what her view of the situation was? Who knows how the school found out? There is also a fair chance that she told a friend about the situation in a neutral or even bragging sort of way. That friend told her parents and the parents called the school. Sure. It might have been the girl complaining and calling it abuse and begging for help. But that is not nearly the only possible answer.
I would look it up, but this article does not even provide names! And also, so much for innocent until proven guilty. Every piece of information here is as suspect as the last. They don't even know the girl's age!