A 28-year-old woman walking home in Tokyo's Meguro Ward on Monday night was knocked down by an unknown man who forcibly removed her underwear and fled with it.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 11 p.m. TV Asahi quoted police as saying the man apparently followed the woman as she was walking home. He grabbed her on one shoulder and pushed her to the ground. The woman told police he reached up her skirt and pulled off her underwear.
Police said the woman was shaken but otherwise uninjured.
The man is described as being in his 20s or 30s, approximately 170 cm tall, and was wearing a T-shirt and dark pants.
© Japan Today
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This creep has gone straight to the source, rather than the clothes-line. Surely this constitutes sexual assault if/when they nab him?
Creepy !!!
The Original Wing
With a description like that, I think we can safely assume he'll be apprehended any minute now.
Dave Doyle
It's called sharking. It is filmed and will appear on the net at some stage. There are many sharking videos from Japan. The guys who do it work in pairs. It happens in other countries as well. The women in other countries fight back and run after the attacker, in Japan, the women dont resist at all and take it very meakly.
That's fortunate
If it were another country i suspect a university dare prank.
Alex Einz
This is unusual for a place like Meguro-ku.
What you are refering to is staged - it is cheaper to pay an "actress" rather than go to prison for a sexual assualt in broad daylight. What we have here is someone acting on their own, at night, probably influenced by the videos.you describe.
He will sale it at 3~5 man yen to middle aged salary men ... !!
As a resident of Meguro with a wife, I will check where this happened.
that's fortunate there's no sex rape
Daniel Neagari
I took interest by the title of this article... What kind of technique this "thief" has? I wondered... He must be a hell of a crafty person, if he can pull off a woman underwear while she is walking.
.... The the harsh reality came down, when I read the article itself, he just use brute force...
i don't think the next step is rape. a fetish for women's underwear isn't in the same league as fantasizing about rape. this perv must really be interested in the smell of used women's underwear.
Pervs like that need to be re-educated behind the cop shop. Disgusting freak.
What?!? Meguro Ku? I mean if it was in Saitama I would understand it, but not Meguro.
Another fine example of why I disagree when foreign men and locals tell me Japan is safe. It isn't if you are a woman.
A blessing in disguise, could have been worse.
A blessing? A woman is assulted and you call it a "blessing"? Good grief.
'robbed of underwear'- what, were they in a bag or something? Shouldn't that read sexually assaulted?
Eric Sato
Meguro! Whoa. I will go patrolling tonight with my baton! Rest assured.
I can just imagine the little creep sitting at home ogling his prize! Scarily, I fear this creep is gonna do it again. Crime may be dropping, but it's getting creepier!
Kawesa Alan
All that hentai and paedo porn producing creeps like this.
Daniel Neagari
That this guy is a creep and this crime is creepy there is no discussion in that matter.
But on the security issue, I have a word. Japan is safe, and that is why this kind of freak crimes make noise (they are probably going to repeat this "news" endlessly today). There are no other things that happens in here and this is the most sensational crime we have for today.
In other places of the world, this kind of crime is no more than a petty crime that if anything it will be picked up as an amusing "crime". In other countries, even rape, killing, kidnapping are every day crime. In the US, murder and shootings are (sadly) an every day crime, and there is no "sensation" about it no more. From where I come from and other countries that I have lived and worked, killings, kidnappings, robberies and violations only make the news if the crime goes BIG (bloody, big shoot outs, bombs, limbs spread, rape victims count by the dozen, etc.).
So Japan is safe... really this are petty crimes... if you say that Japan is not safe. I must admit you must come from an Utopia
Sharking indeed. and this poor woman uin meguro was too meek to struggle or scream.
So Japan is safe... really this are petty crimes... if you say that Japan is not safe. I must admit you must come from an Utopia
Or a country that has a grip on sexual assult, stalking and haressment.
This is not even funny! Never heard of this SHARKING porn, but I guess some nut cases will get turned on, get their thrills, start slobbering kind of the way Homer Simpson did, the first time he had the internet, but following a woman, taking off with their underwear and in Meguro?? The last time I checked, Meguro was like the farthest thing in Tokyo, upclass, clean, quite decent etc..no Saitama! So maybe the hentai is from Saitama?? No, no no! Tokyo also has pleanty of hentai perverted twisted messed up folk too!
Readers, please keep the discussion focused on this particular crime.
Jack Stern
Women may now have to carry a spare pair of undies just in case.
Dave Doyle,
You seem to know a lot about this type of behavior! Is this something you're interested in? This is just plain sick!! This individual needs a serious beat down !! Seems to be more of these creeps out there than usual.
To my shame I chuckled when I read the headline, then I read the article and I was appalled.
This headline should be changed to, "Woman sexually assaulted and robbed of underwear".
This headline is disgraceful JT, and treats a sexual assault as something funny. An utter disgrace.
Anyone who would want someone's day old underwear In this heat must be totally out of his tree!
Michael Croson
At least it wasn't a little girl.
It time for men to stop putting up with the pervy,chikan stuff, here. If you see it, kick the guy's ass! Come on Japanese men, man up. If it becomes common knowledge that the nearest man will step in and punch out these perves when they molest someone, then the perves will be deterred, making even this kind of attack less common.
Ali Khan
The woman went through a terrible situation, because when a stranger attacks no body knows what he is going to do, every thinking was going in her mind, rubbing, killing, sexual assault. this is our collective responsibility to condemn such crimes and discourage such behaviors. good to know that she is safe and hope she recover psychologically.
I wonder if the majority of similar victims don't even report a crime like this? Practically speaking, it must be extremely embarrassing to go to the koban without underwear and report what happened.. ie: describing exactly what your underwear looked like etc.
I really wondered how this could have happened after I read the headline and before reading the story. Didn't quite see that angle, and, as others have posted, this is more like a sexual assault. I wonder if the creep would have been disappointed had she been going commando? On a more serious note, I hope they catch him and pull his skivvies as far up as possible while he's wearing them.
ha ha ha, Japan , never sizes to amaze me!
Tom Webb
Why don't some enterprising person open a used women undergarment shop for all the perverted men? These men can buy all the stained, torned, and worned-out undies that their heart desires and provide much need cash to someone who needs financial help.
I'm agreeing with some of the people above, this is ASSAULT not a robbery. I sincerely hope they catch this guy or the next person he tries this with beats his creepy ass.
Vernie Jefferies
If this creep attempts this tactic again, I hope he will find the wrong woman at the wrong time of month. She will make him regret that decision.
Fox Sora Winters
This guy needs serious psychiatric help. And a lot of it. For the next 80 years or so. What the Hell? Who robs underwear? I mean, shoplifting from a store I can comprehend, but taking them off a woman while she's wearing them? That goes beyond creepy. Whatever happens to this lowlife, he deserves it. He should be castrated at the very least. It just boggles the mind.
Why don't some enterprising person open a used women undergarment shop for all the perverted men? These men can buy all the stained, torned, and worned-out undies that their heart desires and provide much need cash to someone who needs financial help.
I'm pretty sure there's an app for that.
I don't agree with the thinking that all pervs eventually escalate to rape, but in this case he's already 95% of the way there. He physically assaulted a woman and ripped off her undergarments. Moving on to rape will not be much of a leap for this guy. Hope they catch him soon.
A 28-year-old woman walking home in Tokyo’s Meguro Ward on Monday night was knocked down by an unknown man who forcibly removed her underwear and fled with it.
That is one sick sob, hope they find him soon.
Totally unacceptable and unsettleing. This perpetrator needs to be apprehended and helped, and fast before stricking again. Yet, this leaves one to wonder if they know each other...or...known in the past?? Seemed to easy for him.
At least it wasn't a little girl.
Seriously? The crass comments and the jokes on this thread are disgusting. A woman was assulted and some of you are making light of the issue? Part of the problem or part of the solution? Seems some of you are the first rather than the second.
Dennis Bauer
WTF? i guess there will be a market for tazer panties insulated on the inside but electrocutes those underwear thieves and peckers
There'd be a market for chastity belts
lol lol lol. My underwear is at least 3 times more expensive than my clothes, so I'd be really sad xD
Elizabeth Heath
tmarieJul. 16, 2014 - 11:36AM JST
"Seriously? The crass comments and the jokes on this thread are disgusting. A woman was assulted and some of you are making light of the issue? Part of the problem or part of the solution? Seems some of you are the first rather than the second"
I agree. A serious sexual assault has been ignored and mislabelled as a robbery, then commentators here think it's funny or say we should all be happy as it wasn't a big deal.
Aaron Loki Brummett
Sounds more like a college prank. A frat will have people do this for points... but usually the girl is in on it and also belongs to a club. I went to Indiana University in Bloomington. Party cap of the world! This sort of stuff happened every night.
I think maybe he was supposed to chase down 'another' girl instead of this one.
Now we have two people involved!
"Somebody", who knows who what when where and why this happened, and we have "nobody" who is saying nothing!
Ore Sama
This underwear fetish is so common in Japan.... every other day there is a news about underwear theft... and this one is plain robbery!!... i hope he gets caught soon and his mental state is examined by doctors..
J.d. Smith
I heard of this and had to see it on the internet. From what I saw, the goal is to film her confusion, embarrassment, shame, outrage and helplessness. The titilation factor seems to be about that rather than something more overtly sexual.