Japan Today

Younger twin stabs older sister after argument


Police on Sunday arrested a 15-year-old girl for stabbing her older twin sister at their apartment in Chiba. According to police, the girls' father called for help late Sunday morning. An emergency crew arrived to find one sibling stabbed in the chest. She was rushed to the hospital and is in a stable condition.

Police arrested her younger twin sister for attempted murder after she admitted to stabbing her older sibling. Later the same day, the younger sister was released and a child consultation center was requested to look into the matter.

According to police, the girls' parents were out of the house at the time, and the father called the police after getting a call from the daughter who was stabbed. The younger twin has a slight mental disability, police said.

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When I get upset, I put on some Rush, and remind myself how much more successful I am compared to my other siblings! I am also quite talented at disarming a person with a knife

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they are both the same age...

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Seems like everyone committing crimes has a mental disbility these days.

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I've heard that as well (in the past), but I think nowadays the twin born first is considered older.

And as for identical twins "often being like this" as dammit purported...I strongly disagree. While I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility, I don't think sibling rivalry is greater among twins (identical or not) than in regular brother/sister or sister/sister relationships. While it's perhaps anecdotal evidence, I might bicker with my twin, but she's my very best friend. It's my older brother we'd both like to see put down a few pegs. In fact, I've known many sets of twins over the years, some identical, some fraternal, and I can't think of a single set that was ever at each others throats.

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I heard that in Japan the twin who is born first is actually considered younger than the one born second. Something to do with the elder one letter the younger one go first... Has anyone else heard this?

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for Americans, maybe the term Twins make sense but in Asian culture, the term elder or yuonger does matter even in twins. Hierachy is quite important in Japanese culture and maybe the younger sibling got fed up because she thinks she is being disadvantage just because of few minutes difference.

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Yeah, the younger sister was suicidal and stabbed her twin sister by mistake!

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"The younger twin has a slight mental disability"

Gosh, I'd hate to see what she'd do if she had a severe mental disability...

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@rao007... I won't get into the childish name calling. All I will say is that the background information you claim gives more information is TOTALLY irrelevant to the story and doesn't tell anyone anything as it appears in JT. They're TWINS. What situation are you referring to that gives it more background information??? JT doesn't give us any situation to give anyone a perspective. As it's written the younger/older part of the story is irrelevant.

Now that Yelnats has pointed out (from what he/she has read elsewhere) that one twin apparently has the same given name I can get a better understanding, but as JT has chosen to publish this story it's still irrelevant whether a TWIN is younger or older. If they weren't twins I would understand using younger vs. older.

The only other reason I could think of (aside from Yelnats post) for choosing to go with younger/older is because they didn't want to use suspect and victim for some reason. That's the way the article should have been written.

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Its not only twins. Anyone with more than one sibling has got to be able to identify with this. Even though the sane person would never carry out such an act, its been thought about or spoken "I could xxxxx him/her.". Welcome to Cain and Able revisited 2009.

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my point... it happens.

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I am a twin with a 5 inch slash down my chest with 70s style razor blade...and they claim her slipped off the sink while screwing around in medicine cabinet (us both)... We were 3 yrs old and he was younger by 5 mins....my old man duct tape me together with towel and pressure and went to the hospital... Ironic and bizzare...

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I wonder what they were fighting about... I hope the one sister pulls through and the other gets some sort of help.

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The younger twin has a slight mental disability, police said.

Did they come to this conclusion before or after she stabbed her 'older' sister?

Take a chill pill people. The younger/older thing is only to differentiate.
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Twins are often like this. Even identical ones are often at each others throats to the point that the parents are scared one or both will do something irreparable like this. (Perhaps that should be especially identical ones?)

To us foreigners it makes no real difference whether the one stabbed was born first or second. So why kick up a stink about it? I don't know the accuracy of Yelnats comment that they both have the same given name, no offence meant to Yelnats himself but the papers are quite capable of making mistakes. As we all know. Damn stupid thing to do though, I wonder if such idiocy as naming more than one kid identically is legal here?

Anyway, I want to know exactly what mental disabilities the younger girl has. That is definitely relevant to the story. I'd also like to know if she was entirely unprovoked, as I know well what human beings can do to each other (even without weapons.)

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The younger one probably got tired of the family's resources being poured into the older twin.

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[quote]Only in Japan would they HAVE TO make the distinction that a TWIN was older. Ridiculous! If it's important to the story, like, "She was angry because the parents gave preferential treatment because she was older by 15 minutes" then OK, but they're family, who cares if she was younger or not??? Isn't it bad enough that she stabbed her sister???[/quote]

You're a dummy. I like that they made a distinction because it gives more background information to the situation. They're nothing wrong with it you sensitive little ingrate.

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They used younger and older because both sisters have the same family name and first name according to what I read in the paper.

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I think they just used the terms younger and older to differentiate. Don't understand what the fuss is all about. Better than writing the 'mental' twin sister. haha I dissagree. This story would have been comedy gold if they changed 'younger' to 'mental'. Example - The mental twin was slightly younger, police said

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I wonder if they are identical twins... Maybe the "younger" twin was suicidal...

I hope they get proper counselling though. But based from the things I read during the past year or so, that's highly unlikely...

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I think they just used the terms younger and older to differentiate. Don't understand what the fuss is all about. Better than writing the 'mental' twin sister.

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Enough intelligence to judge she had nothing to lose?

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It isn't really relevant who is older or younger and this is probably just a bad translation. In Japanese, even with twins you make a distinction who is younger. Because the don't have a word for same aged sister (or brother). And this is just a direct translation.

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May be fund is not enough for to buy DS to younger one.

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The younger twin has a slight mental disability

ya think?

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Wow makes for interesting dinner conversation around the table doesn't it????

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Is the father older than the mother? Incomplete story here. How the older sister gets better soon and the younger sister gets treatment.

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TokyoGas at 08:52 AM JST - 19th October I wonder if the police actually asked, "Which one was born first?" Jeez. Is that relevant?

(I messed the quotes up. Should be more like this..) They probably asked who the お姉さん was and referred to the girls as お姉さん and 妹さん throughout the entire investigation. They would not very likely use their actual names.

New to Japan?

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TokyoGas at 08:52 AM JST - 19th October I wonder if the police actually asked, "Which one was born first?" Jeez. Is that relevant? They probably asked who the お姉さん was and referred to the girls as お姉さん and 妹さん throughout the entire investigation. They would not very likely use their actual names.

New to Japan?

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I wonder if the police actually asked, "Which one was born first?" Jeez. Is that relevant?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Only in Japan would they HAVE TO make the distinction that a TWIN was older. Ridiculous! If it's important to the story, like, "She was angry because the parents gave preferential treatment because she was older by 15 minutes" then OK, but they're family, who cares if she was younger or not??? Isn't it bad enough that she stabbed her sister???

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

older by how many minutes?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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