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‘That ’70s Show' actor Danny Masterson gets 30 years to life in prison for rapes of 2 women


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Will the the people in the cult also face charges for being accomplices in the crimes committed? Right. Can't say anything bad about Xenon followers or else...

7 ( +8 / -1 )

They don't mess around with sentenicing in the US.

That would probably have been a suspended sentence in Japan.

If it even made it to court.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Seems a flimsy case to begin with.

Like a Big Bang Theory.

At 47 years old, he will get out in his 70's. Like another That 70's Show.


I abhor rape but I abhor false claims of rape even more.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

I agree with u_s__reamer. This is way over the top. People get less for murder. If he is guilty, of course he deserves punishment but not this much.

I have to actually agree with you on this one, this is just way over the top, murderers are let loose in no time and rapists get lengthy prison sentences

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Stewart,, I have no idea if the crime was his crime or the womens.

However with no witnesses, physical evidence and it being 20 years ago with changing statements over time, it seems a flimsy case to me.

I don't think either rape or false rape claims are good at all.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

However with no witnesses, physical evidence and it being 20 years ago with changing statements over time, it seems a flimsy case to me.

Internet poster knows better than the judge that listened to the case by the prosecution and the defense and came to a decision based on law.

Seems legit.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Why not just make him wear ankle bracelet so his movements can be tracked?

30 years in prison should be for murderers only, like Lucy Letby for example.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I worked in the Public Defender's Office in a large California city before, and criminals with rap sheets inches thick got off or short sentences. A 30 year sentence should be reserved for murder or heinous crimes. I have a hard time understanding how the judge has the authority to make the sentence so long.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Take a families life savings leaving them homeless and get 5-10 years if anything at all. These alleged rapes get him 30 years plus behind bars. Cause and effect seem to have no balance in the US. Bill Cosby didnt get 30 years plus and he was shown to have drugged his accusers and had many more of them. The legal system in the US is all over the place.

I would have given him no more than three years for each rape, total 6 years behind bars. And made him pay all legal costs, huge fines and compensation to the victims. He will instead be a burden on society for 30 years at a cost of about 75,000 per year that over time will rise with inflation. Taxpayers seem to be paying for his crimes as much as he is.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

He is not a serial raper apparently, so those rapes are circumstancial.

If he is really guilty and go to jail, that is good, but indeed 30 years is incredibly high for a person who will not be a risk when coming back to society, his name sticking to him.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

He should of thought of this before,he committed this crime, sexual assault generally destroy any hope of a woman, having a normal relationship with a man , even if the man is loving and understanding of what she been through,but she should not let her rapist own the joy ,that she find with a loving man in her life

2 ( +6 / -4 )


Are you suggesting there has been some kind of miscarriage of justice in this case? If so, on what grounds?

Furthermore, I find it very difficult to agree with your opinion that a false rape accusation is worse than rape.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

"John-San" -

what type of women will allow their rapist 20 years freedom and not gave a dam about other potential victims. Yeah what type of low life are these women.

You do realize that upwards of 90% of all rapes go unreported, for millions of reasons. Right?

And here you are calling proven rape victims "low lives"?

Says much about you.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Good !!!...

Rapists must be punished !!!..

1 ( +6 / -5 )

You do this a lot. You need to read slower or something. CuteUsagi very clearly said that he or she could only find hearsay in all the articles he or she found on the web, NOT that the jury or judge had nothing but hearsay.

Ok, and do you think the judge and jury based their verdict on what they could find on the internet about the matter?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

When you raped me, you stole from me,” said one woman who Masterson was convicted of raping in 2003. “That’s what rape is, a theft of the spirit.”

“You are pathetic, disturbed and completely violent,” she said. “The world is better off with you in prison.”

Couldn't have said it better themselves.

WA4TKGToday  03:50 am JST

Oh wow, never figured him for doing that.

I never thought Bill Cosby was one of those either. He was an idol for my generation and beyond but he is a monster. I was very sad when he was found guilty and his disruptive behavior at that moment only confirmed it.

Matteson got the women drunk and took advantage of their condition as a tool for his violent action. They didn't say 'Yes'. He is trash.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Holley,he should of thought of the consequences, before he destroyed the lives of the womens, using his daughter is a time low

0 ( +5 / -5 )

To the people who think 30 years is too much:

The crime committed against the victim affects that person for the rest of their lives. They can't live fully normal lives or have complete peace, ever again. If you don't want to spend 30 years in jail for committing a crime and taking away the potential for your victim to ever have a healthy quality of life ever again, then maybe don't commit the crime in the first place. The fact that people would defend this is sickening.

P.S. I intimately know a rape survivor, and what was done to her genuinely messed her up for life. She can never feel genuine happiness, and she consequently has hurt (emotionally) many loved ones in her life because of it. Rape is no small crime. It destroys lives and has a ripple effect.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

@bass4funk you are right murders are let loose in no time depending on the type of crime committed but rapist who go to prison and are out in (GP) General Population they will be lucky if they can finish there sentence even if it is 2 years in prison. The prisoners have a honor code once you convicted, a child molester will not survive in prison if he is on the prison yard in GP, he is considered DOA dead on arrival, a rapist also. Prisoners thinking is you don't harm kids because most have them and can't see them, women they say gave them life so you don't kill the person who gave you life. Sad but it is true.

I agree with u_s__reamer. This is way over the top. People get less for murder. If he is guilty, of course he deserves punishment but not this much.

I have to actually agree with you on this one, this is just way over the top, murderers are let loose in no time and rapists get lengthy prison sentences

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Peter14,they are not allege rape allegations,he now a convicted rapist by the State of California,their is nothing allegedly anymore

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Oh wow, never figured him for doing that.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't know if anybody knows this but the protest punk band Anti-Flag broke up a few weeks ago after a sickening testimony on a podcast from a woman about their lead singer Justin Sane raping her (with gross horrifying details being told) and some other women have stated the same since, bravely coming forth and standing up.

The other three members dissolved the band immediately in disgust and just yesterday released a very harsh statement of disgust about that sick monster they thought they knew all 25 years they existed as a band.

The sad irony of it all is that Anti-Flag put out a CD in 2020 (with a video of the whole album being played in a studio due to Covid lockdown) that harshly criticized and slammed the uncouth fascist rapist Donald Trump and his vile personality cult. Turns out that the (now ex-) frontman Justin Sane is a power junkie screwhead who used his bandmates and he's as rotten and dirty as the Diaper-Stinker Donald. The very antithesis of what punk truly is about with its ideals of protest against a hypocritical society, feminism, equality, etc.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Shame on you. What do your parents say?

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I agree with u_s__reamer. This is way over the top. People get less for murder. If he is guilty, of course he deserves punishment but not this much.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

To the mean here saying that "30 years is too much" and that rape circumstances have "mixed signals" and that judges should think of the rapist's family and friends, let me tell you this: ask any women you know that you care about around you what she thinks and think about it if a rapist was sent back in the society and rape a woman you care about.

What is more important? Protecting and preventing any future victims or the feelings of the rapist and his family?

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

What is more important? Protecting and preventing any future victims or the feelings of the rapist and his family?

The integrity of the justice system is more important.

Draconian punishment comes with criminals taking more desperate measures to avoid getting caught.

Plus there have been far too many people, esp. men, to be convicted but later found innocent, in large part because the court system is EXTREMELY flawed already. Too many prosecutors will withhold evidence and pull other tricks to get a false conviction to further their careers.

And look at this case anyway. Zero physical evidence and the claims are from 20 years ago. I see nothing about witnesses. If I am not mistaken he is being thrown in the slammer simply because two women are pointing fingers at him.

And this has already had one hung jury and one mistrial before coming to this extreme conclusion.

This is insane. This is straight up completely crazy on all fronts. its all politically driven, metoo, man hating politics, and justice has been chucked in the garbage bin.

sexual assault generally destroy any hope of a woman, having a normal relationship with a man

What destroys hope is your pseudo-scientific pre-determination that healing is impossible. There is a huge variety of sexual assault types and severity, and here you are saying its nearly all the same with the same result. That's not only offensive its crazy.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

I find it appalling that not one article shows proof except for hearsay on this guy doing the rapes. Something fishy about this whole thing. But that is my opinion after searching for info all over the web.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I find it appalling that not one article shows proof except for hearsay on this guy doing the rapes.

Are you sure that's all they had? The jury that heard the evidence, and unanimously found him guilty seem to think otherwise. What qualifies you to know better than them, and the judge that accepted their verdict, after also hearing the case?

That all said, 30-life seems excessive to me. What he did was horrendous, and he deserves to be punished accordingly. But 30-life seems overly punitive, with no hope for redemption.

If it was unreasonable however, he may be able to get it reduced on appeal, as there are sentencing guidelines in America, which are very complex and leave open places for variability. Punishments found not to be within the sentencing guidelines will be adjusted accordingly.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I think he’s a beast. He was famous and rich and could get willing birds easily so why would he do such ghastly things? Well, I guess he must be a disgusting pervert then, a fiend with a dark mind that made him act in a demonic way without empathy. It seems he has no empathy now either.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Rape is not uncommon in sexual encounters which, in the nature of things, can involve force and dominance, not to mention violence. Circumstances vary widely and are often murky with mixed signals galore so while the law should intervene, whenever possible, those found guilty should serve appropriate sentences. 30 years seems like another "over-the-top", disproportionate term for which the US justice system is notorious (just ask E. Jean Carroll). Not knowing the details of this case, I can only say that destroying another person's life and hurting family and friends with this very harsh 30-year sentence is too much punishment with too little mercy and forgiveness.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

...their is not enough punishment for someone,who sexually assault someone,hope he be watching his butt in prison

Trump? He, like many of his ilk (Alfredo Stroessner is the "poster boy"), gets to do no time for his sex crimes and millions still "forgive" and vote for him. The only explanation can be that hypocrisy must be an innate feature of our species.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )


It takes many years for a man to build a reputation only minutes for a few women to destroy it.

Imagine friends being such friends they wait for an actual investigation to actually ditch a friend.

Has Brian Banks been forgotten already? The Duke Lacrosse Case? Tawana Brawley? The Central Park Five? Thomas Kennedy?

Also, a podcast isn't testimony. Its an empty accusation. And I am telling you, this era of mass hysteria we are living in will end, and it will be put in the trash bin right next to the day care sex abuse hysteria of the 1980s touched off by the Kern County, California nonsense.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

US Reamer,their is not enough punishment for someone,who sexually assault someone,hope he be watching his butt in prison

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Wow this picture of Danny Masterson looks like a photo shopped picture of Justin Timberlake with a beard!!! Ok my lol for the day!!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

both accusers say that this person should be behind bars. So these two women see that it fit for the rapist to have 20 years of freedom first to go on and maybe rape more women before getting punished. We knew that the rapist is a low life but what type of women will allow their rapist 20 years freedom and not gave a dam about other potential victims. Yeah what type of low life are these women.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Roy404, Fighto. If the women reported the rape. No way the second women would have been rape. No the first women decided not to. Allowing the rapist to continue on to rape the second. The law found the rapist guilty in both case even 20 years latter. Both women show selfish disregard to other community members by not reporting it. To me that is low selfish act. You can refer to in anyway you see fit but If the first women was not selfish and reported it. There would be no second rape. fact.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Roy 404: It a crime not to report a criminal offence. If any women did get raped afterwards by this low life They would have a good civil case to sue these to women and their church for not reporting the offence.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Roy404. Maybe in your legal world. But not in civil world of law. Good try for an amateur lawyer come school teacher. Yeah Na.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

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