Japan Today

'Assassin's Creed' makers defend 'creative liberties' over black samurai character


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Can't wait to play the game.

5 ( +17 / -12 )

I need a better context. It seems the Japanese petitioners acknowledged Yasuke was a real person, but they are saying they are protesting the mere presence of a Black guy in a movie.

This is not "creative liberties." Yasuke was a real historical figure.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Ubisoft is French @ Banthu, not American. People need to get a life. Seriously.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

People are complaining about everything in this game being historically inaccurate. It is just a game, not a documentary about the history of Japan.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

These games have just been in the absolute toilet when it comes to history.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Critics in Japan launched a petition on June 19, a month after game-maker Ubisoft unveiled a trailer featuring the protagonist, lamenting a "serious lack of historical accuracy and cultural respect".

Why, they don't believe black person can't do whatever that other protagonist can do.

In fact, there was black samurai in Japan's history.



-9 ( +10 / -19 )

The aforementioned black character is indeed a true person of history, yet he was not a slave but a servant and was not a samurai

-2 ( +14 / -16 )

Next: Assassin Creed black viking or Assassin Creed: Kindom of Wakanda PC Zhang Li

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Shameful that these billion dollar American corporations disrespect BIPOC.

Read the article.

17 ( +21 / -4 )

Shameful that these billion dollar American corporations disrespect BIPOC.

What do American corporations have anything to do with this article? Ubisoft (the game developer) is a French company and the petition is from Japanese citizens

14 ( +15 / -1 )

Its a game. If it makes you cry, maybe its time to get a life.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

I need a better context. It seems the Japanese petitioners acknowledged Yasuke was a real person, but they are saying they are protesting the mere presence of a Black guy in a movie. 

This is not "creative liberties." Yasuke was a real historical figure.

The context is literally in the article. “While the petition did not dispute the existence of Yasuke, it claimed that he had never received the samurai title.”

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Why, they don't believe black person can't do whatever that other protagonist can do.

In fact, there was black samurai in Japan's history.

Do people on this site just not read the articles they write comments on? It’s literally in the article: “While the petition did not dispute the existence of Yasuke, it claimed that he had never received the samurai title.””

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Wow! I wish some of the Japanese would set up a petition regarding Japanese revisionist history.Anyway, we had outrage when some games allowed us to play as a female character on a shooting game.

GaijinjlandToday  07:36 am JST

Ubisoft is French @ Banthu, not American. People need to get a life. Seriously

some people think if it’s English it’s always American. Sad!!

Good on Ubisoft for trying to make the game, different from its racial stereotyping, and is a nod to the back guy. Whatever his personal history. I shall refer myself to Wikipedia since I know nothing about the guy.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Also for everyone complaining about historical accuracy: this is the same series in which the pope uses an alien apple to gain magic powers

19 ( +20 / -1 )

I know a certain comedian who should totally cash in on this!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

DEI game. Don't care, won't play it.

-7 ( +7 / -14 )


Of course people get fed up with a lying agenda being pushed constantly. You need to get over gamergate and the lies perpetuated by those with that deluded agenda. Games had female main characters since the 80’s but is that true or made up by me.

How is making up something stopping racial stereotyping? Most if that now is in white straight men, the root of all evil apparently despite them doing more than any other for the world in the last few centuries.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

I am an Iranian and I give the Japanese the right to react to the attack on their own culture.

If Ubisoft wants to distort history every time, go to its own country and make as many games as it likes. But if the culture of France or usa or canada is not so rich that it had to come to Asian countries, then it is better to respect these countries and their people.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Bunch of people getting offended by a fictional character in a videogame. Meanwhile, Japanese developers have been doing the same since forever.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

The plea called on France-based Ubisoft 

All I needed to see. Great on the Japanese protesting against these ridiculous globalist times.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

Oh, no! You mean all those cowboy movies from Hollywood and the James Bond movies and Godzilla movies were not historically accurate? Well, I'll never watch anything that isn't historically accurate. This is very important in fiction. Don't make things up. Even if it is an entertaining idea, run it past the historians first. That way characters can be just like the rest of us.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

Oh, yeah. If anything is BIPOC, woke, anti-vanilla ice cream, misrepresenting lawn care or anything else like that, well, let the historians handle the situation. I'd sure be disappointed if a good story wasn't middle-of-the-road. Wooden characters that are historically accurate are more important than a fun game, after all.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Gene Hennigh, people like you just dont get the big picture. You probably liked star wars acolyte, right?

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

'Shadows' allows players to step into the shoes of two heroes: female assassin Naoe and Yasuke, a black samurai presented as a 16th-century historical figure who was kidnapped by Portuguese slave traders on the east African coast and taken to Japan.

”Kidnapped”? Isn’t “enslaved” the correct term?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Afro Samurai wasnt historically accurate either. Still slaps.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I protest the existence of the character of Othello, a Moor, in a Shakespearean tragedy.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Mr. PolarStar: The big picture? Sure I get the big picture. History is more important than fun. And anything DEI and or woke is just awful awful stuff. I just happen to like fiction anyway. What is YOUR big picture. And where did you get it? "Assassin's Creed" isn't in there?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

falseflagsteveToday  08:27 am JST

Of course people get fed up with a lying agenda being pushed constantly. You need to get over gamergate and the lies perpetuated by those with that deluded agenda. Games had female main characters since the 80’s but is that true or made up by me.

How is making up something stopping racial stereotyping? Most if that now is in white straight men, the root of all evil apparently despite them doing more than any other for the world in the last few centuries.

Actually I wasn't even thinking of Gamergate or lying at all. I was just thinking it's great we get to play characters of all colours, nationalities, religions, and genders and cause that's what they were. Of course, when historical stories are being told, children, teenagers, and some adults may think it's an accurate depiction of history. A bit like historical movies, historical books, historical manga, and comics! a bit of artistic licence makes things interesting. Otherwise, it's a documentary. ( In my mind)

5 ( +6 / -1 )

The only sources that Wikipedia states of Yasuke being a Samurai boil down to news articles claiming he was one. IMO this does not constitute enough proof that he actually was, though. As other people said, he was a servant and nothing more.

There is a double-standard in the west that racism and cultural disrespect/"cultural appropriation" against black people is a no-no, yet those same people seem to have no problem when the same is done to Asians. In the end, it seems like white people are the final arbiter in whether cultural appropriation or cultural disrespect take place, but God forbid that affected cultures speak out against what they themselves perceive as disrespectful.

Japan needs to get a life

This is the kind of hubris of people who seem to take the liberty to decide which culture is "more equal" in this day and age. Oh, look! There's a white person wearing a Sombrero in public! Better shout him down for being culturally insensitive even though you're white and can't even speak on whether it's actually offensive for Mexicans! Oh look, Japanese people are mad for part of their culture being disrespectfully blackwashed. But it's ok because the character is black and it's empowering!

This is the kind of double-standard that's actually damaging to "multi-cultural" and "inclusive" societies, further highlighting to me that it's more about certain white people stroking their egos and not truly about multi-cultural communities or "inclusivity" at all.

I personally don't mind Yasuke, but I do mind people telling Japanese to get a life for feeling that their culture was disrespected. People don't have to wonder why Japan repeatedly rejects this form of inclusivity which is evidently superficial at best and culturally abusive at worst.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

falseflagsteveToday  08:27 am JST

How is making up something stopping racial stereotyping?

I suppose I was clumsily trying to point out that in today's modern Japan it has changed, there are Japanese of all colors and religions. And not the Western stereotype of what a "Japanese person looks like." There are black Japanese, white Japanese, brown Japanese, Muslim Japanese, etc etc. So maybe it's nice a game might just help some people see Japan and Japanese, as a place becoming more diverse. So hopefully it might help some young kids who play games, OH I'm playing a character who is black in Japan, speaking Japanese. No agenda, but just great for my kids to see a black charactor they maybe able to relate to. Sorry if you disagree.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

the white, blond hair, blue-eyed jesus is creative liberty that’s ok though, right?

7 ( +13 / -6 )

From Wikipedia:

Onimusha (鬼武者, 'Oni Warrior') is a series of video games developed and published by Capcom. It makes use of the historic figures that shaped Japan's history, retelling their stories with supernatural elements. Most of the games are of the action-adventure genre, a combination of third-person hack-and-slash combat and puzzle elements. The player protagonist wields the power of the Oni, enabling them to fight the Genma, the main enemy in the series. As of June 2023, the series has sold a total of 8.6 million copies worldwide,[1] making it Capcom's tenth best-selling franchise, behind Resident EvilMonster HunterStreet FighterMega ManDevil May CryDead RisingDragon's DogmaAce Attorney, and Marvel vs. Capcom.

In this game, Oda Nobunaga is a demon. Samurai wields swords with supernatural powers. The whole game is insanely historically inaccurate. Yet nobody complained about anything. I miss the old days when culture war did not exist.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

The hypocrisy and double standards are ridiculous here.

They are complaining about making an African character a Samurai (a callous abomination in the mind of deep traditionalists) ; however their Japanese game companies are doing this since the beginning of their game releases.

Oh, the irony.

-10 ( +11 / -21 )

Don't care at all

-11 ( +4 / -15 )


You forgot to add, one of the main characters in the third installment of the game, is nonetheless than Jean Reno, fighting alongside our oni warrior against Nobunaga.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Here's Jean Reno fighting against Nobunaga in Onimusha:


5 ( +5 / -0 )

sakurasukiToday  07:56 am JST

Why, they don't believe black person can't do whatever that other protagonist can do.

In fact, there was black samurai in Japan's history.



Do you seriously believe everything on wiki. Time mag, Smithsonian, etc., just knee jerk reacted to a couple of foreign 'academics' who wrote books claiming 'the true story' when it was just an unsubstantiated premise. Western media love this kind of cultural sensationalism. There simply isn't enough evidence. He existed but was likely nothing more than a retainer as historical documents indicate he knew Nobunaga for less than a year. Do a little real research yourself.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

I'm looking forward to this game, since everything has to be historically accurate is it a good time to bring up Pokemon Conquest where Nobunaga is a Pokemon trainer or the games where he killed zombies?

7 ( +8 / -1 )


You are DEI in Japan you do realize that right?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

The game is a work of fiction FFS, not fact..!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

They are complaining about making an African character a Samurai (a callous abomination in the mind of deep traditionalists) ; however their Japanese game companies are doing this since the beginning of their game releases.

The important part is who are "they" and "their" game companies, there is a huge difference between a petition being launched in Japan and the signatures being from the Japanese public, looking at the comments a lot are from foreigners (and also written in weird Japanese), so it is not unbelievable that a significant portion (if not the vast majority) are the same people opposing anything and everything they feel threaten their race. Other reports show a much more balanced response from the Japanese players.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The important part is who are "they" and "their" game companies, there is a huge difference between a petition being launched in Japan and the signatures being from the Japanese public, looking at the comments a lot are from foreigners (and also written in weird Japanese), so it is not unbelievable that a significant portion (if not the vast majority) are the same people opposing anything and everything they feel threaten their race. Other reports show a much more balanced response from the Japanese players.

The majority of compaints are not from Japanese residents, but are from jealous White males that makes up the second largest demographic of RPG players after Asian males.

They are jealous that they cannot get a character that looks like them in a "cool RPG game" about ninjas and samurai, so they troll online.

Yasuke was a real historical figure in Japanese history. The company has creative freedom on who they have in the game and what role that figure plays in the game.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

People in the comments here saying "It's just a game. Who cares" are obviously lacking context on the issue. Him being black is not the inherent issue. The issue is that there are literally only a few records of Yasuke with no evidence of him being a samurai, but Ubisoft has decided to go with the narrative that he was a legendary samurai and advertise it as based on history for their on monetary gain and agenda, spreading false information. So not only are they disrespecting Japan, but they're disrespecting Yasuke because they're just using him because he's black. They're trying to back pedal with their words.

"We're at the end of Sengoku era, in a turning point of Japan history. Assassin's Creed is well-known for its depiction of the history and accurate recreation of the world and it's what players can expect with Assassin's Creed Shadows. We're showing real historical figures, such as Oda Nobunaga and a lot of events that happened during that time, so you're not only playing in feudal Japan, but learning about this fantastic time period." - Charles Benoit, Game Director of Assassin's Creed: Shadows

Yasuke's Wikipedia has been edited to say he was a samurai. Thomas Lockley, a fake historian at Nihon University, has been caught doing this to promote his fictional book that he pushed as history to the west, again to make a buck. Ubisoft consulted with him to push this narrative that Yasuke is a legendary samurai with no regard for the countless number of actual Japanese samurai. It's historical revisionism. That's the main issue.

Anyone that calls Ubisoft out now is called a racist, when they're the racists. The other issues include not using a Japanese samurai (because apparently Japanese males are not included when it comes to diversity), and so many historical inaccuracies in the visual design, asset theft from reanactment groups and shrines, using One Piece items as promotional material, etc. The list goes on. There's so much more to the issue that this article fails to mention. Him being black is just the tip of the iceberg.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

From Wikipedia:

Assassin's Creed is a historical action-adventure video game series and media franchise published by Ubisoft and developed mainly by its studio Ubisoft Montreal using the game engine Anvil and its more advanced derivatives. Created by Patrice Désilets, Jade Raymond, and Corey May, the Assassin's Creed video game series depicts a fictional millennia-old struggle between the Order of Assassins, who fight for peace and free will, and the Knights Templar, who desire peace through order and control. The series features historical fiction, science fiction, and fictional characters intertwined with real-world historical events and historical figures. In most games, players control a historical Assassin while also playing as an Assassin Initiate or someone caught in the Assassin–Templar conflict in the present-day framing story. Considered a spiritual successor to the Prince of Persia series, Assassin's Creed took inspiration from the novel Alamut by the Slovenian writer Vladimir Bartol, based on the historical Hashashin sect of the medieval Middle East.

In case people do not know what fiction is:


Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more



literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people.

Ubisoft can make Yasuke whatever they want in this fictional game.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

You forgot to add, one of the main characters in the third installment of the game, is nonetheless than Jean Reno, fighting alongside our oni warrior against Nobunaga.

Thanks, mate. Also I would point out that the main character in the game is based on an actual person called Takeshi Kaneshiro who, drum rolls, please, is a half Japanese born and raised in Taiwan. Yet nobody, especially Japanese, gave a bloody thing about it and the game sold well in Japan.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Hashtag, call out racism.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

In every country represented by Assassin's Creed, has figures that look like the native peoples of their lands.

Japan is the only one where the character has a completely different ethnicity from the native people and history it's supposed to represent.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The majority of compaints are not from Japanese residents, but are from jealous White males that makes up the second largest demographic of RPG players after Asian males.

They are jealous that they cannot get a character that looks like them in a "cool RPG game" about ninjas and samurai, so they troll online.

White male here, and not jealous at all. What I will say is that on Facebook Japan group pages a statue of Yasuke is repeatedly posted and claims him to be a real samurai.

People of all races have, for months, provided evidence and debunked this repeatedly. No one is jealous. We ARE tired of super progressives rewriting history and presenting it as fact.

It's really not about how the Japanese feel about their own history. ALL of this is a result of the culture war that is predominantly American. And I say that as a fellow American.

The far left will just spew falsehoods repeatedly until those who advocate for truth simply give up.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

In every country represented by Assassin's Creed, has figures that look like the native peoples of their lands.

Japan is the only one where the character has a completely different ethnicity from the native people and history it's supposed to represent.

The other viewpoints of this argument are that the only assassins or stone cold killers in the game is a black man and Japanese woman.

Japanese men could be jealous that a Black man is with the Japanese woman. The other argument is that the only foreigner in particular Black people are made out to be criminals or dangerous in Japan.

I doubt there would be much hoopla from most of the "foreign Fanboys" if Commodore Perry was somehow one of the optional characters!

People will see what they want to see!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I am sorry, but I do not understand how a fictional game, even one that sometimes may borrow details from history for its story and or characters, is disrespecting to someone. Is this character being portayed as an evil or disgusting person? Entertainment even in Japan uses "artistic license" in its movies and games, so Why is it not ok for others to do the same?

Is it not ok for young black people to fantasize about being a samurai in the past as some may see themselves as famous or a fireman or astronaut in the imaginative fantasies?

I honestly believe if this character was Japanese and not black, if there were no objections, then some need to lighten up a little and try harder to understand this is not reality. It is not a map with someone claiming ownership of Japanese territory. It is simply fantasy entertainment where imagination gets to run free for a while.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

I probably won't even watch it anyway.

Hardly ever go to the cinema now in any case.

Too expensive for the boring rubbish offerings.

And if they bring in a two-tier system for ticket pricing, it will be the last time.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

it's not a movie.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

I probably won't even watch it anyway.

Hardly ever go to the cinema now in any case. 

Too expensive for the boring rubbish offerings. 

And if they bring in a two-tier system for ticket pricing, it will be the last time.

Um…You do know that this is about a video game, right?

And you have read the article, right?

Actually, not yet.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

AnonymousToday 08:57 am JST

”Kidnapped”? Isn’t “enslaved” the correct term?

I think the word you're looking for is "bought".

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The majority of compaints are not from Japanese residents, but are from jealous White males that makes up the second largest demographic of RPG players after Asian males.

White male here, and not jealous at all. What I will say is that on Facebook Japan group pages a statue of Yasuke is repeatedly posted and claims him to be a real samurai.

The far left will just spew falsehoods repeatedly until those who advocate for truth simply give up.

I understand what you are saying but it is deeper than that. As a person of color I can tell you that about 90% of us had parents who did not teach us to have racist viewpoints, and the 10% that did probably have been affected by some traumatic events that made them think a certain way. For Caucasian folk in America maybe 60% were raised by parents who did not teach racist viewpoints to their children. But that 40% that is using slurs around their children behind closed doors, telling their children they will disown them if they ever bring home a lover of a different race, the ones with KKK or Nazi roots in their families are teaching their kids some really cruel and unspeakable things that make them grow up to be that way.


Even if you were not raised by parents who did any of the things that I mentioned, I will at least ask that you be open minded and don't pretend things like that don't happen. When he said the majority of the comments were from jealous white males he did not say all or only, he said the majority meaning some people of other race groups, as well as some white males have the opposite opinion

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I understand what you are saying but it is deeper than that. As a person of color I can tell you that about 90% of us had parents who did not teach us to have racist viewpoints, and the 10% that did probably have been affected by some traumatic events that made them think a certain way. For Caucasian folk in America maybe 60% were raised by parents who did not teach racist viewpoints to their children. But that 40% that is using slurs around their children behind closed doors, telling their children they will disown them if they ever bring home a lover of a different race, the ones with KKK or Nazi roots in their families are teaching their kids some really cruel and unspeakable things that make them grow up to be that way.

Even if you were not raised by parents who did any of the things that I mentioned, I will at least ask that you be open minded and don't pretend things like that don't happen. When he said the majority of the comments were from jealous white males he did not say all or only, he said the majority meaning some people of other race groups, as well as some white males have the opposite opinion.

I've been a victim of racism on numerous occasions (by POC believe it or not). Notice how your comments suggest that racism only works one way.

You completely jumped over the person who callously uses the phrase "jealous white males" and go after the white guy. The cycle of victimhood has to end, dude.

Yasuke was not a samurai and your comment suggests that I am a racist for not buying into the lie that he was a samurai because, what? I might hurt the feelings of non-Japanese, non-white people who want to wish it into fact?

All your stats about how much of the white population has been raised racist...based on what facts???? What does this have to do with a video game buying into a false narrative in the interest of making money??? How is your blanket assumption of how certain races are raised and what they believe in NOT super racist?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

it's not a movie

Say it ain't so

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

I've been a victim of racism on numerous occasions (by POC believe it or not). Notice how your comments suggest that racism only works one way.

You completely jumped over the person who callously uses the phrase "jealous white males" and go after the white guy. The cycle of victimhood has to end, dude.

Yasuke was not a samurai and your comment suggests that I am a racist for not buying into the lie that he was a samurai because, what? I might hurt the feelings of non-Japanese, non-white people who want to wish it into fact?

I never said racism works one way, that is you putting words in my mouth. I have seen countless facebook posts where they were the mains complaining about Yasuke, not from pages I follow either it was random pages forced into my feed against my will so I know they are some of the main ones outspoken about it as well as I have seen posts where Japanese were praising the game and saying how cool it would be.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

All your stats about how much of the white population has been raised racist...based on what facts???? What does this have to do with a video game buying into a false narrative in the interest of making money??? How is your blanket assumption of how certain races are raised and what they believe in NOT super racist?

Could be slightly more could be slightly less. Based on being a person of color who was living in America and being military veteran with 10 years of service basically meeting variety of people from different states. People of color don't say slurs towards or about white people just because, some don't and some do but only as a form of self defense. While you have white people who thing it is funny to say slurs just for the hell of it. But again issues you would not understand unless you are part of the problem or experiencing the problem with front row seats.

Because it doesn't affect you it means it doesn't exist is what you are telling me right? The same people who love to have the abbreviation "DEI" in their everyday vocabulary for example

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Chabbawanga Wrote Today 08:13 am JST

Its a game. If it makes you cry, maybe its time to get a life.

Not really. Game industry has come a long way and nowadays there are some good stuff with amazing and dramatic storytelling.

Even some 30 years ago, 'Final Fantasy 6' for example had themes like war, love, death, teenage pregnancy, betrayal, etc.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Could be slightly more could be slightly less. Based on being a person of color who was living in America and being military veteran with 10 years of service basically meeting variety of people from different states. People of color don't say slurs towards or about white people just because, some don't and some do but only as a form of self defense. While you have white people who thing it is funny to say slurs just for the hell of it. But again issues you would not understand unless you are part of the problem or experiencing the problem with front row seats.

Because it doesn't affect you it means it doesn't exist is what you are telling me right? The same people who love to have the abbreviation "DEI" in their everyday vocabulary for example

In other words, based on the color of your skin, the numbers you put forward based on your personal lived experience must be held to be true to someone with the color of my skin.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

We consider this petition an important precedent for the defense of the rights of fictional characters to be accurately portrayed according to their perceived ethnic origins.

Mario and Luigi

4 ( +4 / -0 )

In other words, based on the color of your skin, the numbers you put forward based on your personal lived experience must be held to be true to someone with the color of my skin.

There is nothing strange with the assumption that populations that have historically benefited from racism educate the children justifying this invalid form of discrimination, while the populations that have suffered historically from the same take more care of educating their children about how this is not acceptable, it follows a natural logic process.

Of course it is also important that there is scientific data that supports this, for example:


*...we obtained new evidence that implicit intergroup attitudes emerge in young children in a form indistinguishable from adult attitudes. Strikingly, this invariance from childhood to adulthood holds for members of socially dominant majorities, who consistently favor their in-group, as well as for members of a disadvantaged minority, who, from the early moments of race-based categorization, do not show a preference for their in-group.*

There is a huge difference between saying that discriminated populations are more likely to be educated against racism and saying racism do not apply when the victim is from a non-discriminated group. The first is a perfectly valid thing to say, the second just a misrepresentation to have a strawman to argue against.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

If the character was caucasian, it would be just as ridiculous and offensive to Japanese.

Why are Japanese male samurai being marginalised in their own period games ? if its "just a game dont worry lol" then why all the fuss about DEI in games, as they are "just a game don't worry lol". Goose and gander.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

@furan @MilesTeg @ Manbearpig

The only sources that Wikipedia states of Yasuke being a Samurai boil down to news articles claiming he was one.

Instead just perpetuating skepticism please check Yasuke (弥助) in Japanese version of it.

It provide more reference, and also some historical artifacts that really show about his presence in 16th century.


1 ( +2 / -1 )

Please don't tell me Sweet Baby Inc was involved. That 'diversity' consultancy company is an absolute predator, preying on software companies, telling what they should or shouldn't include, and charging them a hefty fee. They tried to cancel one company when they said thank you but no thank you


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I've followed this controversy for weeks now, it's just more than Yasuke. This article have left out lots of context surrounding the issue. Einfach Japanisch and Ryuuku Sensei on YouTube have videos about it. I hope people who are saying that "It's just a fiction" are also okay with that particular trope in manga/anime

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The majority of compaints are not from Japanese residents, but are from jealous White males that makes up the second largest demographic of RPG players after Asian males.

Interesting statistic. Do you have a source for this, I’d like to look at the stats behind these complaints.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Japanese anime studio MAPPA had no problem making a Yasuke anime for Netflix, so I don't see what the problem is.


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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