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© 2022 AFP'I like Hitler': Kanye sparks outrage in wild Infowars stream
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© 2022 AFP
This is a person in a psychological spiral. He needs to be hospitalized.
“An Anti-Semite, a Holocaust denier and a pedo-groomer walk into a club.”
Thats not the set up for a joke. That’s what happened. And Trump served them dinner.
Elvis is here
Sounds like he'll say anything to get attention. It's all the rage these days.
Maybe the Nazis would have loved you back, Kanye. Maybe ... Maybe not.
I know Ye personally but now I think he has really lost his freaking mind! I thought maybe he was looking for attention but the things he is doing now is intentional and very controversial, no one likes him now. I am sure he will off himself, I hate to say this but I been around him long enough to know his mindset. I knew him before he became who he was back home in Chicago he was different then but now money made him even worse because he used his platform thinking he was this genius which in fact he was a different kind of genius which I call fool now. He is not crazy nor is he stupid he lost his freaking mind!
Obviously this cretin does not know that Hitler saw anyone who is not of Aryan race as subhuman and should be exterminated!
The guy is either trolling, or mentally ill. Either way, not worth listening to, unless you're a therapist. Or listening to his old music.
Ye is a perfect Republican culture warrior in the style of Trump, DeSantis and Youngkin.
Rockets to the top of the headlines with some random thoughts guaranteed to produce buzz and farm outrage.
It's the goto hustle these days.
I really can't stand this guy and I'm glad I've never bought anything that he's put out. Go away, please!
I really can't stand THOSE guys.
If he love Hitler that his business,he has more problems,the IRS they has put a lien on bank account for a 50 million dollar debt Google Ye IRS Debt
But Hitler don't like you back...
Yes indeed, the Führer would have afforded Kanye West an early shower.
The Nazis would have exterminated him. Something seriously wrong with this man's brain.
West, Jones, and Fuentes, in the same article. Speaks volumes.
The zipped up hood cover ring his entire face alone is a sign of serious mental distress. Throw in “I love Nazis” shake and…. Run like Hell, lol.
“Kanye. Elon. Trump”
NOW deleted tweet from (I swear I am not making this up) the House Judiciary GOP account.
What did they mean? Who knows but it was up for months. I guess “I love Nazis” is too much for even Gym Jordan.
This fool has lost his mind. As others have said, his hero Hitler would have despised Ye and his "inferior" background and lowly race. He can kiss his career goodbye. Not long ago Ye was running a campaign for POTUSA - and he polled quite well for an independent without a comprehensive manifesto.
Is it the drugs making him say these things? Ye needs help.
The Nazis would have exterminated him. Something seriously wrong with this man's brain.
No doubt about it, but to cut him a little slack, he's probably never read a history book in his life and certainly couldn't have read any book on the cruelty and inhumanity of the Nazis in their insane plans to exterminate Jews, Gypsies and enslave Slavs. Kanye also needs to seek treatment for his head 'cos he's becoming delusional in his hero-worship of Amerika's wannabe Fuehrer, TFG.
During the Jones interview, West covers his head with a black mask.
He is definitely trolling these folks! Ye hated Trump, he used to make some pretty vile comments about Trump , so I think personally he is trying to make all the right wing folks look bad. Of course he didn’t just troll them he has also trolled the leftist just as much.
Either way Alex jones was already more or less finished but now, yeah he is done!
I don’t think you are experiencing the same reality as the rest of us.
Bob Fosse
The GOP House Judiciary had to delete their tweet. Fallen heroes lol.
Sh1mon M4sada
I agree, he's trolling every body, but you'd have to ask, WHY? He's essentially a has been, no one is going to take him seriously anyway.
Ye, the current Mental Illness poster child!
"I like Hitler." . . . Kanye West
Kanye, you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Had you been around back then and had Hitler succeeded in taking over the world, you'd have been one of the first ones thrown into an extermination camp.
Bob Fosse
45 and the GoP took him seriously until this week when they are now ‘walking it back’.
Please enlighten me, what reality is it that I’m apparently missing that you seem to have a grasp on? Do you understand the concept of trolling?
“ a troll is a person who posts or makes inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages online, or in real life, with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses, or manipulating others' perception.”
Ok, I think Ye needs some serious time off and go into some mental facility and get serious help.
West, Jones, Fuentes, and Trump all have mental issues.
Glad to. For starters, thank you for enlightening us on the definition of trolling. I never would have figured that one out without it.
Hes not trolling. He actually believes this filth. No troll would lose his record contract, an Addidas contract worth about a billion dollars, make himself persona non-grata with every element of the entertainment elite thus assuring that he never plays an awards show or is even invited, much less be nominated ever, EVER again to “own Trump.”
The man isn’t playing 3D chess. He’s playing Tick-tack-toe against a headless chicken. And he’s losing.
No thanks are necessary, but you’re welcome.
finally rich
Hitler is a disgrace to the White race. Period.
Why? The white race has no ownership of Hitler, nor does Hitler have any ownership of the white race.
That would be like saying Kanye is a disgrace to black people - why would black people who don't know him, have nothing to do with him, and don't like him, have any kind of ownership over him that would be required to be disgraced by him?
Taken way out of context. If you actually listen to the podcast, which is extremely good, you can can hear for yourself what he actually meant.
Elvis is here
Nah. I think I'd rather just dwell on the three words out of context. Nothing to like about the so and so (unless mid 20th century history has all been lies).
No, he’s a disgrace to the human race!!
I'm skeptical of that claim.
Joe Blow
Not entirely true. Hitler had a lot of praise for China, Japan, the Native Americans even. There were black Africans and Arabs serving Germany in North Africa in WW2, you can Google the photos.
The Nazi ideology was twisted and never quite defined but it focused more on German supremacy, as in, Germans were the highest of White people and should rule over all White countries in some fashion, hence why he wanted to colonize all of Eastern Europe and Russia.
“ 'I like Hitler' “
Hitler would’ve liked you too; that’s why you’d get the ‘ special treatment ‘ (I believe that’s what was called); Lmao, is this guy for real (?)
Finally,you are right
On the trolling point. I saw Ye is knocking around with Milo ( remember him? ) and Milo was a very good troll. He was one of those who had the trash parroting ‘soy boy’ and ‘cuck’’. A bad influence?
Still, Ye is clearly in need of help.
finally rich
Can the left make such a distinction? You can be proud to be black, asian, indian, chinese and care for your people. Any similar thought from a white and you are a Hitler sympathizer.
For the record, he never said "I like Hitler." Again, if you people just listen to it, you can hear it for yourself.
Acting a real fool. Stop listening and watching any stories about this clown and maybe he will fizzle out, I hope.
finally rich
Just what I thought. I would listen to the show if Alex Jones' voice wasn't so unbearable.
This "Kanyes says he likes hitler" might be akin to "Trump calls Putin smart" or "Orange suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment".
Finally, Black people done with Kanye,along time ago
Oh, he absolutely did say that. Here is the quote.
“I like Hitler. ... I’m not trying to be shocking, I like Hitler. The Holocaust is not what happened, let’s look at the facts of that and Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities,” West said while wearing a full black face mask."
As if denying the Holocaust and talking about how Nazis had good qualities wasn't bad enough.
He DID say that.
The guy needs some help. All that fame obviously got to him big time. Reminds me of the Charlie Sheen episode a few years back.
wallaceToday 07:44 am JST
The Nazis would have crossed the Atlantic during a war with the US, tracked down Kanye in California, and exterminated him?
I don't see it happening.
Because it didn't.
And why are we all of a sudden supposed to care about what gets said on Infowars?
He has not committed any crime or civil tort against anyone,he only had a lousy 75 million in the bank and owe the IRS Fifty million
Huh? Who was talking pride? I was talking condemnation. There is a very distinct difference.
Hitler was evil, it was not because he was white, nor are all white people responsible for him because he is evil.
Same as not all black people are responsible for the crimes of other black people. The basis of racism is that one can't be trusted because of the color of their skin, as other people with the same color skin have done bad things (which is also racist when conducted against white people).
Now look at pride. Most minorities are faced with prejudice, whereby they are judged based on what they are. So when someone of the same race manages to push through that, and do well, they do feel pride, due to the shared adversity.
You compared me saying white people don't own Hitler to minorities sharing pride in overcoming adversity. That says a lot about your world view. And you scoff at the left. Sure, like we're the ones that have such a bleak world view.
Elvis is here
Lol. Very perceptive of you. Best post this year.
A man who loves the guy that had no hesitation to murder black people for being black and for being a species less than Aryan's. Does he even know the history of Hitler? If he entered a room with Hitler he would likely be shot if he opened his mouth.
The guy continues to prove his own lack of intelligence. K.West is certifiably a moron in my opinion.
Was that your attempt at enlightening me? Haha!
Like I said he is trolling everyone!!!
What's going on with the video? Hackers taken it down, a surge in visits took down the server by accident or more censorship? I'm tipping the last of those. I presume that comment was taken out of context if he even said it. When any prominent person steps out of the liberal order which rules the West with an iron fist, the liberal order seeks their destruction. From character assassination to bankruptcy to imprisonment to outright assassination.
Because Kanye's never said anything anti-Semitic before, right?
Whether Ye meant it or not is irrelevant, him just dabbling into that dark, terrible and off limit territory he smeared himself, tainted himself, it's how the people perceive his words, he did this now recently multiple times, this time, the context is different and regardless of what he tried to convey just continues to damage the guy and make him toxic where you really cant defend him now at this point. Again, if I were him, I would apologize and take a two year long vacation somewhere secluded, check into some mental facility, get well and donate some of my money to various Jewish foundations, show contrition, make short appearances and denonce previous and provocative statements period give it time and Americans can be very forgiving if they see you're making an effort to fix the wrongs of your action, if he doesn't or wants to double down, he's pretty much done and he won't be coming back. Remember Michael Richards, what happened to him, anyone heard from him recently?
Not that I'm aware of, no. I know he raged over so many Jews being in very senior positions in the corporate media conglomerates. If he were raging about Japanese or Chinese or Russians or Germans in corresponding positions of power, he'd be rewarded for it.
Sadly, it would appear that you are incapable of learning or enlightenment, but I tried. (Haha!)
He is mentally ill.
You think he is playing 3D chess.
He is playing Tic-Tac-Toe with a headless chicken and losing.
Once again, you're welcome.
Then you have your head stuck somewhere (I won't hazard a guess where). The objective evidence of his rabid anti-Semitism is everywhere if only one has the will to look.
There is no excuse for what he's been saying no matter how influential and good his music was in the past. His behaviour has been consistent and far from erratic. The only time he spoke up for minorities for at least the last 10 years was when he complained about things that affected him personally, such as not being accepted in the fashion industry as the genius he thinks he is. Otherwise, he's been well-known for years for treating his workers poorly to say the least and having a revolving door of people around him.
He is living proof that being a racial or other minority doesn't mean your words and actions have to favour other people who you may have shared your struggles with at some point. Anyone can be a bigot and any movement, no matter how evil, can use prominent minorities to push and normalize their cause.
No Nemo I don’t think he is playing 3D chess. He is most assuredly playing people like you who will fall for anything.
Sure he is mental but who isn’t in the music and movie industry.
Got to get back to my coffee!
Enjoy the rest of Ye’s troll show because I’m sure he isn’t even close to being finished!
Bob Fosse
Yeah. It’s odd someone would invite him to dinner.
Lots of people.
West is guilty of much more than "dabbling" and only adds insults to injury to say so.
Yes, I agree that, at this point, these are just desperate calls for attention; he needs to see a psychiatrist asap and some medication; I believe that in the near future he will be a danger to himself and others.
Why is this piece of trash getting all this publicity?
If they didn’t know the context of his words