Japan Today

11-year-old girl named 'best idol with glasses'


An 11-year-old girl has been named “The Best Idol with Glasses” by music producer Tsunku, 39. Chihira Mochida, 11, who was chosen from 1,800 candidates, appeared at the event and said: “My goal is to be a good singer and dancer.” She said she has good eye sight.

The award is aimed at discovering potential idols who look good wearing glasses. Mochida will take professional lessons to become a "talent," according to the organizers.

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She said she has good eye sight.

How silly.

professional lessons to become a “talent,”

Such things exist? How ridiculous.

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Ha ha, best idol with glasses huh? Creepy.

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Sounds like something Gollum would say.....

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She has good vision. That should disqualify her. How can she be a role model for the vision impaired? Someone with bad eyesite could have used the prize money to fix thier vision.

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A "talent"... only in Japan

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I hate the entertainment industry in this country. Really, really hate it.

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So if she didn't wear glasses, would she still be "best idol" material?


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thats ridiculous!

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She was not an "idol" when she was picked, so this is dumb.

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Good for her! She will be very beautiful and talented in the future, I'm sure!

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Maybe she can aspire to be one of the girls that sit behind the hosts on Yarisugi Cozy and do nothing but look good. The glamorous life of an 'idol'.

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Well done to JT for putting the word talent into the quotation marks that it rightly deserves. On the topic of the girl, it's sad to see a kid thinking that becoming a carved chunk of metal or wood as a wise career choice.

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this comment isnt directed at the 11yr old.

Just how daft can this country get, it appears we have a long way to go before we hit bottom if that is even possible, pathetic, actually how about presenting something to the most PATHETIC "talent", now that cud prove a real challenge, come on Jpn gambatte ne!

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wanderlust - dammit. You beat me to it!

And does she actually wear glasses if her eyesight is good? And Japan really doesn't need any excuse to oggle more pre-pubescent girls than is currently done.

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Japanes males like them young

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I hate the entertainment industry in this country. Really, really hate it.

It is pretty vapid, I'll give you that.

I ran into a Japanese woman recently, who apparently used to be a "talent" in Tokyo some years ago, before she put on tremendous amount of weight and was sort of forced into early retirement. Her schtick was that she was just plain zany, saying really off-the-wall things, then running around the room after every bizarre utterance with her arms outstretched, making airplane sounds. Turns out her "talent" was an acute bipolar disorder compounded by a rather extreme case of ADHD. I couldn't help but think that all those years ago that people were laughing at her, they were laughing at a socially crippling disability. And I can't help but think that if she hadn't gained weight (from, as it turned out, a glandular imbalance), she'd still be making the rounds on those idiotic variety shows, running around the stage and saying nonsensical things, while the sponsors of the program continued to rake in revenue garnered from the exploitation of woman with a severe behavioral disorder.

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And her next goal will be to look cute and get married before 25.

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An 11 year old idol? I'm living in a land of friggin pedophiles!

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Well, she might be spared half the Drew Barrymore experience, what with Japan being so drug free. Then again, she might not.

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Well, she'll have a head start on best Jeanist, depressioniest, loneliest, talentlest, sushiest, wineist, sakeist.

Have I forgotten any of the "~ist's"?

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And she's just turned 11!

Are her glasses Kazuo Kawasaki 704s? Pic's too small to tell...

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"Well, she might be spared half the Drew Barrymore experience, what with Japan being so drug free"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

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this is pretty sick stuff. Then again, a good half of the news here is.

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Tsunku is pure genius. Congrats to the glasses girl, it must be very exciting for her.

lol @ Loki520....."sushiest" :-)

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11, huh? I thought the official Japanese joke was about 12-year-olds mixed with Coke. Apparently there is an age deflation of sorts going on with creepy old men.

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oh no. don't report this rubbish. what kind of achievement is "best 11 year old with glasses"? this makes the person with glasses feel inferior to those without. How disgusting. 11 years old? JT! she is just a child, not an object.

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As soon as the "best middle-aged, balding, flabby, bespectacled, bearded, cynical sod" award comes around, I'm a shoe in!

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And her next goal will be to look cute and get married before 25.

I see the "Christmas Cake" myth still lives on among gaijin. This is 2008 not 1988!

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She said she has good eye sight. The award is aimed at discovering potential idols who look good wearing glasses.

Hang on. So does this mean she doesn't need to wear glasses, she just happens to look "good" in them for an 11 year old girl. Great - Creepy and bonkers!

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Why is this "headline news"?


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The real sad part about this is idiots like Zunku trying to influence society, and apparently winning :(

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And people are amazed when little kids are kidnapped and raped. Look at what the media feeds the public and tells them what is "cute". Pedophile paradise.

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Look at what the media feeds the public

The Mickey Mouse Club ring any bells?

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"Mochida will take professional lessons to become a talent"

Heck, all she has to do is imitate Becky.

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11 year old children shouldn't be Idols at all. This is bad for society.

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The Mickey Mouse Club ring any bells?

Yes, it does actually. And it is is no way like how young girls are presented in mainstream media (and perverted publications) in Japan. Sorry, I don't get your point.

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Another day in Loliconland.

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Himajin, take a close look at the clothes that are being worn by Ms. 11 yr old and her twenty something counterparts. I don't think the MM club does this nor do they classify 11 olds in the same category as adults. An idol in Japan, is an idol at any age and as some have indicated in this post prime hunting grounds for Pedophiles. I always get a kick out of some pervert getting nab for having sex in a hotel with some under aged hooker and then read crap like this just one page further in the same news paper.

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To be fair, I don't think just becoming a "talent," even at 11 years of age, is an automatic endoresement for pedophilic fantasies.

"Child actor" or "child model" does not equal "sex object," even in Japan. Yes, there is a subset of utter freaks that seem to get a kick out kids, but they are by far the minority, no matter how prevalent imagery to the contrary may be publicly visible.

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Who are the three ladies presenting the award?

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Ummm, OK! I don't get it. Why are they searching for entertainers who look good wearing glasses. What is the relevance? One could say it is discrimination against people who don't wear glasses. This is one of the most stupid things I have ever read.

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oh dear.. 1) it gets broadcast as news, 2) people read about it 3) people feel the need to argue about it..

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Professional lessons to become a talent eh? Maybe that's why all the talentos here have absolutely no talent, picked only for their looks.

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It's so creepy that she's going to be moulded into an idol before she even got the chance to develop her own personality. I wonder how many of these girls end up completely messed up once they've passed their sell-by date. What are her parents thinking?

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The birth is declining, and all they can do with the few kids remaining is this... Sick, sick, sick...

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The birth is declining, and all they can do with the few kids remaining is this... Sick, sick, sick...

And people are amazed when little kids are kidnapped and raped. Look at what the media feeds the public and tells them what is "cute". Pedophile paradise.

Japan, like much of the dveloped world, is driven by youth and entertainment. Why on earth are you getting so hysterical about this? It reflects popular tastes and sells (it it wouldn't exist) It's ridiculous that every time a young girl appears on the scene it immediately get associated, by some, with pedophillia! You are obsessed.

If some troubled individual is going to kidnap a child they'll do it regardless of whether there are kids in the public eye or not. I guess you also blame video games for the violence in society.

It's been going on for years in the pop industry. Get over it!

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