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© KYODOAnother ex-member of Johnny's talent agency says he was sexually abused
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I think most of the might have been. The guy was basically Japan’s answer to Jimmy Savile.
Drip drip drip….
This can not be easy for any of these guys.
I suspect there is more than one Jimmy Savile in Japan. Naming no names obviously.
Editorial: Johnny's talent agency chief dodges real answers over sexual assault claims
Johnny & Associates Inc. President Julie Keiko Fujishima must be compelled to give evidence to a judge lead independent inquiry. In open court.
The current industry tarento/idol, its clandestine agency management model, is a blight a stain on society.
The hold agencies have over broadcast media must end.
Johnny Kitagawa managed to go to his grave without recourse to any legal accountability.
Time to address this appalling deficiency that allows a predator free reign to abuse minors.
So how many are continuing to abuse and exploit ?
Lets to find out.
Sven Asai
Common sense. Isn’t right from beginning the job description performing in acts?
I doubt any of the megastars will also admit to bring raped by this sick paedophile. Sadly they may think it will tarnish their career (of course it shouldn't as they were victims).
Desperately hoping Johnny & Associates Inc is bankrupted and all employees - especially those at the top like Johnnys niece - are thrown on the scrapheap. Rotten, sick company with despicable employees who are child-rape enablers.
Michael Machida
Funny. They accuse but they chose to stay. Seems like a pathway to book deals, movies, and/or a way to simply to"CASH IN." Fame comes in many forms.
I'd be willing to bet... this stuff is still happening quite often today. Why? Because you still have a society without any major checks and balances protecting underaged talent. And... in order to become someone in this country you cannot do it on your own. The various agencies control the market. That said, YouTube is starting to change the landscape here... but if you want to get booked for a public performance, you need the agents and agencies. There is too much power at the top and it lacks transparency. Say you have a rock band.... good luck booking anything on your own without climbing the ladder and putting up with a lot of crap and making little money. Why do you think we keep watching the same people day in and day out for decades on TV... because a few Moguls control everything and they don't want change.
And if it wasn't for the BBC's Mobeen Azhar this website and all of Japan's mass media would not be talking about or even looking at this degenerate pedophile.
Why did it take the BBC to uncover this mess?
Japan ranks 68 on the world freedom of press index:
(Or any company involved with Japan inc.)
Johnny's should be shut down - I don't care how big it is - but the wheels will keep turning spitting out tragedies as by-products in the name of big business.
Why come out now? The BBC documentary had prompted them to do so?
That BBC documentary was shocking, but why did it take a foreign broadcaster to give this scandal publicity? Why was the overwhelming majority of Japanese media complicit with Johnny?
Just the tip of the iceberg
The girls in the clubs routinely are groped,punched and abused.
Abuse is common here in Japan
Agree with Fighto. It’s unlikely that a major star will be willing to come forward. If he or they did, it would blow the doors of Johnny’s but the entire industry.
Knowing how things work here and especially in the entertainment industry it's for sure way worse on the female side, but since the female idols here rely so heavily on their innocence, victim or not their career will be damaged by them coming out and the people with the power knows this.
Stewart Gale, the very reason there has to be a independent judiciary lead inquiry.
However this legislative drains up must produce results.
Not just recognition there has been a issued baseless apology, and so move on.
I wish such an enquiry to call Arashi to give evidence under oath.
As so SMAP.
Sad that it took this scumbags death before anything could be done about his sick perversions!
When are AKB48 and morning musume going to come clean?
there must be some horror stories there as well but there seems to be less appetite to criminalise abuse and over sexualisation of women in Japan.
Stewart Gale
What you wrote sounds perfectly reasonable and sensible.
However, in Japan these things seem to be swept under the carpet to save people’s face and potential “embarrassment”.
On a side note, it’s curious and slightly concerning to see how many down votes there are here on comments expressing disgust at Kitagawa’s alleged behaviour.
Is anyone surprised?? probably there are more but as usual too worried and embarrassed to come forward.
A pathetic apology from the niece hoping the media about this story will go away but continuing to reap the financial benefits from his lustful acts and preserving a peds legacy for financial gain by saying "she cannot confirm the "alleged abuse". Ok I get it, a dead man can't speak but you have several guys coming forward telling their stories, this stuff can't be made up! She also says she is committed to implementing measures to address the needs of the victims. I wonder if the apology was the measure she is talking about because this is mental pain and anguish with cost. I wonder if she is willing to pay out money to address mental needs for the victims.
She also said she cannot confirm the suspected abuse cases as the person in question, Kitagawa, has died, but that she is committed to implementing measures to address the needs of the victims.
Stewart Gale, yes reason may register or not, or the severity, impact to the consequences of a failure to fully acknowledge a violation to basic rights of minors to be protected against sexual exploitation.
Don't worry about down votes, at least the JT community have read and logged in to state a huff puff.
Brian Wheway
I wonder how many more kids/adults will now come forward? If they do it could be a cascade of people queuing up at the police station, as one or two come forward the other may become more confident to come forward
Brian Wheway
And will any girl band members come forward?
The courage of these young men is both comendable and admirable. Coming forward and making yourself known as a vicitm of sexual abuse his hard and painful. I imagine it is more so if it is male-to-male sexual abuse. The stigma is pretty intense. I think this is the reason why priests got away with doing it to altar boys for so long. Same with little league coaches and scout leaders.
Watching the news, there is now a third victim. He was not at the meeting, but did send a letter with his real name. His is in his 40s, which shows just how long this has been going on - one each in their 20s, 30s and 40s have now come forward.
On another note, a justice ministry beareaucrat at the meeting was asked about the legal definition of child abuse. According to him, Japanese law defines child abuse as only abuse committed by a parent or legal guardian (保護者 was the word used). Thus, since Johnny Kitagaw did not qualify as a parent or legal guardian to the victims, what he did was not considered child abuse according to the letter of the law. My jaw dropped. This must be some kind of sick "qualified immunity" out cooked up by some sadist so teachers, coaches, senpai ... can all abuse and smack children around and not be charged with abuse because they do not qualify as legal guardians. This is sick and needs to change.
Absolutely shocking that it took a foreign reporter to shine the light on this when it was definitely widely known.
But unsurprising too as the Japanese don't appreciate foreigners airing their dirt laundry
Was he really? I doubt he was revered. I'm willing to bet many people knew what was going on but turned a blind eye. He was more than likely loathed and also feared for his power over many desperate, naive and vulnerable people, whose careers he could make or break with a snap of his finger. Typical entertainment industry titan who abused people he was supposed to be looking out for and helping. Many of them have these kinds of charges (and convictions) in their history.
Bring it down
Strong feelings there and I agree 100%, and that goes for anyone doing this anywhere in the world.
You guys know he was American, right? His name actually was John. Not that it makes much of a difference. That BBC doc was not the first story they have done on “Johnny” over the 2 decades I’ve been here. Not sure why this one in March struck a chord with the Japanese public, as all the sordid details have been in the public domain for at least 30 years.
"A diet heating"? Who will be accused of in the Japanese diet??
"he was invited to attend by the main opposition, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan"
Makes sense
Sorry to say, the sexual abuser -- Johnny -- will be the victim in any suits, and the raped boy will be the person who stood out and gets hammered down.... again.
Sorry, but if you keep going back to be 'abused' more than twice (since maybe you're not so bright and you believe his professions of remorse), you're not a 'victim' of 'abuse', you're 'trading favors' in hopes of being famous.
The abusive agency should return the money it received from Shukan Bunshun for defamation 20 years ago. Those allegations were true, and everybody on the street knew it. The entire nation of Britain was deceived by the paedophile (and worse) Jimmy Savile and the BBC is still working to erase every trace of his memory. Remember, every abusive celebrity is surrounded by people, such as Julie Keiko Fujishima, who "look the other way", and they should be held accountable too. As a Brit, it bothers me that Japan tolerates DJ Koo, who dresses and acts like Jimmy Savile. Johnny's needs a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
And spent less than a handful of the years of his life in the US. Sorry, no escaping the fact that he was about as Japanese as you can get.
It is strange how many Japanese see their society as perfection itself and cannot accept nor even acknowledge that these perversions occur
I worked in the event and music industry in Japan in the 2000's and it was common knowledge that any act Johnny's was promoting must have gone through this fire. It was a Harvey Weinstein situation, no one said or did anything. I never met the guy and was too far removed and certainly had no evidence but everyone talked about it.
Seriously wrong thinking about it again.
yet somehow I and everyone else knew? Sounds like the thinest of apologies.
There are those who hold on to the myth that men (or males) can't or don't get raped. These guys, like their female counterparts, like all rape victims are BRAVE to come forth with this.
This abuse is in every institution, and anyone can be abused. There's been a huge scandal in the US military that finally has been exposed during the past decade and the same goes for college sports. People get scared of reporting because they fear it'll scuttle their ambitions and career chances. And that's what sexual abuse/rape is about - FEAR.
It wouldn't surprise me on that either.
I feel the same way. It's 100 % disgusting, revolting and sick, a pervert paradise city. Just like these 'pageants' in America where the children are exploited in order for somebody to make moolah. One step for America to be 'great again' is to eliminate that social scourge that has plagued us for about 30 years. That and those incestuous 'daddy-daughter' dances, 'dates with parents' and 'chastity balls'. Grossly disgusting!
While many criticize Japan for not doing enough for the sexual abuse of children, the UN actually is pushing to decriminalize sex with consenting children. The WHO also doubled down its efforts to teach self-gratification to children as young as 4 years old. Do not accuse this post of conspiracy theory. Do your own research!
TemyongToday 07:37 am JST
Did my own research:
Verdict: false.
It's incredibly brave of these guys to come forward like this and show their names and faces in the press. Japan is not kind to sex abuse victims of any gender, but for men and boys it can be particularly difficult. It's only recently that the law has even recognized that men can be victims of rape, and the societal expectation for men has always been to keep silent and endure hardship.
It's tragic that Kitagawa managed to continue abusing young boys and teenagers for as long as he did without any repercussions. It''s long past time for much closer scrutiny of the talent industry as a whole.
Let's hope this opens the floodgates does for the idol industry what the Weinstien case did for MeToo in the US, and shines a bright light on the issue.
Boys and men are in just as much need of the MeToo movement as women.
This is disgraceful, as is the continued support of the agency by Japanese TV stations including NHK. The agency should be disbanded and the groups, who are popular, allowed to continue as independents. Like the Russians at the Olympics, don't punish the individuals, only the organization.
Contrast with the treatment of female talent Becky, who was chased off national tv simply for having an affair with a married man. She had to rebuild her career on Netflix.
Remove them from all advertisements and TV shows, show you care Japanese media and advertising companies.
Is anyone really surprised that this abuse happens in the music and film indusries? It has been going on for decades yet people look the other way. The Saville and Weinstein incidents prove this. Maybe now we will see young women from the K pop music coming forward with their stories of abuse, there are so many of them I cannot believe it does not happen. It is what happens when older men given charge of these women/girls.
Anybody of any gender or age can and do get raped by people of both genders. It can and does happen everywhere - schools, scouts, churches, summer camps, extracurricular activities, sports, music, dance, military, everything.
Males usually push it aside in the 'back of their heads' because of society's stigma of what male is. But when it resurfaces years later, they also need help - FAST.
These men are brave and courageous. Rape is a #1 problem in the world today. And people who do it are egotistical trash. Donald Trump got convicted of it last week. Nobody should ever be allowed to get away with a crime like that!
@La vied douce
That Kitagawa was a predator is not in dispute. And that these men are at last now alerting others to the dangers of the industry is a good thing. My only point is that Okamoto was complicit in his own victimization. After the first instance, he could have told his parents. He could have reported it to the police. He could have quit Johnny & Associates. He should have done all three. Instead, by his own admission, he repeatedly put himself into the same situation — some 20 times! over 4 years between the ages of 15 and 19. Why? I’d suggest the answer is obvious. At the time at least, it was the price he was willing to pay for the promise of money and fame.