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Actress accuses Dustin Hoffman of molesting her offstage

By Robyn Beck

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She clearly wasn't traumatized or hurt by the event, if it happened, as she was totally fine living and working normally for decades since she decided her career in the biz was more important, so screw her. No sympathy for such 'victims'.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I'm sure this will be a very unpopular opinion, but what happened to innocent until proven guilty? In the majority of the cases, people's careers are ending because of public accusations with no kind of investigation. I'm sorry, but that's not right, regardless of the offense.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


Brilliant. Some posters here think other posters have short memories.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Three minus points I wear with pride above, but what was wrong with the sentiment of the post? I thought Tootsie was an anti-molestation, anti-sexual harrassment movie.

That the central character should now be accused of perpetrating the very act the movie was designed to expose, so many years ago, is a shock to me, and little shocks me normally. I am not denying that anything happened, and I am not defending Dustin Hoffman, although he is surely a good actor, so what is the beef here?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

In this case, Hoffman was plainly groping this woman if she is to be believed. If you are talking about the "if she is to be believed" bit, then you should also be aware that has always been the case. False accusations are more common than we would like to believe. Apparently, she told others at the time....

Interesting, when a Hollywood Star is accused of sexual harassment, it’s questionable, if it’s a Republican it’s a matter of fact. Dear Lord, why am I not surprised by the hypocrisy?

It may be little to you but you might not feel that way if you were a victim of such an assault.

How would you know? You don’t the first thing about me to make a statement like that.

Oh nooo! His career, won't someone please think about his career.

Yes, because if the accusations are false, then a persons life is ruined, I worked a very long time in Hollywood and I have seen people’s career launch and seen people get blacklisted in the worst way. So it is something to take into consideration.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

This is getting way out of hand and you can now be accused for the littlest things

It may be little to you but you might not feel that way if you were a victim of such an assault.

as well you can be fired, your life and career ruined

Oh nooo! His career, won't someone please think about his career!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Did you mean they are not as common as we would like to believe?

Most people believe that accusers are right and that any accusation is true. I've personally seen two cases of false accusations, one here in Japan by a woman targeting a man for money and one in the U.S. targeting a man for sympathy from others. I have heard of other false accusation cases in Japan. I'm just glad I am not on a crowded train frequented by Chikans.

So, I try to approach an accusation of sexual misconduct with an open mind not to prejudice either side.

Still, what we are hearing about in the news is usually backed by something more than just a pointed finger of a jilted lover or money seeker. There are usually others who heard the accusations or saw the assault/groping at the time, signed yearbooks/notes that prove contact that was denied, photos, consistent stories among multiple accusers, etc. Do I believe Cosby is guilty? Absolutely. Do I believe Trump's accusers, there is something there and they should and will be heard. Do I believe Moore's accusers, yes, and even more so when I see the counter attacks.

Hoffman? Who knows at this point. The accusations seem credible. Still, this is on the cringe worthy side of sexual assaults similar to Franken. Men acting like pigs.

Weinstein, Cosby, O'Reilly, and Moore are on the extreme side compared to what has been said of Hoffman and Franken. Their actions are criminal. From what I have heard, Trump is somewhere in the middle and maybe leaning towards the Weinstein Moore camp.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

False accusations are more common than we would like to believe.

Did you mean they are not as common as we would like to believe?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

When it gets to the point where you have to be afraid of any interaction with someone that shows the rapid degradation of our society.

Lets be clear here and not try to make it as if the world is spinning the wrong direction because of some lefty conspiracy degrading society.

These are not cases of simple unwanted advances by two equals, and they are not just "any interaction."

In this case, Hoffman was plainly groping this woman if she is to be believed. If you are talking about the "if she is to be believed" bit, then you should also be aware that has always been the case. False accusations are more common than we would like to believe. Apparently, she told others at the time....

So, if your "interaction" is at work or with someone you hold power over, then you should be concerned and tread carefully.

Society is always better when people act respectful of others, especially with respect to their body.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

At least when the lefties start crying "it's Trumps fault", this is actually a good thing.

Leftists won't say it's Trump's fault.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is getting way out of hand and you can now be accused for the littlest things as well you can be fired, your life and career ruined, even bring up events that happened 40-50 years ago and without facts, just the mere fact of accusing someone can ruin a persons life. Nothing can come from this abuse and overreaction that is destroying our society. When it gets to the point where you have to be afraid of any interaction with someone that shows the rapid degradation of our society.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Kermit D Frog has also come forward with allegations that Jim Henson used to molest him quite frequently!

ok ok, I understand the severity of these allegations but what took so long? And why does it seem like there’s some sort of ulterior motivation behind all these people coming forward now?

It only seems like there's an ulterior motivation to those who can't face up to the idea of widespread abuse of women. People don't come forward often enough because of the disbelief and ridicule they often face. Which tends to come from men. It can take years to work up the courage.

The sad reality is there are victims and then there are people who claim to be victims in order to ruin someone or to make money from them, look at Bill Cosby, 50 something women came forward and how many of them lied just to ruin the mans life?

Ah yes, Bill is innocent. Dustin is great.

I get it, it's upsetting when someone you admire is revealed to be a sex pest/abuser/rapist/paedophile. But in the finaly anlysis, who's the more wronged here - the victim or the rich and powerful actor?

3 ( +5 / -2 )

After the clear messages in Tootsie, this does come as a surprise!

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

It's not too hard to believe when people of power or money do these

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Dustin Hoffman is awesome

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Rossetter said that she considered reporting Hoffman to the actors' union but was dissuaded by others who said she would probably lose her job and her hopes of a career.

And? I know many ppl who, in similar circumstances, chose 'feeling good about themselves', dignity, peace of mind or whatever you want to call it over career, fame and $. Actually think we all do, to some extent i.e. how many of us have had bosses pushing ppl to the limit, asking for more aggressive & borderline unethical sales practices, unethical sacking of employees etc? Some do it others don't. All the choices we make have an impact on the life we live.

People (obviously adults) who let themselves be taken advantage of must take 'some' responsibility for their choices and, perhaps, help others not to make the same mistakes (if they think they made the wrong decision at the time, that is). Naming/shaming predators to eradicate this culture of impunity is necessary but not enough.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Kermit D Frog has also come forward with allegations that Jim Henson used to molest him quite frequently!

ok ok, I understand the severity of these allegations but what took so long? And why does it seem like there’s some sort of ulterior motivation behind all these people coming forward now?

The sad reality is there are victims and then there are people who claim to be victims in order to ruin someone or to make money from them, look at Bill Cosby, 50 something women came forward and how many of them lied just to ruin the mans life?

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

And a Disney exec is going down to for sexual abuse of an 11 and a 15 year old girl. 3 feloney charges which he has plead not guilty and denies the abuse happened.

At least when the lefties start crying "it's Trumps fault", this is actually a good thing.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Fame + $ + Power = temptation to sexual aggression that only men (and women) of the strongest moral character can avoid. Twas ever thus and, while egregious cases need to have legal consequences, I very much doubt that the #me too movement will be able to impact much on how men and women behave. Perhaps the advent of sex robots may offer a sliver of hope allowing abusers to "leave them girls (and boys) alone"?

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Another case of the powerful getting away with abuse. There are no sacred cows, all must be revealed.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

And Dustin too? Wow.....one of my favorites all the way back to The Graduate!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

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