Actress Yoko Maki, 26, announced on Saturday via a fax from her agency that she is pregnant and had got married. “We registered our marriage on the 11th. And we have been blessed with a new life. We’re just so happy. I hope to carry on in my own way just as I have up to now,” she said in the signed fax.
Her office also reported that the baby is due next summer and they will keep an eye on Maki as she continues working, and that she intends to work again after the baby is born. There are no plans to hold a press conference.
The office also refrained from commenting on any possible impact on “Donju,” a movie based on the screenplay by Kankuro Kudo. Kudo won the 'Best Screenplay' award at the 2002 Japanese Academy Awards for “Go,” a movie which explored the problems faced by people of Korean heritage living in Japan. Donju is scheduled for release next May.
© Japan Today
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Best wishes for a nice looking lady.
A friend of mine just told me he got married and is having a baby too... it's the Japanese style I guess...
Japanese style, no ceremony necessary, just go to the ward office and register. Baby due next summer.....they didn't waste any time.
Very shapely lady. And a small picture google expedition shows they were big before.
Maybe next time. Just went with the usual discrimination since it did not say gravia model or whatever.
She'll make an ideal mother with her matronly bosom!!!!!!!!!!!
This baby then marriage is fashionable now, but will raise HELL with society later. It works fine for super rich couples, but when Taro works a a barbershop and Miki does foot massages an unexpected baby can cause LOTS of trouble for the UNPREPARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whatever has happened to 'morality'....these days...:) pregnant & get married has become normal way of life...
the title is wrong, "pregnant" should be in front of "married" :) but she is damn hot , best of luck to the new family
...she's damn hot...
so you think that's alright to be pregnant outside of marriage? must have lived in Japan for too long timeon...
Very strange the way Japanese do this. Even if you have a wedding ceremony, it's not "official" until you register with the ward office. Goes for births too, my wife's granmother's birth was not registered for a whole year because she was born under a bad chinese zodiac sign for a girl.....strange.
Congatulaton on getting married but you broke millions of hearts by leaking this "good" news.
lucky baby
why lucky ? because he/she has a drop dead gorgeous mom or he/she will be well fed ?
I just checked out some pics of her too. Wow, she must have drunk a lot of milk as a kid.
seesaw, get with the times :) it's not about Japan only but yes, I've been in Japan too long. and I married without my wife getting pregnant and yes, I still think she's damn hot
Cheers Maki and her soon-to-be well-nourished baby.
These types of weddings doesn't cost a guy any money. Its perfect. Knockk her up and marry her that's the way things should be.
The whole western thing where the bride invites 80+ free loaders is out of date
A contender for this year's "Best Dekichattagunnist."
I admit that I'm pretty slow sometimes, but did the article mention who the father is and any information on their relationship? Or are we just all supposed to know that?
So who is the husband?
never heard of her
"intend to work after the baby is born"
typical delusions and a sure sign of becoming a poor parent...probably will just employ a nanny 24/7 and ignore the kid.
image is EVERYTHING to these media types...good luck kid!
Nessie-A contender for this year's "Best Dekichattagunnist." Laff my butt off!! I just discovered her recently...super hot.. oh well good for her.
timeon: whatever...i wont waste my time arguing with an uptodate low morality' dude...good night!
You are judging a poster who loves his missus and did not have a shotgun wedding? Well those on the moral high ground should know that if they judge, they will be judged much harder. seesaw is right. In one hand you hold judgment and in the other you are judged by it.
And probably not in that order. But really, who cares?
I have no idea who Yoko Maki is, what films or dramas was she in?
g'morning romulus. thanks. timeon may not have had a shotgun wedding, but him supporting one shows the lack of morality on his part. i don't know which young generation he belongs to but i'm young too. well, i supposed opinions are all about how you were raised, educated, etc....:)? i simply voiced my opinions based on my own morality...
so seesaw, your morality says: kill the small one, no babies before wedding? or no sex before wedding, Bible says so or whatever? it happened, so they took the responsibility and created a family to raise the baby. probably you're implying that she did it intentionally just to get married, but that we can not know
and? things change. human nature is more stronger than 'morality' however you decide to interprete it. getting jiggy and making babies is something Japan needs to be doing a lot more. thousands of years in the future when the bible is long forgotten people will still be doing the dirty, on Mars, with robots, possibly
"Best Dekichattagunnist", the correct expression should be, "Best Dekichattakekkonist". But good luck to the young lady, whoever she is ...
I wanted to get the English "shotgun wedding" idea into the mix, Betting.
timeon: i didn't mean (kill babies/no sex) before wedding. I'm not that old-fashioned. What I meant is every means of precaution should be taken to avoid having out of wedlock child. And about she intentionally did it to get married...hmmm..i cannot know either, but it's a common story here isn't it?
BlackFlag: ..:) interesting comments! hey, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion..right? ..Japan needs more babies, yes. So they should do something about their old traditional culture about gender discrimination. Professional women can't have babies because they lose their job priviledges etc..and many intelligent/productive women have to resign to have babies, leaving the business to those unproductive men to handle. Suggest something more logic and creative,please! rather than the dirty thing with robots on
I'm waiting for Akiko Wada to dispense her usual morality on Yoko Maki. She'll turn to the airhead next to her and say "dekichattakekkon wa dame, na?!"
"I wanted to get the English "shotgun wedding" idea into the mix, Betting".
My apologies Nessie, I stand corrected, after consulting my dictionary I have found that you are indeed correct.
Still, has anyone found out anything meaningful about Yoko's career?
calculating.... got married on november 11th... baby is due on summer... that means june. Yeah, probably the order is incorrect but who cares?
well, i was joking, but showing no less logic than your original post that it is immoral to have sex before marriage.
what a pity ....
Good morning BlackFlag! i'm glad you were joking about it...:) but hey, let's give Japan some ideas about morality...afterall we're earning their Yen.....btw: i didn't mean it's immoral to have sex before marriage, I meant it's immoral to get pregnant before marriage...our parents thought us to be careful about that..right?..:)
I'm just excited for her.
wait .. you all are confusing me .. isnt it the thing in japan to get pregnant, THEN he will have to marry you? (just repeating what oh ... about 6 out of 10 woman friends told me) Well, hope for the childs sake the marriage lasts.