Ai Kago, the 23-year-old former Morning Musume member and television personality, was found on the floor of her apartment by her agency staff Sunday, following an apparent suicide attempt, Sankei Shimbun and other media reported.
An employee from her talent management agency was dispatched to her home after Kago, speaking on the telephone, intimated she was considering suicide. Police officials state she had sustained several self-inflicted but shallow cuts to her wrists. Police said she had also taken prescription drugs, but that her life is not in danger and she's expected to make a full physical recovery.
Kago has reportedly been depressed since last week, when her boyfriend, Haruhiko Ando, 44, with whom she lives, was arrested for alleged attempted extortion and alleged connections to an organized crime organization. Kago was also taken in for questioning by police.
Kago has had a troubled past and has admitted to self-harm and contemplating suicide before. She was fired from Morning Musume while still a teenager for underage smoking and dating a much older man. Later, in 2009 it was alleged that Kago had a relationship with 33-year-old actor Hidejiro Mizumoto. Mizumoto's wife Asato sued them both, stating that she had proof that the affair had taken place. On May 24, 2009, a family court found in Asato's favor. A divorce was granted and Mizumoto was order to hand over his home in Kumamoto and his car to Asato, as well as 300,000 yen in child support every month for his three children.
© Japan Today
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Sleazy lifestyle for one so young. Looks more like a cry for help and not a genuine attempt. Japanese showbiz is nuch seedier and dangerous for the young than many realise.
I agree Steve. She has some issues for sure.
wow talk about a troubled past.
She started in the entertainment business with Morning Musume, I think, when she was 12 or 13. Got busted by some weekly mag for smoking underage, and was basically thrown away by the entertainment business. I think an apology and a month vacation to repent would have sufficed, but this is Japan. This started her down the road of depression, I think. I agree with steve@CFPC and JapanGal, she needs help. Frankly I don't think she will get the kind of support she needs from her 44 year old boyfriend with the dubious background. I hope she can find help through a support group or her family and friends. If the press starts hounding her and putting her under a microscope, I'm afraid the next time the result may be different.
The courts screwed this poor guy pretty hard, what happened to 50/50 in a divorce?
I know why the wife is called a house keeper, coz when ya divorce them they keep the flaming house !!
Note to self - hide all assets very well.
Vernie Jefferies
Sounds like another former child star who have a trouble life after the cameras are shut off.
zabutonsenbei - Might be going out on a limb here, but I'm gonna guess the reason the usual month vacation and then big comeback wasn't implemented for her successfully because of her gender. Seems like the Japanese men can do what they like as long as they bow and/or say they were drunk and take a holiday for a few months. For women, it's much tougher.
Mike Staffa
I find it interesting that the report said she will make a full "physical recovery". She will still have some mental/emotional recovering to do too.
Darren, Right On!! These child talentos have so many rules that are placed on them at a very young age that they don't know what freedom is all about. Once given a small chance to expirience the 'fresh air', it's easy to start making bad choices.
You really think a teenybopper popstar breaking up the marriage of a 33yo with kids would not be in for career trouble?
Mizumoto was ordered by the court to pay 300,000 yen month as child support. That does not mean he is actually going to pay it. I know of many women (from the lower classes) who had to take care of their children themselves even though their ex- was ordered to pay them support money. Seems as if nobody cares about these women who have to fend for themselves.
Were their exes loaded celebs?
Daddy Issues claims another childhood star.
Although it does make me sad, i'm not sure when it was decided that being famous meant you couldn't be human and make mistakes anymore - but it was a dumb idea.
No.. she is ok, the poor child The problem is the system... Morning musume is a program that introducing children in to prostitution, showing there body parts and make them attract to old men. then later they become adults , keep that in professional level individually as prostitutes , they destroy the family lives of others as finally them self.
Probably depends upon their looks and talent level or should I say ability to make money.
So sad. I hope that she discovers God's love for her and, through His love, finds purpose in in her life.
In Japan a wrist cut is not considered a suicide attempt. It is called 自傷行為 (jishou koui). It is inflicting self harm without suicidal intentions. This is the second time she did this. The first one was back in 2007 right after she was fired for smoking.
This is so sad,as a fan I remember two young girls joining Morning Musume.Tsuji Nozomi and Kago Ai.They gave the whole group a boost with their happy and funny nature.Nono and Aibon went on to form W (Double U) and had a great future set .Then the scandal happened and the super strict contract rules kicked in.
It doesn't matter how big or popular you are as an individual,you can not be more important than the company or the group,so all links are cut very fast.Most go with a simple announcement,as has happened this month to one AKB girl and two NMB girls,one girl from S/mileage stood down,and this week one of her junior replacements stood down too. Many go for "health reasons" or "to return to a normal life and pursue their studies"
Kago Ai made mistakes,was treated harshly,tried to make a comeback with an Album,did some films in Hong Kong.She seems to be let down by bad guys,or some may say her bad judgement in choosing these losers. I hope she gets through this.You can watch her and Tsuji performing in happier times on You Tube,just look for [Live 2004.8] Nagisa no Kagikakko (The beach's "......")
supercross1985; I know what you ,mean. I'm gutted as well.
steve I know how you feel about some current JPop,but their was something special about these two girls.I don't know if I can link videos here but I will try.Not many of today's Idols would sound like this
Kago Ai is on the left and Tsuji Nizomi on the right.
Thanks for the post. I love this song! I just watched it on YouTube. Reminded me of ベッツィ&クリス (BETSY&CHRIS) the American duo who originally sang this song back in 1969 in Japan.
Sentence is a bit stilted I think. My understanding is that they cannot date anyone of any age, which is tragic. No company should be allowed to control people like that. Having people trying to block your love life can also trigger depression. So can losing your career for daring to have a love life. We are talking basic human needs here.
So many things to choose from. Who can tell what was the trigger, or what was a straw that broke the camel's back?
I wish her a full recovery, and I hope the freedom to date who she loves pays off for her.
Imaginary friends won't help her. She just has to learn how to respect herself somehow and get along with her life - I'd wish that for her and anyone else in her position, also for those who don't appear in the news because they were no members of any idol bands or whatever. There's no universal solution.
Get REAL I like Kago too BUT these childhood stars always play the "i was trapped & couldn't be a kid" card she/ they have made alot of money. want a hard life? How about the MILLIONS of people in US & JP who were not ever stars or made alot of Money & handle life without attempting something Stupid.
She failed in showbiz, she failed in life
@CrazyJoe,yeah I liked the original song too.There was a purer sound back then in 69.I like to research all music,current and past.I remember the Simmons,a Japanese duo sounding similar with great old songs like
The rules are way to strict for these girls,but the fans pay the money and buy the merchandise,and reality has no place,and can not break the imaginary relationship between the fan/wota and his favourite Idol/oshimen.I think the simpler purer sound of the 60s and 70s was also part of a simpler life back then,not like the industry of today.
Some people have said that she made a lot of money. I really wonder about that. I think that the members are paid a monthly salary, but it's not anywhere near the amount their cds, etc., bring in. I think Yoshimoto also pays a monthly salary, don't they? More successful performers probably get a little more, but I really wonder how much they get. Anybody know?
@Export - Child support is simply something you pay to support your children, not your spouse. It has nothing to do whatsoever with dividing assets in a divorce. Whoever gets the children will collect the child support, obviously.
She made a little bit of money. Not even as much as someone who earns a salary. Her work in CMs made the most, but those were few and far inbetween.
More info on the divorce issue. Asato's evidence of the affair was quite a 'laundry list': "She claims to have pictures Kago's underwear, clothes, cosmetics, and other items at the apartment and also love letters on Mizumoto's movie scrips"
This sounds more like a "suicidal gesture" than an actual attempt to me. The difference being, people who really want to die usually do, like those who jump in front of trains here. A "gesture" is more of a cry for help. When you tell somebody where you are and what you are going to do, then make non-lethal wrist cuts, you are setting yourself up for rescue. She didn't expect to die.
You know, its funny that people insist that Japan is an "anything goes" place. But then you get a story like this that reveals the seedy moralist side. Women not allowed to date, loss of work for smoking, and a man legally put through the wringer for having an affair. I think that in North America and Europe an affair would not have had so much effect on the divorce proceedings. But here, he is treated like the Devil incarnate by the law, even if most Japanese would wonder what the big deal is.
Like what being a politician? I think it's offensive to say the least that people who make the choice to become actors, actresses, talento, comedians, singers, whatever, are not making an honest living.
Life is tough enough as it is without sometimes taking a break and enjoying the efforts of others who try to entertain us with whatever talent they may have. Even if it's just enough to make us get po'ed and wish we never watched what they were doing in the first place.
I would submit that there are plenty of people working in so-called "honest" professions that do absolutely nothing to improve the quality of life of those around them, at least I give Kago props for trying.
Here in Japan, fame does not necessarily equal fortune, and many lower level folks live out their dream of one day making it, and to insinuate that what they do is not honest is unjustified as I see it.
I hope you never watch TV, go to a movie, go to the theater, or laugh at a comedian's joke, if you do then I might say that what you wrote is hypocritical at best.
Things may look black to her now, but I'm sure someday she'll be thankful to be alive.
I wish you all had money-vision goggles. Just put these on and it's so easy to see. BOOK DEAL!! Draw some sympathy, make people curious, get rich in the process, back on TV.....sing again.....get married (more publicity)...get pregnant...(more publicity) star in a drama....more deal.
She did this for attention and money....nothing more.
Haha, who wants to be her new sugar daddy!
If she want real love she can have it with her age man...Why she is running with married men ( Mizumoto ) ? and see How big damage she has done to him and his family, The woman like you behave as innocent prostitutes deserve self destruction.
I know! Why don't we choose a man for her to have "real" love with? If she balks, we will just make it an order! As we all know, this is how love works!
Oh yeah! Sure! The man himself is just an innocent victim! He was on the straight and narrow until this harlot enticed him! Riiiiight!
All the good men are taken? You never know what a single man will be like in a relationship? Only married men have the balls to approach her? Because its unlikely a married man could have more than one girlfriend, unlike single men? There could be a million reasons.
She is young but she has many troublesome matters, I think.
I was wondering why she choose something thrilling man.
Otherwise, Tsuzi Nozomi, she seems to walk in a happy road. Good way to live.
I hope to have something wise to live with man!
She is very cute and young! Fight!!