AKB48 are celebrating their best-selling album to date after it was announced this week that their latest release "Koko ni ita yo" will debut at No. 1 in the Oricon rankings on June 20 after selling 602,000 copies in its first week. It is a record for the all-girl band and comes 11 years and two months after Morning Musume became the first girl group to smash the 500,000 barrier.
The high profile of the band has been attributed to a recent campaign to find new members. The new member selection process, the third in the band's history, began on June 9 -- the day after the album was released. Also, in the Oricon singles chart, AKB48's "Everyday, Katyusha" is set to enter at the No. 3 spot, marking the third consecutive week that the band has made it into the top three.
Another reason that has been mooted for the current surge in the band's popularity, is that "Koko ni ita yo," which was released on June 8, was originally scheduled for release in April. The release date was pushed back following the Tohoku earthquake, creating a long wait and a sense of anticipation for fans.
The band's popularity is not limited to Japan, however. On June 12, an official AKB48 shop opened in Taiwan. The event, which was attended by members of the band, drew 500 fans.
© Japan Today
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Interesting contrast between this photo of AKB48, and the one from yestedray of the Korean group KARA. IMHO, KARA's members appear to have much more class and are more "womanly". AKB48 just looks like a bunch of trashy little girls. But obviously AKB48 has the right formula for Japan if they sold 602,000 copies of their new album in one week. Love to know who's buying it.
a bunch of trashy little girls/boys/few oyajis?!
a bunch of trashy little girls/boys/few oyajis?!
Buuuhaaaa! Cracked me up!
theres a reason for that, if you look at Japan, majority of idol groups are all focusing on the image of youth, while south korean groups as you say more "womanly", a big reason why these types of South Korean groups are now becoming popular in Japan as it provides Japanese girls with something different.
I get it, but where is the talent??? I'm still waiting to see some evidence of it.
Kara is far below the AKB's talent. If I want to listen western music in Asia, I buy any CD from ANY American or European group (no need to listen koreans pretending to be americans or europeans... is that called TALENT'? AND if AKB is that bad, why you can easily see groups trying to imitate the same kind of group (most of them with less members in South Korea?). Well, even the name is genuine in AKB and sorry but I don't agree with you guys :) And I know it hurts, especially when you read comments like this from western people (I'm not the one who thinks like this in my country). By the way, I like KARA but I don't think they are comparable to Japanese groups.
...ok, so we know there's at least 600,000 perverted middle-aged men out there.
They also probably don't care if they're spending hard-earned money on CRAP.
Gentlemen prefer trash.
But I for one would love to hang with the Kara girls. Much better looking trash.
KARA is a bit more musical than AKB, IMO - AKB has some catchy tunes but they have so many songs that sound like a singalong at a summer camp or something. They sure have a license to print Yen, though - 600,000 copies is incredible.
AKB hits the otaku market but most of their fans these days are young people.
Producers can sell more CDs, DVDs based on positive responses from fans. If AKB48 has fans in Taiwan and other Asian countries, ABK48 can gain more financial success. 600,000 copies can make a marginal income of $2 x 600,000 = $1.2 million. For Kara band, it sounds cool, but not really top-notch in the field for both technical and performance. In comparison of Japanese Pop girls-bands and South Korea Pop girls-band, we can sample our tastes like kimchi-tasted foods and Japanese sushi dishes. I can eat both, but I prefer sushi. That is my choice. Everyone can pick a choice.
Entertaining people is talent. They make people happy, and the world can always use more happiness!
@Knowledge If it makes you feel any better, I think neither of those groups have any talent. :P
They are like the Justin Be-whatishisname of Japan.
Manufactured pop groups without a mind of their own, who just follow the instruction of their handlers to put on a masquerade to pander to the audience.
*of Japan/SKorea
How much per member? Hardly anything to write home about when you think about it.
Well lets see here, I guess I'm all those things that are quiet bad that are mentioned by everyone who has commented on how someone who likes AKB48 "Most likely IS", I do adore the songs and the girls of AKB and so do a few million other people in this world who are so bad, and in so many ways bad. As for my self the comments are like water on a ducks back, its the indivisual who likes this kind of music and who likes females, some people just don't appreciate young girls making it big in a male dominated country. I'm all for it, and I'm all for AKB making it big.
SmorkianJun. 15, 2011 - 09:27AM JST
I get it, but where is the talent??? I'm still waiting to see some evidence of it.
Entertaining people is talent. They make people happy, and the world can always use more happiness!
After the producer/composer/song writer/record company there is probably very little money left to divide among all of those members of the group.
Even though they can't sing at a professional level, they are good role models for young girls with their wholesome family based music. Also the sales figures of their book show how popular they are in this country.
People who say that they've got no talent are TOTALLY right. But they have the look that the Japanese public want which tells you where their priorities are.
Personally I'd take a harem of KARA over AKB in a heartbeat, but that's another story (which belongs on the GP forums)
I know how they could make me happy. Wouldn't be able to do much singing though...
"Everyday, headband", wow. This could be the best song title sing that "toothbrush" song years ago by Nagase from Tokio.
If this photo is anything to go by, perhaps they are a role model for 14 year olds to put on make-up and dress like whores, but that's about it, I'm afraid.
what i meant to say was they are better role models than some other artists
ie lady gaga, niki minaj, etc.
one thing's for sure though, they have NO musical talent whatsoever.
Smorkian, Sawada2, and AJHC78: You've made some good points. Although I'm not a fan personally and I think AKB and the like are crap, that's nothing personal against them or their fans, and I fully respect the fact that it goes both ways. I guess to me it just seems like there's no creativity coming from any of the girls personally... let's put it this way, if each one of them had more talent and individual creativity, they wouldn't need 40 or 50 of them.
My parents didn't get Led Zeppelin.
Are you seriously comparing Led Zeppelin to AKB48???
true, i think its more about getting their image out to the public and obtain popularity through their albums, akb programs(tv shows) etc. , then like the more popular members of AKB start releasing photobooks,appearing in other variety programs, solo debut, sub-unit releases, posing for magazines etc. current earnings.
Maeda Atsuko (19) – 20 million yen (~243,140 USD)
Shinoda Mariko (24) – 20 million yen (~242,140 USD)
Oshima Yuko (21) – 18 million yen (~218,502 USD)
Kojima Haruna (22) – 16 million yen (~194,224 USD)
Itano Tomomi (19) – 16 million yen (~194,224 USD)azninvasion
Shinoda Mariko (24) – 20 million yen (~242,140 USD)
Oshima Yuko (21) – 18 million yen (~218,502 USD)
Kojima Haruna (22) – 16 million yen (~194,224 USD)
Itano Tomomi (19) – 16 million yen (~194,224 USD)
This is news to me as I thought Itano Tomomi would be the one earning the most because I see her everywhere
No, because she's got a face like a bulldog licking urine off a thistle.
so the reasons for this success are the campaign to find new members and the late release of the album. and I was thinking about the quality of the songs, silly me... I like the prostitute-dressed girl in the front though. the one near the elephant (oh my Freud)
AKB48 are the Mcdonalds of Japanese pop music. Sell the most products but what they sell is a load of crap.
absolutely not Mr. Dog. You obviously missed my point. I personally have no problem with untalented urine licking bulldog faced musician wannabes if that's what you want to call them because I don't listen to it. I was comparing the adults of my generation to all those here bitching about the evils facing young kids today. Perhaps we should gather up all the offending material and burn it or gather at the church for a proper tongue lashing.
Really? But youve got to admit she has at least a very much above average face and not to mention a bangin bod
Well, when your "point" is one line, excuse me for "missing" it.
I missed your point here too.
Yeah, I guess she is a butterface.
@mrdog I reckon she looks like a cross between Kitagawa Keiko and Amuro Namie
But they do all look very very young. And heres an example of where it can get a bit awkward. It wasnt AKB but, I saw Sawajiri Erika in a film and I was so impressed by her acting ability I watched all her films and dramas. I heard she had photobooks out so I bought them all and turns out two of the three were some very weird gravure books. I still have them, and I dont know what to do with them, but I hope nobody sees it. Otherwise I would look like I have a lot of explaining to do...
Just like this, I stay away from AKB material, merchandise etc now. I dont know what tone their work is in, but I sure dont want to look like some sort of um..pedophile.
I reckon she looks like someone with a cleft palate. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It just doesn't attract me.
Weird gravure books → rubbish bin → problem solved!
One of my friends labeled these girls as 「整形B48」. I thought it was hilarious!
She is so gorgeous in them except for the lack of clothes thats why I keep them. I should do some sort of craft exercise where I cut the clothes out of a magazine and stick it where they are needed. Like a self-censorship.
Darren White
That's a very strange way of putting it.
You do understand that AKB48 isn't a real group, right ? They are the "product" of a production company ( mostly oyajis ) and the girls are told what to sing, when to sing it, what to wear and what to say.
I mean, if you like them, good for you, but I don't think they're really doing that much for gender politics in Japan, unless they are posing in bikinis in an ironic, post-modern way.
I mean, if you like them, good for you, but I don't think they're really doing that much for gender politics in Japan, unless they are posing in bikinis in an ironic, post-modern way.
Exactly! And let me add to that, they are not doing anything as a whole for the music industry. You think these girls will be around 20 years from now? These girls will never land up in the "Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame" granted they are hot, but that's it. When they come on TV, I just turn the volume down and gawk at their beauty.
The advantage that AKB48 has over KARA is that they are Japanese, and NOT mega statuesque and perfectly beautiful, pure and simple. They obviously aren't as good-looking etc., which only adds to their value and bolsters loyalty. If they were too superior it would be off-putting to a lot of potential fans. DEFEND YOUR LOCAL IDOL TODAY!
well so far 600,000+ fools & their $$$$$$$$ have parted, how many more will be swindled, these tarts have outdone the sexpistols!!
John Constantine
If AKB48 can make that kind of money then more power to these girls! It is all about personal preference and as for myself I will never spend any money on their music yet I will gladly throw down the cash for bands like Jinn-Boom Boom Satelites...Maximum the Harmone..Hyde.
As long as the AKB48 members never become negative roll models then it is a positive for todays youth. Look at a lot of the American crap. They Rap about killing - raping - using dope and glorify it with their music.
If the meaning of AKB's songs are respectable then make as much as you can.
If the meaning of AKB's songs are respectable then make as much as you can.
What are you talking about?? That was a very, very poor musical comparison. First of all to make a statement is totally false. You have in the states quite a few artists that are NOT gangsta and that DO talk about positive things, it's all about personal preference, I personally hate gangsta, I do like quality Rap, if you don't know, then you should take a listen, because Rap is about relying messages, street talk, about urban and social life, good and bad, but to label Rap as crap is totally irresponsible or to even claim that it is purely American nowadays is equally false. If you want to call them "talent" I have no problem with that, because that is what they are, just talent, nothing wrong with that, but to label them "Artists" or even "Musicians" is not only insulting to real musicians, but it just shows how little a lot of people here don't understand the proper definition if what music is.
a great success story, for their promoter/manager. The member/employees get sod all and everyone else gets crappy music
you know what? kinda over the over critical people everywhere these days, where they think a movies crap because of this and that, or music, it's like just enjoy it for what it is. As long as Akb48 don't do shit like drugs,beat on peopleCough chris brown then they'll stay in my good books. They at least work harder then the other idols out there.
oh dearie me
An entire village bought their album. The numbers are very low compared to population numbers.
Darren Thanks for the info, I know that the entertainment thats in Japan is mostly controlled by oyajis and once your in your kinda like stuck in the industry. Just like some of the ex-members of AKB who fell to the way side and could not make it as singers or didn't make enough sales of DVD's or CD's. I grew up here as an American kid and now as an adult it has not changed and I doubt it ever will. I do like listening to AKB48 and other groups such as Cute, MM and I have seen AKB live a few times, yeah I'm addicted.
Darren WhiteJun. 15, 2011 - 11:16PM JST
some people just don't appreciate young girls making it big in a male dominated country.
That's a very strange way of putting it.
You do understand that AKB48 isn't a real group, right ? They are the "product" of a production company ( mostly oyajis ) and the girls are told what to sing, when to sing it, what to wear and what to say.
I mean, if you like them, good for you, but I don't think they're really doing that much for gender politics in Japan, unless they are posing in bikinis in an ironic, post-modern way.
John Constantine
I understand what you are saying...I believe what I said was "Look at a lot of the American crap." I did not say "All" and RAP is the primary choice for many younger people here in the states. When someone drives by and has their windows down with their stereo cranked...RAP is what I normally hear (not always) but within 5 seconds I often hear F-This..or Suck That..something of that nature. Also I never said that RAP was exclusively American. Nor did I say they were Musicians....What I will say is that they have more money than I do. I think you did not fully understand what I was saying.What I consider a Musician and what someone else does can be completely different. For instance judging by your name and emblem I would think that you are familiar with a song called the "The Analog Kid"...that's a musician or more like a Musician's Musician. Do not read my comment as me being angry or anything...I am not. I respect the difference of opinion and tastes in music. AKB is a different taste in music and though I do not know what they are singing about I do not think that they are singing about killing-rape-or using dope. Which is what the comparision was about...wholesome..clean. I agree with you that not all RAP is morally corrupt. However it is extremely popular and it is nice to see some girls (AKB48) that make money and are positive role models..from what little I understand that is.
I guess to sum it up I saw many people bashing them -which is their choice- but I would rather have my little ones look to someone that does not glorify such violence and I do not get that feeling from AKB48...versus Tupac..Curtis Blow or numerous others. Also...Yes I am a little slow reponding to comments. I hope I was able clarify what I was trying to say.
Moderator: All readers stay on topic please. The subject is AKB48, not rap.
Rina Nakanishi, and apparently her younger sister is going to follow in her footsteps and become an "AV idol."
Not that I knew this. I just googled it.
@stranger_in_a_strange_land - Thanks heaps! :) AV "idol". What a misleading occupation title; its most definitely not something to be idolized lol. Quite a strange land indeed if I do say so myself!
I am a fan of AKB48,and well done to them and their success.They do raise a lot of money for charity.And really,what good is achieved from all the grumpy's ranting on here.The music is for the fans,and they are a mix of regular people,otaku and wota,who all come together happily for sell out concerts!
It may not be music or concerts as some of you remember,but lean forward in your rocking chair,summon up your last breath to blow the dust of your favourite record.Then settle back and shed a tear as you remember the crackly soundtrack of your youth.
AKB is a synonim for bad taste. The cover of the album is low class.
I'm with rhyhl - all the knockers and whingers who just love to complain and put others down do nothing to make this a better world. These girls bring happiness and light heartedness to many, better than so much of the trashy, dark, negative stuff that passes for entertainment these days.
yeah quite right, as was mentioned above they even branched out into porno. something for all the family, dad too!
Please understand this very simple fact. The girls may be singing the songs, but they are nothing more then props, showpieces for the people putting it on. They aren't the ones making the money. The producers/handlers/songwriters are the ones getting the cash.
Kara, and now AKB48. I have yet to see an idol group or idol solo artist that has any talent whatsoever. Then again, I guess that's why they call them "idols". Idols rely on the way they dress and appear and nothing else. At least divas like Lady Gaga or Amuro Namie have more charisma and rhythm.
Some of them look and dress like hookers - but thats perfectly fine with me! As Ayler stated, some of them are finding their way into the AV industry, so everyone is happy at the end of the day. Wouldn't listen to any of their music, though...
Great!! Amazing jPop!!