AKB48 members Tomomi Itano, 21, and Mariko Shinoda, 26, appeared in more commercials endorsing products this year than any other celebrity.
According to Nihon Monitor, Japan's oldest broadcast monitoring company, both women promoted products for 20 companies each in 2012. Of the 13 "top ranking" members of AKB48, nine appeared in Nihon Monitor's list.
Last year's No. 1, AKB48 member Yuko Oshima, 24, appeared in ads for 19 different companies this year. Minami Takahashi, 21, also of AKB48, advertised for 18 companies, while Team B member Haruna Kojima, 24, and HKT48 member Rino Sashihara, 20, each hawked products for 16 companies.
Although AKB48 members dominated the top 10, faces from Oscar Promotion Co were also ubiquitous this year. Actress Aya Ueto, 27, recommended products from 17 companies, while actress, model and singer Emi Takei was used in ads for 14 different companies.
© Japan Today
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Vernie Jefferies
I am curious about the number of commercial that Atsuko Maedo made after her graduation from AKB48. I bet she turned down many offers so she can take a break.
...they still exsit? When will their contract expire? I'm so tired of hearing about these no talent individuals.
What about Haruka Ayase? I see that pretty woman all over the tube.
I'd buy anything from these 2 cuties.
Why not? They are both extremely lovely. I do miss Ebi-chan though.
Misaki Nakama
AKB was great job at the show business in Japan in this year! I often saw them on TV or newspaper. AKB was very cute and vitality. I thought they made a lot of Japanese people [ especially, middle-aged man ] cheerful!! I sang AKB's song whenever I went to Karaoke. Because AKB's song was popular, almost friends could sing their song together! I hope that AKB do well next year.
Just proves that kawaii can sell anything in Japan. Doesn't matter if the celebs actually use the product or have any sort of credble connection to it. Just get attention.
Ewan Huzarmy
AKB was great job at the show business in Japan in this year!
Yes because they were foisted upon us at every opportunity !
I often saw them on TV or newspaper
See above.
AKB was very cute and vitality
Because youth and beauty sells over real talent , as we have become so shallow and superficial.
I thought they made a lot of Japanese people [ especially, middle-aged man ] cheerful!!
Because they are marketed at middle aged men who like young girls.
I sang AKB's song whenever I went to Karaoke. Because AKB's song was popular
Not because you LIKED the song, you just felt an uncontrollable urge to sing them at karaoke, BAAAAAA !
I hope that AKB do well next year
I hope we get into next year before thermonuclear destruction ...... Don't worry, I'm sure an AKB campaing in a post-nuke wilderness will lift the spirits of those unluck enough to have survived.
nice legs , from what little we can see from the poorly cropped pic
Might be just my imagination but...isn't it quite easy to see if the person commenting is Japanese or not through the comments on articles that talk about AKB48, SKE48, etc.?
Just saying :P.
midnull, "I'm so tired of hearing about these no talent individuals": but yet you still feel the need to click on the post and comment...
imagine if a plane crashed and all the AKB48 members were killed, that would do more hurt to the Japanese economy than a tsunami ever will!?
How is that different from any other celebrity, in any other country, on any other planet, and in any other universe endorsing a product? Nine times out of ten, the only way the celebrity would actually use the product is if the manufacturer gave it to them for free (and many do as part of the payment for doing the commercial).
I LOL'd at that one. There are SO many talent critics on this site declaring that people have "no talent" that I fully expect that they're going to start their own Japanese "X-Factor" TV show.
@brknarm midnull, "I'm so tired of hearing about these no talent individuals": but yet you still feel the need to click on the post and comment...
Yes. Since you know, this is a forum...Where you know, you post/comment on things, good or bad.
@ Fadamor - I LOL'd at that one. There are SO many talent critics on this site declaring that people have "no talent" that I fully expect that they're going to start their own Japanese "X-Factor" TV show.
You don't have to be a talent critic to know that singing through your nasal cavity with a high pitched voice trying to sound 15 when you're in your mid 20's is atrocious...
I'm not saying that Japan doesn't have talented vocalists, Utada for instance is amazing, but she's not televized as much as ugh..."these" girls. Why? Cuz she doesn't sound like she's 12...and doesn't look it...
Andi Nuruljihad
They're a fad. Like Digimon or Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Let their fans enjoy it while it lasts.
This is the dumbest costume Tomomi has ever worn.
Fadamor -- LOL, you over-reached on that one. Having teenage girls, which these gals bascally are, endorsing the range of products they do would be laughed at in many, many western countries. Especially ones where people actually use their brains when viewing an ad and asks if it has any credibility? Ads in such countries get tested for believabilty, not just popularity.
What does it mean to "basically" be a teenager? Itano is 21 and Shinoda is 26 years old.
i am absolutely sick to death of akb48. never in my life have i seen a single entity so heavily advertised (and for so long). it's ridiculous beyond words.
One is 26 and one is 21. So they "basically" are in their twenties, not their teens. As for teenagers promoting things, I WONDER how many products Miley Cyrus promoted as "Hannah Montana"?
The completel list of "basically teenage girls":
Tomomi Itano, 21 Mariko Shinoda, 26 Yuko Oshima, 24 Minami Takahashi, 21 Haruna Kojima, 24 Rino Sashihara, 20lrodriguezsosa
Well, you can start not reading an article with AKB48 in the title. ;-)