"Talent" Aki Hoshino, 34, and her boyfriend, jockey Kosei Miura, 21, shocked the press with a sudden wedding announcement on Sunday. Media outlets first learned of the marriage when Miura announced it on his blog on Sunday night. The entry was titled “A message to my supporters” and explained that the couple registered their official marriage documents that same day.
The entry also detailed other aspects of the couple’s relationship, explaining that they met through a work acquaintance of Hoshino’s and have been dating seriously for about two and a half years.
“Even though Aki is busy with work, she supports me in what I do. She’s very important to me,” Miura wrote. He assured fans he will continue to race, and also pledged to care for Hoshino as best he could.
© Japan Today
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Dammit, it pays to be a beautiful and industrious woman in this life. Can get a younger guy for yourself at any time... ;)
'As best he could"...If he needs help caring, my calandar is always open.
Mirai Hayashi
I love the quotes around the word "talent"...She clearly has no talent other than her chest size. If it weren't for those, she would not be a "talent" nor would she be engaged.
lol Mirai, I have to agree. I never understood why she is so popular anyways, much MUCH better looking talentos without such a huge cupsize out there. I wish them a happy 1 year marriage.
I'm having a hard time believing that someone with such a skinny frame has bangers that huge. I smell cosmetic surgery. Didn't realize she was 34. Do tarentos like her really have to act like 12 year old children to be popular?
the little jockey guy must just grab hold go for a ride. yes, "talent" is a shady word when put in front of people like hoshino's name. you have to agree here though that if she has any talent at all, its in making money off of pop culture fans.
Aki is unbelievably talented.
21?? Poor thing should be out enjoying his life and dating others. If this was reversed, this man would be called a pervert. Dating someone younger is no big deal when people are adults and past their mid-20s. This guy is a spring chicken who got snapped up at 18 by a women of 29!! Can't see it working out in the long run when he matures and doesn't want a mommy figure.
In a nutshell, Yes!
Mirai Hayashi
She's 34 years old. They probably sag to the ground, so she has to wear a push up bra that's 3 sizes too small for her to get her to look the way she does. Most models in her class eventually release a nude photo album, but she hasn't and probably won't, which leads me to believe that she probably looks better with clothes on.
@Mirai - she used to do AV, you can see it all there.
I don't think that Hoshino has done anything with an adult rating. I think that her ability to impersonate a girl, or perhaps a character out of a manga, is very talented.
Including math.
They are already married if they have signed the papers.... the wedding is just a party.
Mirai Hayashi
Was it recent? I'm sure that she looked really good when she was younger. But the fact of the matter is, gravity catches up especially in your 30's...so if those are naturals, then they are sagging...basic physics!
21 year olds are generally to young to intellectually stimulate someone 30+ years older. They often seem like children in adult's bodies if you are 30+ and socialize with them. I assume that she must be as puerile as her onscreen persona ..
typo "30+ years old"
...not talking about 51 year olds =)
I give em 2 years tops. He'll cheat. Not because he's a bad guy but because he'll be pushed away by her career which probably needs a jumpstart.
I think Kim Kardashian is doing the same thing. It wouldn't surprise me if Aki here is a copycat.
You NEVER NEVER......NEVER want to marry a former porn star. NEVER.
You NEVER NEVER......NEVER want to marry a former porn star. NEVER.
Why not? They have a lot of "Talent".
what the... whats all this discussion about porn and AV. Aki is an idol, she never did AV.
Just check Google without filters and I will have to call bullship on the AV/porn star claim.
If you have an inside track, please list the title of said movies. Home videos in your head don't count!
That won't be necessary since it is not relevant to this discussion.
Readers, no further references to AV please. It is not relevant to this discussion.
I wish them the best, and if people look up pic's of her when she was younger the differences will be quite obvious.
She has stated in the past that her goal was to stay working as an idol as long as she could, so I guess she backed up her mouth with her money. And while everyone comments she is laughing her way all the way to the bank.
How many would love to trade places with her for that? Money, decent looks, aided or otherwise, a much younger spouse. Not too bad, and I don't even think she looks that attractive anyway.
Everyone looks different with each passing year. Maybe she exercises a great deal, and if she does, then the muscular structure under her breasts will be firm.
Good luck to both.
supporting a pair like that is a kind of talent no? I couldnt do it. Well I could but then I wouldnt be able to concentrate on anything else.
"Tarento" Aki Hoshino is one of the most beautiful women in the world. I wish her well.
A man 13 years younger..err...really? I wonder if she is really 34 or has been 34 for some years...like the late Ms Iijima....she was 28 for some years....lol
This ridiculous woman has not been on here for a while, i hoped she had gone into retirement to spare us any news about her.
Who would want to be with a woman who behaves like a six year old?
Pukey2: The only cosmetic surgery I know that she's had was to have them REDUCED in size (at least, that was the thread earlier this year or late last, if I recall), to which some men on this board opined. Personally I don't see the attraction to this woman... she's not talented in the least, and people are right that she has as much skill and talent as her chest does.
But anyway, I can't not wish someone best of luck in marriage.
zichi; Only thing offensive on this page is that idiotic woman.
Mind sharing with everyone here when and where you had the opportunity to meet her, talk with her, and find out about what she is all about to be making your comment here?
zichi; She use to be on tv a lot and also on this site, nothing strange about my comments at all. maybe a bit of civility to other posters is in order.
As I've said, I'm not a big fan and agree she's actually got no talent, but as she has announced an engagement I came on here not to vehemently swear at her but to wish her luck in life despite the aforementioned.
zichi; it is uncivil as you know full well who she is unless you never read or watched J media until today.
smithinjapan; She does have loose morals and she is a terrible example of J talent rubbish. She is a bad example to women by encouraging them to be unheatlthy and too thin. She acts and talks liek a small child which is demeaning to decent japanese women. he only types of men that would like her are sexists that only see women as objects.
steve: "She does have loose morals and she is a terrible example of J talent rubbish."
I agree with you there, although your posts have an element of anger to them that is lacking with other threads on 'talento' (who are not famous just for their chests).
"She acts and talks liek a small child which is demeaning to decent japanese women."
Agree and disagree -- much of Japanese culture is based on 'cuteness', at least modern culture, and I see decent women all the time answering phones in suddenly high-pitched voices, announcing things in high-pitched voices, or so on. Blame society, not this particular person or her success.
"he only types of men that would like her are sexists that only see women as objects."
Well, I agree with you to an extent there as well, but that goes with a whole lot of the entertainment industry, and isn't about to stop.
She supposedly went from a B Cup to F Cup within the space of one month. Also is you search there are pictures of her around when she was first starting out and the differences are quite obvious.
Yubaru: May well be she got the fake chest put in and later had it taken out. I really couldn't care less and am not about to search the internet for pics of this woman's chest before and after, and then after. :)
Smith personally speaking here while I think she really has average looks as far as that goes, and I am also not impressed by her size large or otherwise. I do however give her a ton of credit for working her butt off to stay in shape, work at keeping her looks, not letting herself go, and happy for her that she found someone she wants to marry.
On a lighter side though, everyone is going to know her babies, if she chooses to have any that is, by the stretch marks around their mouths. (Ok probably poor taste there, but you get the point.)
i wish the couple well , more bambinos for Japan !!
Man, there are a lot of haters on this site. Too many haters. They are both adults. They've both decided to marry the other. They live their lives, not you, so they are best disposed to make the call. I, myself, wish them well. Long may they love. Love is good. Love is happy. Happy time is Pon.
Tamarama; Haters is a silly word, have not seen anyone say they hate the woman here. This is not a Ms Hoshina fan site so people express themselves in ways that may not be cuddly and fluffy wuffy.
Steve, I believe it's Hoshino. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm no fan of Ms. Hoshino, in fact, I know nothing of her other than the occasional photo that shows up. But when punters call her 'rediculous', 'idiotic', 'loose morals', 'rubbish' and 'unhealthy' in a quick succession of posts, I detect a fair bit of angst and animosity towards the poor petal. Hater might be a silly word, granted, but its fashionable right now. Serena Williams uses it a bit. And it's kind of apt right now, I think.
Mirai Hayashi
Hey, I am not the morality police, but I do agree that she sets a real bad example for young Japanese women. She gives the impression that as long as you have large breasts and a cute face, you will be considered "talented" and can make big bucks exposing yourself on TV and magazines. There are a lot of really truly talented people out there who can't get a break because the media is so obsessed over people who flaunt themselves and act really ridiculous on TV,
This is highly debatable! I know that when I was 21 years neither me or my friends were interested in dating women nearly twice our age let alone marrying one. This guy is very young and probably has some money (which is what probably attracted Hoshino) and she has her big chest and cute face which is most likely what attracted him.
Besides, I don't understand why this is even news. Hoshino is nearly at the end of her career, and her fan base is depleting quickly so who even cares?
Readers, please keep the discussion civil and focus your comments on the story, not at each other.
Ed O Jidai
Long go I read that men reach a sexual peak at 17 and women in their mid-thirties. So my first impression on reading this was, "Good for them!"
Hang in there and hang on! May you enjoy each other's company as a couple for a long time, or whomever comes first.
@Steve: Unfortunately, the average men here in Japan..Japanese & Gaijin guys alike...DO like this sort of woman. No hassles, no questions asked and easy to come home to after a stressful day at work.
Elbuda Mexicano
She is hot!!! I wish her and her new husband the best!!!