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© Copyright 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Alyssa Milano calls for sex strike; ignites social media
By IVAN MORENO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Who is Alyssa Milano? Never heard of her.
Well, I’ve heard those titles before but never watched them. I wish cable companies would arrange and packadge teevee shows using the IQ’s of the average watcher. I could save a lot ofmoney.
Doesn’t she mean “giving” sex? Since it is clear it’s not about love for her.
Concerned Citizen
I don't forsee many of the women of Georgia joining her in abstinence. The vast majority of them support this ban on the brutal slaughter of the unborn. They'll be thoroughly enjoying thier sex lives and any resultant children whom they regard as a blessing.
Sex as a weapon is so 1600's
Also pretty sure Bette Midler has been on stoke for a long while.
Meanwhile conservatives who support the new law will keep having sex. Why would they care what liberals are or aren’t doing?
@ Burning Bush - LOL
Not giving sex will only work in a closed Society with a limited population of women. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
Possible repeal of Roe v Wade is absolutely horrifying to her but cutting up an unborn fetus and then vacuuming him/her out of is mother that's okay
How empty is that!
Quote: For her part, she hasn't decided yet how long she will forgo sex. "I mean I don't know," she said. "I sent a tweet last night I haven't really thought much past that this morning."
Haha. Some may not find a difference at home.
That's basically how the SJW type operates in any situation.
simon g
She didn’t really think this through. The idea of women giving sex as a reward is just as outdated as the ideas of the knuckle-draggers she’s fighting against.
Jonathan Prin
She is not my wife. She can do as she pleases.
You give sex for love, not for an agenda.
I agree though that abortion is a woman's issue only.
I can't believe this long put to bed issue has become a hot topic once again.
No matter how you feel about it and what you would do in your personal life why are others so intent on controlling other peoples.
No matter your emotional reaction to it, and in my personal life I might be more conservative on this than some might think, its a simple case of bodily autonomy.
Simply should you be able to tell another person what they must do in a medical situation?
Should you be able to force people to donate organs, money or time or anything really to someone (or in this case something else) else against their will?
Then we have all the other issues, what about cases of forced sex, what about cases of life threatening complications, the simple fact that childbirth is a inherently risky situation around the world 830 women day each day due to complications of childbirth, shouldn't people be able to opt in or out of that?
Then to further complicate we have people in favor of closing institutions that provide birth control to people without the means to get it otherwise. Saying instead well just don't have sex, sorry but all evidence says abstinence just doesn't work, the more conservative the area with more abstinence education the higher the teen pregnancy rate.
After which people potentially given no choice but to bring a pregnancy to term are then given no support, because there is generally an opinion by the same kinds of people that want to restrict medical options for women are also against social welfare, and free education and healthcare.
Despite emotional tactics almost no late term, where the fetus is anywhere near the potential to survive happen, and when they do its because of immediate health risks to the woman.
Please I implore you, think about something in your life that you wouldn't want someone else to make a decision for you and consider the large area of grey that this is, it isn't black and white, good and bad, it is humans in tough human situations.
As for Alyssa, I think I see what she is trying to say, but when you look at the quiver-full types, who tend towards a woman's job is to pump out kids, the closer it pushes us to idiocracy, which wasn't suppose to be a documentary....
Great post NZ2011
itll make no difference , if women want an abortion theyll just go to a state that allows it and have it there.
Unwanted pregnancies are a huge cause of poverty in the USA. Delaying children until after age 25 drastically reduces the chances that a family will need welfare.
Anything non-violent to force fundamental religious people to stay out of other people's business, is a good thing.
All humans have a right to control their bodies. Certain health services should be free to all, for the greater good of the state.
Colorado made long-term contraception free to low income women and teens in 2009. Teen pregnancy dropped 40%, abortions dropped 42% and that savings is huge. Unmarried women under 25 were also helped by a similar decline in unwanted births. The idea of a 3-year contraceptive with a single implant seems like a good thing to me. 20% of women 18-44 in Colorado use these long-term contraceptives. They cost about $800.
So she doesn't even know what she was tweeting.....
"until we get bodily autonomy back."
Or, until we get our right to kill the unborn back, depending on your point of view.
There is a right to abortion in the USA. Roe v. Wade. Religious people who want their morality enforced on others, at gun point, are pushing to make other people have unwanted children and live with the results for the rest of their lives. That is barbaric.
Low income women/teens can't do that. It isn't like they can hop on a train or bus. A 4 hr drive to the next state from a rural city turns into a 12 hour trip using a bus and for states around Georgia, they have similar anti-abortion laws, so going much farther than just 1 state will probably be needed.
Low-income people don't have the $900 for the procedure, much less for a hotel, transportation, and 3+ days off from work. Many states require a waiting period of at least 24 hours between counseling and the procedure with the counseling required to be on-site.
Many states have parental notification mandates for any reproductive services too. A teen won't be doing that.
Dango bong
pretty sure she isnt getting much, strike or not
Alyssa Milano doesn't seem to understand basic biology or science. Few people who support legalised abortion seem to.
When Ms. Milano's mother was pregnant with her, she (her mom) didn't have two hearts, two sets of DNA, two blood supplies, two brains, two sets of chromosomes, or two pairs of arms and legs.
Her mother only had one of each of those things. So did Ms. Milano.
This means that two unique, distinct, separate human beings were present.
And killing either of those two human beings would have been an act of homicide.
So, let's stop with the "my body, my choice" mantra.
Yes, we have a right to control our own bodies. But that does not permit the killing of someone else's body.
Another point of fact:
Down Syndrome, spina bifida, and other conditions can be detected in the unborn. But only human beings can have these conditions.
If the unborn weren't human beings, they could not possibly have Down Syndrome or spina bifida.
So, again, this proves -- not suggests, not implies, not provides evidence for, but proves -- that the unborn are human beings. And, again, killing human beings is murder.
Thus, abortion is totally unjustifiable from a moral standpoint.
Biology is a science. Not a good way to start a tirade against pro-choice people not understanding science.
She wrote, "Until women have legal control over our own bodies, we just cannot risk pregnancy."
In other words, she's calling for abstinence in order to avoid risking pregnancy.
Thank you, Ms. Milano. That is what those of us on the pro-life side have been saying for years!
It's disappointing that you've taken this long to warm up to this very simple and logical concept, Ms. Milano -- but better late than never.
No offense to her, but I am skeptical that she has the intellectual prowess to understand that, in her own words above, she's actually promoting a key element of the pro-life cause.
I fully support Ms. Milano's right to either (A) abstain from sex, or (B) engage in sex, with the understanding that a pregnancy might result.
If Choice (B) is made and a pregnancy does result, however, it's no longer a choice. The choice that I fully agree she has a right to make has already been made.
At that point, a new and separate and unique and distinct human being is now in the picture.
And killing that human being, who has come on the scene as a result of someone else's freely-made decision to select Choice (B), is never a morally justifiable act.
Funny how conservatives want to protect the unborn child's life until it is born, then it's "Kid, gotta cut all assistance for children born into poverty....good luck and you're on your own."
Sorry JenniSchiebel
Blastocysts , embryos, fetuses are not are not classified as human beings with the same rights as an autonomous human that is biology, science and law. You are the one with the misunderstanding, Im afraid.
Its not a "miracle" in the "magic" sense, its simple biology as every living thing on earth displays, and in mammalian biology very similar processes take place, to the point where our shared ancestry becomes quite clear.
Peoples various contradictory and sometimes mutually exclusive "morality" thankfully isn't the basis for law.
We all have control over our bodies, but then saying in the same sentence some people don't in some situations is the problem, one we solved a long time ago.
Please don't misunderstand me, its not an "easy" problem or discussion but it has to be dealt with in these terms to stay objective.
In my person life Im fortunate to be in the position where I have actively sought to have a child and my partner also wants that, I wouldn't choose or ask for this option. (not that its my choice in this case). However if a pregnancy was going to cause my partner to die what other choice is there.
We see articles where children are treated, actual born children that think, have emotions, feel pain, are abused by parents that clearly aren't capable for whatever reason to care for them.. its pretty clear to me what is more humane.
Oh man not anti-vaxxers too..
And ironic since vaccination protects new borns and pregnant mothers..
Vaccination is about participating in society the two things don't equate.
Maybe that’s what you’ve been saying. The more thoughtful and less narrow-minded voices on the pro-life side have been saying something more sensible - use contraception, teach about contraception and make contraception free.
Abstinence in most cases is a very silly, impractical idea.
JJ Jetplane
My actual thoughts on abortion doesn't matter. But the one thing I have always thought about when it came to abortion is that it should ultimately be a woman's decision.
As for Alyssa Milano's call to arms. Why should all married men suffer because of law makers? I am pretty sure her husband did not draft the bill nor vote on the bill so why should he suffer?
Hay guys, there is still the old stand by.
Alex Einz
well, even though I fully support abortion.. it definitely has to have permission of the male partner ( if in fact present in the female life and willing to provide the support ) obviously in all other cases it should be fully the decision of the carrying vessel.
The vast majority of people who suffer because of law makers are people who had no say in the voting or the bills.
As for the Christian 'pro-life' stance: it isn't backed up by the Bible.
Numbers 5:11~31: a woman who has become pregnant through adultery shall be made to abort the child - may the Lord cause you to become a curse among your people when he makes your womb miscarry and your abdomen swell.
Hosea 9:10~16: God threatened miscarriages and the deaths of new-borns: Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts! .... were they to bear children, I would kill the darlings of their womb.
Hosea 13:16: More threats of forced abortion (and worse) from God: their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.
If human life begins at conception, why does God murder untold millions of innocent human babies year after year? Not every fertilised ovum turns into a baby; most either fail to implant in the uterus wall and pass out of the body, or if they do implant and begin to develop are spontaneously aborted, ie a miscarriage. Fewer than one-third of fertilised ova actually make a baby.
If the God of the pro-lifers has so little regard for the sanctity of human life before birth (or after it, if you read the gorier parts of the Bible), why do they take it on themselves to lay down the law for others?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying abortion is a good thing. It isn't. Every spontaneous miscarriage is a tragedy, every induced abortion represents a failure - a failure of contraception, a failure of morality, a failure of fiscal policy, a failure of health care, a failure of something. But it's up to the woman concerned to decide whether going to term would be a bigger failure, for herself and for the potential baby.
Concerned Citizen
Your defenses of the vulnerable unborn are all very well said.
Andrew Crisp
So amusing, Married women and women in long term relationships have been with holding sex from their partners for years that's why the redlight industries are thriving around the world
That's very magnanimous of you.
However, you didn't mention:
(C) engage in sex, using a reliable form of contraception
(D) engage in sex, using a supposedly reliable form of contraception, but find the the contraception has failed, for whatever reason (it happens)
(E) abstain from sex, but get raped all the same
(F) engage in sex with the intention of producing a baby, only to find well before the birth that the foetus is not viable/carrying to term would endanger her own life
You also didn't mention what generous, morally justifiable provisions the US welfare state has for single mothers, teenage mothers, children orphaned at birth, children born with a disability, etc., etc., etc.
Concerned Citizen
I'll respectfully add a few to your comments.
Brian Wheway
I bet all of the local hookers are rubbing there hands! business is about to get a lot busier!
englisc aspyrgend
Lysistrata she is not.
The liberals support partial birth abortion, which means murdering the child as it is born. No abortions after 12 weeks should be the law.
Many republican men are playing on the other team anyway. You cannot take away something they do not want in the first place.
Also republicans seem to only care about the unborn, once the kids are born they let them die from lack of healthcare or even food in many cases. It is all such hypocrisy.
Alyssa Milano always has an agenda. Her political views are usually not very smart and you notice she doesn't have children so where is her stake in the argument. Seems like she hasn't had enough sex to get pregnant.
Dom Palmer
She is married and says the 'strike' applies to her. So...
News Flash ------ she means EVERYBODY married AND single.
And abstinence will achieve that.
She has two children.
Alex Einz
another cute personal attack from someone whos nickname is a nobody has been irish crap band...
z-list lol...too funny
Love Alyssa. Big fan of her career in TV. But to go on a "sex strike" is pretty pointless as long as people still have a hand. There are other better ways to get a point across to those in power than to deny your partner of sex. Unless the decision is up to your partner.
Abortion is as legal in the US as the 2nd Amendment
Regulate abortion as regulate the 2nd Amendment
Are you saying that women have a right to choose to end a pregnancy, as part of a well-regulated militia?
Abortion is legal in every state in the USA, Alyssa.
Shes famous for being a dummy.
Every human has different morals. We will never agree. I think it is immoral for 1 person to mandate their religious beliefs onto other people. Immoral.
The unborn are totally dependent on the mother for life. The point at which that isn't necessary is when it is "a person." That's my definition.
In the USA, the current ruling by the Supreme court follows this standard -
Which is why abortions are allowed until the 3rd trimester.
But every mother needs to decide these things for themselves. I'm not so arrogant as to think that I can choose for another adult what is best for them or their baby.
Over 2.7 million cats and dogs are killed in the USA yearly because there isn't room in shelters. Don't see how that matters. The CDC says that about 650K abortions are reported yearly in the USA. There are about 135K adoptions total in the USA yearly. The people screaming about making other people accept their moral stance need to step up and adopt all those extra babies currently being aborted. Be part of the solution. Show your morals. Adopt. Isn't that what Jesus would do?
No. It's referred to as murder based on the idea that the mother intends to go through with the pregnancy; therefore, you're stealing a mother of her child and destroying the opportunity of life. Also, you would need to take into consideration the maliciousness of murder. There would have to be a motivation, purpose and intention, which brings up another ethical question: murder is clearly immoral, but is abortion?
In theory, you can't kill something that isn't alive, that's like planting a seed and then saying you killed a tree if you remove the seed a couple of weeks later. The question is: when is it considered a human life? You believe it's from conception and I believe it's when the most fundamental aspect which makes us human has developed.
Alex Einz
I agree
lets also cull all those pesky teenagers ( they do depend on their mothers) .. but really having a heartbeat doesnt constitute independent life ..6 weeks is definitely not enough period
Toasted Heretic
Always glad to give the ageists and misogynists a laugh.
And, again, killing human beings is murder.
well you know more American have been killed by gun violence in American than all the Americans killed in all wars since WW1. Yet America still allows access to weapons that are the cause of this slaughter. "All life in precious, until it steps on my property"
Just imagine if the USA hadn’t been involved in any wars “since WW1”: no one killed by gun violence. Sound stupid? No more than ...
The MOST fundamental part of “us” is at the moment when two independent cells merge into one and start dividing. Everything else is just a stage of growth, as your hair, fingernails and bone marrow is dividing and growing right now.
Raw Beer
Indeed, but let's not forget the rights of the body that is inside her.
Vacuum? I understand that with more developed fetuses the abortionist reaches in to extract “limbs” and other clearly identifiable “body” parts. I had to put some terms in quotes because those things are just hunks of meat as we all are told.
Nice one. You must be mind reader, but not a very good one since I’ve expressed no opinion on here about abortion.
¿Qué? The 2nd Amendment is “legal”?
What are pro-lifers opinions on abortion for cases like we see in India where 11 or 12 year old girls are raped and impregnated?
What does the GOP plan on offering to rape victims who become single mothers? Having children comes with an economic burden. Some people can't afford children. Will GOP support these women, since they are planning on deciding how they will live their lives? If they plan on supporting these women, how will they do it?
Alex Einz
Educator60 .
anyways yes, when the baby is out of mutual consent and the female is with the willing partner invested in the pregnancy, she should not be allowed to terminate it on a whim... , should have thought it thru before getting knocked up.
What about health care? Some women can't afford the hospital fees to birth their newborn. It's not cheap, many people can't afford it. And if they can't afford the birth, how do pro-lifers think they will afford to keep the baby alive, healthy, and successful? Poverty and lack of education leads to a number of social problems including early death. Children living in poverty aren't well nourished, leading to disrupted brain development and other serious health problems. So if abortion is banned, then aren't pro-lifers also responsible for America's poverty children? What are they doing to help these families other than creating them?
I have so many questions. Sorry.
Alex Einz
then again, I think a measurement of intellect , social standing and personal wealth should play part in allowing pregnancies and family planning... earth is overpopulated and majority of people are nothing more than mindless consumers , pests.
Toasted Heretic
Why is it that men feel they have a right to dictate to women what they should do with their bodies?
And most who've had an abortion - it's not an easy choice to make. Certainly not done on a "whim", as you claim.
What are you saying here? Only the rich and privileged should have the right to chose?
Does not compute. If the baby is out of mutual consent it would seem that there would have to be something going very wrong for a termination to be on the cards - it would not be on a whim.
Seems you're projecting your own inadequacies (mindless trolling and self entitlement, uneducated old people) onto poor old Heretic.....
Toasted Heretic
Aye, it's like that "abortion on tap" mantra. That narrative usually (not always) comes from male, right wing, religious types and they care not a jot that the couple may have had to make some very heart wrenching decisions when resorting to termination. It's rarely a decision taken lightly, that's for sure.
Toasted Heretic
Interesting how Milano is characterised as dumb, unattractive and "not getting any" by the usual suspects.
Why do you have to have a lot of sex to get pregnant? Why are having children and "smart political views" prerequisites to having an opinion on abortion? TBH, I don't even know who she is, but thought this was a strange comment....
'Cording to Wiki she has two kids. No bingo, no prize, your card is now invalid.
Whether she has kids or not is immaterial in regard to her right to have an opinion on abortion.
She can have all the opinion in the world, doesn’t make her less of an idiot, that’s my opinion and apparently an opinion shared by a lot of people. Maybe she would be happier if she could get better roles in Hollywood, but I think even for Hollywood, her well is drying up. Speaking of once upon a time.....wonder whatever happened to Kathy Griffin these days?
Concerned Citizen
There are many reasons women choose to abort a child.
Financial hardship, having no partner, poor health, etc, etc, are genuinely very tough to face with an unplanned child. I'm sure there are many who feel their circumstances compel them to make a heartrending choice. At the end of the day I can't help but conclude that, in spite of the understandable circumstances, aborting a child is still wrong and also has more long term negative effects on the women, particularly because they have to betray their maternal nature and consciences to abort rather than nurture the child.
So what are the solutions for women (and men) who don't plan on pregnancy?
Both women and men either abstain or only engage in sexual activity that cannot possibly result in pregnancy.
If having sex that can even remotely result in pregnancy (condom breaks etc) then do so knowing full well that they BOTH are expected to care for any resulting child and that killing the child is not right.
If the guy runs, his family and society at large should clearly let him know our displeasure at his actions. The law should mandate that he sufficiently contributes financially and in other ways to the child's upbringing.
Society at large, governments and the couple's families should give the couple or mother (if father has run) as much support as needed without condemnation.
We should be very positive towards the couple/mother encouraging them that they are doing the most difficult and sacrificial, yet rewarding job in the world. Who knows what an amazing person that child might grow to be?
Promote adoption as a last resort. There are many couples who can't have their own children who would like to adopt. Make adoption easier to do.
Thoroughly educate teens that the above is society's viewpoint on sex and unplanned pregnancies.We humans are not perfect and mistakes will always be made, but I think that if we all strove to follow the above it will greatly reduce the number of women feeling like they must abort.
That's my opinion, for what it's worth.
Toasted Heretic
As opposed to your professional opinion, right. I like this Trumpist thing - say or do something derogatory and then claim that one did no such thing.
Nobody cares about the message or the Hollywood connection? If it's the latter, I don't care, either. It's the message that's important, the one that some people seem desperate to belittle and dismiss.
I wouldn't know, not being a liberal. Do you think everyone who goes against your viewpoint is liberal?
I recommend an education in the spectrum of political ideologies. It's not all absolutes, dontcha know.
Toasted Heretic
No doubt about it. Which is why I'm all for actors making a stand against overly patriarchal and sexist institutions. Be they in politics or entertainment or medicine.
The right to abortion is good and cool.
Typical Trump supporter: play the man, not the ball. Incapable of mounting arguments based in logic, you instead call the person making the comments an idiot. Weak, weak, weak.
Chip Star
Isn't it horrible how she got nailed for doing what Trump supports did?
Good for her. Hope she made investments on that little bit of cash.
Well, another one bites the dust in the land of Hollywood.
To you and to some it may be, to others it’s not or from the messenger it’s coming from.
Most people would think that and a conservative you are not, so....
Same to you as well as political tolerance, I am not saying she doesn’t have the right, she can say whatever she wants as well as others that disagree with her.
She can do that, but here is the thing as with so many Hollywood complainers that think everyone cares, she and others like her in that fantasy world speak to a certain group of people, but she doesn’t represent the majority of people, if so, these people would offer them jobs off the chain and they’re not. Griffin is so toxic and now Milano is going that way as well. I respect her right to say what she wants, but at the same time, I give respect to the people that don’t and have an opposing view. Whether she is right or wrong is a matter of personal conjecture. But to silence opposing viewpoints is small, petty and funny of the so called tolerant.
Definitely agree with that.
You respect people who don't respect other people's right to say what they think? what if they don't respect your right to say what you think?
Well you obviously care enough to have spent over three hours on this thread writing multiple posts telling us how much you don't care.
(And bass, maybe idiot isn't a derogatory term in the circles you frequent, but in the big wide world where the grownups live, it is. Just a heads-up for you.)
Dom Palmer
If the babies are aborted then they aren't available to be adopted. As newborns are much easier to place for adoption and with many Americans going to foreign countries to adopt newborns, it can be assumed that many of the babies that are aborted would be adopted if carried to term.
But thank you for agreeing that it is a baby that is being aborted not a clump of cells.
So, Georgia has set the time limits by law. Can we assume you are OK with that?
Concerned Citizen
Maybe you haven't considered that your statement below means that everyone (yourself included) can give an opinion and try to change people's minds on a moral matter, but religious people can't. That would be discrimination, which is immoral.
Also, concern about abortion is not merely a matter of religion, it is a matter of the killing of an unborn person. That's what bothers religious and other people.
I think it's a woman's right to control her own body, but I also think abortions shouldn't be quite so easy to get. Back in high school a group of us assisted a friend in getting one and it was way too easy to just make it happen and it did some serious mental damage to our friend for quite a while. Just my opinion.
As others have said though, it is a bit ironic that Ms. Milano wants women to do the exact thing that conservatives are preaching, abstaining from sex, to protest anti-abortion laws...
What do you think the punishment should be for women who have abortions?
105 comments. Wow.
Concerned Citizen
First let's establish that it actually is a crime to violently dismember an unborn child and then vacuum/scrape it's remains from its mother's womb. What do you think? Are these actions ok? Would you have minded if this was done to you personally and your existence denied?
Then we can discuss about who should get punished and how.
My question is hypothetical. Let's assume you get your way: abortion is criminalised, on the basis that you believe it to be murder. How should a woman who gets an abortion be punished?
If you compare the punishment given to other murderers, they are typically given life imprisonment or the death penalty. Which do you think is more appropriate for a woman who has an abortion? Should she be locked up forever or executed?
No, not really inconsistent for some.
Those who consider fetuses human at some point most likely consider them innocent as well. Innocent in this case means having broached no laws that might warrant capital punishment. It’s a big difference.
Unless one is willing to go through the legal system and overturn an existing law, what one thinks the punishment “should be” is irrelevant.
While a law stands it is the law. If no punishment is prescribed, then there will be no punishment.
CC, if, during the IVF process, an eg is fertilized, but during the 2-6 days in embryo culture it dies, who should be held responsible for the death of what you consider to be a human being? The doctor? Should they be charged with manslaughter?
What if a woman doesn't realise that she is pregnant and, as a direct result of her actions, miscarries? Should she be charged with manslaughter? According to you she killed a human being, even if unwittingly. Should she be imprisoned for a minimum of a year?
In states which adhere to the castle doctrine with no duty to retreat, i.e. the right to defend your property from unwanted intruders with deadly force, do you think abortion should be legal? After all, a woman's body is her own property, and if she becomes pregnant and doesn't want to carry it to term, she could quite reasonably argue that the fetus is trespassing. Is abortion OK in this instance?
Many people here are arguing that abortion should be illegal. I'm granting them, hypothetically, that it has been made illegal. If you believe that abortion should be a crime (and I don't know that you personally do), what should the punishment be?
Concerned Citizen
Ok. In the interests of respectful debate, how about we both answer each other's question? I'll start.
At present, without much thought and discussion with others or input from experts I would suggest the following as food for thought.
If we consider an unborn child as a future full fledged human which has the right to live then common sense dictates it's protection and punishment for those who violate it's rights.
Doctors, medical staff and institutions:
The 'crime' would not be considered equal to murder of a post birth person. The severity of the offense and punishment would depend on how far along the pregnancy is. Perhaps ranging from heavy fines and loss of license for pre-heartbeat abortions going up to several years jail for very late term abortions. More severe punishment than women (and 'accessory partners) due to the profit motive and taking advantage of patients under duress.
Women (and 'accessory' partners):
Again, the 'crime' would not be considered equal to murder of a post birth person. The severity of the offense and punishment would depend on how far along the pregnancy is. Perhaps ranging from a fine for pre-heartbeat abortions going up to jail time for very late term abortions.
Having proposed all this, I would be open to other's opinions.
Concerned Citizen
1: Do you think it is wrong to deny a pre-heartbeat (up to 6 weeks) fetus the opportunity to live by violently destroying it and removing it from its mother’s womb?
Please see image here:
2: Do you think it’s wrong to violently dismember an unborn child at 3 months, vacuum the remains from its mother’s womb and throw it in the trash can?
Please see image here:
3: Do you think it’s wrong to violently dismember an unborn child at 9 months, vacuum the remains from its mother’s womb and throw it in the trash can?
Please see image here:
4: Would you think it would have been a great thing if any of the above were done to you before you were born?
A "future" human. So a fetus is not a full-fledged human, or a person, by your own definition. I might be a future corpse, but I'm not dead now.
Why? Murder is murder. If you really believe that a fetus is a full human with full human rights (which, to be fair, we've just established you don't) then you must believe in equal punishment. No-one else gets a fine for murder.
I agree that having the profit motive be part of any medical procedure is bad. That is why abortions - and every other medical procedure - should be free at the point of use.
As to your questions, I believe in the right to abortion as currently permitted as a result of Roe v Wade.
If someone had aborted me at 6 weeks pregnancy I wouldn't care because I would be incapable of caring, as I would not be here.
Concerned Citizen
I see you've dodged specifically answering most of my questions, in spite of me, in good faith, specifically answering yours in detail. I'm disappointed. It would be great if you could repay the good will by answering each one specifically in detail. Thanks.
Concerned Citizen
This doesn't answer my question, which you think it would have been a great thing if any of the above (abortion) were done to you before you were born?
Still waiting for your specific and detailed answers to all my questions (as I've answered yours)
Dom Palmer
How is it inconsistent?
Capital punishment involves a trial where the accused has the opportunity to prove their innocence and/or give mitigating factors to lessen their punishment.
While abortion involves an innocent baby who has no opportunity to protect themselves.
Except in the case of rape, the woman essentially invited the fetus into her 'property' by having consensual sex.
In the 'hypothetical' situation you set up, abortions had been made illegal, so I hardly think free medical care would extend to illegal procedures.
But even so, that doesn't remove the profit motive because it isn't really 'free' unless you think the doctor and other medical staff will do procedures gratis. 'Free' medical procedures just means taxpayers pay for it. The doctor and staff still get paid.
I understand that women want to have certain rights to decide to have an abortion or not but take contraceptives and don't use abortion as a contraceptive. Back in college, I knew so many fellow young students who had several abortions per year because they did not use contraceptives and nobody had a second thought about it. When my Jwife and I got pregnant we were living together but not married at that time. We could have had an abortion but we chose not to proceed, got married and have a great son that turned into a great man.
Jonathan Prin
Some here are ideologists.
If you get abortion made in a medical way, i.e. followed by a doctor, be made unlawful then women will try to have it in unlawful way trhough a "hired" doctor. If not possible, guess what, they will do it themselves. This is what has been happening from the dawn of our human species until recently.
What should be done indeed is not allow to get abortion free of use. It should not be a tool for a woman for unlimited easy rides forever.
I see no easy way to solve issue and the better is simply to promote life and joy of getting kids.
And not by making women who abort seen as criminals, which is an Hitler's stance by the way.
Everyone have a right to choose, she is just saying what other Italian women are not having the courage to speak up. Help her or leave the issue to takes it's own course.