Actress Aya Sugimoto was in peak form this week at the launch of a line of jewelry that she helped design. Sugimoto, 43, unveiled her BELLESIORA brand at Mitsukoshi Nihonbashi department store in Tokyo.
It was Sugimoto's first public appearance since she was hospitalized in December for acute appendicitis. She said that she has recovered completely. "My power of recuperation surprised me. My body condition must be good," she quipped.
She said that her husband, whom she married last year, took good care of her. "He finally appreciates me," she said with a cheeky smile.
When a reporter asked her how she manages her husband, she said that she uses "30% carrot and 70% stick."
See jewelry unveiling here.
© Japan Today
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If "stick" is code for "nagging", then she should read last week's Wall Street Journal article entitled, "The Marriage Killer".
Here is a link to that piece:
One of the keys to a successful marriage is compassion and respect for your spouse.
Is that how she managed the first husband, too?
Someone of any culture who gleefully and consistently describes themself as 'high maintenance' deserves to suddenly find themself homeless, diviorced, poor, not on TV and without a jewellery line to endorse. You know, maybe venture out into the real world a bit.
Or which could explain why Japanese culture is so abrasive to you. You don't get it. Sugimoto's comments are playful towards her husband. If you can't understand that, you might want to refrain from commenting. Chalk it up to cultural differences if you like.
I don't understand why people put this woman on the pedestal. From a woman's point of. View, she's just a piece of crap. First of all her teeth are ugly, she's too skinny as if suffering from some diet plan went wrong, she has no elegance... too proud of herself!
I think the late Sonoko looks better than her. LOL
I dont hate her particularly, just that type of vapid self entitled shallow person the media and thieir little bleaters seem to lap up.
wow, this lady really polarizes us, she arouses so much love or hate, nothing in between. makes me love her all the more, to the dismay of the aya-sugimoto-haters-club.
Bartholomew Harte
She ain't got Nothing on my wife!-She's the "Whip & Chair type!-HoooooWeeee!
I would say poor guy but he deserves everything he gets marrying that.
IMO, the hottest real WOMAN in Japan. I'd take the 30% any day.
Is that foreplay talk? :P
Nessie: "other people don't like her muchi"
I'll bet her husband loves her ame.
but i have never dated a woman like aya sugimoto, who maybe self aggrandizing, high maitenance, confident and materialistic. i hope i never do. the carrot and stick is not a good way to think of a relationship.
i also think aya sugimoto is super hot and was just joking when she made the comments.
yes, i also find these comments both funny and interesting.
I think you'll find most people say stuff like that about their spouses in Japan. You won't get many "My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, let me show you her photo", or "My husband is just the best".
Which could explain why so many are in unhappy relationships/marriages.
Carrot and stick is rather confusing combo of words. It implies you get the stick, but you never actually get the carrot. You just go on in vain hope that you will. And that is demeaning. But I don't think that is what most people mean when they use those words.
I know that some Japanese use the terms "Ame to muchi" (candy and the whip). I find that one much easier to understand. You get some of both, each applied when the giver feels its what is needed.
Looking at it that way, I think a lot of men probably work pretty well in that relationship environment, if it is not applied selfishly for personal benefit of the woman. tkoind2 may or may not be such a man. But I think most men would not do so well with the woman he describes, but rather would become spoiled.
I think you'll find most people say stuff like that about their spouses in Japan. You won't get many "My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world, let me show you her photo", or "My husband is just the best".
Having said that .... there are probably many guys who have to put up with more stick than carrot.
(Yes, I'm basing that on my experience only - just haven't heard women praise their husbands to each other in this country)
Without a doubt, she is a beautiful woman. This comment? Not so muchi.
Some people don't like her much; other people don't like her muchi.
Nicky Washida
Im finding these comments both funny and interesting, given that not so long ago a picture of her nude appeared here on JT under pic of the day and the comments were altogether completely different....!
japanese woman is the most beautiful in the world, and among japanese women, she's sooo beautifully sexy. she can say whatever she likes, i found it funny. her words do not deserve any deeper freudian psychoanalyses. she remains gorgeous. btw, i'll never buy her promoted jewels or whatever she peddling.
If I jokingly were to say.... 'what my wife, no.. I only married here for her money'. Don't you think that would bother my wife. Even if I were to say it in a "humourous" manner. Especially if about 20 million people were going to read about it. For humour or not... it was an insensitive to say and people will draw certain conclusions about her.
I don't approve of this type of personality or the admiration and attention such people get in the media.
Namie got roasted by the media for ditching her son after the divorce and focusing on her career - that is why she has little to do with them. I also recall she battled depression. Personally, I love her more than any other female out there but she's fought battles and is not seen as a saint in the eyes of the locals.
I also love that I get thumbs down for calling this women out on her disgusting behaviour.
Japan seems to either love the cute KAWAIIIIIIIII girls or the nasty women. Why is there no love for the smart and sexy ones?
Please calm down. Sugimoto's comments were made in a humorous manner. There is certainly no reason to call her a monster. Such language just reflects badly on yourself.
There would be uproar the other way round?.... Personally I dont think there should be but... hmmm, given the sensitivities of some people these days it wouldnt surprise me.
guyzzzz the carrot and stick is a light hearted jest ; dont be too hard on her for that.
LoveNot, based on what? The opinion of some overdolled up monster wife? She is just trying to sound like a dragon lady. Rather effectively I must say. But sickening at the same time. See Greek Mythology, Harpie as a reference.
Maybe he does not deserve even 30% carrots.
I hate it when women talk about the men in their life in this fashion. Grrrrr,
lol! cute ^^
True oginome. Namie is talented, sexy, and kind.
The carrot lady makes me whinny and want to bronco bust her.
Well there is Namie Amuro, who along with being beautiful and talented is well known for being kind, generous and fair to the people who work for her. But even she's chosen to withdraw from the grotesque media circus of mannered public appearances and popping on asinine 'talent' shows, she's chosen to stick to non-stop touring, where she pulls off live vocals with extremely accomplished dancing and the odd magazine interview now and then (and don't forget the Coke Zero commercials!).
If AKB48 was full of mature yet super sexy women like Aya I would be a HUGE fan.
It's sad that many women have that attitude towards their husbands. I used to like her.
If my wife said that in public, I know what I'd be doing with her carrot...
One more thing. The media perpetuates this kind of behavior. Why does the media admire this kind of monster? Can't you find someone smart, nice, charitable or loving to report about. Society is sad for putting this kind of harpy (thanks oginome for nailing down a name for this syndrome) on a pedistal. We would be better giving her a link for emotional intelligence training.
I am very sad to say that I have experienced this kind of woman in my life. The self agrandizing, over-confident, materialistic, greedy, high maintenance, moody, dragon lady. Thankfully her charms wore off after a short time and I could escape. Beauty and charm were not enough to entrap me. But too many guys out there fall into this kind of trap and can't get out.
It is so sad for her partner, whipped or not, that she could publicly say something like that. The best way to manage this kind of woman is to break her stick, shred the carrot and exorcise her from your heart and mind forever.
Here's to women out there with real charm and glamour. The lady who loves honestly, knows how to be a partner and best friend, doesn't need her looks or LV bag to charm anyone and can hold her own in this world as a respectable and sincere individual. Now that is something to admire.
Maybe this Aya dragon lady will learn that one day when her beauty fades and her manipulation no longer works. She just better hope her hubby loves her enough to stick it out until then.
Oh shush, Aya, you self-satisfied harpy.
Sara Sultana
Yap. I am also agree with you Wurthington.Any women wouldn't think to highly of him.
It seems that Aya-chan keeps her man's dignity in a jar on her nightstand.
Which is exactly why I am not thinking highly of her. If my husband made a comment that makes it imply I am a simple beast who can be control by a carrot... he's be shown the door.
Used to like this women alot untill i found out the truth behind her, she is not so nice, she used to physically assault her first husband amongst other things, there are a couple of other issues that have shown her not to be the honey i once considered her to be, And the other night they showed her on tv with out any make up, man she aint so pretty in real life.
Sorry Ai not a fan of yours any longer.
No doubt... by saying such a thing she really made her husband seem like a kept man. It was somewhat insensitive of her. But lets say the roles were reversed and he said such a thing... I'm not sure how women in Japan would react but I think a lot of Western women wouldn't think to highly of him.
"Stick" is one translation. The original is "muchi ga nana wari" which also means "70% whip."
She sounds like a vapid women going by these comments. He "finally" appreciates you? Why marry someone who doesn't? Why do you need to dangling a carrot from a stick? He's not a horse!
"Amegasanwari; muchigananawari." Great expression for motivation's pleasure/pain ratio.
My impression of what she meant. 30% Carrot... basically 30% of the time she dangles the carrot in front of him. So what is the Carrot... it could be her cooking, her money, sex, or all three. 70% stick... well.. hate to say it but Stick can only mean one thing to me... I doubt very much she's using a weapon of some sort to keep him in line so I'll have to assume she verbally scolds him 70% of the time.
The video didn't focus on jewelery at all.
What an elegant lady....
tokyotom - Agreed, every talent story has a pic.
The headline made me think of the Rihanna video for S&M.
We included the video link.
JT deserves the stick for not including a picture of the timelessly fetching Aya-chan
Aya looks great! I bet her husband would be satisfied with 10% carrot and 90% stick, ha ha!
I wonder what she 'actually' meant by this. (as my imagination starts flying...)