Japan Today

BABYMETAL plays first ever U.S. show

By Preston Phro

Continuing their meteoric rise to international stardom, BABYMETAL has checked off another box on their world conquest to-do list: Playing a headline show in the U.S.

The show on July 27 has even made waves in Japan thanks to a fan video uploaded to YouTube shortly after the group’s LA tour. Check it out below.

Coinciding with the release of their first full album earlier this year, BABYMETAL released a live video for “Gimme Chocolate!!” in February. In the months since then, the video has racked up well over twelve million views and been reposted by numerous major news outlets. While BABYMETAL isn’t quite yet a household name like, for example, Anthrax, they’re not the relatively unknown group we interviewed last year either – and if the July 27 show in LA is any indication, they’re doing something very right.

But if you missed BABYMETAL in California, you might still have a chance to see them in the United States -- if you’re in the right city. Starting this week, the group will be on the road with none other than Lady Gaga.

Once the mini-tour with the Fame Monster is finished, the group will play at Heavy Montreal before returning to Japan for Summer Sonic and two special dates at the Makuhari Messe International Convention Complex. Those of you in Tokyo should keep an eye on their schedule page for up-to-date information and ticket info.

Sources: Twitter, BABYMETAL, Facebook

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I thought this wasn't my kind of thing, but after listening at some of their songs, I have to admit they are catching. The music is very good.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Sorry but I don't understand their appeal?

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

I follow them for some time, their appeal is their energy , and most important , the ability of Sue-metal ( main vocal ) to give great vocal performance on live concerts, and also, they got great band behind them, and great people who make music for them, and what to say, they are massive .

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Yes, but is it good for the world? Or more evidence of how far we've fallen? Artificial in every way and without the concept of irony, artificiality can only lead to more nihilism. ...While lacking in substance and also in dignity it strips away our dignity as well. Of course there's always the possibility that those in L.A. misunderstand the lack of irony. Or they're mostly children. But again, Japanese can remove any real feelings of anger and pain from the genre and replace those real feelings with cotton candy. It's brilliant in a way: an evil way.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Wow! High-Energy and fun! This is my new motivational workout music!


4 ( +10 / -6 )

The concert was amazing!! I recorded some great footage from the balcony if anyone would like to see. https://www.youtube.com/user/yoshisbuddy/videos

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Babymetal is awesome. Their band is awesome too! They really really needed a bigger venue (with working air conditioning) so more fans could see them perform live. Unfortunately, they just had one show for their fans. The rest of their appearances will be opening for Lady Gaga, and they aren't given much time either. Most of the audience there is unfamiliar with them so there's not much interaction. They deserve to tour on their own in North America.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

How old are you fans which like them? I hope under 20 because these girls very young

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

hmm , good for the world?, evidence of how far we've fallen- we actually for the USA Babymetal breathes a breath of fresh air- since most acts are not new but old stars from the 60's through the 80's - new acts don't get much of a chance.

there is a band- and front singers- and no one is covering pieces from the crop of known groups.

so is that really bad? - i think it is good!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

My internal dialogue goes something this when listening to them on youtube

" I like...... wait I am no pedo..... Their song is catchy.... Giv me chocolate... no I shouldnt.... they are too young....wait.......ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I like.... ok whocares... I like. I like "

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

ProudJapaneseAUG. 03, 2014 - 10:48AM JST How old are you fans which like them? I hope under 20 because these girls very young

well I am 62 and I think they are amazing. As a ProudJapanese you should be proud of these wonderful girls, they are 15-16 by the way. Are you suggesting older people cannot like them just because they are young?, was it wrong for people to like Mozart and what about Shirley Temple? Any implication that kawaii is somehow sexual says more about those suggesting this than the truth. I don't see Schoolgirls as sex objects and there is nothing suggestive at all in Babymetal lyrics or dance movements. Cute is not sexual, it's the very opposite in my view, kawai i= innocence, it's not as if they are pole dancing. This band is the most talented to ever leave the shores of Japan, and you don not have to be 12 years old to appreciate their talent.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

First, their appeal is good music, great metal background, and stage performance. Proud Japanese says "How old are you fans which like them? I hope under 20 because these girls very young" What? I guess young people couldn't like Elvis when he got older because he was "too old"? Age is no factor when it comes to enjoying music. This is not North Korea, and we can enjoy any type of music we like, regardless of age. Reminds me of living in America when all the people were so judgemental, always looking for reasons to bash people. ROCK ON BABY METAL!!

9 ( +12 / -3 )

ProudJapaneseAUG. 03, 2014 - 10:48AM JST How old are you fans which like them? I hope under 20 because these girls very young

well I am 62 and I think they are amazing. As a ProudJapanese you should be proud of these wonderful girls, they are 15-16 by the way. Are you suggesting older people cannot like them just because they are young?, was it wrong for people to like Mozart and what about Shirley Temple? Any implication that kawaii is somehow sexual says more about those suggesting this than the truth. I don't see Schoolgirls as sex objects and there is nothing suggestive at all in Babymetal lyrics or dance movements. Cute is not sexual, it's the very opposite in my view, kawaii = innocence, it's not as if they are pole dancing. This band is the most talented to ever leave the shores of Japan, and you don not have to be 12 years old to appreciate their talent.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

People of all ages were at the show in Hollywood. Plenty of older fans in attendance, including myself. You get past the age thing. The "pedo-metal" comments you see are more a reflection on the original commenters mindset than Babymetal fans (who are over it). Watch a couple of the professionally shot live performance on Youtube or the world tour trailer and you'll see. Babymetal is just good, fun, metal music and Su is an awesome singer. A couple of the notes she hits during the "scream" portions of their songs were amazing, couldn't believe she did it live, but she hit every note. And Moa and Yui are just the cutest things, it's an odd mix, but it all works. But, the girls are in no way sexualized, this isn't kpop.

7 ( +8 / -1 )


They are cute little 14 year old pop singers. It must be a dark place you're coming from when something like this can send you into existential despair. Have some fun.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@commanteer Despair, yes! I believe in it. This isn't the sources of it but it does lack any of the angst you would normally find in metal: drained away. And as usual, the brainchild of middle-aged men! Expressing a negative view doesn't mean there is a lack of fun. Negativity can be fun! And there's tons of good fun negative music to prove it! And that's for the kids!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

what a load of crap!!

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Are they 12? Twelve year olds are cute, but aren't there working hour laws in America for kids?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Yeah, there music is pretty good, but their 'appeal' is a little disturbing. It's just a metal version of AKB! If they weren't tarting around in metal maid uniforms I could probably take them seriously.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

great metal background

The great metal background only comes from the musicians. The girls themselves don't know metal - they're an offshoot of a J-pop group called "Sakura Gakuin." They merely formed Babymetal because their bosses put them together - they didn't form together organically because of shared passion for the music.

Are they 12? Twelve year olds are cute, but aren't there working hour laws in America for kids?

AFAIK currently one is 16 and two are 14. They're allowed to work but for limited hours.

Dunno about laws concerning their "zettai ryouiki" though.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

and last...sorry J music bites

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

I didn't know so many otaku in other country. This is not good music. Please come Japan and check real music.

Jacky. You are 62 and like these young girls music. Yes they are cute. but maybe you dont know lolicon in Japan. That is main audience. Amazing you said? Your family don't think your thinking strange? I think very strange. Sorry.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

I thought ....oooo ....something very new and different....in JP pop?..... No. Same as usual, just louder. Actually....a diabolical noise.....

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The great metal background only comes from the musicians. The girls themselves don't know metal - they're an offshoot of a J-pop group called "Sakura Gakuin." They merely formed Babymetal because their bosses put them together - they didn't form together organically because of shared passion for the music.

Yes, that's it, this band is more background than those 3 girls, yet I like their music I am aware that the quality of it comes from different source than everyone thinks. From new j-bands I like Hello Sleepwalkers most probably, but Babymetal is ok.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Never heard of them till today; had a look on Youtube.

Have to say I like them. They're like AKB or Smap, only with better melodies and a genuinely edgy energy.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

not so much into baby metal stuff but they are much better then Bieber crap

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I would give them total credit if they had a low-hanging base guitar, a rhythm guitar, and perhaps the third girl on the drums while they head-banged and sang, but as it is it's really no different than your usual arranged band of young girls who dance, and sorry for those who like it but I really didn't think they dance very well, and sing fluff in a typical girl or boy-band fashion. They may as well have just been people in the audience dancing to the music.

I like the fact that it's an alternative to the usual J-pop, but I still wish they'd hire bands with genuine playing, writing, and singing ability (and in most cases dancing as well).

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

I don't know what the age of the girls have to do with the fact of liking their songs...O_o Also in the West there are young singers. Baby Metal have an amazing band and the vocalist is pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx_roXyRLBg

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I am so happy to see your post @yoshisbuddy , I watched your videos , thanks for sharing :) .

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Louder J-Pop? (shrug)

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

I honestly love the mix between Metal/Jpop they've got going on. I've followed these girls since the release of D.D.M on YT and have loved everything to have happened since then. The band is unique and amazing with the girls and Kami. Suzuka(Su-Metal) sings excellently in live performances and Yui and Moa(Yui-Metal and Moa[Metal) put everything in there dancing during live performances. I would honestly love to see these girls again because they're so fun and amazing to watch in person.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

For those who don't know the group the official Budokan concert and tour trailer is a good starting point.


3 ( +5 / -2 )

They're quite interesting and catchy to say the least. A genre-bending mixture of J-Pop and metal. In their song Megitsune, just hearing "Sore sore sore" in a metal song just put a smile on my face.

I just read they were in the UK's Sonisphere Festival last month along with giants like Metallica and Iron Maiden where they performed live in front of 50,000 people. Whoa!

6 ( +7 / -1 )

In their song Megitsune, just hearing "Sore sore sore" in a metal song just put a smile on my face.

Megitsune is my favorite one! Such an amazing mix of metal, pop and traditional Japanese music that you could hear during matsuri. Impressive mood.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

The lead singer has a very good "live" singing voice which makes her different from most of the J-pop singers/groups. The band can definitely jam. The two other girls just add a kawaii factor that doesn't really add much to the music itself - just a show for the audience. I do not see any sexualization of these young girls which is a relief. I thought Shirley Temple was a talented and enjoyable entertainer - why not BabyMetal?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The youngest are Yui and Mao, and they are 15, not 14.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Babymetal: All I see are babies, and no metal...what a crappy excuse for a band...

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

@Alex80 Haha Yeah, it's just a fun song throughout. I can just imagine it being played at matsuris and local events.

Here's Babymetal's set list at the Sonisphere Festival UK. My favorite part starts around 22:05, before Ijime Dame Zettai (a song against bullying) is performed. The video played begins by asking, "Why do people hurt each other?" with emotional music and the message that we should stop hurting each other. Moments later when the song starts, people jump right into the mosh pit and start hurting each other. Priceless.


3 ( +4 / -1 )

@Michael Grant Yes, because every great band has to be the stereotypical Nirvana, Van Halen, etc etc

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Just another fad from Japan. But there are enough weeaboos out there who would eat dogshite off a plate if it only came from Japan.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

So. They don't actually play anything?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Good for them!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@japangal, in the usa kids are allowed to work 4 hrs a day, 20 hours a week if they are under 15. if they are in school they can only work 20 hours a week while school is in session. this applies to college kids too. i got so busted for working more than 20 hours while in college. if you are a teenager you can start working during the school year if you are 15 and have a work permit. usually you get one from your school and have to maintain a certain gpa. some schools don't allow students to work unless they can prove that they are from low income families and need the money. as for babymetal, i'm not a fan. i'd be more impressed if it was a group of girls who grew up listening to metal/rock and decided they wanted to do that for a living, instead of an artificially created group who had never even heard of the music genre before. still way to make that money so i'm not mad at them.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

So. They don't actually play anything?

Jeff Beck can't play the trombone. Besides aren't they singers anyway? You are taking this way too seriously.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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