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© Copyright 2012 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.'Battleship' leads attack of game-based movies
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The budget for the movie was $15 Million. The movie garnered $14,643,997 domestically at the box office, so if you add to that the international box office and video/DVD sales, they turned a small profit - though certainly nothing to brag about.
Kiskipuich Vilaboa
I get dizzy with first person games So I don't play them anymore. The movie?? Same old same old as all the movies Hollywood is doing lately War , aliens, violence all the same sh. T to make us buy and imprint the idea of war in our minds to make a real war again and make us see as normal The collective conscience IS VERY powerful !
"Clue" was hysterical and Tim Curry was brilliant in it, and I'm pretty sure it became profitable once released on VHS and later DVD.
I enjoy a lot of Liam Neeson's films so I might rent it for a dollar at Redbox for his sake and for the chance to see some neat special effects (Like watching fireworks).
Personally, I'm kind of interested in the "Risk" movie. That has the potential to be mildly interesting or hysterically bad. A global war for world domination, but with 18th century weapons' and technology and war strategies. If done with modern or futuristic weapons and armies it will just a World War III apocalyptic thing, and might as well be the sequel to "Battleship".
"Candy Land"?? Please dear Lord give the Hollywood writers some inspiration! It is clear they have none. All they can do is remakes, zombie and alien invasion stuff.
When something original comes out, Hollywood usually takes advantage of it ("Gran Torino", "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", The Harry Potter Series, etc.) When there is a lull in the originality of stories, that's when they resort to remakes. What I usually tell people who complain about it is, "So what's the story you've presented to them that can't be claimed to be a derivative of some previous movie?" They usually don't even answer unless it's to call me a wise-a$$.
Ewan Huzarmy
Hollywood is creatively bankrupt !
If it isn't a remake, it's a re-imagining of a cult TV show, or a superhero reboot, or a live action anime, horror remake, remake of foreign film, or comic book adaptation.... now board games ! What's next Monopoly, Buckaroo, Operation ?
...And if you buy the game at the kid's insistence and bring it home, they'll find out the game has none of the excitement an "action" movie contains. They will never be able to "play that experience at home".
The game has grown up with its players. Now there is BattleSHOTS with a shot of your favorite sake replacing each of the peg holes in the vessels. If your oppnent scores a "hit", you drink the shot. No word on whether anyone makes it to the end of the game in a state of consciousness.
For an example picture:
The only thing this movie has in relation to the game is the name. Even the director of the film admitted that the film has NOTHING to do with the board game. I certainly don't remember aliens playing battleship as a kid.
Ben Jack
You could only play it on summer afternoons?
Sounds like another formulaic shoot-em-up story, but the computer graphics on the trailer look great. Probably mildly enjoyable on a big screen purely for fun after a couple of drinks.
Hungry Hungry Hippos. Make it happen, Hollywood!
I stopped reading after the article said "Clue bombed." Clue was a good movie, great cast, good jokes. Battleship huh? Wake me up when American Pie 4 comes out.
Hollywood continues to use effects to mask its paucity of ideas. This movie sounds moronic.
I am very sorry but this sounds like a horrible movie...I think the only way I would want to see it is if it were a B movie and I wanted a good laugh.