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© 2016 AFPBeyonce says she's not 'anti-police'
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© 2016 AFP
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The whole Micheal Brown incident sparked this whole BLM thing.
So I wonder how she feels about the "gentle giant" who'd previously assaulted the store clerk, stole some cigars and was defiantly walking in middle of the street before assaulting a police officer giving lawful orders to move onto the sidewalk.
A lot of people in the African American community have felt that Beyonce grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth and is "white-washed". This was just a way to gain some of her audience back. Some people felt the same about her husband as he started doing music with Justin Timberlake, Coldplay and Linkin Park.
I can see that happening. When Micheal Jackson was "black" Black people loved him. But then after he turned white and got mixed-up in that whole "Jesus Juice" scandal with them kids, Blacks knew he'd become "white-washed" so they turned their backs.
She says she's an artist. I see no art in what she does, just the self-aggrandizement connected with ego. That said, you have to have an ego bigger than hers to strut yourself about like a whore and think that adds to your 'art', which in her case is what she thinks is music. No different from AKB48.
The truth is always proved from the talk by deeds. Donate some of your wealth to the poor Blacks both in USA and Africa. Strange these pop moguls, talk a lot & raise money from others but keep their pockets tight? Pop culture opportunists where lips and hearts distance is great. Truth is proved by her actions.
It's obvious they want people to be meek and docile. Police profiling and cold blooded murders are not new in AmeriKKKa. It's well interwoven into the system that some people fail to see it or do their best to turn head away and ignore the facts. It scares people to see changes and revolutionary awakenings. Who would expect justice in a country where hate groups walk free and revolutionaries are assassinated?
Who would expect "thugs" to obey lawful orders from police giving reasonable commands -walk on the sidewalk, not in the middle of a street.
Neither are the gang related murders and shooting up corners to enforce drug-turf.
It scares people when cops cannot perform their scope of duties without being labeled as racists and accused of brutality.
We'd all be singing a different tune if "gentle giant" M. Brown subdued Officer D. Wilson and killed him. Or if he'd killed the store clerk. & Last, but not least, if he (later in life) killed another Black man in the hood'
No, you get it perfectly. They're already getting "free" stuff. So the 28 days kinda' off-sets the perceived imbalance.
She's not anti-police, she's just pro-getting-rich-off-cultural-fads. Like most of the social issues in the US the anti-police one is a fad that has enjoyed more than its 15 minutes in the spotlight.
So she doesn't want to be seen as anti-police yet she sung this song and dance routine at the Superbowl, where she had to practice it many times to get it right and now we are to believe that she didn't realize that it may have presented a negative image. If I were her, I would have just kept my mouth closed on this one. Now we know she is just a shill for the money and doesn't really believe in what she is singing or she is too dumb to realize that maybe coming out with something like that in the long run will make you look bad. In either case she comes off as looking silly in my opinion. I think that there are much better artists out there, but if she can sell music, and people buy it, more power to her.
We all know thugs in AmeriKKKa are in suits and ties and in blue uniforms. In many cases, there were no blink of evidence that the victims did commit crimes or resisted arrested. Actually they are shooting any citizens it's not only about black folks. They feared for their lives? Well they shouldn't be police officers then if they can't handle civilians professionally. How about footage of police officers abusing citizens and still little is done to discipline them. Labeling people "thugs" tells a lot about the person speaking. Bravo!
The irony is it all started with Reagan with his war on drugs spreading cocaine and meth in popular areas to make fortune and fulfill the prison quotas for private companies.
What a shallow reasoning. If he had a proper training and gut he would have handled the situation very well. But when you take off the hood and put on the blue uniform, it does not matter because it is the same Klan.
As for 2015, the latest data converge to the same result which is White people in AmeriKKKa are the larger number of citizens getting welfare and food stamps. The data are available and FREE. Check it out.
Police officers are people and just want to go home at the end of their shift. For the most part, they do handle people professionally.
It is what it is. Just like I won't deny there are crook, racists and lazy cops.
He did handle the situation properly. Brown went for the weapon during his assault on Officer Wilson. As a result he was shot multiple times. That's what's being taught in the academies. Its called use of deadly force.
Well in my homestate, its the other way around. White people and Asians (especially asians) are doing well. Its the latinos / blacks on welfare. Making up most of the unemployment rate. Going in-n-out of jail / prison. And complaining about how Uncle Sam owes them something.
You cannot single out a case and attempt to generalize it to a whole community. The statistics show whites are the biggest beneficiaries of welfare services. Your home state statistics do not mean nothing compared to the nationwide data. Sorry, but facts are out there. Where Latinos and Blacks are blaming Uncle Sam for their precarity, whites are accusing immigrants of taking their jobs. It's both ways around, there are losers in all groups.
Shinjuku No Yaju
It never ceases to amaze me the level of virulent hatred for African Americans on this website. How can you be so against justice and fairness when its for blacks but so for it when its for anybody else. Remarkable.
So what's with the Black Panther's black supremacist fist in the air business? The Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter are not known for their respect for the police. If she didn't want to be perceived as one dimensional anti-police she shouldn't have presented herself that way.