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© 2016 AFPBeyonce takes U.S. by storm with new activist role
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There is supposed to be that cardinal rule that sport and politics should not mix. It wasnt a good stage to bring the message, even if there are positives about the message. I also have to admit that if Taylor Swift came on singing country and holding an NRA placard, she would have been labelled as some kind of member of the klan. But it would have been no different to Beyonces message. Which brings us back to Charlotte Ramplings point that it feels racist to her to criticise representation of the white acting community.
It was supposed to be a sporting stage. With her and her husbands money it is easy to step onto the political, TV, and media platforms. She was invited to one of the biggest sporting audiences in the world and hijacked it with politics, even if I agree with the message. All of those black NFL players are millionaires and can also get involved in that message on the correct political platform.
Honestly, I wasn't able to understand any of the words of her song. Perhaps she should have worn more clothing or I just didn't expect to hear a political message in a song during Super Bowl halftime festivities. At least, she didn't have a wardrobe malfunction such as that which occurred during Carolina's last trip to the Super Bowl. Go Broncos (from a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan)!
it's not as binary as many of you are saying. first of all, the police aren't going around indiscriminately shooting only blacks. whites, hispanics and asians also die at the hands of police officers. secondly, the police shoot because their commands have not been followed. you can disagree all you want, but if a police officer tells me to stop and get down on the floor, then i'm going to do that. i just don't think it's as clear cut as many of you black-lives-matter protestes make it out to be.
Of course:
US Department of Justice:
Page 3
The police can`t be that bad as she is escorted everywhere by them.
It matters, shallots, because a violent crime rate disproportionate to population can yield a disproportionate rate of violent encounters with police.
I must not have been paying attention: I seem to have missed the moment when the Superbowl ceased to be a privately-owned sporting event tightly controlled by the NFL. No doubt the discovery that they are a public platform without the right to control who has access to it will shock the people at the ticket booth, or viewers when the local chess team demands equal coverage for their tournament.
There is no requirement in democratic societies that private organizations give equal balance to whatever crack-pot lunatic bigot view comes their way, which is why though there will no doubt be some minority will be offended that Beyonce dared express an opinion that challenged their world view, the NFL will not be penalized for giving a platform to it.
Yet she bleaches her hair. Strange.
Black Statistics Matter.
Blacks comprise only 13% of the US population, but commit 53% of the murders.
Whitney J Broussard II
She's much to do about nothing here in the USA for most of us. I barely listened to her show at half-time. She's certainly NOT taking the USA by storm. Come on news media get a grip and not be so dramatic
This is the same sort of false equivalency that causes people to say it should be the "All Lives Matter" movement.
Republicans, conservatives, the NRA, etc. don't live in and never have lived in a world where they can be murdered by law enforcement without repercussions. Regardless of how rich Beyonce, Jay Z, and black athletes are, African Americans still deal with this on a disproportionate level. That's why it would be ridiculous and outrageous for Taylor Swift to support an "NRA Matters" movement.
You can say the Black Lives Matter movement is political, but unless you think blacks deserve to be killed indiscriminately with no justice served, it's really hard to argue against it. If you really think about it, what Beyonce did is about as controversial as if she made a statement about starving kids in America.
And since when is Rudy Giuliani still relevant?
The performance was great and it's nice to see her using her platform for a cause...but honestly, where the hell has she been? She had ample time to make a stand or political statement before...but they way it ended up happening was her gaining tons of publicity and it stirring up a fever of every one wantingto buy her Tour Tickets which was announced DURING the Superbowl. The heart's in the right place, but I can't help but feel that it was more so for profit...
@Thunderbird2 You're right. You ARE guilty of a double standard: thinking it's bad in one case but good in the other. I haven't ever seen those comments on JT about Japanese hair but would would avoid the double standard by calling those comments ridiculous in both cases...
Of course the Superbowl is political -just in an US vs. them (meaning the rest of the world) way: the enormous flags, the national anthem being a centerpiece, the cheers when scenes of troops in Afghanistan appear, the military jets screaming overhead. We are so used to it that the ultra-nationalism goes over our heads. I remember my father commenting on the Roman circuses for the masses to keep them loyal to the empire.
If Beyonce has made enough money that she can afford to make a political statement, more power to her. I did a little research: Beyonce comes from a multi-racial background, but in the US the only thing that counts for how you are treated is the black part. She has become a mother - and probably realizes that the "black" is the part of her daughter that will be seen in the America today - and it has made her more radical. Beyonce comes from Houston, a city with one of the highest poverty rates in the US - I'm sure she has seen plenty of suffering and isn't forgetting it just because she got rich. More power to her.
From a total non-Beyonce fan who was impressed by the creativity in the Superbowl performance but not at all inspired.
OK. Well, I'm sorry if I judged you too quickly. So why ironic? You think dying her hair is "not black"? I'm trying to understand your position, since you posted it. I mean all kinds of people dye their hair all the time for lots of reasons. I'm wondering what it signifies to you and where the irony is, since I'm not seeing it. Certainly hair can be a "statement" sometimes. But It's not the first thing I think of since so many women, of all backgrounds, do it as part of their regular fashion. Or is it the color that has you? The fact that in the picture it's a rather light color (though I am not sure if it would be described as "bleached"). As a guy, I usually find it's safer to stay away from criticizing women's appearances.
@Black Sabbath
Arch Liberals amuse me. Black lives matter says, "Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon." They hear, "Police are racists and killing them is a civil right." Beyonce' is tying herself to this racist group and the militant side of Malcolm X. Racism is again in fashion.
I know history and I know that America's experience with discrimination does not legitimize continued discrimination based on race. Yet Democrats in America continue to use government to divide by race - as they have always done for their political benefit. I have a perfect understanding of how affirmative action works. It is a web of thousands of laws, rules, and regulations through which government and private institutions continue the racial spoils system that has existed from the country's founding. Except it is implemented in a manner that gives preferences to every citizen except white males - discrimination through omission. Everyone understands this. That is why white males are not included in these policies.
Only a very small percentage of white males alive today have had anything even remotely to do with Jim Crow - that ended 50 years ago. There are no white males alive today who were slave owners. Slavery ended 150 years ago. This idea that a white male entering college or the workforce today should be held accountable for slavery and Jim Crow is immoral and discriminatory. I'm sure that slave owners and those that supported pre-1960's race based laws also believed there was a good reason for discrimination just as today's supporters of affirmative action racism believe. They were wrong then and you are wrong now.
John Constantine
Racism...a double standard. Blacks can march because they think America owes them something or it is Their "Black Lives Matter"..I thought all lives mattered. Mexicans can march because there are 11 million illegals that they think should have rights. What part if illegal means you deserve something from the country you are illegally in? LGBT wants to march...etc. Everybody wants to march. However you get a group of whites to march about anything and they're automatically Racist because they are white. Are there not Black only colleges...a Black tv entertainer awards....magazines...etc. So if someone opens a white only anything there is hell to pay because you're a racist pig. It's a complete double standard.
Are there problems....yes, but nothing they have shown or told to the public really show cases the biggest problem that blacks face today. They are their own worst enemy...most blacks are killed by blacks.
It is better to give than receive especially when it comes to is very simple. Many individuals would still be alive if they would do one thing....OBEY the LAW, it is that simple. Follow not not attack. When I get pulled over and I am told...Please keep you hands on the steering wheel..I say "Yes Sir". I need you to exit the vehicle..."Yes Sir"...approach the rear of the vehicle and put your hands on the trunk "Yes Sir". Do you really think calling an officer names or fighting with them is going to have a favorable outcome?
A person has to accept some responsibility for their actions no matter what color one is.
For all the complaining here about Japan, the killing of over 1,000 people per year by police in the US sounds downright scary compared to Japan. When is the last time someone was killed by the police in Japan? I can't remember, but I do see a lot of restraint by the police.
That doesn't explain why the odds/per capita basis are still disproportionate towards blacks. For example if you look at interracial rapes the per capita rate it is much more likely to be a Black person raping a white person then it is for a white person to rape a black person by a very wide margin, same is true for inter-racial homicide per capita rates.
Just wave your hands around and assert that it's true. Pandering to the masses works for leading politicians, too.
You just scrolled right past the numbers I posted. Typical. "The right is spending crazy time and energy denying it" doesn't come close to the billions spent keeping inmates incarcerated "trying to fix the problem of unarmed black men being killed". And it's the right's own resources being spent. Not something progressive taxes are levied to pay for.
They're very unlikely to be killed by police if they're incarcerated.
You can read the WSJ article if you're interested in why they say there's not a "problem of police killing unarmed black men". Or don't read it, and stay in your happy place.
How do you define fixing it? If you define it as reducing the odds of law enforcement killing unarmed black men well actually incarceration does in fact reduce the odds of them being killed while unarmed by law enforcement.....
Ironically the quote proves turbostat's point: It takes very little energy to deny something, no matter how many instances you add up.
Agreed that it is a red herring but with that said blacks do kill blacks at a much higher rate than whites kill whites.
That depends upon the type of crime and crime levels. If you are talking petty crimes then you are correct but if you are talking about aggravated assault and homicide levels could argue that those crime rates and those levels could make the case that law enforcement in certain situations should go in with guns blazing and kill. You also factor in that blacks are just under five times more likely to kill a police offer than a white person is to kill a police officer.
I agree that law enforcement needs to exercise restraint, but at the same time do you blame law enforcement for being more on edge and trigger happy when in the black community?
So what has she done to better the lives of Blacks in US apart from promoting her songs & label? Does she contribute to black charities? volunteer? set up scholarship funds for black students?? The only thing her & her husband do very well is to make money of their ethnicity.
TigersTokyoDomeFEB. 09, 2016 - 12:36PM JST There is supposed to be that cardinal rule that sport and politics should not mix. It wasnt a good stage to bring the message, even if there are positives about the message.
If all the performers, including Beyonce was so important of possible mishaps and intentional damage, the lawyers at CBS could've demanded written agreement music, lyrics to the songs and other stipulation that were to be performed ahead of time. Especially, Beyonce performing her new song that nobody heard of. If the performer liability clause was included in the contract, the risk would've been minimal. The controversy of the event will probably benefit CBS with extra publicity. Remember the Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake screw up? They don't care as long as they make money.
MrBum, I agree with your point of view. Completely. But as soon as you start saying, ok Beyonce can be invited onto superbowl halftime and raise a panthers fist and display placards against police brutality, then in a democratic society you would have to allow anyone with an NRA/ Donald Trump/ police state opinion the right to do the same. And as I have the same political point of view as you, that is the last thing we need at a sporting event. The Taylor Swift comments are a hypothetical scenario, and one where she would be castigated for ding something similar to Beyonce's act.
Louis Amsel
people getting gun down by the authorities just because they have darker skins is deplorable in 21st century. fix this, america.
So the song is about "Ignore facts, just look at the race of people involved?" yawn.... next.
Anybody can be an activist, for or against.
Look at that bloke who took on Planned Parenthood
I watched the whole thing and didn't even catch any of the overtones. Dumb out of touch Caucasian I guess.
But I do have problems with the Black Lives Matter movement because it seems racist to me. Some of it's supporters were making up racist things to make whites look bad and trying to foment anger among the blacks.
I'm a support of All Lives Matter because blacks are no less and no more important than anyone else. Black Lives do matter, but that doesn't make it right to discriminate against others and falsely attack/accuse them.
And it doesn't mean that there is racism behind every black death at the hands of whites - unless you are willing to see racism behind every white death at the hands of blacks.
So, All Lives Matter because Racism is Wrong.
The police in these tough black neighborhoods are basically working in war zones due to the high amount of crime and murders. Its not the police that are making these neighborhoods dangerous, they're just reacting to the problem. Beyoncé should be looking at solving the problem of all these black kids growing up without fathers and trying to bring jobs to these cities.... not targets cops trying to do their jobs.
Juan Carlos Barbosa Padilla
And then I could suppose that if Coldplay had a better halftime show and no Beyonce and Bruno were in the show the show will be anyway panned due to be racist... right?
As some have said, with bleached blonde hair. Funny she did a tribute to Malcom X in the Superbowl. She does understand that it was Black Muslims who gunned him down and not white cops because he had splintered away from the Nation of Islam and saw them as being racist, and that was done so that the issue of income inequality and poverty could keep the races divided.
All lives matter. Police officer's lives, musician's lives matter, athlete's lives matter, as well as black lives, white lives, red lives, yellow lives, and brown lives. The Black Lives Matter movement seems to be a racist organization consisting of a few groups of protestors who seem to have impressed Beyoncé.
I question why a non-official national holiday such as Super Bowl should be the chosen platform for protest. There are other venues available. Team Beyoncé can certainly afford to buy television time and create her own TV special.
Promoting civil disobedience and attacks on law enforcement personal may sell music but it's an odd way to spend a football Sunday afternoon.
With her stance against police brutality, I wonder how she feels when her bodyguards bum-rush someone who is trying to get a picture of her when she is not feeling like being photographed. Sure it's ok for her own personal security guards that she can afford (and I am not saying that isn't unfair), but why is it that the likes of her and other so called "celebs" can have personal guards that will rough you up if you get too close, and yet we expect the police to be polite to people who are in the act of breaking crimes and resisting arrest. Hollywood Hypocrisy.
The BLM movement are even funnier: We say, "Wear the shoe"
They hear: "Racism / Bigotry."
No. This is why I love the NFL & NBA. Black Athletes are truly amazing. I'm glad some of them can escape drugs, gangs and poverty by early athleticism and getting into a university.
What? California (unfortunately) is very, very liberal. Look @the Berkley scene.
Ironic? And I find it ironic that the Black community are always so quick to loot and destroy their own cities and shoot into crowds of police barriers. All because an officer killed a Black teenager who attacked the officer & went for the officer's gun.
We'd all be singing a different tune if Micheal Brown "got a hold" of wilson's gun and actually killed the officer(s). Or if he murdered another Black teenager with that same gun a few days later.
The whole BLM (Black Lives Matter) is good. But 1st go preach it in SouthCentral LA, Chicago, Detroit, NY -where those black-on-black crimes happen every Fri/Sat night- for stupidest of reasons too.
Feverent BLM support even went as far as to tweet things like, "F" Paris (in reference to the Terror attacks 11/13/15 which stole the limelight from the BLM). Sheesh, how low can you go?
Wonder if she will turn to the 'white policemen' if she ever needs them.
The stats in the WSJ article say it's not.
The two numbers are probably not even close. It takes very little energy to deny something, no matter how many instances you add up. Resources spent "trying to fix the problem of unarmed black men being killed" are massive and disproportionate. You can issue another simple assertion that 'Yes it 'tis', if you want. But if I look outside and the sky is blue, and someone tells me no, it's green with purple spots, I'm not bothering to look outside again.
That's approximately $80 billion USD. A very high fraction of that to "fix the problem of unarmed black men being killed". As opposed to how much spent on denials?
Toshio Nakamura
After endless insidious conditioning by educators to idolize all things culturally diverse (IE: black) or be labeled racist, modern American youth have reached an epidemic proportion of "jungle fever" to the detriment of their own personal safety and society as a whole. And now with Ebonics and the dumbing down of testing standards across the board in an futile attempt to "level the playing field" it will only be a number of years before ALL students suffer. I feel Africa West has debased it's future into third world standards........which is sadly just what it wants.
PS: If "Black Lives Matter" then why do so many of them kill one another?
When people speak of 'disproportionate', they usually neglect to mention the percentage of crimes committed by blacks. Playing with statistics in order to emphasize a point is the kind of behavior I expect from all politicians.
sfjp, good point. Although Beyonce is probably at the level where they dare not ask her to sign such clauses, and as you say, her actions would have benefitted the TV company and the record label. The problem now is where does it end? Any artist wanting to promote say, the LAPD, or Donald Trump for president at Superbowl halftime, would have to be given permission otherwise it would be bias.
Can't that be read as the POLICE saying "Stop shooting us"? They're the ones raising their hands up!
I see your point but disagree that we would have to give the NRA/ Donald Trump /police state supporters an open forum as well. Police brutality against blacks isn't an opinion but a fact proven again and again. To speak out against it is like speaking out against a child hunger problem. It's not really that political and shouldn't be controversial. It would only take an ounce of thought for organizers (and viewers) to support/defend one type of statement and not another.
Um...Taylor Swift has been an Obama supporter...But what does that got to do with Beyonce or with racism? Is racism a left-wing issue? Since when? Mr. Lincoln was a republican and racists don't care what political party you belong to, do they? @TigersTokyoDome
I don't see the connection here. You mean you think one cannot be pro-gun rights while against racism and police brutality? Why not? Why Taylor Swift? She's been pretty left wing. Is it because she's white that you think she's the opposite of Beyonce?
That's fine. You can have your opinion. My opinion is: free expression! She sang a song. But I'm glad people are still capable of being offended by pop music. All is not lost!
I much like the official video of the song. It's still about enjoyment even while celebrating the American experience. I like how I can still detect a certain renegade spirit in the mainstream. This is something that made popular culture (it created what the world is) everywhere, though it's slowly dying out as it gets watered down by the big machine.
How about Tamir Rice? He was a 12 year old boy with a toy gun, and the cop drove up within ten feet of him before jumping out and shooting within seconds. He didn't even give him a chance to freeze and drop his "weapon." There's video proof of this. This was after the person who called in the complaint in the first place told the dispatcher that the gun was probably fake.
Statistics show that blacks are disproportionately harassed by police more often, and clearly it's not always about disobeying commands, which by the way doesn't even come close to being grounds for shooting an unarmed person.
And yet posters here ridicule Japanese women for dying THEIR hair or lightening their skin as attempts to look western. Double standards old son, double standards.
I have nothing against Bouncy... I think she's hot, I just think that was a rather ironic statement.
Shallots, I'm not guilty of double standards - I couldn't care less if she had green hair and orange make up... I just found the statement rather ironic that's all.
I wonder if her commitment will be as short-lived as her commitment to veganism.
If so, I don't hold out much hope she'll make much of an impact.
Me too! I'm not a Beyonce fan but I liked the video for the song. You are so right about the politics too. And, all these people trying to enforce some kind of control on expression here. I feel just the opposite: resist! Modern popular music, at it's roots, created largely by black Americans, always had an element of resistance to it. That's why it took over the world. It's become homogenized now. That's why I enjoy when I see a little of that spirit in it. Beyonce is celebrating something that is quite fundamental. Americans have their anthem and bone-cracking football, their military and wars. But there is also still a little music left, here and there, at least.
@trouble Assuming the statistic is true, it matters how? What do you think it means? @tjguy
This is weak because you can say that about absolutely any movement. If you want to convince me, you would have to argue that the movement advocates for, or encourages, that. "All lives matter" is an empty platitude. You understand that right? The argument is that blacks lives are valued less. If you think that is not true, then you should explain why. Otherwise, you are incoherent and not arguing anything at all. I see her message as quite positive. Where am I wrong? She is celebrating something that has been devalued and doing it with the style that's lacking from most mainstream offerings.
While your statistic is correct, trouble, remember the warning about lies, damned lies, and statistics. Wikipedia notes:
But statistics based on race are only a tip of the iceberg. Income level is another major factor, as is urban vs rural environment. Account for the facts that blacks tend to be lower-income and heavily concentrated in urban areas and the white/black violence rates are roughly equal. The Bureau of Justice notes:
Persons in poor households at or below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) (39.8 per 1,000) had more than double the rate of violent victimization as persons in high-income households (16.9 per 1,000). Persons in poor households had a higher rate of violence involving a firearm (3.5 per 1,000) compared to persons above the FPL (0.8–2.5 per 1,000). The overall pattern of poor persons having the highest rates of violent victimization was consistent for both whites and blacks. Poor Hispanics (25.3 per 1,000) had lower rates of violence compared to poor whites (46.4 per 1,000) and poor blacks (43.4 per 1,000). Poor urban blacks (51.3 per 1,000) had rates of violence similar to poor urban whites (56.4 per 1,000).
Emphasis on those final two points are mine. Ceteris paribus, violence across white and black demographics are roughly equal, while the Hispanics tend to be the most peaceful.
Cashing in, and in poor taste.
Have a proper perspective; America is a huge country with 380 million people with legal gun ownership as well as tens of millions of illegal guns floating around. With black families about having lower levels of higher education, higher level of crime rates among the races it is quite inevitable there will be yearly recurring cases of black youths as well as black criminals being busted. It's just plain mathematics. Pity the policemen regardless of whether they are Whites or Blacks or Hispanics; really tough for your own safety. Of course there are also cases of abuse of authority by policemen. Again plain mathematics in a huge country.
No need to blow cases as gross injustice. America has offered great opportunities to its immigrants (citizens) regardless of races if they are hardworking, law abiding, diligent and entrepreneurial.
It figures. And when Taylor Swift supports republicans or conservative views, watch out for the backlash. Or worse, she might be labeled as a bigot or racist.
I find it very ironic that every post that you provide here is very bigoted or has racist overtones. It doesn't surprise me especially coming from someone living in California,
Actually it was. Since most of the NFL players are Black. Since many of them came from those "hoods" where gang violence, gun crimes and assaults of Police Officers often occur.
Wow what a statement, so are you angry because most of the NFL player are Black, or are you simply disappointed because "SOME not all white players can't compete on that level. Don't get it misunderstood that just because a person makes it in the NFL they came from the hood. I bet you came from Laguna Beach and went straight to the Navy, and not the Academy. ITS SAD if you look go back and re-read your daily post all of them has to deal with racist overtones and you have the nerve to call someone a bigot!! You should go take a look at yourself in the mirror and please don't crack it!
Exactly. Obey the law. When an officer gives you a lawful command, comply. You shouldn't ignore them or become openly defiant. Making calls from your cell phone and such, during a lawful detention.
Look @ these vids. These cops aren't racist. They're simply doing their job.
If BLM, then all they had to do was cooperate with the officer's lawful orders.
They just got tased. They'll live. The manner in which they were arrested is authorized and SOP @ most LE departments.
Look at the US. The ghettos, the hoods, the drugs, the multiple felons, the illegals . . . .its scary. Japan doesn't such elements. The actually enforce immigration laws.
You're correct Strangerland. But look at the sawed-off shotguns, semi-automatic handguns, Uzi's and AK's the "thugs" get their hands on. Police know this.
In the UK, people have better manners and usually obey the law. In the US there many law abiding, hard-working, honest people too. But the criminals in the US are the world's worst. And the criminals come from an array of the multiethnicities across the US.
Don't worry. I won't. I pay taxes, obey the law and vote.
America is a great place. Prosecute cops who abuse their authority (in fact, they should be punished harder for abusing that very authority). At the same time, BLM quit playing the race card 24/7.
What do events like the Olympics, World Cup, and Super Bowl have in common? They are all events that allow families/people from all walks of life, religions, races, creeds, nationalities, color, etc to find common ground with others who enjoy sports, or just like the camaraderie.
Racists like Beyonce and Only Black Lives Matter want to use these come-together, family entertainment events to promote anti-police sentiment and promote and excuse the rampant violence, crime, burning, and looting seen in the big cities in the U.S.. Beyonce and the Only Black Lives Matter-types should be ashamed of themselves.
Black Sabbath
You have a choice: you can either continue to enjoy my stimulating replies to your posts, or continue to address as BS. One. Not both.
They've been "free" for a while. How long does it take to git ur act together as a people?? After the Civil Rights thing, Blacks were free and gained new rights. . . . Then they got, "high."
BLM. Yeah, they do matter. Now stop the drive-by shootings and gang culture. Stay out of the state prisons and get an education. There are ample opportunities in the United States of America for Blacks.
Yeah. Her and Jay-Z always get the (police) VIP Escorts to the major venues where they perform at.
If the right spent as much time trying to fix the problem of unarmed black men being killed as they do trying to deny that a problem even exists, the problem would have been solved long ago.
Black on black crime is a major issue facing black neighborhoods. Ignoring that while blaming the police for trying to keep order in gang-infested and drug-riddled neighborhoods is absurd. Beyoncé should spend her time and millions trying to keep all lives safe.
There is a problem. I know there have been many shady cops guilty of murder, rape, abusing their power under color of authority. I know there are many racist cops too in america.
It just seems like there's more culpability on the other side. And too much "victim" cards being thrown around instead of wearing the shoe. Dr. Martin Luther King himself wouldn't be pleased with these kinds of attitudes.
Black Sabbath
I don't know why you waste your time. As I said above: They just don't care.
Now, they just don't care don't mean they are indifferent. It means they don't give a $*^%t about black people. They think Blacks are, by definition, shiftless and lazy, violent, dangerous, cry-baby-demanding, ungrateful simians.
Nothing you will or ever could say will change their minds.
No. I want to hear the problem. I want to hear the BLM gripe. I'd also like them to wear the shoe. America is a great place. Black Americans (some) have made it great too. Not only NFL / NBA athletes too.
BLM -"wear the shoe." Period.
The Womp
The first step for the black community to resolve their issues would be to admit that real change has to come within. Devoting this amount of energy on blaming police brutality on racism is ineffective and takes away from focusing on the real issues in their community. To even say this one risks being called a racist and being villified. Racism appears to fine and even encouraged as long as it is directed at the white majority. It is absolutely ok for a black commentator to make snarky comments on tv about whites or, say, a black comedians to immitate whites....Funny stuff! But if a white person would ever dare do the same thing, their career would officially be over and they would be caregoriized as somebody on the same level as a child predator. Why are such double standards permitted? 0r a white person were to walk through a black community in the inner city, it would almost be expected for him/her to have their ass kicked just because they are white. And afterward people would chide that person for going into the neighborhood to begin with. If the same thing were to happen with a black person being assaulted in a white community, we would have a human rights issue on our hands...and it would international news...And the black community would use it as another example of how racist whites are towards blacks. It's ridiculous. I personally believe there is a big problem with police brutality in the US but to contort it into a racist issue is unfair and counterproductive to not only whites and police officers but mostly to the black community. The truth is blacks make up disproportionate of the crime and therefore have a disproportionate amount of encounters with police officers. If Beyonce wanted to truly make a difference, maybe instead of pandering to the politically correct masses and fashinonable racist card, she could have addressed the ridicuously high murder rate in the black community (which are black on black murders)...and this mostly stems from dysfunctional family units and poor education...not racist police officers. And for the record, I am a democrat and I am not a racist...I truly believe in equality...affirmative action (For all minorities and0, and though it sounds racist to even say this, I have some very good black friends...I just believe that playing the victimization card will not solve issues. I am wondering who will call me out as racist and by doing so perpetuate this cycle of counterproductivity and disservice to the black community.
But unarmed black men are killed at a much higher proportion than white people:
What does that have to do with anything? I've dyed my hair jet black before - does this somehow mean I'm denying I'm white?
Hair color has nothing to do with heritage. It's simply trying to look good. Fashion is not political.
It's your comment that is strange.
I can see why you're boring. If you cannot dance, then you are better off asleep. If you don't have the music, what do you have?
Only if shallots is one of the posters who 'ridicule Japanese women for dying THEIR hair or lightening their skin as attempts to look western'. (No idea if s/he is or not). Other folk expressing one opinion doesn't make a person guilty of double standards for having a different opinion.
My hair has at some time or other been most of the colours of the rainbow. Doesn't mean anything.
Shallots... it's probably all in my head. To me it's like someone saying they're proud to be a red head and dying their hair black. My comment was on that level.
I apologize for calling BS on the stat, but as Laguna points out, it's complicated. Adding to his numbers, blacks are incarcerated at a much higher rate as well, often for non-violent crimes. They go in for selling drugs, and come out as hardened criminals. Another effect of the failed drug war and prison system.
The rationale of anyone with a brain is that blacks are more likely to kill whites because whites make up the majority of the population. It's just simple odds... As someone on the Left, I don't think most murders have anything to do with race. They probably have a lot to do with drugs and just plain old crime.
He still fought hard for black rights. Whether you appreciate it or not, you probably benefit from his struggle today.
Oh, Pie!
That's nice. Still not buying your album or concert tickets though.
It has absolutely everything to do with racism, in employment, housing, education, and of course, policing. I don't see how you can just pretend the last 400 years of US history didn't happen because you have a faulty understanding of how affirmative action works.
I agree with you guys. Anyone who doesn't listen to officer's lawful orders deserves summary execution right then and there, no matter what.
Not just Japan either - police don't kill people as often in other countries. Everyone always says 'you should just listen to the police', yet if that were true, then why aren't people being shot at the same rates in other countries as well? It's not like everyone listens to the police.
The UK has the elements you described - and they don't feel the need to summarily execute those who don't listen to what they say.
So basically you are saying 'well yeah, there is a problem, but unless they can fix all problems at once, I don't want to hear about this one'.
Other than the waving of hands, I just did assert that's true.
Cause it is.
The stats in the article say that if the right spent as much time trying to fix the problem of unarmed black men being killed as they do trying to deny that a problem even exists, the problem would not have been solved long ago?
Good post Noidall.
Of course, now you'll have them blaming you for talking about the problem, rather than addressing the problem itself.
It figures. And when Taylor Swift supports republicans or conservative views, watch out for the backlash. Or worse, she might be labeled as a bigot or racist.
Beyonce is an intelligent woman. She doesn't see things as just zeros or ones, good or bad, like binary-worlders. Here is a link providing info on BLM. As a non-US citizen, you should try to understand the complexity of race problems the country has always had before commenting. Warning: there are some big words in the article.
Here's the thing about calling it All Lives Matter. It implies that all lives are equally at risk of being unjustly treated or killed by police. Statistics show that simply isn't true in America.
Of course all lives matter and it'd be great if we had peace on earth, but when your fighting for a specific cause, it pays to be more specific.
Of course: Blacks and Latinos make up most of the inmate prison populations.
Sounds about right to me. No need to provide "sources" and "links" for information that is common knowledge. Good post trouble.
All of this is nothing but confusion, America has many problems now politicians running for office that really no one wants but has to chose one, whites who claim to share say they are getting the back lash, blacks who want equality, hispanics want a piece of the pie, and asians are now making noise saying include us. The once great flower garden is now starting to wilt, its like a fruit bowl with various fruit going rotten, that hasn't reached it core but its getting there!!
Would rather see a Beyonce wardrobe malfunction than a Janet one. Maybe Janet 25 years ago would be ok lol
@Juan Carlos Barbosa Padilla Why? I don't get it? Why would it be racist? @misunderstood
What are you on about? Is it a pie, a garden, a fruit bowl or an apple? I have no idea what you're talking about. America has always had its John Birch racists. People have always fought to remedy perceived ills as well. Probably the easiest trend to identify is the concentration of wealth in fewer hands. I wouldn't take my political philosophy from Charles Manson.
Funny. All guys I know think she has great legs and a great booty.
No double standards, those posters who ridicule the Japanese women for dying their hair are just as stupid as those who ridicule Beyonce for doing it. We JT posters are not a unified group in our opinions.
Black Sabbath
Right wingers are so funny. We say "Stop police brutality."
They hear: "Kill the cops."
Officers MUST enforce the law. If a suspect obstructs, resists or delays officer(s) from carrying out their duties then they're committing a misdemeanor (which IS a crime) in the presence of that officer(s).
The two Blacks who were tasered by the officers should've cooperated with the officer's orders. They escalated the tension, leading to their own arrest, rather than signing the citation for whatever infraction they violated.
If a person who refuses to sign a citation, then they are warranting their own arrest to brought forth immediately to the nearest magistrate.
And in resisting, deserves summary execution, right then and there.
Since they didn't, they deserve summary execution, right then and there.
As well as summary execution. Right then and there.
Black Sabbath
Right wingers are so funny. We say "Black lives matter."
They hear: "Kill white people."
Yeah, they seem to think it's a zero sum game.
Black Sabbath
Uh, its worse than that. It is not that they don't understand blacks have had and have it rough in the US. It is not that at all.
They just don't care.
And yet, the right is spending crazy time and energy denying it. Blogs, forums, news reports and more.
There are resources being spent on fixing the problem?
During "Jim Crow" and the turbulent 50's and 60's, Blacks were taught that they should'nt look a white person in the eye, stay away from white women, avoid all white police, sit on the back of the bus, the back of the line etc. All the while thousands of Blacks were lynched, beaten, smacked around, their homes and businesses burned including entire towns. You can google all you want, I don't need to provide all the links for you. Malcolm X was a "freedom fighter" with words. He never attacked or encouraged wanton attacks on white people. He called them devils for what they were doing. He advocated self defense and self reliance. He said if the devil hits you then hit him back. The white media couldn't stand for that and vilified him, making whites fear anyone like him while placating them with MLK, the peaceful "N$332r. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Malcolm X and his legacy.
Law enforcement knew he was to be excecuted. He realized that Islam was quite different than what he was led to believe. He was far to dangerous as a world figure to "white supremacy" as well as "Black separatism". Read his auto biography for his own words instead of "media says". I respect Beyonce for her stance as most entertainers won't take one. Albeit she chose a time when her wealth and status are secure enough but who can blame her.
The original Black Panthers were founded for community self reliance and to "police the police". I shouldn't have to explain why in 1960's Oakland. Do your own math. There were bad apples and those who went beyond. They attacked police as they felt justified. There were bad poice who attacked them. They also felt justified. We can go back and forth with our opinions and most here haven't experienced anything but watching from the outside. BLM movement has been hi-jacked by those who scream it at every oppurtunity
Law Enforcement do not "gangbang" nor do they sell drugs. They don't shoot each other neither.
Yes. They should. Because they're the some of the most powerful people in society.
Its not sick. Its very straightforward and honest. "How long does it take to get your act together as a people?" After the the civil rights thing, they got free and then they got "high." They should've formed businesses, kept their money together . . like the koreans & chinese.
Obey they law and police officers. Say "no" to drugs. Stay out of gangs. Don't let (gangster-rap) hip-hop music and lyrics poison your mind. Stay in school, get into college. Black lives really do matter.
MrBum FEB. 09, 2016 - 03:16PM JST I see your point but disagree that we would have to give the NRA/ Donald Trump /police state supporters an open forum as well.
What some people may have missed was that forum was not primarily about the gun issue. It is also not directly about liberalism verses conservatism. The actions illustrate a much larger concern, which is the effort of some industries and a few very wealthy individuals to deflect public attention from their real focus.
That sounds like a BS statistic. Do you have a source?
@Wc626 @trouble I honestly don't know what conclusions to draw. Laguna points the complexity. But I like the defiance since the drug war has been at the heart of destroying communities ever since Nancy on Ronnie waltzed into the WH. It's always good to have a little something interesting to see in between stars and striped and all those fat guys knocking heads. How about the dancing then? Did you feel it? How they do where you from? I'm not a fan of Beyonce, but I thought there was edge here as well as a groove and a reality.
Would those numbers not also imply that comparatively speaking, whites are generally less likely to kill blacks and blacks are more likely to kill whites? By the rationale of the Left this would mean that blacks are more likely than whites to be racist. I do not subscribe to that view - but of course the Left often does not much sense on matters involving race. More likely however the numbers speak to the existence of a black sub-culture that endorses militancy and aggression - in various forms. There is also a greater level of poverty among black Americans. The existence of poverty among blacks today has almost nothing to do with racism (blacks are more likely to be the beneficiary of discrimination in education, employment, and business contracting) and almost entirely due to social factors such as a weak family structure and a culture of victimhood and militancy (see Beyonce' SB performance).
When today's activist pay tribute to Malcolm X, they are paying respect to the militant, anti-white version of the man. I am no expert on him but it seems that when he stopped talking about how evil white people are the Nation of Islam turned against him. Beyonce' - in her tribute of the militant period of the black icon's life and the Black Lives Matter group - is also going for the militant message that brought about negative things like those chants about killing (white) cops. When the popular culture promotes division like this it isn't good for blacks, whites, or anyone else in America.
I agree, the police should accept responsibility when they shoot unarmed black men, no matter what the color of the officer is.
Because they have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with fixing the problem. Incarceration doesn't fix the problem of police killing unarmed black men.
Actually it was. Since most of the NFL players are Black. Since many of them came from those "hoods" where gang violence, gun crimes and assaults of Police Officers often occur.
Thankfully, they were able to stay positive and make it into a University ball-program. Eventually the NFL.