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© 2016 AFPBritish singer George Michael dies at 53
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What a shock!
Here's George and Aretha:
The greatest male vocalist in my lifetime without a doubt. And an underrated song writer.
Somebody To Love (rehearsal) live --the powerful George Michael
Very sad, far too young to die. I feel terribly for his family and loved ones.
David Bowie, now George, Tupac...everybody enjoy life like it's your last day.
Great voice. Sang with Aretha Franklin and wasn't shown up - no mean feat.
I was just a little kid, but I remember them when they hit the charts in Japan. Loved him and Wham. Wish I had been born a lot earlier so I could dance to their music at a disco like my parents did.
When I was in 20s, George Michale stormed my late nights with Carless Whisper and Wham. Tropical SE Asia weather at Summer and Mozzies were getting calmer because of George songs. His Christmas song was also soothing. Sadly I got the tragic news after Christmas Day.
I like George Michale and George Harrison songs more than Michale Jackson. He will be treasured in my living memory as one of the greatest British legends. RIP!
Imo one of the few "pop stars" who aged well and gracefully.
Was never a fan of his music but always liked him as a person, knew how to laugh at himself (loved his cameo appearance in Gervais "Extras". Ironically David Bowie also appeared in the same show).
Dre Hund
53 is very young for a heart attack. Usually takes about eight more years for arteries to start throwing clots due to the presence of cholesterol deposits. The deposits don't have to block the artery. Their clinging presence alone will irritate an artery into throwing a clot. Goodbye butter, etc.
The greats must go out like this. I'm saddened for his family but let's face it - chronic excess always catches up with you. Especially when you can afford to get smashed all of the time.
I'm not buying it, I believe there was something far worse surrounding Michael and his too early departure from this earth. We just don't know and I don't think we will for awhile, but like with everything else, it all will eventually surface as to what really caused his death, heart attack? Brought on by what? "His family was present at the time of his passing" an indicator that his family knew of his impending demise which suggests, he was suffering with something for awhile now.
Anyway, WHAM! was one of the first bands I watched live back in 1982 and bring back the fondest memories of my early teenage years of going to clubs, parties and experiencing life. Love "Club Tropicana" and that grooving bassline by Estes was over the top heavy and funky, also "Young Guns" and from his solo "Kissing a fool" and "Fast love" were some of my favorites. Another great musician gone, sad, too early, way too early. I hope he can Rest In Peace.
"Something far worse" surrounding Michael? Pray tell, what would your completely medically unqualified speculation be, to base your "belief" on?
Rest in Peace, George - your voice and music brought pleasure to so many everywhere.
He didn't wake up before he go go
A heart attack seems questionable but he definitely looked fatigued and bloated from the last pics in September which could be consistent with congestive heart failure or drug induced cardiomyopathy.
I wasn't insinuating or hinting at ANY conspiracy theories, but I personally believe there was something much deeper than a simple heart attack, I'm just not buying it. Growing up in Los Angeles hearing those kinds of statements usually almost always means something deeper, underling, that's all I'm saying
From a German news site.
It just means, they knew this moment was coming, so an indicator he was battling something from the looks of it.
Dude, just stop.....Lol
His manager called it 'heart failure'....not a heart attack.
Maybe a little too soon, but I still chuckled.
March 9th - 1991 - Tokyo Dome - Cover to Cover Tour
You gave me the Greatest Show and The Greatest Music in my life.
Rest in Gods Grace George.
That Guy in the 13th Row...
George Michael was a big part of our young lives and a huge talent. Exactly the same as Prince earlier in the year, it was the drug abuse that got him. Years of abuse and drug taking took a toll on his heart. 53 is too young to die. In his twenties he had a beautiful face and tanned d fined body but the drugs really reversed all that in his later life and he aged much and piled on the pounds. So sad.
"You don't have to be part of a crowd. Just be who you are and stand up proud. Just say no."
I wish Michael san had stood up to drugs and just said, "You know what, NO! No way! I am not going to take any drugs" He probably had not heard of the big hit song "Just say no" by the Grange Hill gang. I think it would be a good time to re-release a new version to prevent more needless deaths.
RIP George Michael
I had the "Make It Big" cassette when I was in kindergarten. I was already into rap/hip-hop but groups like Wham, Tears For Fears and Debarge were guilty pleasures. I remembered attending weddings then and Careless Whisper was the go-to song for the slow dance.
I think George Michael taught me the meaning of sex, Madonna about virgins and the Golden Girls about condoms. I kind of feel embarrassed asking my parents about the meaning of those words after hearing about them from the above people.
Being with the love of his life American art collector Kenny Goss had a very grounding effect on George I think. There have always been a long string of difficulties that took a serious toll on his mental health (depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive, phobias and trauma'etc) but things really started to unravel beyond the point of return around 2009/2010 when they split. If there was any kind of reconciliation in the weeks before his death that would be one comfort in the sadness that today is beyond words.
You're taking the cake. His family (his partner) lives in his house, their house, like most people. Then, what is there to discover about George ? He has told it all.
You can buy that argument if you want, I'm not a there are thousands that don't.
Frederic Bastiat
Oh GOD Nooooooooooooooo!
I'm not sure what anyone is suggesting but George had been found unconscious in his home before so there had obviously been run ins with drug problems, unexplained accidents and heartbreak going on several years.
His spokesman said today: 'In response to newspaper reports today, we can confirm George was admitted to hospital on May 22. He was discharged last weekend and is well and resting. He is very much looking forward to the release of his new single in July. Given the personal nature of this matter there will be no further comment.'
Witnesses said the ambulances left four hours later with Michael on board. He was taken to a London hospital for emergency treatment.
Fears for the Careless Whisper singer's health have been raised in recent years due to a spate of illnesses, his regular cannabis use and due to a bizarre incident where he apparently fell out of a moving car on the M1 last year.
The incident, which took place in May 2013, saw Michael airlifted to trauma hospital to treat a head injury.
Just 18 months earlier the troubled singer had been close to death after being struck down with pneumonia in Vienna, but he fought back to perform again.
Michael, whose hits also include Faith and Freedom, has had health scares and run-ins with the police linked to his drug use.
You're not getting it. I am aware of that, of course, but surrounding his illness seems highly suspicious given the circumstances of his age etc. I just believe there is a lot more to this that we will hear in the near future.
Okay, I'll address the elephant in the room.
Before I do, though, I'll just say that I thought he was a damned good singer and a thoughtful guy. He's probably the kind of person that didn't have a mean bone in his body, so I have nothing against him.
That said... nobody just dies of a heart-attack at the age of 53. There had to be some underlying causes, whether they be dietary or other, and to suggest it was not just fuels speculation. Like this, for example:
He had a history of promiscuity, drug-use and came of age in the eighties. He was also gay. A bout of pneumonia could wipe out anyone with AIDS, even with the latest drug cocktails. A heart-attack at the age of 53 coupled with his history, it's not a great stretch to say that AIDS is very likely the cause. It's also something that a family might not want plastered all over the newspapers.
If the family had said that he had a history of very high cholesterol, or something, anything other than just that he "died peacefully," this kind of speculation could have been avoided.
Sad but true. RIP George.
Unless these pics have been messed with, until a post mortem says otherwise I don't have a problem accepting the reported cause of heart failure (not heart attack for the millionth time !).
Christmas Day. Not unusual for extended family to be around, is it?
My Dad had his first heart attack in his mid-forties. The doctors told us nine out of ten people suffering such a massive heart attack would die - my Dad was the lucky 10th. He was a very heavy smoker and ate what he liked, not what was good for him, so some form of self-inflicted illness was probably in the cards...but he wasn't gay, didn't have any history of promiscuity or drug use (apart from the ciggies) and came of age in the late 40s. He never had pneumonia, and AIDs had never even been heard of back then.
No need to speculate over how and why George Michael died. The pictures taken in September of this year show him looking old, tired and overweight. Probably all brought on by his choice of lifestyle, but the family say it was heart failure and surely that's as far as we need to go.
Let's hope this is the last for 2016.
Pretty much.
You are entitled to believe that, but I don't.
Lots of Agatha Christie whodunnit scenarios on here. Look, unless you are the official pathologist, I suggest that we all forget our theories and respect the deceased who was a great musical artist of our time, and especially my time. Who really cares exactly what killed George Michael as long as it isnt murder. His death is a very personal thing and if there is no foul play we should just pay respects and remember the great songs.
I met George when we were 12 and I am from the same part of North West London and we were both born in 1963. His father owned a restaurant near to my school. George Michael helped provide the soundtrack to my early twenties and on. A very sad passing that we should respect without any of the 'gay' or 'drugs' stereotypes tagged to his passing.
Michael Jackson, Prince, and now George Michael. A whole load of famous artists died because of drug abuse. Drugs weakened their hearts and killed them. Say NO to drugs. No more. No more drugs. We must stand together, we don't have to be part of a crowd. We can just be who we are and and stand up proud. Just say no!
Sorry, have you read something somewhere that the rest of us haven't? Because I haven't seen anything anywhere to say his death was a result of drug use.
I assume you don't drink alcohol nor coffee, would that be correct?
An article today said they were on good terms.
I don't understand the calls to forgo speculation about the cause of death. When the coroner has not even released any results, people are going to speculate. This is what people do. I feel like this is the 1950s where we need to sweep every little bit of dirt under the rug. It's not the 1950s, and people can still be respected even if they die a preventable death.
And the other point is that when somebody chooses the celebrity lifestyle, basically they are embracing fame and public knowledge about their lives. If you want to keep your life private, don't seek the public life. And since George was a public figure, it serves to reason that the least the public can get out of his loss is the possibility of learning a lesson. If he died from stress on his heart, it goes to show that being overweight or overworked or overstressed is something that people need to look out for in their own lives. If the cause is AIDS (again, only speculation), then people need to learn safe sex practices.
Don't let his death go to waste.
If George Michael actually died of a heart attack caused by his previous bout of pneumonia and ill health caused by his car accident, youre going to look like a bit of an idiot arent you.
You would be far more respectful in letting a professional coroner do their job.
George Michael contributed a whole lot towards education and charity about AIDS. So it would be extremely disrespectful to speculate that he had AIDS if he actually didnt.
TigersTokyoDome DEC. 27, 2016 - 02:16PM JST youre going to look like a bit of an idiot arent you.
In 2008 when he was caught smoking crack cocaine in a public toilet. After the release of his last album, Symphonica in March 2014, George was said to be smoking crack cocaine once again.
Very sad news... thanks for all the great music GM.
I think it is safe to say that he was a heavy, habitual and long-term user of illegal drugs.
There is plenty of info online about the adverse effects that illegal drug use can have on the cardiovascular system.
He also looked very overweight recently.
I think that all points to a high risk of myocardial ischemia.
Whatever, very sad to see him go.
George Michale was belong to wham band in early 1980s. In US, there was another band known as Wham has already been established. UK Wham was more successful after realeasing hit song Carless Whisper.
He might have to release his album for US market as Wham Band UK. Wham can be called as second Beatles because it has been successful in Asia and North America too. Not sure about Europe and Africa!
So my uncle was assassinated ? It's more common for older people, but possible at any age and certainly not rare for 50 somethings. Plus, after you've had big illnesses plus decades of all kind of lifestyle excesses, your heart is probably weaker.
He never not signed to be in a reality show 365 days a year lifelong. George was in bad general health, identity crisis, mental issues, substance abuse, he has communicated a lot about all that. But I don't see why he should publish his medical check ups and give details to anybody.
Be serious, the Martians don't murder rockstars. Right know, George is on his new planet, having a drink with Elvis Presley and David Bowie. Otherwise, some sciento-cult leader keeps him frozen in a cave, in order to wake him up after you all go go... in years 3500.
Frederic Bastiat
Bye George. Not a fan.
Alix Hooper
He was a good singer, but can't say that I liked his music, but especially not his lifestyle.
I always thought the other guy from Wham was a lot better.