Japan Today

Comedian says pandemic will prod pretty girls into sex industry


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why does everyone nowadays need to apologize for every single comment that is taken way out of context. Seriously, don't people have better things to agonize over than some harmless joke that may in fact have ring of truth about it?

-9 ( +49 / -58 )

oldman_13Today  06:47 am JST why does everyone nowadays need to apologize for every single comment that is taken way out of context.

"Out of context"? You're joking, right? There is no context for such a remark or those that followed. The guy is just one more clueless Japanese misogynist.

16 ( +48 / -32 )

@oldman_13 I understand how you feel, believe you me, I understand how you feel. However in this circumstance, I do side with the people who would want him to apologize, considering the fact that we are in a coronavirus situation especially.

As much as I am sick and tired of all this over sensitivity in today’s culture, I also want to be sure that we don’t go too far in the other direction either. You know, try to keep a healthy balance.

23 ( +33 / -10 )

we're in for some dark times ahead that's for sure

10 ( +15 / -5 )

I'd like to hear from Chiko-chan.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

What if he hears the same joke thrown at him by another comedian if he has a daughter? Would he bear or would he share?

10 ( +23 / -13 )

oldman_13Today 06:47 am JST

why does everyone nowadays need to apologize for every single comment

that may in fact have ring of truth about it?

I agree with oldman! It's waaaay oversensitive to ask this guy to apologize for talking about how much he likes to have sex with sex workers. He should be able to express his sexuality freely, in public, to everyone. Don't shame him for using women for sexual purposes - that's his right as a man in a society where men are the dominant, having built this society and made it what it is - or what it should be: a country where men can use sex workers as much as they like without shame or fear of being made to apologize!

-18 ( +27 / -45 )

This comment, unfortunately, reflects a typical attitude towards children and young adults by many Japanese men. That young women feel the need to sell their body to either support their household or, worse, to obtain those things that society compels them to purchase...at grave danger of psychological and physical injury to themselves....is a cancer in society.

24 ( +35 / -11 )

He should apologise, yes - and it seems he already has. But there doesn’t need to be public outrage and demands for apologies every single time someone puts their foot in their mouth or shows some ignorance. There are much bigger cases where everyone’s ire would be better focussed.

4 ( +17 / -13 )

apologize as much as you want his words reflect the reality of many of his male compatriots

preoccupation with sex

-6 ( +10 / -16 )

What if he hears the same joke thrown at him by another comedian if he has a daughter? Would he bear or would he share?

That depends. Is his daughter cute or not?

7 ( +21 / -14 )


why does everyone nowadays need to apologize for every single comment that is taken way out of context.

What part of this is out of context????

Obviously, you don't have a daughter because if you did, you would realize how distasteful and disgusting this comment is. And if you do have a daughter, I really feel sorry for her.

Young girls are trafficked into prostitution every day and to joke about it, and imply that more girls will be available on the market after the pandemic, like a slab of meat, is really sad. I like 99, but this is totally off base.

10 ( +23 / -13 )

I wouldn’t want to celebrate the number of sex workers rising at all.

However, dire economic straits will see a rise of people trying to get by in the near future, doing whatever they can...

16 ( +16 / -0 )

why does everyone nowadays need to apologize for every single comment that is taken way out of context. Seriously, don't people have better things to agonize over than some harmless joke that may in fact have ring of truth about it?

Repugnant. There is no use in explaining why this is repugnant.

Girl-in-Tokyo: Sarcasm doesn’t come through writing as you intended, but great post.

6 ( +15 / -9 )

It was a joke! A joke that many will not find at all amusing, but a joke.

Very dark, black humour based on truth because poverty is the number 1 recruiter for the sex industry. The number of sex workers increases in line with a downward economy.

For some people the truth hurts.

-10 ( +14 / -24 )

made the remarks in question after reading a comment from a listener who complained about being unable to use services in the sex industry due to the pandemic.

So this is what provoked the comments - some moron’s complaining about such circumstances.

Okamura’s comments ought be seen in this context as playing along with the listener...

I don’t know what sort of radio show this is, and perhaps Okamura should not have been wearing his comedian hat here, but in this context I can understand how these comments were made.

In future, I trust that he would instead admonish the listener and state that he hopes these types of businesses are all brought to an end.

But it’s not uncommon to hear comedians talking about fuuzoku shops on TV. I don’t think for a second that the people working in them now haven’t gone through struggles that have landed them there, so it seems odd to single out Okamura in this instance.

If Japan has a problem with it, why hasn’t it done something about it ages ago?

5 ( +13 / -8 )

Yoshimoto kogyo comedian, not surprised at all, yoshimoto kogyo signifies why japanese tv is so mediocre and will always remain so as long as they continue to run programs on tv that have nothing to do with comedy and require intellect. No class at all.

Only in Japan, that one has to enrol at the yoshimoto kogyo run money making NSC school to learn to become funny.

Never thought, any tom, dick or jack could enrol to a comedy school, learn and become funny. Well, if hitting your partners head passes as being funny, then I guess it is possible.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

He apologized but some may not feel it is enough.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

A comment that would not have been out of place in a novel by the Marquis de Sade.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Dirty old Japanese guys being dirty perverts, what else is new?

6 ( +12 / -6 )

apologize as much as you want his words reflect the reality of many of his male compatriots 

preoccupation with sex

Maybe. but it’s still an accurate observation. I think he said it was a joke because of the backlash. But it’s absolutely accurate.

Its a matter of a supply and demand.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

So how about we end the lockdowns and let young people work so they can earn some money in a moral way.

Is it fair to say that you are opposed to the government telling people what to do with their bodies, e.g., don’t go to work?

Also, there is nothing amoral about using your body for money. People do it every day at work.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

While Japanese women with careers in all fields have to face this kind of crap from the opposite sex is not only disgusting, it shows just how much their stupidity & misogyny reigns in order to preserve their inadequate ego. No sensible educated Japanese gentleman acts as this so called "comedian", rather they actually defend and protect women at large AGAINST these total idiots.

And by the way, the commenters that high five the continuation of treating women as sex slaves or whatever stupidity they can come up with, are the very reason Japan has such a terrible time to get out of these gross stigmas.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

@HBJ you said it! Because seriously, do we have much bigger things to be worried about then comments like these? Even though yes, they are very inappropriate and he obviously shouldn’t of said them.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

So, apparently he's the kind of guy who frequents those establishments. He needs to pay women for their attention...

I wouldn't expect him to apologise for his remark. Either way he is obviously still a man of low moral character.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

I wonder how many posters on here who are “offended” by his comment come from a country where prostitution is legal?

invalid CSRF

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

If he had commented about wishing more people starving there would have been outrage all around.

Because he wishes girls being driven to offer themselves for sex it becomes freedom of expression!!!

Sex industry for the most part is exploitative, it’s nothing to laugh about.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

@Mr KiplingToday

It was a joke! A joke that many will not find at all amusing, but a joke.

This so called "joke" implies that some young women will turn to prostitution due to economic hardships brought onto them by the coronavirus pandemic, and that men should save their money so that they can take advantage of their hardships. I'm sorry, but I don't see any humor in any of this!

This is a very real situation. Young women WILL go through economic hardship, and to poke fun at that is really callus and cruel.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Humor comes in many forms.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

OMG! The problem is not what he said. The problem is what he said is the "TRUTH". Women do not like to be called out on their bad behavior EVER!.

What makes comedy amazing is that they are in some humorous way, going to throw the truth in your face. Stand-up comedy succeeds in America because we are willing to accept the truth. Japanese media is never willing to point out it's underbelly for any reason.

What makes this story interesting and why most of you are commenting is that you want to see how strong the "Cancel-Culture" is here in Japan. That's the real story here. Not if somebody told the truth in an ill-timed joke.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

This comment, unfortunately, reflects a typical attitude towards children and young adults by many Japanese men. That young women feel the need to sell their body to either support their household

Sorry, but I can imagine this joke being made by any number of Western comedians. Moreover, it is sad when a woman feels forced by circumstances to trade sexual services for money. However, in the West, how many women do it not out of necessity, but out of free choice? The whole social media (and entertainment media ) brainwash machine emphasizes overt sexuality as a desirable pillar of attractiveness or "branding."

The US is a weird mix of puritanism and sex obsession, so it's hardly a model for Japan. Facts are facts - sex sells. Always has, always will. Beyond that, it's very complicated with lots of gray areas. People trying to simplify it with tropes of "patriarchal oppression" one side or "free market" on the other reveal more about themselves than anything else.

So far as comedians, let them be comedians. That's what they do, say what others are afraid to say, for better or worse.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

@ Oldman / girl in Tokyo.

guess you don’t have daughters growing up in this misogynistic society. Well some of us do and would like to see bit of a more even playing field and how do we get their by holding people accountable for their actions and moving forward, it’s called evolution.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Yeah, it’s a bad joke for sure.

Even worse because it is true. The poor will suffer the most from this and historically things like that will happen. The problem is he and everyone else on his show was laughing about it.

Living in downtown Osaka, the fact that prostitution is illegal in Japan is kind of a joke as well.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Politicians, celebrity glitterati, in an misguided belief that entitlement/status in society give them a god given right to exploit, and in doing so abuse whoever they feel justifies or warrants there smug wisenheimer.

Comedian Takashi Okamura, is a example of the loathsome odious creepy crawly, knowing full well his witless inane utterances, are a vain attempt at gaining attention seeking cheap vulgarity.

What get right up my schmigheghim is Takashi Okamura fake, regretful apologies, akin to a blagger holding up a bank, then when faced with the consequence fain contrition whilst insisting retaining their ill gotten gains.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

At the very least this asshat shows his contempt in plain view.

Many do not.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@Oldman 13th

100% agree!

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Yeah, thats not really funny at all.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Love the faux moral outrage on here by people who themselves have engaged in the very things they act like they're offended by here.

And guess what, comedians make jokes to offend people. That is hardly unique to Japan, famous American comedians like Louis CK and Kevin Hart have made a career out of routines and jokes using derogatory language to refer to women.

Get over yourselves people.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

"Humor" intended for a midnight audience. Hasn't anyone ever here listened to radio or watched TV in Japan after midnight? There is a lot of sexual humor going on. Heck, there is a guy in the U.S. with the initials HS who has talked about worst things, even in the morning, yet I have never heard any apologies from him.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Oldman_13, its is not the comic vulgarity that grates, it is the after thought associated with the spurious regretful fakery.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

"Humor" intended for a midnight audience. Hasn't anyone ever here listened to radio or watched TV in Japan after midnight? There is a lot of sexual humor going on. Heck, there is a guy in the U.S. with the initials HS who has talked about worst things, even in the morning, yet I have never heard any apologies from him.


Then you don't really know what you are talking about because Howard has apologized to many people: Wendy Willaims, Kathy Gifford, David Letterman, Adam Sandler, Robin Williams, Lena Dunham, Latinos, Blacks, Asians.....

Google is your friend!

2 ( +7 / -5 )

I think that his comment on that part is sexist and insensitive. Meanwhile the gaffe is nitpicked and amplified without contexts. I've carefully listened through his radio program (I don't know how many critics have actually checked it out before speaking out...). Where he's tying to convince people to stay home and behave humbly for protection under the virus crisis. The warning is primary and dominant throughout his message. I at least make sense of it although this core part is totally missing in the subsequent dispute.

Unfortunately sexist discourse is still rampant even among public figures requiring a higher moral standard and sensitivity. If going critic, please be fair and reasonable. Try not to rush and attack at random a particular case at a particular time while remaining ignorant of others. Okamura and others concerned have already made apology; the former will also explain in the upcoming radio session tonight. I personally think the case being settled.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Then why the necessity for Takashi Okamura, Yoshimoto Kogyo Holdings Co, and the broadcaster to issue an apology?

Takashi Okamura knew there would be consequences before he stuck his size 12 in his mooey

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

I wonder about the context here:

If this is a late night radio show, which runs dubious themes and has 'edgy' comedians as hosts/guests, and the listeners are tuning in and calling in about this topic . . . . then yes he's speaking to an audience which have signed on for this kind of discussion. Just as if you would hear some distasteful comments of you went to a Jimmy Carr show or other edgy comedians. In the context, no, I don't think he needs to apologise.

If he said this on mainstream TV at lunchtime, then that is way offside and an apology would be needed.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Look I have much darker sense of humour that Takashi Okamura, pitch black, and as dry as a bone.

If I felt the need to apologize for very occasion I have caused offence, I would not have the time to earn a living.

Takashi Okamura, could have held his hand up and said I was only having a “laugh”.

No Takashi Okamura apologized.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Sad, but undeniably true.

It’s open season on JK JC and JS. It used to be that these groups go into “compensated dating” out of choice as a supplement to their parent’s money allowance in order to acquire status-symbol wares, latest fashion trends and even 10,000円 and above prepaid cards to satiate their smartphone gacha gaming habits. This corona-shock with lingering lasting effects will turn this “extracurricular activity” from personal choice to out of necessity in order to cover basic living costs not just for themselves but as part of obligation for the nuclear family.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Then you don't really know what you are talking about because Howard has apologized to many people: Wendy Willaims, Kathy Gifford, David Letterman, Adam Sandler, Robin Williams, Lena Dunham, Latinos, Blacks, Asians.....

and has he completely STOPPED talking about anything sexual? Quote:  ‘Everything I did, I make no apologies for, because I was trying to entertain people.’

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

itsonlyrocknrollToday 10:40 am JST

Look I have much darker sense of humour that Takashi Okamura, pitch black, and as dry as a bone.

If I felt the need to apologize for very occasion I have caused offence, I would not have the time to earn a living.

Takashi Okamura, could have held his hand up and said I was only having a “laugh”.

No Takashi Okamura apologized.

Quite agree. I was hounded on this very forum by a white supremacist/eugenicist for making a simple joke about Boris Johnson catching coronavirus. People make very black jokes about stuff, it happens every day. Just listen to Frankie Boyle! Okamura should have explained that it was a joke.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Why his career is threatened ? Anybody with a brain cell will know...desperate times call for desperate measures.

you can’t sweep Abe’s destruction of a middle class society under the carpet. He can blame on virus or NK or China etc, but japan should wake up and talk about reality. 1 in 6 children in Osaka don’t get enough food. Reality.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

as they would be in need of money and obliged to take such jobs temporarily.

And are men not affected financially by the pandemic? Will they be able to afford these services?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

@Citizen Smith

How do you know it is 30K?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I want to punch him in the face if I see him on the street. What makes him think that pretty girls are whores???

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

The lips.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

he wishes girls being driven to offer themselves for sex 

He didn’t say that, he was responding to a moron complaining about not being able to buy any right now.

More an attempted humourous statement about the sad state of affairs than a personal wish, by my read.

Inappropriate, yes.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Sorry, but I can imagine this joke being made by any number of Western comedians.

+1. I can see it on South Park for sure.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This just reinforces my hatred of most Japanese comedy. Its almost always based on denigrating people who are deemed to be below the social status of the comedian. Its just cruel for the most part. American comedy was sometimes like that about 50 years ago, but these days most comedians either engage in self deprecation, or making fun of the powerful. You rarely see them punching down like Japanese ones, at least mainstream ones from Yoshimoto, do.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@0ldman_13 "why does everyone nowadays need to apologize for every single comment that is taken way out of context. Seriously, don't people have better things to agonize over than some harmless joke that may in fact have ring of truth about it?"

The comedian's comments AND this guy's comments show just how bad things are in this culture. First of all, this is NOT something to joke about. It should be something that is strongly protested and opposed - meaning the sex industry where young girls get involved to make a buck. AND, even worse, men, looking at women as nothing more than a piece of meat to meet their sexual fantasies. This view of women is the problem. Japan has a long ways to go in this area and until they make a lot of progress in the right direction, many women will suffer as a result. Think of the families who are betrayed by the men who go out and use young women! This benefits No One - only hurts family relationships and further weakens the family. Families are the building block of the nation and they are already struggling in this nation with overwork and poor relationships.

Perhaps the virus makes his comments/jokes even more inappropriate, but in reality, they are just as inappropriate even if we were not in the midst of this virus lockdown. Why? Because this is a moral issue that has absolutely nothing to do with the virus! Apologizing by saying anything about the virus belittles the apology, because it's not the virus that made the comments inappropriate in the first place.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


and has he completely STOPPED talking about anything sexual?

Now you are attempting to move the goalpost. You said he has never apologized.

Heck, there is a guy in the U.S. with the initials HS who has talked about worst things, even in the morning, yet I have never heard any apologies from him.

I have given you a list people that he has apologized to or attempted to apologize to.

Quote: ‘Everything I did, I make no apologies for, because I was trying to entertain people.’

Also, from that same article that you have selectively quoted.

Howard Stern says he has changed. How much?


From the interview:

*Whom have you apologized to? **Rosie O’Donnell. I was brutal, and at some point I realized how much I admired her. She’s a fabulous comic, she’s brilliant, and I began to develop a relationship with her. I said on the air that she’s brave, which was hard for me to do because I spent so many years bashing this woman. She had gone through so much [expletive], because when I go after someone, my audience goes with me. But we’ve developed this nice friendship, so I said to my guys that I don’t want to re-air me bashing Rosie.*

That is one example from the article that you failed to completely read.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Okamura san should apologize for Japanese comedy in general being trash!

1 ( +7 / -6 )

This just reinforces my hatred of most Japanese comedy. Its almost always based on denigrating people who are deemed to be below the social status of the comedian. Its just cruel for the most part. American comedy was sometimes like that about 50 years ago, but these days most comedians either engage in self deprecation, or making fun of the powerful. 

Rephrase that completely backwards, and I'll agree. American "humor" is 90% acting smarmy and pandering to your audience to get a knowing smirk rather than a laugh. And those wealthy "comedians" mostly target the working class that supports Trump. Up until 50 years ago it was much kinder, and funnier. Youtube is your friend.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I have six sisters and what this guy said is 100% repugnant. Sanctimony aside.

However, and unfortunately, this statement is made everyday by members of the male species in virtually every corner of the world. Christian, Muslim, Jews, Hindus, atheists, animists, etc. As long as they are men - they almost always think like this fossil.

Folks, just think of the peeping tom who surreptitiously insert sex cameras in female restrooms in South Korea. What of myriad professors who engage in trading "sex-for-grades" with good-looking female students, be it in the US, or Kenya, or China. Perverted yet "moral" Islamic men from the Middle East who upon descending on the Western capitals of London, Paris, or Genevathe UK, run amok as they look for the best looking Mzungu girl while flashing petro-dollars!

What this Neanderthal comedian said is emblematic of the male species the world over!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Well, he may be right and they'll be there of their own free will so I don't see a problem with his comment. He should not have apologized. Many people want to make a buck the easiest way they can and many of them like that sort of work. They aren't "innocents".

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Jokes are no longer allowed. Chill.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

His comment is sadly right.

I fear Japan will collapse so hard that IMF can’t bail it out. American and European equity firms will swiftly take over Japan’s economy. Japan’s export economy is on verge of obliteration by heavy competition from China, Vietnam and India. Tourism may be the best, sole option for Japan in the future. This certainly means the sex industry like in Thailand.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Rephrase that completely backwards, and I'll agree. American "humor" is 90% acting smarmy and pandering to your audience to get a knowing smirk rather than a laugh. And those wealthy "comedians" mostly target the working class that supports Trump. Up until 50 years ago it was much kinder, and funnier. Youtube is your friend.

My point wasn’t to praise American humor, so I don’t have a response to that, like it or leave it.

What I wanted to say is that Japanese comedians who are allowed on TV almost always base their humor on directly berating their inferiors. Men putting down women for being women. Old berating young for being young. Strong berating weak for being weak. Rich berating poor for being poor.

Americans, and this is regardless of politics, rarely find that funny. Its one of the things I actively dislike about Japan.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

@Mirai Hayashi.... Thank you for confirming that many ..like you will not find his joke funny. Neither did I but at least I understood that it was a joke. He wasn’t proposing that girls should go on the game. Should we only joke about fluffy, nice things?

Death, cancer, road accidents are not nice but I know at least one hilarious joke/ story about each.

Sometimes humour offends. If you don’t like it change channel or switch it off.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

That is one example from the article that you failed to completely read.

I do not care if you write an entire thesis on who he has apologized to. He said himself that he makes no apologies for what he has said in the past then goes onto say who he apologized to contradicting the very quote I gave you. Take it up with him and the New York Times not a person who quotes something out of the horse's mouth.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

@mrkipling, your right, there seems to be an influx of street ladies in poor areas, where ever you go in the world.

1 ( +2 / -1 )


I do not care if you write an entire thesis on who he has apologized to. He said himself that he makes no apologies for what he has said in the past then goes onto say who he apologized to contradicting the very quote I gave you. Take it up with him and the New York Times not a person who quotes something out of the horse's mouth.

LOL! I don't care that you don't understand facts, irony, or contradictions.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


I do not care if you write an entire thesis on who he has apologized to. He said himself that he makes no apologies for what he has said in the past then goes onto say who he apologized to contradicting the very quote I gave you. Take it up with him and the New York Times not a person who quotes something out of the horse's mouth.

Comic Dive: Deny, Deflect, and so what?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Okamura should not be in a children's program (chiko-chan will scold you).

There is a petition (English translation available if you scroll down) going around about this.

Its on change org, I already signed it. Wish we could send a strong message against sexists comments on Japanese media!:


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I heard the radio from biginning to end. I wasn't bothered in the least. Listening to the radio gives completely different impression than reading the article. He made a slip of the tongue this time. And he apologized. However, there are some japanese who condemning beyond of the limit. I think so crazy them.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

They shouldn't be mad at at him considering alot of those girls are already on Instagram showing their goodies for OnlyFans accounts. Nothing he said was false and they are already out there right now making money. Maybe they need to get with 2020 and realize that it's been going on for a while with Twitch and Twitter as well.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

For the guy who said he had six sisters. How many of them have social media accounts and date men via Tinder or any other online service? There are at on of these girls out here posting there as well for services. I have sisters too and they do whatever they want. My nieces post pics to instagram looking for dudes. I don't get offended for them when they are putting themselves out there. Ya'll are always trying to take the agency away from females and turn them into babies that can't make their own decisions. Girls that lost their sugar daddies due to the virus were out there posting all kinds of pics that they weren't before the outbreak, that doesn't make them victims by a longshot. There are posts by women saying they broke up with their boyfriend and they are looking for a replacement because they have been locked up at home for a while. When posts say 'can you help me out' and nobody from any of these places flags them just like Twitch doesn't ban streamers making money off kids for life when they do something like Alinity did.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I fear Japan will collapse so hard that IMF can’t bail it out. 

How safe is your money in a Japanese bank? Like if you have money in MUFJ, is it safe there, available for withdrawal at any time even during a total economic collapse?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

LOL! I don't care that you don't understand facts, irony, or contradictions.

Obviously care enough to keep digging and digging and digging at me to try and prove you are right and I am wrong. Do you want a trophy?

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

So weirdo guy!

No point to waste time in commentting.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

His remark reflects on the general mindset of Japanese men regarding women to a large extent.

Most of Japanese men still regard women stuff rather than individual.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Um, so essentially there's gonna be a huge down turn, people will struggle to feed their families but hey look at the bright side, there'll be many more people to be taken advantaged of to fulfill your ** fantasies at the end of the tunnel.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

A silly joke is a joke.

Yes I have two daughters, a sister who loved men to pay for things I never got to do, and one of my niece is exposing herself on facebook. That is life and I can recomend, educate or help my female family side but won't command them if you are a gentleman.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

@Jonathan Prin

So you don't mind that a perverted diseased 50+ year old man out there is gawking at your niece exposing herself on facebook? This is one big joke to you? What if your one daughters ended up selling her body, and stupid Mofos like Okamura preys on her? Would you find this funny then? Please think about what your saying here.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Maybe comedians will also be entering the sex industry.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This is just not funny. Prostitution is a dirty business and there's a lot of people in it who want out. A lot of teens get in it not knowing the circumstances of 'having' to make money for somebody else

And it's gotten more global over the past 30 years with communications technology and the fall of the Iron Curtain in Europe, Even children are on the market.

Not funny at all.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I cant really excuse when it comes to many Japanese guys...just seems some over fascination with sex, like unnatural, maybe because of society restraints. Just look at the crap they sell at the conbini and even cars decorated with young manga girls.

Many foreign women here have experienced weirdo behavior from J guys. Japanese women also have some strange ideas about foreigners.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Prostitution is a dirty business and there's a lot of people in it who want out.

A terrible prejudice. It's still a valid profession. It is legal and licensed with state support in some countries including ones in Europe.

I cant really excuse when it comes to many Japanese guys...just seems some over fascination with sex, like unnatural, maybe because of society restraints. Just look at the crap they sell at the conbini and even cars decorated with young manga girls.

Many foreign women here have experienced weirdo behavior from J guys. Japanese women also have some strange ideas about foreigners.

I also think this view highly biased and prejudiced. Situations are quite identical and ubiquitous observed in other countries. In Japan, the number of sex offenses have been very low. Meanwhile reforms go on underway; for example many, increasing number of convenience stores have stopped selling porn-like magazines (some simply obeying local ordinances).

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Do that many people still listen to late night weekend radio shows?

Whether it was insensitive or not, I'm sure at that time, he was just making a one off joke.

You can debate on which side you're on, but my point is, to have such backlash off of something like that from a late night weekend radio show in 2020 is baffling to me.

When all of this corona business is over, who is anyone to judge on how someone makes a living? I'm sure all of us will struggle coming out of it, you gotta do what you can to survive.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I regret that he made such a statement, I hope he made a mistake.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

How many others are thinking there's an element of truth in what the comedian said.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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