Japan Today

Comedian Shimada quits show business over reported ties to yakuza


TV personality Shinsuke Shimada, one of the most familiar faces on variety programs, shocked the entertainment world on Tuesday when he announced that he would be retiring from show business due to his reported close ties to a yakuza gang member. At a hastily arranged news conference in Tokyo at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, Shimada, 55, along with the president of his talent management agency, Yoshimoto Kogyo, Nobuhiro Mizutani, personally made the announcement.

According to Yoshimoto, an email exchange between Shimada and a gang member had been uncovered and its existence subsequently confirmed by Shimada. Shimada claimed that a friend of 10 years or so, with whom he still had regular contact, became part of a gang. It has also been alleged that this gang-member friend visited Shimada’s restaurant.

On his blog, Japan Subculture Research Center, yakuza expert and author Jake Adelstein claims that for several years Shimada was close to Tadamasa Goto, the former head of the Yamaguchi-gumi, until he was forced to retire in October 2008. He also alleges that Shimada subsequently became close to a senior member of the Yamaguchi-gumi Kyokushinrengo. He reports a rumor that several months ago, Shimada made the mistake of making derogatory remarks and referred to Goto without any honorifics at all, an act in Japanese society referred to as "yobisute" (dispensing with honorifics). Adelstein claims that this so offended Goto that he leaked information to the press about Shimada’s friendly relations with organized crime.

If evidence of Shimada's yakuza ties did surface out of revenge for his disrespectful language, it would be especially ironic. Shimada himself has been in trouble before, after a female employee tried to speak to him without showing the proper deference in 2004. Shimada allegedly locked the woman in a room, beat her and spat on her for her perceived insolence. Shimada admitted the charge, was fined an estimated 10 million yen and was put on a 2-month probation. It is one of several assault cases in which Shimada has been embroiled.

Responding to his reported ties with a yakuza member, Shimada commented, “I didn’t think that I was doing anything wrong. Personally I thought it was fine, but I found out the day before yesterday that it was considered unacceptable.”

Yoshimoto Kogyo has released a statement saying that Shimada’s ties with the yakuza had not involved any illegal activity and there was no evidence of financial involvement. But the statement added: “Regardless of the reason, it is not permissible for a performer who exerts such a strong social influence on mainstream TV to have these ties.”

Shimada himself is believed to have brought up the idea of retiring from the industry. On behalf of his agency, Mizutani stated, “I deeply apologize to fans and members of the media for this betrayal of trust.”

Shimada is currently involved with several variety programs on different TV networks, such as "Gyoretsu no Dekiru Horitsu Soudanjo" (Nihon TV), "Quiz Hexagon II" (Fuji TV), "Kaiun! Nandemo Kantei-dan" (TV Tokyo), "Shinsuke Shacho no Produce Daisakusen" (TBS), and "Quiz! Shinsuke-kun" (ABC TV). It is yet to be confirmed how the networks will respond to the sudden absence of a man seen almost nightly on prime-time Japanese TV for decades.

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I used to like this guy until I heard about how he supposedly abused his wife, and his thoughts on how love affairs are natural for men, etc. Now this. I don't hate him, but I certainly have zero respect for him now. Anyway, I doubt he's "quitting show business" as now he'll be a hot topic on variety shows and what not, and like many will probably 'make a comeback' in a couple of years. Question is, will he cut his ties with the yaks?

6 ( +10 / -4 )

"several months ago" Well, the press certainly jumped on this story, eh? But if a TV personality must retire for connections to organised crime, then the airways are going to be awfully silent. Many more Korean programs are doing to be necessary to fill the void.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

This really is too bad since he really has a great sense of humor. I used to enjoy his work in Quiz Hexagon II.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

He's been burned before. He'll be back ... in some form. The guy's supposed to be funny ... but now he's turned into a creep. But Japanese TV loves these and other kinds of weirdos ... as can be seen on the boob tube daily ...

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I think he is a disgusting chauvinist in his private life, but when he is on screen he does his job well and is entertaining to watch, so his shoes will be hard to fill. I wonder who will take his place? Imada Koji? Higashino Koji?

2 ( +4 / -2 )

This may of course be related to strengthening of the anti-yakuza laws happening later this year. Many companies are introducing clauses into their contracts specificly banning any connections with organised crime, punishable by immediate termination. I wouldn't be surprised if Yoshimoto's legal department had a hand in this decision.

Personally I'm happy to see him go. Not only is he a bully, misogynist and hypocrite, his particular brand of humour (pointing out how fat / stupid / ugly other people on his show are) is distasteful and dull.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

After his assaulting a female subordinate, I become irritated any time I see him on TV. I'm glad karma is finally paying him back. I really think Shinsuke should've taken more cues from his yak friends since they treat women with much better respect than he does.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I agree with you @scotchegg His cruel jokes at other people's expense have often turned me off.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Never liked this guy, my least favorite talento.

Beating a woman for not showing proper deference, then doing the same thing to an oyabun.

Watch your back Shimada, not that you deserve advice you scumbag.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Might result in a more entertaining TV format, Charly Chaplin, slapstick and mockery of fat people...it's 2011 not 1911. He is a celebrity which requires very little in Japan except press coverage. Like politics the stupid lead the dumb. Jeffrey Damlar was quite the card too, though I am not putting them on par.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Shimada=Scumbag! この島田の野郎=虫けら!

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Nothing but a filthy grub and an oxygen thief anyway. I seriously question the intelligence of anyone who liked him. Let's hope it's the last we hear of the garbage...

3 ( +6 / -3 )

This guy will be back on the telly in no time, bigger and better than ever. Gotta love show biz.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

I dont understand Japan, why is the dude forced out because he has Yak as as a friend, the entire entertainment industry is run by Yakuza, I have a feeling there is something else that they are not telling us and this is his way out. He'll enter politics in a few years and become the new PM in 5.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Always thought this guy was a first rate A hole, after he beat that women he should have been dismissed, now his yak links have been exposed I'm glad he is out of show biz. Go and crawl back under your rock Shimada you low life no talent pig.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I agree w/ those who find his behavior distasteful. It is very typical of wannabe though guys to beat women to compensate for their sense of inferiority. Beyond that, he was never very funny. Just a thug from Osaka who brought his supposed Kansai street-cred to the gullible masses.

That said, there is no way (I think) that a major star hosting 6 different weekly shows would be canned (face it, he jumped before he was pushed) over communicating with a Yak. He is just too valuable a commodity to pull. I suspect there is something else going on here although have to admit that I am not privy to any inside information.

Also, hat's off to Jake Adestein for providing more information than all of the wide shows put together (surpirse surprise) Once again, if you want the "omote" rather than the "tatemae", Jake is your guy.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I think Mr. Ozawa should take his place.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Yoshimoto Kogyo has released a statement saying that Shimada’s ties with the yakuza had not involved any illegal activity and there was no evidence of financial involvement. But the statement added: “Regardless of the reason, it is not permissible for a performer who exerts such a strong social influence on mainstream TV to have these ties.” I have not worked personally with Mr.Shimada, but I have with Yoshimoto Kogyo, so now I have more respect for Yoshimoto Kokyo, because this guy Shimada SAN, I do not want to YOBISUTE him right? Then get locked up in a room? Beaten up? How absurd!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

always had a yakuza look with him. Now I wonder what will happen with all the airtime, hope they replace it with equally decent shows. Strike 2 btw,

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Personally I'm happy to see him go. Not only is he a bully, misogynist and hypocrite, his particular brand of humor (pointing out how fat / stupid / ugly other people on his show are) is distasteful and dull.

I wholly agree, Shimada has always been little more than a brushed-up chimpira. Japanese television is better off without him (though his departure won't solve Japanese television's many other problems).

I also agree, though, that there is more to this story than meets the eye, or than the mainstream media is willing to uncover. Most of my Japanese friends are saying, given the timing, that this may be another ham-fisted attempt to draw the public's eye away from political events--it's happened before. We'll see...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

As @Scotchegg said, there's new laws coming into force in October that make it a crime to have any transactions with the yaks. But as the police have already been cracking down hard on them recently, how long until we see a raft of resignations at government level?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

With so many yakuza around, everybody is bound to have at least one yakuza friend. If yakuza are allowed, then having a yakuza friend shouldn't be a problem either. Have no respect for the rest of his private life either.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I dont understand Japan, why is the dude forced out because he has Yak as as a friend, the entire entertainment industry is run by Yakuza,

Try the entire country. If everyone quit their job because they were connected to the Yakuza in some way Japan would cease to exist. Just an immature little child with no real talent or entertainment value getting what's been coming to him for years. I am now a firm believer in Karma.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I hate him too-with his dirty jokes and his super ego,and disrespectful behavior, and everything...I hate him especially passionately after I heard him boasting on one show how he beat up his daughter. Everyone looked shocked, but the guy kept blabbing how this was for her good, and how well did he managed the situation-as if there's nothing wrong to beat up your child. Now the TV stations will suck him dry with fines-they're talking about 10 billion.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

With so many yakuza around, everybody is bound to have at least one yakuza friend.

Tadamasa Goto referred to Shimada as a "hypocritical chimpira" in his autobiography. That's more than just having a yakuza friend.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Of course the connection to the yaks is a cover. I mean, seriously - how lame is it?? We'll have to see whether the real story ever comes out.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Yakuza!!!... Organized crime group??? Is it legal? Is the tail of Ninja still exist? I m sorry, its so strange... Of cause gangsters will be there, but they wont claim as gangsters... :)

Shimada's ties with the yakuza had not involved any illegal activity

BTW, If he is not guilty, then why he want to quit... strange... strange... :)

1 ( +1 / -0 )

hell yeah! glad he's gone! and of course he cried like a little b...... too

lol grow up and be a man

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Don't come back, you repellant brute.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

If he is not guilty, then why he want to quit... strange... strange... :)

He's not broken the law, but he's broken company rules.

I'd say good riddance, but I know he'll be back sooner rather than later. I wonder if this whole thing isn't just a publicity-seeking scam.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Show me za praisu" finished? i like that show

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Excellent news! Sick of seeing this idiot night after night. As for his ties to organised crime....big surprise....NOT!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Shimada seems to be a bit of a yak himself-beating up women....not exactly endearing ........

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Oops! I said he beat his wife when it was a subordinate. My bad (although given his misogynistic behaviour he probably doesn't treat his wife very well).

Anyway, his ties to the yaks is probably not the ONLY reason he's quitting; either this was an easy out for him or there's some other scandal he's covering up -- or both! If it were just ties to the yaks MANY 'tarento' would be quitting now. The more I hear about him the more I realize he is indeed scum, and that he's so revered here is pretty sick. Anyway, the yaks will just start new entertainment agencies under more legitimate guises and these people will be back in some form, probably.

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

He isn't all bad. Lets not forget the schools he built in Cambodia, the charity fundrasing he has done for the less fortunate in Japan too and the Save the Coral reefs of Okinawa projects he runs. Any other Japanese Celebrity do any giving out there?!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Never liked him personally. I agree with some that there must be more than just "having a friend". I am worried about my wife though. Since she found out he was leaving tv she hasn't stopped crying and took the day off work today. She told me I am nothing compared to him and I should stay out all night. What do Japanese women see in him?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Afaic, they could fire the entire cast of current TV "comedians". It could only an improvement for TV.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

When I saw this news last night I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Too good to be true! Good riddance!

5 ( +5 / -0 )

So let me just get this straight: he admitted on national TV that he beat up his daughter, he locked a female employee in a room and beat her for not showing correct "deference", other allegations of assaults etc etc - and hes only now "retiring" because his friend is a Yakuza?

Something is seriously wrong with this society....

8 ( +8 / -0 )

ASAGAO - your wife took a day off work upset about this?! Wow, that shocks me. You are nothing compared to him?! ... Shocked again!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

He beat & spat on a woman to punish her?

At that point his career in showbiz should have been extinguished.


6 ( +6 / -0 )


Any other Japanese Celebrity do any giving out there?!

Yes, a LOT. And they don't spit on & beat people.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

smithinjapanAug. 24, 2011 - 10:58AM JST

his thoughts on how love affairs are natural for men

Seems like a poor reason to suddenly dislike someone. Especially since, if you know it, so does his wife. One would think beating and locking an innocent woman in a room would be so much basis for dislike you would hardly need his thoughts on affairs to tip the balance.

The guy should have been out on his ear after beating the woman in 2004. Now he is out because he has a yakuza buddy? I suppose the yakuza buddy is good enough reason for a company to not want to affiliate with him. But the priorities seem to be a little off kilter here. I might have given a second chance for the bad company, but certainly not for the assault and battery.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Have to agree with a lot of the posts here;

In an arrogant, self-centered world, this guy was one of the most arrogant...though I was unaware of some of his philanthropic activities mentioned by Mentaiko (thank you for posting).

The "cover" story of merely having kept up a string of conversations or e-mails with an organized crime member must be just the tip of the iceberg - must be some much more serious allegations yet to emerge to result in this "retirement"....

Irrespective of his retirement, my gut tells me he'll be back in a year or so doing something related with the entertainment business...either in front or behind the camera....

But what I find most interesting is the broad coverage this incident has received - all over the TV and print media - in comparison to the protests held by the "Anti Korea" crowd at Fuji TV on Sun - which the entire Japanese meda have self censored....... (kudos to JT for their small article in the Kuchikomi section).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yeaaah!! This is great news!!!! Love it! The man with the violent sexist history finally got what he deserved! What a fool hanging out with yaks!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

as much as i detest this a**sehole, it's completely absurd that he is being forced to resign because he had a few yak friends. i just have three words for this, "come on, japan!!"

1 ( +1 / -0 )

If all the so called "talents" with Yakuza connections have to quit, that's not going to leave many left.

Still, might not be a bad thing, that.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Good riddance!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I'm sure he has numerous contracts to fulfill, but equally sure they will be immediately cancelled due to his Yakuza ties.

Personally, I've never liked this guy since 2004 for the incident where he hit the female colleague. He should have been made to quit back then. I'm very happy not to have to see his face on TV anymore, but one has to ask, how long do you think it will be before we see him back again?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Everyone can make a mistake. Shimada has become a sine qua non personality in Japanese television. His disappearance would be a loss for the game and quizzes-based TV stations. A supension would be, in my view, a better punishment. His absence will be so obvious that TV will not have other solutions than to get him back soon. Let's wait and see.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

OK, I'll take a guess too... Similar to Iijima Ai when she quit show biz he will not be seen or heard of much until his body is discovered by his wife or close friend in either an obvious suicide or suspicious death, say - within two years.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

One down, more to go. Personally dont think simple ties (excluding any dealings) with Yaks is a problem, but certainly am not a fan of douche bags like these, who get away with derogatory and or abusive language, just coz theyve been in the biz for too long. BS to me, and I most def question the intellgence of not only those who like this scum bag, but all who watch shows he is on or runs. True talk!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Everyone can make a mistake.

Beating up a woman and gifting money to yakuza bosses is a 'mistake'?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Some people here don't 'see' the part about him beating & spitting on a woman.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Shinsuke Shimada is actually a 2 face guy. He has this bad side on one end, on the other side he also has a soft spot trying to help many people. Too bad for his ties with the underground gang.

I used to hate this guy for his abuses and stuff, and then I started to like him a bit after seeing how he was trying to help many of his fellow comedians and try get them out of failure.

He may seem like a mean and abusive type of guy but look into his eyes carefully, you can see his good side too.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Everyone can make a mistake. Shimada has become a sine qua non personality in Japanese television. His disappearance would be a loss for the game and quizzes-based TV stations. A supension would be, in my view, a better punishment. His absence will be so obvious that TV will not have other solutions than to get him back soon. Let's wait and see.

A mistake?? 笑わせるなーIllegally depriving of freedom, beating up and spitting on a woman is considered a mistake for YOU? What about the other countless acts of violence and physical aggression from this man towards other people as well, including his own daughter?? This man is not a man, this man is an ANIMAL. I utterly hate him. He's nothing but scum-smegma to me and to many people. He is not a TV hero, he is an embarrassment for our country. Who the hell cares about TV quizzes and Games? Only losers do. Only weird people do. Normal people, decent folk wouldn't give crap about this insolent disgrace called Shimada Shinsuke. I hope he loses all his money and ends up begging for spare change. 雑魚!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

BlueWitchAUG. 24, 2011 - 04:55PM JST He's nothing but scum-smegma to me

Whoa! now that's deep. I'll remember this quote till i die. lol A bit like the Chinese guy who called someone "you FKn BJob :)

3 ( +3 / -0 )

There is nobody on TV that I hated more. He was a narcissist, and he used a bunch of young talento to boost his ego in exchange for giving them a career. Granted, if I wanted to be on TV, I probably would've sucked up to him as well, but you could tell for every good deed he performed, there was something cold and calculated about it. I suppose you could say that about most people in the world, but something about him always rubbed me the wrong way, not to mention the assault that many posters have already mentioned, and the way he would insult people non-stop for laughs. Oh, and the music he produced always made me want to puke. So long Shinsuke.

8 ( +8 / -0 )


BlueWitchAUG. 24, 2011 - 04:55PM JST He's nothing but scum-smegma to me

Whoa! now that's deep. I'll remember this quote till i die. lol :)

LOL!! (^v^) Sorry, I get a little carried away when it comes to people like this insolent character that thinks because he has money he can do and say whatever he pleases. Making fun of people, stepping on others, abuse and physical violence. I've been following this guys for ages so I know his terrible background and behavior. Overall, the guy is a beast that needs to remain caged.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Darren BrannanAug. 24, 2011 - 05:07PM JST

Well done Jake! Jake has suffered serious injury weeding out these yakuza grubs.A most deserving scalp!! Shimada.. I saw his little restaurant thingy in Ishigakijima.. Needing staff. I bet not many would fancy him as a boss. Of course the geinoukai has always been run by the bouryokudan to launder their money and make even more. I bet there are many more with murky backgrounds.

by the way, just as Darren mentioned, this scumbag has his own restaurant in my hometown of Ishigakijima, Okinawa. I can't wait for someone to make it disappear as an "act of magic".....(笑)

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I never liked this bastard.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Some of you lot seriously ought to take a deep breath,why rile yourselves up so much over a TV personality who according to you has no influence on your life whatsoever..most of his dastardly deeds happened yonks ago..are you the same person you were 10 years ago ??And where do you get the gall running around calling people you wouldnt know from Adam 'scumbag'?? Pfft.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Always thought he was a chimpira, i never liked him. but ease up on the Yak, my girls dad just retired from being the #1 of a certain prefecture here in Kyushu. he's actually a kind man, and he loves his family and shows respect for women. she told me when he heard this news he smiled. said he always thought shinsuke was a bully chimpira. lol

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Let's not forget his long-term habit of picking out all the young, hot, well-endowed female talents and putting them under his wing, showing them the ropes and giving them... ahem... a leg up in the business. The guys all heart.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Shinsuke Shimada's news was the lead story on all TV stations all day today (as of 9:30 p.m. Wednesday). Seems as if there is still the question of what actually went on between him and the yaks. The feeling gotten from the newscasts is that there must be more to the story. Being one of the biggest names in the TV world, his sudden departure raises more questions than what little information he gave ...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'll admit that this guy's TV shows are pretty funny, and I'm always happy to see another Kansai Japanese speaker on TV (where newscasters speak nothing but boring kyoutsuugo), but he's a bully and he had this coming.

Will all his shows be cancelled? I'd hate to see the other "talents" that appear on his variety shows lose work and lose money because of him. These geinoujin may be in your face every day on TV, but from what I understand, they're not very rich.

@Darren and BlueWitch - Isn't that restaurant all the way up in the northern part of the island, in the middle of nowhere? I've heard of it but haven't been there. I just hope Shimada, in retiring from the entertainment business, doesn't switch to managing his restaurant full-time and start abusing the cooks and wait staff there!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

he is a funny guy.. and i love that show Quiz II Hexagon... there is another funny guy.. i think his name is .. ishibashi

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Asagao said his wife is taking day off after hearing Shimada's retirement. Your wife said 'You are nothing compare to him, and stay out all night' Woow, that must be really schocking to hear. I feel sorry for you. By the way, Are you japanese?

Anyway, this news is nothing...in March 11 there was a gigantic tragedy in the Northeastern Japan, killing tens of thousands of people, and because of the nuclear leaking, it's going to be a long crises....new energy alternatives is also a huge issue in the country.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Confirms my long-held opinion while I was in Japan that this guy was an un-funny bully. But, then again, not being funny in Japan is pretty common among many of the supposed comedians. Being loud and juvenile is sufficient.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Oh no! What will we do now, without this man to shout at people, and have his "panel" fall about laughing and clapping at his inanity? Oh, wait, I think I find a substitute - any other "Variety" performer.

Japanese Variety shows - same faces, same gags, on every channel, every night. Good work, Misnomer-Man!

4 ( +6 / -2 )

OK, I'll take a guess too... Similar to Iijima Ai when she quit show biz he will not be seen or heard of much until his body is discovered by his wife or close friend in either an obvious suicide or suspicious death, say - within two years.

Did the rumours of her being involved in the concrete murder case in 1989 amount to anything?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think I recall last year he went nuts during a commercial break of a live show or something because three of the younger comedians weren't acting respectful enough in his opinion (in the way they were sitting, or their talking to each other during the breaks, or maybe that they didn't greet him properly enough backstage), and started grabbing or strangling them. I was surprised that it was the comedians who had to apologize to him rather than vice versa. I never liked Shimada after that.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Mr. Tadamasa Goto sama (and let me take this opportunity to express the high esteem in which I hold Mr. Tadamasa Goto sama and my fervent wish not to be found in a tin can on an Osaka street): "Shimada, retire or my lady friend here will wear your personal accessories as earrings."

Shimada: "I'm retiring."

I've never cared for Shimada. He's retiring 20 years too late and I hope he stays off the air.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

never liked him and thought he was dirt the first time i saw him!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Shimada should have been banned from TV years ago for being a "comedy" fraud. I mean, the guy was about as funny as losing one's legs in a car crash.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Some of his off-color, sarcastic jokes are as comparable to David Letterman or Jeremy Clarkson. But his conduct off the stage makes him far worse than these folks. I'm no fan of this SOB, whatsoever.

He's a pathetic, sore loser. Glad Yoshimoto got rid of him for good.

3 ( +4 / -1 )


Oh yeah, I forgot about the tiny money boxes they all deliver to the 24hour TV show... That's not at all for good publicity is it??

The only other celebrity that I can think of that is generous to charity is Tetsuko Koyanagi. If you know of any others please enlighten me. I truly hope there are others.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

He may seem like a mean and abusive type of guy but look into his eyes carefully, you can see his good side too.

Sorry, did I miss something?? Had no idea he had a good side. He can have all the money in Japan for all I care. Where I come from, any man does anything like that to a woman or a child will seriously wish they would never have done it. The man got what he deserved. For too long in Japan people in the entertainment industry have to cozy of relationships with these yaks, thinking that no one will either ever find out or really care. They should make him the perfect poster boy to anyone to let them know, you get caught shmoozen with the yaks, you will meet the same fate. -Terminated!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

The eyes always tell you everything.

Just look at his eyes. Do you trust him? I was always taught to trust my first impression by the look in a persons eyes.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

replace his air time with shows hosted with any of the guys from that "007" TV show (mondays at 10pm) and I'll be happy.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

sayonara, sayonara, SAYONARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was scum off camera, he shud have been toast & jailed long ago, good riddence!

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Shimada should have been banned from TV years ago for being a "comedy" fraud. I mean, the guy was about as funny as losing one's legs in a car crash.

Hahahaha, This quote MADE MY DAY!! (笑) Thank you honey~ (^。^)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Glad to see this guy removed from the screen finally. I just hope this is not the first step to start his political career...

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Perhaps he got off on teasing people over their looks because of his own insecurity about resembling an Oompa-Loompa. (I don't like the look of it)

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Ahhh! A collective sigh of relief getting rid of this cretin. Now for the other 976 "talento."

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Perhaps he got off on teasing people over their looks because of his own insecurity about resembling an Oompa-Loompa. (

That's not nice. What did the Oompa-Loompas do to you??

Anyway, he's disgusting, but what does it say about a society where you can get 2 months suspension and a fine for beating and disrespecting a woman but have to quit because your friend is in the yakuza?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Asagao, you must be kidding about your wife crying for this looser Shimada and taking time off from work? Telling you to stay out all night and not come back home? You must be joking. You are joking right??

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I always felt that the huge influence big names like Shimada Shinske and Wada Akiko, etc.have in the geinokai makes it difficult for young comedians and stars to make a succesful career. It's like if the big names don't approve of them there's no way they can succeed (or be original and do something different than the typical silly jokes on TV). So I'm glad this guy's out. Hope he doesn't come back and I also hope this will clear the path for more original and independent-thinking comedians/talento who won't feel they need to be 100% approved by the Shimada/Wada gang in order to find their own place in the business.

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I have no care about the Yakusa ties...it has no affect on the lot of us. But the idea about attacking an innocent female for not being "honoriic" is completely absurd. Makes we wish Goto had put the beat down on him rather than only leaking such news...fair play, eh Shimada.

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Shimada allegedly locked the woman in a room, beat her and spat on her for her perceived insolence. Shimada admitted the charge, was fined an estimated 10 million yen and was put on a 2-month probation. It is one of several assault cases in which Shimada has been embroiled.

The wrong guy joined the yaks.

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It is strange that he would resign over befriending a Yak. I did not know about his past problems and this is probably karma for how he has treated people. I never really took to him or daily Japanese shows in general. A lot of the same people doing different shows gets a little old. That's my 2 cents.

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People often ask me about TV shows..this and that..and I don't know what to reply. I do NOT WATCH our local channels. Except for NHK NEWS. It's always been like that since I was a child. I find local TV programming very tasteless and boring. Then you have filth scum like this so called man practically ruling around with several TV shows of his own? You kidding? People like him ensures I don't take a second look at the tube. It's really unpleasant. (怒)

I'll stick to my beloved foreign DVD rentals like Veronica Mars, Grey's Anatomy, House M.D., etc. (^_^) Husband's obsessed with 24, Bones and Sex and the City...I wonder why...hmmm

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