Larger-than-life columnist and talent Matsuko Deluxe is well-known for her sharp tongue, particularly where pretty ladies are concerned. This time the target of her ire is idol groups like AKB48.
On a radio show this week, she slammed the idea of them performing for the Tokyo Olympics as “embarrassing.”
The comments came as part of a discussion about the announcement by AKB48’s producer Yasushi Akimoto regarding his desire to create a Japan48 group to perform at the 2020 Olympics. Lest you think that is farfetched showbiz dreaming, Akimoto is part of the Organizing Committee’s executive board and will have a hand in creating the ceremonies.
Matsuko recoiled at the idea. “I absolutely don’t want them to perform at the opening ceremony,” she said. “As long as they aren’t part of the opening or closing ceremony, I don’t care what they do, but please use somebody for the opening and closing ceremonies that wouldn’t be an embarrassment.”
On the Itai News message board, readers seemed inclined to agree.
“That is a sound argument.”
“That’s the consensus of the rest of Japan.”
“AKB is the shame of Japan.”
Matsuko went on to say that the recent trend of increasing spectacle for the ceremonies wasn’t Japan’s style. She suggested “something quiet would be more Japanese.”
Sources: Livedoor, Itai News
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© Japan Today
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Never liked this talent but she / he speaks 100% the truth, it's so embarrassing to have an idol group perform!
Yep having a pedo j-pop band in the opening or closing ceremony is NOT a good idea!
CGB Spender
It doesn't matter what the overweight auntie in drag tells. AKB is still a better option than him.
Indeed, I've never understood Japan's fascination with (apparently funny) transexuals. I highly doubt the rest of the world will be laughing along at stuff which was tired and old thirty years ago ("Oh look! A funny looking man dressed as a woman!") Groan. What next? Blacked-up dancers and 'Hard Gay'?! Embarrassing....
However you feel about Matsuko Delux, he does have a good head over the set of curtains and in this case he is spot on. Wrong message about Japan and offending to many non-Japanese as well.
Ms. Alexander
I'm not a fan of Matsuko but he is correct! AKB performing would definitely be an embarrassment.
Pretty much.
Onagagamo - did you read it? Obviously not. Matsuko Deluxe was only making valid points about AKB at the Olympics, not themselves.
Couple of quick comments (again):
What is the shelf life of your average Japanese "talento". Here today, doing variety performances at your local AEON shopping mall tomorrow. Matsuko Deluxe will probably not go the distance. Then again, perhaps we should start a grassroots initiative that sees him/her become PM around 2019? Wouldn't that be a difficult one to explain to your friends overseas?
On a more serious note, the Japanese fascination with cross dressers might have something to do with the lack of inhibitions. Without regurgitating all those worn social stereotypes, you could say that Japanese society can be somewhat "socially restrictive". However, these guys (and sometimes) gals have thrown off some of the social conventions that are used to control them. Perhaps the rest of the population likes the idea that some people can do this (but not them).Rendy Yang
IMO AKB should perform a collaboration with all japanese artists, not singing or dancing to their songs of course, instead making something big, like a giant calligraphy with them dancing japanese traditional dance or something, they are japanese so they should show their talents, at least that will make people around the world respect them more, that they are not just pretty faces
HongoTAFEinmate: Just a little anecdote fyi, Matsuko Deluxe has been pretty much a staple on TV since 2005 or so.
Akb48 is so uncool. I cant beleive they were even considered.
And this fat overweight crossdressing thing is an even B I G G E R embarrassment for japan.
Good grief! The 2020 Tokyo Olympics is six years away. In that period of time a new group of singers/dancers could emerge, thus putting AKB48 on the sidelines. Anything can happen. One thing for sure, we won't be seeing cross-dresser Matsuko Deluxe doing the opening honors. And he/she/whatever it is might not even be considered a talent anymore by 2020. As a matter of fact, I can't see any talent at all in this ... thing ... at present ...
Steve Crichton
Fantastic. The truth. My favourite famous person in all of Japan.
Alex Einz
Definitely agree, cant they put someone sounds and proper in charge of the whole shebang... the stadium is a flop, they are moving pre decided locations as far as neighboring prefectures, and now this... its quite clear that whoever is in charge has no clue what they are doing
Yeah, because we all know how people on TV in Japan are constantly being renewed; you know, like Sanma, Tamori, Beat Takeshi etc....(sarcasm off!)
Yes, if all Japan can field at the Olympics is AKB48 then it would surely be a massive shame for a country with such a rich and varied history.Also,Japan need only look at the UK to see what can be achieved!
AKB48, no. A 'revised' AKB48 as Japan48, No. and definitely NOT Matsuko Deluxe! ALL of these = embarrassment. Please submit some good stuff Japan. Please.
Kent D Hatashita
Amen to that! Keep all ---48 groups out of the Olympics!
Queenie G. Bacolod
I agree with you matsuko! I definitely dont like akb they would embarass japan if they perform in olympics, E-girls much more better!
Hey, Matsuko makes a soild point (one of the few people on jTV who do). I hope they go the traditional route with it. Leave ALL the j-pop, idol, talento on the bench on this one.
shouldn't people who are a part of the organizing committee be barred from promoting their own product or brand? this is just ludicrous.
What are they going to do then?
The only decent band in Japan is One Ok Rock.
I can agree with his remarks without slamming him for being gay, a cross dresser or fat. What the hell--weren't most enlightened folks in the west offended by Putin's horrid anti-gay policies in the run-up to Sochi?
They don't have to wait until the Olympics. He's already an embarrassment to Japan.
I wonder how many of the commenters actually watch and understand before criticizing. Matsuko isn't considered funny or popular because he's a cross-dresser. He's popular because he's one of the most honest voices on Japanese TV. He regularly trashes the stupidity and fakeness of other so called talents. And unlike other "comedians" like Hard Gay, his cross-dressing isn't an act. He's actually a transvestite. But I guess they don't deserve to be on TV, especially if they're fat...
Chris Larter
The girls and get up aren't the problem, it's the creepy old men that follow them that are the problem.
Any group or singer that can't actually sing should be considered an embarrassment
What's the betting rocking the boat like this will mark the end of Matsuko Delux's "career"? Criticism of the higher-ups is thought of very badly in this neck of the woods. Far worse than a higher-up making the country a laughing stock. I'm kind of torn - I won't be sad to see the back of this grotesque, but it's good to see someone daring to utter that not everyone in the world gets worked up over hyper-fetishised cutesy-pie innocence.
And yes, it does seem like a conflict of interest for the AKB mogul on the Olympic committee to be recommending another AKB-type band for the Olympic ceremony.
when I first saw this lady I thought she was a cross dressing sumo wrestler turned comedian but since have changed my views. She is very outspoken and I actually like her style. She isnt your typical Japanese; very aggressive and has an opinion about anything. I think she has become very popular in Japan.
harvey pekar
What Japan is so oddly proud of being uniquely Japanese meaning cool and wanting to show to the world is usually what other countries find so uniquely Japanese meaning strange.
For example, on their official Japan Tourism website ( are two pictures of those creepy kawaii photo booth girls for two separate links telling potential visitors to be me more kawaii! And above those two pictures is a picture of Hello Kitty and then above that link is a picture of Arashi.
Tourists are coming to Japan for none of that, including not coming because of AKB as their national spokespeople. The top 5 destination list shows foreigners want to see the real Japan, not the fake plastic Japan. For the 2020 games, have some respect for yourselves and put on an amazing show of tradition and innovation, not 16 year old girl perversion and a kawaii nation.
Japan keeps marketing what they don't understand isn't actually cool to those outside their culture and maybe to some of those within it as well.
Mirai Hayashi
Preach it and preach it loud so that this atrocity doesn't happen!
Matsuko is bang on. The organizers would brag about how it is showing Japanese culture, then recoil in horror as the rest of the world laughed or did their best to cover up their laughter, then they'd get defensive and say, "You don't understand Japanese culture!" and later than that it just wouldn't be spoken of ever again here, nor would the fact that people were still laughing about it around the world.
How AKB48’s producer Yasushi Akimoto managed to influence a position on the organizing committee’s executive board defies human natures basic ability to fully comprehend or grasp the inevitable field day presented to the international global media to pass judgement on a entire youth culture in the most negative manner, it will be calculated and callous, insinuating Japan young women have no hesitation in grovelling to system so inherently financially unfairly prejudiced towards just one individual.
Mirai Hayashi
All of a sudden, I am a Matsuko D fan.....go sista!
Japan is way off the mark in what it thinks is the majority attracted to it. They seem to think it's the otaku culture that's mainly attracting the West but it's not, if I wanted to watch anime or read manga or buy merchandise I can easily have it shipped to the UK.
What I want to see when I finally do go to Japan is it's culture, I want to see the festivals, the shrines, temples, nature spots and, I know it's likely impossible but, I want to see a Geisha or Geiko or even a Maiko. This is a culture that's survived over 2000 years yet it feels like it's finally being pushed aside by, to be honest, this rubbish.
That traditional Japanese culture is the one Japan should be demonstrated at the Olympics not this cute-sified Western import.
Let people do what they want, they are breaking no laws.
Tired of people online that say this is fine and that is not based on their own likes and dislikes.
PROBIE - genius! I was in the mosh pit last night for One OK Rock. If any Japanese band could open the Olympics - the universe actually - it is ONE OK ROCK! We had Midnight Oil in Sydney, so why not the best talent and by 2020 world famous in One OK!
Mirai Hayashi
Totally agree. AKB is not the image we want to world to have of Japan.
"Don't anyone on here speak out against the fat crossdressing thing that is absolutely talentless coz the usual bunch on here cannot stand it. Thumbs down away hahahahhahaha"
Can Google translate the illiterate?
I have no idea why Matsuko Deluxe's appearance has to be taken into account before taking his/her opinion but I guess her point is spot on it's hard to come back with counter argument.
Japan seems to lack self-awareness how the world is going to see the country when you send AKB as an opening act. They are an idol group mostly there for looks not the musical skills.
Una Oveja Sagrada
jcapan took the words out of my mouth!
It's not as if the Olympic opening ceremony would feature a JPN48 idol group and nothing else. It will no doubt be a mishmash of Japan old and new, traditional and modern. And J-pop, anime and manga will undoubtedly be a part of it. Japan has such breadth as well as depth to its culture that it could be an amazing show.
Oh, and the comments deriding Matsuko Deluxe for being a fat, untalented, flavour-of-the-month "thing" are hugely disappointing. In Japan of all places it's important to have people who are prepared to challenge the status quo, to stand out from the crowd and to speak truth to power (her comments on the political rise of Koizumi Jr were a breath of fresh air). More power to her!
Sometimes I think the people who come on Japan Today have either never been to Japan or don't really follow what's truly popular in Japan. If AKB48 was such an embarrassmet, then you tell me why when you go to Akihabara on any given day of the year, it's JAM PACKED with both men and women of ALL races who travel to that mecca of otakudom to enjoy all the crazy sights and sounds there, which include AKB48. I mean, just go to the cafe right outside the electric town exit... I've seen lines well out the door to that place. When I actually sat inside to eat and get a drink, I met a mother who brought her child from the TOP of Japan's main island JUST so she could come to see AKB48 and collect all the crazy AKB48 merchandise at the cafe and the surrounding anime/cosplay shops in Akihabara. The girl was only 10 years old. It's really, really sad that AKB48 gets dismissed as the shame of Japan by so many when all it comes down to, I believe, is pure jealousy of their success and the fact that they are everywhere in Japan and continue to grow in popularity. I, for one, would WELCOME AKB48 performing at the Tokyo Olympics, especially since I'll be at those Olympics front and center. It would beat the predictable and boring history book presentation that was already done for Japan for their Nagano olympics. This would highlight the quirkiness and interesting components of Japan. I also hope there will even be some more of that, including artists like Perfume and Namie Amuro and Utada Hikaru and Exile to perform. I mean, not every country has a Paul McCartney to perform for their opening ceremonies. And when I think of Japan today, I think of innovation, technology insanity, idol groups that are escapism, temples beautiful beyond words, and tongue in cheek humor everywhere you look. What I don't see or think about is bias, hatred, and misunderstanding of a group of young girls like AKB48 that REGULARLY perform charitable acts, have put a BILLION dollars in Japan's economy, and are all about promoting positive role models because their girls can't smoke, drink, or do drugs. Tell me, what the HECK is so wrong with a group like THAT representing Japan?
AKB48 Rock! Takamina at the centre position leading the team:) Ganbatte!! You trolls can sit in the back row and shut up!
I am with gogogo on this and with the transvestite sumo wrestler.
Not mentioned by him/her, but surely hope he/she has NOTHING to do with the opening ceremony. I'd like to see an older group of notables open or close the ceremony than a J Pop group. Taiko drums surely will be a big part of either ceremony. Always very exciting.
Mirai Hayashi
I think you answered your own question there. Sure there are a sub-culture of people who get off on going to maid cafes and collect manga figures, hence Akihabara is the place for them to go to enjoy that. More power to them. But I will be damn if some greedy producer is going to take that freak show and put it on the world's stage and try to pass off that teenie bopper group as being "Japanese culture", because it's NOT. The "majority" of Japan does not subscribe the crazy antics of Akimoto perverted mind, and the rest of the world should not be subjected to it either.
It would be like the US putting Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on stage and telling the world that they are American culture. Or Canada putting Justin Beiber on stage for him to act like the little brat that he is, and Canada telling the world that he is a part of Canadian culture. He is not!
They all have their places amongst their fan base, but to assume that the rest of the world will enjoy them is very presumptuous and wrong. I hope that there is more of an outcry for this, because I really do enjoy the summer games, and to have this girly group flooding my TV is going to ruin it for me.
Elizabeth Heath
Matsuko is right.
I don't see the problem with an idol group performing. Despite what people say, idol groups are popular and a sub-culture of Japan. If I had to say which, someone who calls another the "shame" of a country without a good reason is disgusting garbage. Truly the trash of society. And I don't even care about idol groups! Think about it. You say "oh they're an embarrassment to Japan" but do you have an actual good, proper and FLAWLESS reason? Just because you don't like it, you call it an "embarrassment"? Take a look in the mirror. Or are you just going along with what others say without thinking for yourself (like 90% of humanity) and just stay biased? Idol groups are a part of Japan. That won't change. Trying to hide it isn't going to work either. Japan has more parts than what some people make of it, getting blinded by your own love and interest in a certain part of Japanese culture and then denying everything else which doesn't suit your fancy.
I'm afraid that AKB48, being as hot as they are, will heat up Tokyo even more, and Tokyo will already be too damn hot and humid to hold the Olympics!
Matsuko-deluxe's comment seems very Japanese.
They are always worrying about how they will be seen by other people...
What's the worry about embarrassing your own country?!
Look at London 2012... some of the the opening ceremony stuff seemed completely ludicrous but the Brits didn't give a damn...
Was it really necessary to put "crossdressing" in the headline. Why the emphasis on it, Japan today?
Much as I quite like Matsuko, I don't think having AKB at the Olympics would be a problem. And to the poster who called them 'pedo', I think that is just ridiculous! Seems there are more foreigners obsessed with that than the Japanese, who get accused of it all the time. Idol pop goes way back in this country, and a lot of girls like thefemale idols. Get over it. Even enka legend, Misora Hibari, was very young when she started out. So was Matsuda Seiko. It never bothered anyone then, and it is not going away any time soon. Worry about other matters, folks, seriously!
Elizabeth Heath
@choiwaruoyaji What, Mike Oldfield and the NHS? That was absolute genius. As for the Queen being a Bond girl.........
I agree with Matsuko. I don't care if she is a crossdresser because she makes plenty of sense. The rest of the World would laugh at Japan if those teen idol groups performed. They should go more traditional. Have any of you ever seen the Pride Fighting shows back in the day. How about Taiko drummers and traditional performance. That would attract people's attention a lot more than idol groups with little and no talent performing. Sorry but those young girls cannot sing at all. They are simply there for young people and creepy old pedophiles. I have never seen a country with such an obsession with young girls.
Simona Stanzani
Aso and his mates are under the impression that "Cool Japan" [whatever they think it is] is really cool and the AKB producer has got enough money and connections to get a prime spot on the organizing committee - being this Japan, which we all know is run a bit like a mafia syndicate and an old boys club, we can get an idea of why the guy has got carte blanche to promote his stuff on the big world stage. AKB is unfortunately part of modern, let's say current, Japanese [sub]culture and it's going to be hard to convince the old boys club otherwise, especially if it means lost revenue for them or their friends. I'd rather see more talented people there, and if it really has to be idols methinks the five little ranger-like ones are much better [and sportier, too!] though Japanese pop [esp. the idol kind] is mainly trash, unfortunately (Y_Y)
Can't stand that cross-dressing no-talent. We had Lilly Savage... at least he was kind of funny. (No longer doing drag he now presents mainstream TV shows)
Like him/her or hate him/her, at least he/she has the guts (or one really big gut) to come out and say what every sane person is thinking.
I'm just glad I am no longer residing in a country where the news is dominated by comments a cross-dresser made about an idol group. And people call me a "Japan basher". LOL. Japan is bashing itself, no one needs to help it.
All of you calling for more traditional style Japanese performances - snoooooze-fest. Anyone manage to stay awake through a whole kabuki or Noh performance? Shamisen - maybe those brothers that play it like they're on speed. The koto? Booooring. Only taiko drumming has the chance of keeping the audience awake until they realize it gets repetitive after a while.
AKB is Japan's only of a few pop acts that might be able to perk up what would otherwise be a stale, stodgy opening ceremony based on "traditional" Japan. Hopefully, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu will still be around then to up the cute factor. And to top it all off, a life-sized fire-breathing Godzilla and ray-shooting Ultraman come walking into the stadium. Plus free yakitori to everyone attending. Now that's Japan!
I would say Matsuko in the opening ceremony would be more embarrassing than AKB.... but anyway, both are genuine media icons here, and countries are supposed to present themselves, so bring them on.
@ jerseyboy
Did you watch the Japanese news this evening? I did.
Far from "dominating", these comments weren't actually mentioned....
I find it a bit pathetic to get on one's high horse and reject "fake Japan" while embracing "real Japan", all the while promoting a cheap caricature of Japanese culture when you clearly know nothing about Japanese culture. Many of those things you mentioned are barely 400 years old let alone 2000. I'm becoming bored of foreigners claiming they "know" Japan when they talk about the most superficial aspects of the culture and then go into "fetishization" mode when they talk about how it is an "ancient culture". My stomach churns. Do you really love Japan or do you just enjoy romanticizing the "oriental"?
Juan Carlos Barbosa Padilla
Could be worse, hope no one runs with the idea to put the Matsuken Sanba in the opening..
Alan Durham
You must not listen to much Japanese music if you think ONEOKROCK is the only good band. There are tons.
The ONLY thing on this green earth that would be worse than AKB48 (or an affiiated group) appearing would be anything even remotely linked to Johnny's Jimusho. The likes of Sexy Zone and Arashi? THAT is the embarrassment of a nation right there. Going by Japan Inc's track record, I sadly wouldn't put it past them!
Aizo Yurei
Matsuko is spot on here.
A sidenote about Matsuko's longevity. She doesn't have a gag that she constantly regurgitates. That's the downfall of a lot of "talentos" here. See one Edo Harumi. Remember her? "Good." Didn't think so. She'll be around as long as Japan loves tsukkomi because there are PLENTY of boke around.
As part of the 'act' maybe the Blue Impulse could drop thousands and thousands of free AKB handshake tickets, or maybe the thousands girls (by 2020 I estimate 23% of Japanese females 17-23 will be part of an AKB affiliate) who didn't make the cut. They can use their dresses as parachutes. Outside of Japan and a small niche market elsewhere in Asia these girls unknown and to many undressed. They belittle many great things about this culture except to all the creepy officials who would have their photo op. But why do I have the sinking feeling they would try to legitimize it by sticking them in kimono. Sadly, they will be there, I fear.
Simon Foston
No one suggested Matsuko Deluxe as an option.
Neither would I if they had much actual talent and sang songs that weren't all kitschy formulaic trash.
Less embarassing than heaving her open the olympics, surely.
Oh and MD is not an embarrassment. lol
Have any of the haters even WATCHED an Olympics ceremony?
How different could AKB48 be? At least they've got practice!
Michael Hart
I only want Perfume performing at the Olympics!!!!
You wouldn't have to "create" a Japan48 group, all you need to do is pick some random girls up off the street... is that the kind of talent/culture that Japan wants to showcase to the world? I can chug a beer and break some chopsticks with my but cheeks at the same time... can I perform at the olympics too?
I do not doubt that this guy knows a national embarrassment when he sees one.
**@mirai hayashi:
To call that sub-culture "TRASH" Immediately dismisses your comment. You are judging people who love that "sub-culture," both Japanese and non-Japanese alike, and it's that kind of judgmental and bias opinion that has ZERO place at the Olympics, which is about creating a sharing of world cultures. And I would say the majority of Japan DOES subscribe to what Akimoto is selling and offering, as AKB is in countless commercials, tv variety shows, pictures on the subways, and yes, the radio airplay too. I would think SOMEBODY in Japan besides this apparent army of pedos everyone keeps talking about is buying and enjoying what AKB is all about. And also, to compare AKB to Bieber or the Kardashians is just plain wrong. No single current member of AKB has a porn tape out there that made them so famous they got their own reality tv show. No current member of AKB makes headlines by being drunk and getting in trouble with the law, has problems with immigration departments because of it, acts angry and upset all the time and calls that "entertainment," or drinks in public and thinks it's funny and amazing. AKB are positive role models for young girls and boys. They don't publicly smoke, drink, or do drugs, ALL of which Bieber and Kardashians have done to some degree. And Bieber and Kardashian aren't a sub-culture or a product of one... they are sadly the mainstream in their respective countries. AKB is more mainstream than sub-culture, but what's so cool about them is that they do cater to the otakus of the world, and I think they deserve their place at the olympics. They will make it interesting and fun and I think the world will love them, even if all these millions of people in Japan will be embarrassed about them. I guess they aren't too embarrassed to have them put a billion dollars into Japan's economy last year though, eh? GROW UP and respect what these girls have done!
Steve Crichton
I think what the world expects to see is a mix traditional Japanese icons and modern technology Japan is synonymous and renowned for. Back drops of Mt Fuji, flying Fugu fish, Samurai battles and Katanas, Ninjas with all their fancy moves and weapons like the star throwers, elegant women dressed in beautiful Kimonos walking around with their dainty little steps, Sumo wrestlers and as well some of the latest and amazing automated robotic creations Japan is renowned for. This is what the world wants. They do not want to see what is essentially a shameful, superficial, disgraceful and disrespectful representation of modern Japanese society that is AKB48. This will give the world the completely wrong impression of modern Japan. What we also need to see is a celebration of Japans new found diversity. I would like to Matsuko Deluxe lead a performance of all the hafu talentos like Becky, Lola, the model with the big smile that makes all her own things Mori Izumi, the really pretty half French news reader Crystal Takizawa just for a start. Then why not include half Portuguese Tina Yuzuki and half French Canadian Maria Ozawa and half French Anna Ohura and half Bulgarian Meisa Hanai and half German Saori Hara. Not saying they should perform or anything just be there and be pretty. If you cant picture these names google and press images. Lets celebrate the beauty of Japanese women. Not a bunch of vaguely attractive talentless teens. Lets celebrate traditional and modern Japan.
Matsuko Deluxe is one of the only talents I can stand to watch on TV. She makes a lot of sense and tells things how they are. Anyone who can understand fluent Japanese will tell you that she is one of the only talents that truly thinks outside the box and doesn't just try to fit into the J-TV celebrity mold. I agree with her assessment of AKB. But I know that there is a large subculture that truly enjoys acts like AKB. Not that she needs defending, but Everyone criticizing her weight and sexual identity sounds real shallow here. This 'fat tranny' is more successful and adored than any of you will ever be. I love her confidence in herself and her high level of intelligence and wit, it is way more appealing than the 'skinny real girls' false stupidity and cutesy-wutsey attitude (exemplified by idol singers).
Why are they an embarressment? they are a part of Japanese youth culture! like them or hate them, they are what they are... Who's to say they will still be popular by 2020 anyway. get over it or leave
. . . . . hmmm
But recently about most "youths" have turned their back to akb48.
Now its the E Girls. & about 14 years ago it was another lame group called Morning Musume. Whatever. Please dont allow akb to perform!
Wc626 at least E-Girls can dance.
I agree 100%. It will be the laughing stock of all Japan. Why on Earth did people even support such disgraceful decision? Japan needs to stop this from happening. AKB48 are nothing more than talentless underaged girls who only sell sex than their "music".
Michael Hart:
You remember when China got bashed because the little girl on stage at the Olympics wasn't really singing live?
You remember when China got bashed because the little girl on stage at the Olympics wasn't really singing live?
Hah! This is a gift to anyone who wants to see Japan embarrass itself. There is absolutely nothing anyone else needs to do. There are Japanese people who can actually sing. Where are they? Why haven't they been asked? Do they not realize that outside Japan, only geeks are interested in these sort of 'idols'. Beijing and Seoul must be enjoying this. All they need is popcorn.
By the way, at the least the girl 'singing' at the Beijing Olympics was acting her age.
Can you imagine, Bungo and Zippy providing the entertainment at the London Olympics opening ceremony?
J-pop idol stuff is a part of most of the world's image of Japan it makes sense to have Japan's most popular idol group do something at the olypics I'm not saying the opening ceremony should be akb48 running out in schoolgirl uniforms and singing heavy rotation but I don't see an issue with making a Japan48 that has some presence and does some promotional stuff
Because those are all pornstars as I'm assuming you know haha plus Japan is relatively not diverse at all so they don't really need to try and create that image
Michael Craig
Crossdresser dude's right! If an all-girl pop idol band performs in the '20 Olympics, their members should number no higher than 5!!
AKB48 seems tailor-made for this kind of event.
I don't remember ever seeing a "quiet" Olympics ceremony.
She's right, having any idol group, especially the sexualised teen ones like AKB, perform at the opening would really be a terrible idea. It would make a mockery out of Japan, not just in a humiliating way but in a disturbing way
Muniqui Dawud Muhammad
It would be a boneheaded and stupid idea for AKB48 to perform at the 2020 Olympics, Opening or Closing.
Japan has real talent. The Opening and Closing ceremonies are a time to display Japanese culture, history, art and creativity.
Having AKB48 perform at anything Olympic related is like inviting the world to a dinner at 5 star restaurant (The Olympics) and serving them a 150 yen ($1.50) rice ball bought from a convenience store.
I tolerate them because I live here. But for an event on the scale of the olympics, Japan needs to show its best, not its worst.
Commodore Shmidlap (Retired)
Are they still insanely popular, or have they sunk to the more middling popular level yet? Because if it's the former, I don't see how you can exclude them. If it's the latter, any old excuse will do.
Don't be so hard on Japan's cross-dressing talent. Japan has never been Christianized so we don't have the same attitude as Westerners on sexual things. Matsuko is much more funny on afternoon TV on the Tokyo city channel. Let them be who they are. And I agree, we can do better than a 50 member girl group. How about a 50 member boy group?
I don't know, Paul McCartney closed the London olympics so AKB seems a little silly to me. Maybe Sakamoto Ryuichi with an orchestra? Seems like all the foreign guests would appreciate it more than AKB. Sort of hard to appreciate 48 young girls all dressed the same and singing in unison.
Oh yes, everyone listen to the overweight, loudmouthed, transvestite about what is or isn't "embarrassing"...
Except Matsuko isn't going to be in the opening ceremony now is she?
Cyrus Wu
So much hate for her because she's a tran and fat. People here are disgusting. Anyway it is of my opinion that akb48, or its sister groups, will not be able to pull off a respectable performance if they perform anything they've done so far. Though I'm sure they can be made to do something decent I'd like to see something to convince me that they were on the right track.
I finally agree with him.
And, I am so glad they stopped using him on huge posters for Mister Doughnuts. What a turn off. That is worse than having AKB 48 anything at the Olympics.
Have Rola open the ceremonies. :-)
@shonanbb, I'm a Matsuko fan, but I agree about Mr. Doughnuts. What were they thinking. I couild only think "Eat Mr. Doughnuts and this is what you become!" (well, I mean the fat part, not the transvestite part). But she is very sharp and funny. I wish she did political sarcasm like Jon Stewart. She would be good at that I'm sure.
Brilliant! But it'll be Christel Takigawa.
Now, back to sleep, everyone.
Mirai Hayashi
LOL...first of all, I am not judging anyone who "love" AKB48. If you want to go see their concerts, or buy their albums, fine! Do it! More power to ya. But to assume that the whole country or the international community are going to love them just because YOU like them, is just plain nonsense. AKB48 should perform for their group of fans who are willing to pay to watch them, and no one else.
And I am personally offended when people try to pass off these silly little girls as "Japanese culture". By doing so, you are belittling 2 millenniums or rich and beautiful culture and tradition that Japan has. A flash in the pan, here today gone tomorrow, fad idol group who have been around for a little more than 5 years don't deserve to be considered a part of Japanese culture. I give them credit in saying yes! they are popular among those who like them, and you might even consider them entertaining, but they are HARDLY worthy of representing Japan on the world's stage.
I always liked Matsuko - all the more respect now. respek knuckles
"AKB is the shame of Japan"
That must be why they are so wildly popular.
AKB has been around since 2005, so you are incorrect by saying they've been around for five years. Try nearly twice that number. Also, you called them TRASH, so why are you even speaking anymore about this? You made a terrible mistake by insulting them, because all it does is prove your immaturity. The fact that you can't even get your facts right also shows that you have no clue what you are talking about when you mention AKB. They aren't talentless, they are hard working, and they deserve their place at the Olympics since their creator is the one Japan felt important enough to designate in a creative role at the Olympics. And honestly, it's not ME who likes them as much as the people of Japan do, else why would they have put a BILLION dollars into Japan's economy. That kind of money comes from teens who love AKB and will buy everything AKB puts out, not this mythical over-aged pedo army that you and everyone else apparently thinks AKB is selling themselves too. And as for saying these girls are selling sex to fans, COME ON!!! Have you seen any of their shows or videos? The great majority of them feature these girls fully clothed, wearing uniforms, and promoting innocence. You must be thinking of KPOP. But on second thought, if these girls pose in their underwear, SO WHAT????? Many of them are gorgeous enough to pull it off and I don't think there's any shame in being proud of your body or promoting beauty to the masses! I smell a serious case of jealousy from people here... you are all just mad because you aren't privileged like the girls in AKB are. Final thought: NAGANO. Google it people. Japan already did the whole traditional opening ceremonies. The world may just want to see something different and not a regression of the same old stereotype images you think of when you think of Japan. It would be refreshing to see the more popular and fun elements of Japan on display at the Olympics, because I can pretty much guarantee you that many of the people who are coming to Japan to watch the Olympics in a few years will be spending time smiling at and enjoying some component of the sub-culture that AKB comes from and in many ways, represents. And all of you will look like pure hypocrites when you are watching your televisions and smiling with everyone else. Wait and see, and in the meantime, go watch AKBINGO episodes 1-293 and you tell me what is soooooo horrible about these girls???
Juan Rodriguez
Matsuko had the cojones to actually say it, props!
Para Sitius
C'mon people, if we can get away with having the Spice Girls perform at the closing ceremony at London 2012 than AKB shouldn't be a problem...
stupid idea
Reserve AKB48 for entertaining young preteen and teen girls, for them they set a good example; but for the world to have to see them might be an embarrassment. I say for at least part of the ceremony, send in the best EISA performers from Okinawa so that people can hear and see something nice about Okinawa.
Lma Corps
He is stating his own opinion and I respect her freedom of speech....
I agee, AKB48 does not give a positive image to JAPAN, they themselves stated that they never really wanted to be better singers or dancers and their target audience are the old farts and that's not a respectable statement.
She is a huge fan of morning musume and I myself too, why can't the one who gives off the better history and image of Japan can represent the opening --> I think both of us wanted to say this and its the meaning behind those words
We share the same opinion and I will respect the others too
I completely agree with Deluxe on this one. It would be the worst representation of Japan to have any form of AKB48 at the opening ceremony. Japan must try to show the world that it is trying hard to stop it's pedophile nature.
There is no doubt in my mind that international press will have a field day covering the kiddie porn they find in Akihabara.
Lots of ignorant people here. Why is her opinion related to her being a transvestite, fat...? I applaud her, for being a nail that dares sticking out. Also, I read nowhere SHE wants to be in the Olympic ceremony, as some here have stated. She simply said that AKB 48 is an embarassment to Japanese culture. And it's, indeed. Kudos to Deluxe-mama.
Mirai Hayashi
Okay 10 years then. Still doesn't make them worthy of representing Japanese culture to the world.
I did? Really??? Might want to go and recheck that. No where did I eve say that they were trash, so please don't put words in my mouth. They are teenine bopper entertainment, with a large following of pedophiles. If you don't get that, then I doubt that you understand or know AKB is all about.
Geez, are you getting paid my Akimoto to say this, or are you like the king of the AKB48 leg humpers?
Immaturity? ROTFLMFAO. Might want to check the demographic of some of the AKB fans, and come back and tell me again who's immature.
You know what else puts billions of YEN (we are in Japan remember?) in the economy? McDonald's. By your logic, McDonald's makes good wholesome American food and should be on everyone's menu. But the quick answer is, AKB has an awesome marketing team. There is no denying that. And any really good marketing team can sell any product, even really crappy products. Also, many of the people who buy these AKB paraphernalia are older, single, unmarried men, with jobs in the tech industry (hence the name AKB- Akihabara) or still live at home with no other expenditures so they have money to spend on these little girls.
Absolutely correct. Japan already has a reputation as a nation of pedo-pervs and has com under fire from the UN for not clamping down on child porn. Putting the national lolita-complex front and center will do little to help its reputation.
Ian Robertson
Given the long history and rich culture of Japan, surely we can do better than this for the Olympic Opening ceremony? I'm not Japanese, but I'd be embarrassed to see the nation represented in this way.
And the nation that bought the world the ninja, the samurai, the Bullet train, transistor radios, the Walkman, hybrid cars, drifting and 10,000 other cool things surely can find something better to show case other than a pop group for pedo pervs or a transvestite,
Don't let either of them any where near the ceremony P L E A S E, japan you have so much more to offer the world.
We can disagree without being judgemental and disagreeable. Why so many of you find it necessary to judge this person looks. I am not a fan of this person but feel this person is only stating her opinion and others that may feel the same. I do not believe they are an embarrassment but it does seems to be part of a pedophile like culture. I basically feels for most of the girls once they get older.However with most things these days, no matter what Japan decides to open with, there will still be those who will object and call that as well ,embarrassing. Let the pride of hosting the Olympics and the performance of the athletes that has trained extremely hard and made sacrifices be our focus point.
Dismas Rienthar
Is there a Japanese musical group that has the song "Hey, have you read the Osamu Dazai?"
Raymond Chuang
It would be VERY interesting to see if the Olympic organizers would consider having members of the famous all-female Takarazuka Revue perform at the Opening Ceremonies. After all, the troupe celebrated their 100th anniversary just a few years ago. One really wonders is Matsuko Deluxe a fan of this famous performance troupe?
Dismas Rienthar
AKB48 is part of and the results of Japanese culture, as well as manga, otaku, Gundam, etc. Idoling is a form of Japanese entertainment industry since several decades ago. And now, a gang of people evasive and stated "it is not Japan", "it's embarrassing". That's more embarrassing, when the people who make and give birth to their own culture to say ... "that's not my baby", or "this baby has made me ashamed".
In Italy there's a tv celebrity who is pretty equal to Matsuko Deluxe, he/she's called Platinette:
Same look, same voice, same attitude and sharp tongue...tell me if this isn't incredible.. :) Anyway, I'm partially agree with Matsuko. It's okay if at the opening cerimony a part about cute Japanese pop music will be included, but together with other popular icons like Doraemon, Pokemon, Hello Kitty, etc. in a part dedicated in general to this part of modern Japanese culture, but a full part dedicated ONLY to AKB48 is ridiculous.
Chris Lane
The comments here are pretty ridiculous, with a lot of mis-information. MANY AKB48 members are in their late teens/early 20's and a vast majority of the time are not doing slutty or sexy things. The girls themselves are very hard working and fully dedicated to their profession. A lot of their songs have good, uplifting lyrics. Having said that, their producer has tried to push the idea and the amount of girls to the limit...its basically a franchise, and it is getting way too big. If they do have a part of the olympics, I hope its just a small montage with a lot of other music groups.
Wow! Anyone even remotely supporting ak48 gets voted down. Just like Bieber and Kardashian millions of people love these girls. Cute is part of Japanese culture to a degree. As said many of these girls are over 20 and every guy who likes a pretty girl in her late teens up to mid 20s is not a pedophile. That being said there are many types of medium in Japan which the rest of the world considers borderline. and we can all see it regularly from manga to young teens in bikinis at 12-13 years old. Agreed. but Our countries all have a dark side and having the girls perform ALONG with other acts and representatives of Japan that may be popular in a few years would not be the worst thing. A few minute melody segue-ing into another act? Relax...I don't think Japan will lose its quirky reputation any decade soon and having an idol group dance and 'sing" wouldn't be the end of the world. I am sure the commitee will think of a good mixture of things Japan is proud of to open the ceremponies. Art and culture some find boring who are in Japan is not as widely known to non Japanophiles and findu=ing a healthy mixture of it to show MAY include another popular teen group if not the AK girls. It will be OK. Japan's reputation and existense will survive an opening ceremony that millions like me don't watch closely. Its just something on TV until we get to the sporting. The most important part.
I think AKB supporters are missing the point here. The problem is not the girls themselves but the sleazy producers backing them up for the opening ceremony for the Olympics in this particular issue. Japan could've brought a real musician to open up (Even if they want to go for cute, there were plenty of performers with looks beside the idol group). I'm sure there would be just as much outrage if they went for Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
Todd Topolski
48 young pretty girls dancing and singing is an embarrassment? How exactly? It amazes me such vitriol can exist against 16 year olds, what the heck did they ever do to anyone? I do of course see the comments about the industry making money off them, the guy who started it might be a perv, the idea pretty girls are idolized, whatever it is, why would everyone's complaints about the fans and the people making money result in punishment of the girls themselves? Again, what did they do to anyone?
What will happen is they will be one of many forms of entertainment. They will go on stage a few times, sing and dance, the audience will applaud and then the next show will come out, other ceremonies will occur or the actual competitions begin. This is an embarrassment?
I just cant find myself being so hateful or disturbed by singing and dancing girls. I cant think of a group less offensive, dangerous or threatening to anyone or anything. And certain, any problems with industry which they are a part of, should be directed at the business people involved, not punishing these girls for just being girls.
Kyari is far more cuter, talented and original than all 48.
She is a He. That's not an opinion, that's settled science (yes it is politically incorrect).
Half of the world would love it and the other half disgusted. I don't think this would score many points with the Muslim world either.
Typically in the opening and closing ceremonies at the Olympics there are thousands of young participants. Well, if they use AKB and say Johnnies, they will already have thousands of trained youths that they can put out on the field in a huge stadium. It would make the organizers job that much easier.
Jason Campbell
He's got a point. Why have a musical group that's unique to the point of being one of a kind on the entire planet, use the most talented of the bunch, on the world stage.
Instead, Japan should put out one of those stereotypical old woman worble voiced singers of the 70's. Right?
So much anger over something so trivial. Great work humanity. Keep up the good work. eyeroll
They could have them be flag bearers or the girls who escort the athletes in. but i wouldn't want to see them performing in the opening ceremony. i'm a jpop fan, but for the opening ceremony, i think something more traditional would be better. even if they did do that in past olympics, there is always a new generation that hasn't seen it before. i'd like to see traditional dancers,drummers, and singers. for the closing ceremony they could have a collaboration of jpop performers. one last party before everyone goes home.
I saw this phrase and suddenly it came to my head a vision of Miyavi at the opening ceremony perfoming "JPN Pride"
hahahaha... although he's a good musician
'Akimoto is part of the Organizing Committee’s executive board and will have a hand in creating the ceremonies.'
This is already a done deal then unfortunately.
Why does the writer refer Matsuko Deluxe as "she". I don't care what he wears, he is still a "he". I am not at all a fan of AKB48. But I don't really think that it would be an embarrassment for them to open the Olympics. What would be embarrassing is if Matsuko Deluxe had anything to do with the Olympics. That being said, I do think that there are better options than AKB48. And it does not have to be the number 1 talent or singers that we see on a daily basis.
Because that's the proper way to refer to those who identify as females.
Well, some people always refuse to live in the present, and would rather hold on to outdated ideas/morals.
The "popularity" of AKB is mostly because of the overinflated sales, the huge fanbase of AKB, wota, can up the sales of their singles or albums by 7x to 10x, so, even though they do have a huge fanbase, it is exaggerate for them to be "representative".
That is, I'm not against of having an idol group doing a small presentation at the Olympics, but I'd rather have 1 or 5 girls that can really sing live and have real talent surely Japan have those kind of artists, otherwise, what's the point to show 48 or 30 or 26 girls dubbing?, surely they could do a synchronized choreography, but it would be an embarrassment if they don't show real talent
Way to go Matsuko! I can't for the life of me understand why some of the posters on here have a problem with a transvestite (I'm a big fan of Eddie Izzard), ESPECIALLY on that speaks their mind! Also, for those saying that she would be an even bigger embarrassment, she wasn't putting herself forward, or even saying she would be a better choice. She was saying that Japan should showcase the 'real Japan'.
I still haven't gotten my head around this term 'idol' either. Isn't an idol someone whose reputation and image endure throughout the ages? Not someone (or in AKB's case, the many mindless minions of some sleazy Japanese producer) who will be forgotten in a year or so. Wouldn't false idol be more appropriate? Too many pro-AKB posters on here think that most of us antis are bashing the poor little girls. I personally don't care for, or about them. I just have a problem with the lolita image marketed to guys in a country that only recently outlawed child porn.
I think you may also find that this group's fan base isn't made up of teens. ALL the teens I know in my family, extended family, friends families etc cringe when I ask them if they like AKB. I think you'll find that the majority of their fan base is made up of single, socially inept, insecure, terrified of any contact with a female, stuck indoors on their computer playing 'Final AKB Fantasy', 20, 30 and 40 year old guys.
So, good on you Matsuko. It's a breath of fresh air to have someone with the nouse to say to the Japanese public what the majority of us foreigners think (and I say that because the majority of the posters here agree with her!....KUDOS)
I can appreciate the fact that AKB have a fan base (including some here), but the fact is, they cannot sing or dance, and act like immature schoolgirls. As backup 'dancers' plucked from the public, fine, but touting them as the finest of Japanese culture is stretching it a bit. The rest of Japan doesn't buy into this childish act. But if Japan wants them to showcase their 'talent' on the world stage, be my guest.
I can't wait. LOL!
Here's an idea for the opening ceremony....Maybe we should have Takata in his fundoshi and hachimaki playing a Wadaiko on the veranda of Kiyomizudera and shouting 'Minna, dette koi ya! ...cue fireworks, Ms. Hart screaming at the top of her lungs and rolling her R's...Minnasama, Tokyo Olympics he YOKOSO!... athletes marching, a thousand taiko drums beating, samurai and ninja fighting...(was one of the best memories I had of the Pride FC....not the ninja and samurai thing lol)...Then clam it down with a bit of shamisen and some buddhist monks chanting while sakura blossoms fall from the sky....I'd pay to see that!
Traditional is definitely the way to go here. Japanese dance, taiko drums, sakura blossoms, and shamisens are beautiful.
FernGully: agree 100%. I think some pop-numbers should go on at some point, like in the closing ceremonies when everyone is partying in the main stadium, but as an introduction to Japanese culture having AKB or Kojima dancing in a thong or Hard Gay or some such childish thing would DEFINITELY embarrass Japan and make others think ill of Japanese culture on the whole. Then people here would get defensive and say, "They just don't understand/are attacking Japanese culture", when it is a CHANCE to introduce some of the beautiful parts -- and beautiful parts it has many.
It’s 2019 and we haven’t come further then to judge people for what they wear!?, back in 1940 in Germany this was practiced as well to label people based on their looks and origin.
Matsuko has in my opinion a very valid point to embrace the essence of Japan not only in this year but as Japan has been for centuries. Humble and sensitive.
To be fair, it wasn’t 2019 when either the comments or the article were written.