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© 2019 AFPCyber-bullied K-pop star found dead at her home
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Rip, hopefully this drives meaningful change in the industry.
What a sad story. This girl should have been having a great life. Instead small people needed to make her feel small. Well they succeeded.
The poor woman. Such a sad ending to a bright life, brought down by cruelty.
Don't know who she was, but it's a shame that she didn't throw her I-phone away and turn off her computer before it was too late.
And nothing will change, just daily business there. Poor girl. Kpop industry is a dark world.
Fame is a cruel mistress - especially in the modern cyber world.
As much as cyber bullying sucks, people, esp. stars, shouldn't take comments to heart and distance themselves from it if it starts to really grate on them.
Joe Blow
Cyber-bullying and death threats online are real for public figures. Have to figure those will come if you plan to get famous and push through it. Imagine how many threats the ultra-famous get? Trump had Kathy Griffin and Snoop posting videos of them shooting him, and "comedians" talking about killing his 10-year-old son.
Need a thick skin to deal with all that.
Jonathan Prin
Easy bullying. Switch off your line and you'll live fine.
Get the sucker.s who do that, if you are rich they can very easily be identified.
Poor young woman... still had so much in front of her. If it was depression, there is not much you can do except try to help those you know are suffering, or help them get help. If it was the bullying, certain legal actions are popular, but my only piece of advice would be -- especially to the vulnerable teenagers -- just ignore the people, and do not care what they say. It is not worth it. I know that's easier said than done, but please try to see that their words, while hurtful, should not dictate that you end your own life.
This lovely, talented, intelligent and outspoken young woman died by her own hand. But it was the cyberbullies that drove her into deep depression and death. In fact it was the cyberbullies who killed her. They deserve jail time. Maybe for life.
I've dealt with cyberbullies. Fortunately, I've been politically involved since my teens and have developed an strong psychological shield against malicious people. Still, dealing with vituperative types is no easy matter.
If cyberbullying is not a crime in South Korea, it should be.
I was absolutely heartbroken when this news broke. I just couldn't believe it.
I've known of Sulli since she was just a kid and the appearances that she'd make before her debut with f(x). And then I remember her debut with f(x) and watching her grow up over the years from a young girl into a beautiful and talented young woman who wasn't afraid to talk about women's rights, and also equal rights for everyone regardless of their race or sexuality. She wasn't afraid to speak out against Korea's conservative values and sadly as a result she was relentlessly cyberbullied by the Korean media and Knetz.
Everyone who has ever directly sent her hate messages throughout the years are all equally responsible for her death.
I just hope though that she can now rest easy :(
@papi - That seems like a bit of a cheap throwaway comment. Laws in SK have changed to prevent various forms of bullying in recent times.
From 2007:
From 2019:
Or show biz in general.. trolls need only an internet account to post hateful messages against celebrities, sports stars etc, and it's certainly not a problem unique to K-pop. Neither is group bullying leading to suicide a Korean phemonenon. I believe the word commonly used in SK to describe school bullying is 'Ijime', a Japanese word.
@jean - It is. Many Korean celebrities have successfully sued cyber trolls. As most Korean internet usage and internet comments take place on Korean websites, it is probably far easier for a Korean celebrity to sue trolls than in English speaking countries where you come across issues with international jurisdiction to identify the trolls.
One example - the mother of a prominent rugby league star in Australia passed away, and trolls insulted her when he played poorly, but to this day they have not been identified, as Twitter denied requests to identify the culprits.
It's always very sad for me to see people die at the peak of their lifetime, especially full of talent and creativity. May she rest in piece.
RIP. Gotta be strong if ya wanna take on the establishment
I have to emphasize that this was political crime. Sulli was out spoken against all lot of conservative and sexist views.
When cyber bullying presents itself, perhaps it might be best to either lash back with an intense vitriolic response or move the internet switch to off. Bully's depend on acquiescence.
RIP young lady.
Jeff Huffman
Cyber bullying can only occur if you surrender control of whatever online account(s) you are having problems with and if the person being bullied chooses to continue spending time on the web even when they know it won't be a positive experience.
Heartbreaking. She was just in Hotel Del Luna. RIP, Sulli.
Readers, watch this if you haven't -
Things sre often more complicated than they seem but, there are those in the entertainment world who make it a rule not to read or follow the cyber bs. I wish this young lady had done the same.
Danny Nguyen
Cyberbullying needs to be criminalized everywhere. If you think that words online don't matter, than I have no sympathy for you. If you think that in 2019 you can harass people just because they are advocating rights for people who have been needing those equal rights for so wrong, then you are a deplorable and a despicable person.
Why do so many Korean stars suicide?