Japan Today

Dante Carver mum on relationship with Vivi model


Actor Dante Carver, 33, well-known for his role as "Oni-san" (big brother) in the unusual Softbank White Family commercials, kept quiet about his newly-publicised relationship with Vivi model Akiko Matsumoto, 23, on Sunday at an event celebrating the 30th anniversary of the mobile phone company in Shiodome.

At the event, the dog, which is the head of the White Family household, was brought on stage. Singer Kohmi Hirose, 43, was also at the event.

Reporters kept trying to get Carver to comment on Matsumoto, but he just grinned and referred all inquiries to his four-legged "father."

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Nice work his publicity agency is doing

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Just what japan needs: Talentless gaijin like this

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I love Otosan. I convinced a cute soft bank girl to give me her company issued one, or I would not finish the deal for the iPhone.

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^^^ lol cool hellbound: why be a hater?!, he's just cashing in on an oppurtunity. Just like any rightminded individual would do.

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I saw this dude on a talk show once and he needed an interpreter. He only speaks Japanese in the commercials, I guess.

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Better talent than the one from AIU in his pink bikini.

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I'd like to know how much he gets paid for those CMs.

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Just what japan needs: Talentless gaijin like this

Really, what Japan doesn't need is another negative gaijin.

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God, give the guy a break. Foreigners get no love from other foreigners in Japan, not unless they are buying them beer.

This guy speaks Japanese just fine. He has a life right now that everyone here would love to experience. Good for him.

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'vivi model'? shes not a vivi model, shes a former dokushou model, a reader model who just features in the magazine so readers can see what other readers are currently wearing, etc etc.

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If he figured out a way to play the system while getting some good tail in these bad economic times, then more power to him.

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by the way i just tried to do a search for Akiko Matsumoto but it didn't turn up because the name is very common. JT should locate a picture to see what's all the fuss about.

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Incredibly handsome, fascinating, wonderful, real man. The dream of every woman.

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For Matsumoto-san, please see: http://www.japan-zone.com/news/2010/03/29/index.shtml

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Has anyone noticed that the article says he's known for his role as "Oni-san"....? But if you translate the romaji to Japanese, it means "Mr. Devil" or "Mr. Demon".

It should be written as "Onii-san".

I saw that guy on the train at Roppongi and he just blends in with the rest of the crowd. ;)

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Maybe he is mum because.....its none of your business? It would be nice if all the paparazzi, real and wanna-be alike, would jot this down for future reference. "Other people's personal relationships are not your business". I suggest putting that on a post-it note an putting it on your lens cap, although I would like to punch it to some people's foreheads.

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Hope she makes good money as she will have to raise any kids from this relationship alone me thinks...well "most probably"

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Why can't people accept other people's joy? Dante Carver is enjoying what he is doing in life and is enjoying his time with his special woman.

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What in the world is this all about?? He s nobody,shes nobody and this story is FULL of NOTHINGNESS!How about some REAL News,Folks!!

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Good on ya Dante! Keep on pulling in the yen as long as it is tossed your way. There will always be haters who bleed envy, but in the end you will laugh at it all the way to the bank.

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zhazam05 you thought it was good enough news to read it didn't you?

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Will they keep dating if Dante loses his role as "Oni-san"??

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Dante's got other stuff going on. The "geinojin" sports show, singing show, dramas, etc. And yeah, zhazam, if you're looking for "real" news, don't look under the ENTERTAINMENT section, or did you miss that?

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If I was in his position I would work it for all its worth....you know in Japan fame is very fleeting so good on him...

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If a commercial actor like this guy can get this much press, that other foreigner in the old TEPCO commercial who said: "Hajimameshite!" should also get some publicity! Lord knows he needs it...

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he is sooo cooll!!! kakoiiii.... he is just such a hit with that white dog, it makes me laugh so hard everytime i see his funny adds. woop woop.

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Akiko's a cuty-pie.

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Is it the dream of every women to be lied to? To be betrayed? To be disrespected? When does living in a foreign country allow an individual to leave their morals, and sense of right and wrong behind? Does being famous exempt you from being respectable and having human decency??? I have spent the last four years of my life being with this wonderful and real man DANTE CARVER, and the last year waiting for him, and overwhelm with guilt because he couldnt come back to see me in Osaka for one whole year as he was planning (banking) for our future! Oh the hurt and pain I felt finding out from a newspaper that he was with someone new, a child (as hes called her to me). Even now he denies their relationship, but I know that a womans instincts are never wrong! All i will say is that karma doesnt fare well with liers and cheaters!!

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