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© 2024 AFPDe Niro slams Trump at press event outside courthouse
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De Niro's not wrong. That's clear.
Actor that played Godfather slams Trump? That's why this article in entertainment section.
"How about another joke, Murray?"
Deniro is raising the alarm, but unfortunately the MAGA faithful love all of Trump's endlessly recycled jokes.
What a choice the US public has.
Agree, whether you are for Biden or Trump, it’s grim. The whole process is rotten.
Lmao. What an idiot.
Ricky Kaminski13
We all love your movies Robbie, but give it a break. A Hollywood elite trying to influence people’s democratic choice just plays into the very narrative that got y’all here in the first place.
The dems are running so hard from this simple, stone cold fact. You can distract , divert or try to derail as much as you like but the fact is you are gunna have to own your candidate, Uncle Joe. He is your guy! I know, it’s hard to even think never mind say. Trump btw is the Frankenstein that YOU have , and continue to create for yourselves with antics like this. Now, who are the real clowns? Agree that the choice is terrible. But it’s not the end of the world, not yet!
Hopefully this will be the last time it ever gets this bad and that from the ashes a saner America is reborn. In the meantime we are staring down the barrel of a possible ww3 scenario with complete jokers at the helm. Choosing the better out of two bad candidates, one that is the safer option right now, is for the American people to decide, not bleeding Robert De Niro. Adults know that sometimes there are no good solutions, and you just have to go with the least bad one.
Good luck to us all if it goes completely sideways.
Ricky Kaminski13
some visuals! Alarms are ringing! Hehe
Its Lower Manhattan. You must not know about New York.
More interesting is Trump has a history surrounding the historic courthouse and shows he has been up to his demagoguery and malfeasance for a long time.
Clayton K. Char
He's an actor. He should stick to acting.
Deniro is a boob just like Trump. Both New Yorkers have loud mouths. They used to love each other, he lived at one of Trump's properties for a few years.
Deniro should stay out of it, it will hurt him badly in the end.
I think the jokes on Deniro.
Good on him. Trump is filth personified.
He's an actor. He should stick to acting.
No, De Niro is more valuable as a citizen sounding the alarm. His shelf life as an actor sadly passed some time ago: his face became too familiar and, like other Hollywood stars, he has ended up just playing himself. He's not the most articulate of critics, but he still can run rings round the object of his ire, that bronzed blowhard with accordion hands who with his army of shyster lawyers has tied the US justice system in knots to the astonished amusement of the world.
Actor that played Godfather slams Trump? That's why this article in entertainment section.
That was Al Pachino. You think all mafia movie actors are the same?
R B Quinn
Donald J. Trump was elected once … shame on him. Should he be elected twice … shame on We the People of the United States of America.
Well said Mister De Niro..
that bronzed blowhard with accordion hands who with his army of shyster lawyers has tied the US justice system in knots to the astonished amusement of the world.
That was Al Pachino. You think all mafia movie actors are the same?
Robert De Niro played Vito Corleone in Godfather part 2.
Um, De Niro played Vito Corleone, THE Godfather. How you could possibly overlook this?
Quo Primum
The ranting and raving of an old washed-up actor. His comments here add absolutely nothing substantive to anything.
De Niro should stick to playing make-believe, if he's even capable of making a living doing that anymore. It's what he's best at. Reality is not.
By the way, I just listened to Trump speaking to the Libertarians the other day.
From what I could tell, he was getting more cheers than jeers -- a rather stark contrast to media reports (including here on JT) telling us that Trump was mostly heckled.
Why does the media insist on constantly engaging in such blatant attempts at election manipulation?
Quo Primum
Regarding the Democrats' choice of De Niro as their big spokesman here: Why him???
During the 1970s and 1980s, De Niro was one of the best. In those decades, he starred in some of the most memorable films made during my lifetime, if not ever.
But since the 1990s, his career has taken an absolute nose-dive. Most of the films he's been in since the early '90s have been mediocre. And even in the ones that were higher than that low bar, he wasn't in the lead role.
The Democrats couldn't have found someone with more current relevance and appeal?
This is like a struggling sports team turning to a former star player, but who's now in his 40s and is all washed up, to turn their season around.
The only thing I can guess is that Biden is a babbling old man who struggles to put coherent sentences together -- so they felt it apropos for some reason to choose another babbling old man who struggles to put coherent sentences together.
Not exactly a winning strategy, though.
Quo Primum
De Niro called Trump a dictator, and I'm only showing that if anyone is the dictator, it's Biden.
Hence, **this post is not "off-topic," moderators. I'm putting it back up. Leave it here.**
Stop coming up with lame "off topic" excuses to remove comments that you don't agree with.
What on God's green earth is De Niro's proof of this?
Biden has tried to use his powers in unconstitutional fashions more than once -- to push COVID vaccine mandates, to override the striking down of Roe vs. Wade, and so on.
Biden's DOJ has politically weaponized the legal-justice system against his chief political opponent.
He has had the FBI raid his opponents' homes -- and I'm not just talking about Trump either. Pro-life activists have had FBI agents storm their homes with Uzis drawn in 6:00 a.m. raids, terrorizing their wives and children.
But De Niro has the utter gall to call Trump a dictator?
Shut up, Robert. Go back to playing make-believe tough-guys.
De Niro is exercising his First Amendment rights of Free Speech.
Is Chachi on board with Trump this time around?
Quo Primum
But Trump already was president.
And he already DID leave office.
Even after January 6 -- badly mischaracterized as the "darkest day in U.S. history" by emotionally hysterical "progressives" -- Trump left office.
Yes, he challenged the election results -- just as Al Gore, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton did before him.
And once his legitimate legal challenges were all exhausted, HE LEFT OFFICE.
So, De Niro's claim that Trump will be a dictator is simply ridiculous. It only shows how desperate "progressives" they are, and how unhinged their hatred of Trump is.
Nobody buys this nonsense. I don't even think De Niro believes it himself. It's nothing more than scaremongering.
N. Knight
"Dangerous Clown" pretty much sums up Trump. I think "Psychotic", "Evil", "Twisted" are good words too that could be included.
Unfortunately he has millions of other brainwashed 'dangerous clowns' that follow & worship him blindly.
Pretty good but he’s also a successful con artist. Been doing it all his life.
He preys on the less able and grifters in the media jump on the bandwagon and scam and humiliate the less able further.
It’s immoral.
N. Knight
Welcome to the USA!!!
De Niro does not sell Bibles or gold sneakers.
I like his movies. I like him a lot.
Mr Goodman
Make De Niro great again lol
He's actually a very good actor in my opinion
Biden or Trump - who's worse ?
Need more options
If someone has to use the F-bomb (in this case, Mr. De Niro) in their political statement, then I am not interested in their politics.
Sounds like an absolutely brilliant person to follow. Who said it?
It wasn’t Chachi, was it?
This is when you recognize the pro-Trump, foreign influencer brigade comes out.
Repeating the same phrase the Trump campaign used about DeNiro "washed up".
Maybe instead of DeNiro they should have tried to woo the MAGA brigade of Scott Baio, Kirk Cameron, Dean Cain, Antonio Sabato Jr and AfroMan?
Well, the corporate sponsored downward spiral of American civics continues apace.
De Niro had a bit of a meltdown-style outburst, calling people "gangsters" and then launched some foul language, all on camera. Clear him and his fellow travellers are becoming more unhinged. He really needs to clean up his act.
It is comical to read the transparent sock puppet accounts on Twitter and other social media.
It must be difficult to get anyone worthwhile to do this. Bottom of the barrel stuff.
He can exercise his first amendment, right, but the man is completely deranged, the city is falling apart, Bragg is not doing his job at all police officers can’t stand him, they can’t leave the department fast enough crime is going crazy in that city and Bobby DeNiro is worried about Trump, the guy lost it, I feel bad for him.
But this is the best that Biden can do sent out a once great actor who’s just fallen Rockbottom kinda sad.
Yeah, but Trump has a lot of people that argued the facts, Bobby is just bitchin’ “I hate Trump”, they blew it once again this White House.
That would not be a bad idea. Certainly would have helped.
And to that point people can’t leave these blue states fast enough.
Only the willingly ignorant and gaslighted fools would believe De Niro. Biden has made the world a dangerous place.
Love him or hate him, it’s a free country and he can say what he likes.
I wish liberals would feel the same about conservatives. I hope they remember now. All Americans have that right, all of them, like it or not.
What a bunch of about losers...
Why not include Ted Nugent and Kid Rock - the Beavis and Butthead of MAGA-world...
Through what exactly?
Deniro the raging windbag strikes again. He just made more voters like Trump.
For demanding that Trump be allowed to exercise his civil rights and first amendment??well, if that makes you loser, OK
Good idea, they’re pro-American.
Rising crime. Up 2.9% Homicides up 28.1%, robberies up 9.5% property crime up 4.6% cops retiring at an alarming rate, refuses to seal the border, gas up, food prices up, illegal immigration is out of control. Inflation up. We could be here all day, just the tip of the iceberg with this guy. He is losing heavy support among the African-American and Hispanic community, it gets worse for this guy with each passing day.
No, for being easily manipulated idiots...
Good self-analysis...
He’s go presence though.
Still think Chachi could give him a run for his money.
Bad Haircut
This story certainly belongs in the entertainment section - the rant is quality comedy
Hardly. All millionaires, so they really can’t be idiots, because they did something right, so that theory goes out the window.
I’m fine with that, as long as I can exercise my first amendment rights, you can call me whatever you want, just baseless words.
Oh, absolutely!
I thought he was quite impressive.
A much better performance than Tucker Carlson or Russell Brand pretending they aren’t scamming morons.
Bad Haircut
Must be a pretty low bar.
By insulting Trump? Even the CNN pundits were shaking their heads.
Well, they aren’t. When liberals journalists can get 12 million followers, then I’ll listen
You could be right.
I must admit I did watch a Russell Brand monologue after he jumped on the bandwagon of scamming idiots.
That will reset your standards.