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© Copyright 2010 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.Emotional Kanye West closes VMAs; meat-clad Gaga wins 8
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Yo Cher, I'm really happy for you and I'm gonna let you finish, but Lady Gaga had the best dress of all time! Of all time!
Ewww! Lady Gag! How could she tolerate the smell!?!
Taylor and Kanye, for crying out loud. Get a room you two!!!
Really like Camille Paglia's assessment of Gaga and her generation ( from the Sunday Times (UK)):
"How could a figure so calculated and artificial, so clinical and strangely antiseptic, so stripped of genuine eroticism have become the icon of her generation? Can it be that Gaga represents the exhausted end of the sexual revolution? In Gaga’s manic miming of persona after persona, over-conceptualised and claustrophobic, we may have reached the limit of an era..."
"...For Gaga, sex is mainly decor and surface; she’s like a laminated piece of ersatz rococo furniture. Alarmingly, Generation Gaga can’t tell the difference."
Cher and Gaga: Looks like before and after at the abbatoir.
Is that the same dress she wore the other day in Tokyo? Hope she kept it refrigerated.
I woould love to see someone wear a dress made of whale blubber.
They will all start dressing up as farm animals. Singers are desperate for attention these days.
At least Cher has character; Gaga is a tool, and a cry-baby when she doesn't win something. Too bad there weren't any dogs running around when she got out of her vehicle... sick!
As for Kanye West, he's another idiot I'm sick of. The guy spent an entire interview recently talking about how much HE has been victimized and suffered due to what he did. True, he did reiterate his regret and apology to Swift, but that was under-minded by the way in which he seemed to indicate he was the one more wronged.
Best I've ever seen of Kanye is in South Park's mocking him (Fishsticks episode). Absolutely classic!
I have to say something very directly. I despise Lady Gaga! She represents everything that is wrong with the music industry. She is a no-talent Madonna wanna-be who tried to make up for her lack of creativity with absurd costumes and bitchy attitude. The most tragic point is that some women misinterpret this behavior as 'Gyrl Power' sadly ignoring much more intelligent and capable women in entertainment who truly represent the empowerment of women.
It is a shame there were no wild animals to take advantage of her meat suit and rid us of this musical abomination.
Imagine how many hungry people will that meat can feed? What is her point of wearing a meat gown?
this is a direct insult to those people who are in poverty.... why is this girl Famous???
.... why is this girl Famous???"
Because mainstream taste has fallen that far. Watch "Idiocracy" and you can see a scary forecast for where this leads.
Gotta agree with tkoind2 ...lady gaga is just a poor Madonna impersonator...a media whore,plain and simple,not a particularly good-looking or talented one either.
cher in this photo looks like slash from guns n roses in drag
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I don't get this obsession with Gaga either and even more so Kanye. If there was ever a lack of musical that appeared at the VMA it's Kanye! The guy has Zero talent whatsoever and his autotunes are always the same, same beats etc. Especially after that stunt with Taylor Swift, the guy will never get back 100% on top where he used to be, just like Chris Brown. And why is Cher still around? Shouldn't she be taking her Geritol by now and to put that outfit on, how old is she again?? 85?! She needs to keep her butt at home!
So tired of Gaga. Her music is okay but she drives me nuts with her "art" BS. She went to high school with Paris and Nicky Hilton FFS!
Don't like her music, her video's confuse me, and she seems genuinely unlikable in all other regards, but Gaga gets points for angering PETA with her display. Ever since they drove past my hunting blind blaring their horn and scaring the deer any minor slight against them has my full support.
Cher sure does have a lot of hair.
Gaga. Can you believe I have not heard one of her songs. Ever. I think she is laughing real hard at the whole thing. She is fun to watch in the same way that Andy Kaufman was fun to watch. If the meat dress is fake, it is a good fake, and if it is not, then she is certainly working hard at it. PETA secretly likes this. What is a stinky meat dress if not revolting?
I have a sense of humor about the weirdest things.
Everyone knows that she was a normal person once, right? Just like that Ciccone girl from Michigan, but playing a piano and singing ok songs. I think she just decided one day to let go of trying to be normal and mediocre. Now she is weird, famous, and mediocre. Well... ok. What else are you going to pay attention to... Cher? Kermit the frog?
The words to MY Kanye West song wouldn't have been quite so forgiving.
Poor Kanye, 32 years old and so troubled by the pressures of fame and life in the spotlight.
Give it up then !
"Meat-clad Gaga."
Try getting that one out of your head next time you see her.
Before I knew who Gaga was, I was pointed to a youtube vid of a normal young woman playing piano and singing. Very impressive. Very talented.
Later she became Gaga. I think I'd try the costume / make up / over-the-top persona as well, if I had talent and was going into the biz. Just think, without the make-up, wigs, and costumes, she can probably do her own shopping, go to the movies, have a coffee with friends, etc., without being recognized. Sounds like a good way to live.
"I was pointed to a youtube vid of a normal young woman playing piano and singing. Very impressive. Very talented."
I saw the same video. But she would not have lasted a week on any of the TV talent programs. She was just too blah. That is why what she is doing is interesting to me. People have to look at her now. Her music is what she wants to show them, but she had to get them to look at her first. Well. She did that. What we see is that she is no great performer or visionary, but she will do until one comes along. She has certainly made it further than if she had never gone Gaga.
Haha. If she were your daughter, would you be proud? I think I would be. She is a performer and artist. This is what they do.
And you are right, Taj, Gaga seems to be a persona. Maybe she can turn it off and go back to being a normal person. She certainly WAS someone before she morphed. David Bowie and others kind of did that. Madonna didn't. She never went back to being Miss Ciccone. Michael Jackson couldn't either.
Did they have some kind of seat cover over Gaga's seat?
Gaga? Don't get too bent outta shape about her- her 15 minutes are just about gagagone. Not that she'll be replaced with anything better though.
My personal reaction of the VMA's winners being announced-
"crap, crappy, really crap, crap but less crappy than the other nominees, crap, uber-crap, worse than crap, not terrible, crap, Oh my god I can't believe they're giving this load of mega-crap an award!, crappity-crap-crap, crap, ..."
Whoops! sorry- my Japanese keyboard was malfunctioning; I meant to spell 'CLAP'!
I agree. I look at this homely chick in her stupid outfits and think, I can't fap to this!
MTV has a music awards show still? I didnt know MTV even had a music video anymore. How does one know what to vote for?
Lady Gaga is the Whore of Babylon. If 2012 is really the endgame, could there be a more potent symbol of the end of civilisation than Gaga?
It is right there in front of you people...
Dentshop, thank you for the exact description of her. Remember seeing a book with a picture of the whore of Babylon. Every time I see Gaga's face, I was wondering that she resembled some one! You solved the mystery.
"Gaga? Don't get too bent outta shape about her- her 15 minutes are just about gagagone."
I see a lot of Warhol left in her, and I don't think we will be rid of her as easily as Lohan or Winehouse. I think Gaga is serious. Weird, but it pays the bills. One strange barometer, and this might not mean anything, but she has been on the cover of Rolling Stone twice. That is a minor accomplishment. That is equal to Joan Baez, Beck, Phil Collins, Alice Cooper, Elvis Costello, etc.
Mokgohan I am very sorry to hear that you actually watched the awards thing. I can't stomach that stuff.
"Remember seeing a book with a picture of the whore of Babylon. Every time I see Gaga's face, I was wondering that she resembled some one!"
Yeah. That was before her nose job though. You know, I have heard people say a lot worse about her. You should try harder.
Anyway, I wanted to say about the meat dress that this is doing PETA's job for them. They should let her alone. I think she is creating a lot of dissonance with meat wear. We think of steaks on a hook or on a plate, or maybe on the hoof, but never as prete a porter. If you really settle down to think about it, what is keeping that meat red? Scary. What must it smell like? Ugh. It is good. PETA is stale and hidebound (pun?). They spend their time preaching to the converted, and GAGA is out there converting some more people who really didn't care. She is creating dissonance, not delivering direct mail pamphlets. In your face on an awards show. PETA can't buy that.
Smith. Haha. I don't think she sat down, but I don't know. I did not think it was real, but she says it was. Which is really scary considering that it must have been hot. It should have gone brown and rancid pretty quickly.
The meat dress is fake, gullible people.
"The meat dress is fake, gullible people."
I thought it looked fake too. But... She told the BBC it is real, and they printed that. PETA thought it was real. I don't know. I think I could make one. It would not stink badly for a few hours, I think, if you went for higher fat content and a little dried instead of juicy. Nice marbling with a kind of stringy cut along the grain. You could do it.
I would put it on and dance in front of a mirror like that guy in Silence of the Lambs. In a creepy voice, I would say "Do you want to eat me? I want to eat me..."
Meat dress --> treating girls as piece of meat?
"treating girls as piece of meat?"
I think she said it had something to do with homosexuals in the military or something in a BBC interview. I can't really see how that connects there, but whatever, it is her art, but everyone has their interpretation I guess.