Actress Erika Sawajiri, 25, has announced her plans for her return to the center stage of the Japanese entertainment world. The actress, who was vilified in the Japanese press for her outspoken attitude about the outdated facets of the Japanese entertainment system, is to attempt a comeback under the auspices of her own talent management company in association with industry giant Avex Management.
According to sources close to Sawajiri, she registered her company in spring of last year, since which time she has been making preparations for her Japan comeback. Sawajiri entered into a contract with Avex on April 1 this year.
Sawajiri added that she plans to concentrate on acting. Sources close to the actress claim that she has been working abroad on a commercial shoot, but that she will soon be returning to Japan for her first comeback shoot.
The actress told the press on Monday, "I would like to get involved in various areas of entertainment, while keeping acting as my central focus. I plan to work hard to change my attitude so that I can be seen as an actress in Japan once again."
© Compiled from news reports
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Like they say, "the nail that sticks up ..." But, since most actresses here are completely interchangeable, since their actual talent level is low, the management companies can do as they please.
She is a good actress, at least I liked her performance in the film "Tegami".
She should continue to tell the Japanese press to go to 'ell. Why does she(and every other entertainer) have to kiss their butts? I'm sorry, but the total control aspect of these people's lives has to change at some point.
everybody has their price: I promise to speak little of my own thoughts or opinions and just try my best to look cute like all the other tarentos.
I've never seen her acting and she might be an airhead egomaniac, I don' know, but you have to give her props for starting her own talent company and going out on hr own. It's hard to realise how stressful it can be going against the grain and being the nail in Japan.
Sadly, the Japanese press have honed their skills in fixing blame and pillorying scapegoats. They can make life miserable with invasions of privacy and can set an outer boundary for permissible action. But somehow they have not develped the ability to uncover the facts needed to expose, uproot and correct corruption and ineffciency. If the media don't conduct a witch-hunt against somebody once every so often, they can't achieve peace of mind. The mass media suffer from something like menstruation. Hence, Japan appears unable to grow out of a Peeping Tom tendency that pervades the weekly newspapers, magazines and late-night TV talk show occasionally trickling over in the mainstream newspapers. Japanese journalism is too inward-looking and the style of writing in which sources are kept secret does not inspire credibiity.
How long would Sheen survive in the Japanese press? She needs to remember, "Bad press is better than no press." It is still a free country, and change can only happen through dissent. Fortunately, this is not Libya, et al.
I love her hair.
Dodgy barnet. and not particularly tarented either.....
So this is promise number.... ?
Evidently she finds it difficult to listen to nonsensical questions and respond with equally nonsensical predictable answers.
Evidently, she as well as some Sawajiri fans here, are missing the point. The point is that she chose to enter the entertainment industry through one of the management companies, and so she had to play by their rules, which she was too dumb and immature to do. There are alternative ways to get into entertainment in Japan, if she wants to be a big time Tarento, then she is going to have to change her ways.
Like everything in life, They are rules to follow. When she entered the entertainment industry in Japan, she was well aware of the do's and don'ts. I guess grandma was right: never bite the hand that feeds you.
That hair make her look like she just got out of bed, lol!!!
iPhone - One coesn't like to go into details, but I can assure you she had. Why do you think she's smiling so broadly? One aims to please.
What did she say about the "outdated facets" of Japan's entertainment industry? There is certainly a lot needs changing in the quality of entertainment here. Watching other people eat, shout and squeak don't remain eternally fascinating.
"Watching other people eat, shout and squeak".... J TV in a nutshell
She is hot even with that hairstyle.
OIKAWA: This girl is pretty good. Made me cry watching "1 Liter of Tears"... but maybe it's also the story.
Had she not made a fuss, she would have already been in the big league.
@Lunchbox wrote:
Well, yes, if she's under contract.
I'd like to hear more about that. I thought the agencies had the industry locked up pretty tight. Without an agent, how does one get in?
When you say "change her ways," do you mean to stop bucking the system or to go use one of those 'alternative' ways you mention.
In any case, although she has started her own management company, she's still operating under the wing of Avex, which is a huge music conglomerate and that apparently means she's back 'in the system.'
Nightvision: Thanks I'll check that film out
Yay shes back in the game.
Yuriko Sayaka
let her be! ganbatte ne!