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© KYODOEx-SMAP member Nakai's TV scenes cut over alleged trouble with woman
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Coming from someone long associated with the sick and despicable Johnny's organisation, it seems bad behaviour towards others has been inbuilt in Nakai.
It makes one wonder how many other incidents have been committed by Johnny's "talent" over many years, and covered up with cash payments.
Good on Nippon TV. Although, given recent developments, their actions are more to protect their own behinds rather than a greater awareness of women's rights to not be objectified and assualted.
Mr Kipling
An out of court settlement is quite normal in Japan.
This is not usual. A huge sum to keep out of court but not out of public knowledge.
The woman has a silence clause.
The gossip is he impregnated a woman and he urged her to abort. But it’s old news the resurfaced apparently.
Roger Gusain
I always thought he was a slimeball. My least favorite SMAP member.
Eat the left
No, it doesn’t. I have other things to think about and am not looking for things to make me angry.
Also know as: The Chin-chin Boys
All that money and all that fame, he could probably just get some random woman at the bar or just go to a soapland. He had easy money just doing nightly shows.
He puts all that in jeopardy for that?
All the sexual abuse they were subjected to as children, I doubt any of them are capable of having a normal relationship with anyone and are trapped in a perpetual state of their warped childhood.
When we say trouble, we need more clarification on what is meant by "trouble." Trouble in Japanese can be anything that wouldn't even raise an eyebrow in the West. we have seen this multiple times.
is it trouble that he had an affair with someone?
is it rrouble he got someone pregnant?
it is trouble because he asked her to have an abortion and she refused.
is it trouble that she is married?
Is is trouble because he was drunk and tried to kiss someone?
I may not like the guy, but that's not enough to find him guilty. We need clearer reporting—specific reporting, not. Hello NHK, We have some trouble. I need more information, rape? date rape? stalking? illicit child? otherwise i just read mud slinging and gossip.
“TIJ= This Is Japan”
= Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Guy has no talent anyway.
The word "gossip" in japan has lost meaning. Everyone thinks inmediatly bushun writes THE truth.
There's another interest assosiated in making gossip to make a public figure fall: like install another company.
In these years, I never saw an inquire of court to Takizawa, who was in late years the CEO of Jrs section.
Maybe he was guilty, but still isn't proven in court.
Sports Music Assemble People: what the hell kind of name is that anyway? I can think of another word beginning with P that would be appropriate for Jonny Kitagawa and it ain’t ‘people’.
The entire SMAP boyband thing was such a scam. They are all getting paid high salaries to keep the secrets from getting out.