All male pop group EXILE will kick off a national tour on July 17 that will see the group play 22 gigs in 10 cities, with the number of fans attending expected to top 1.1 million.
Last year, the band drew around 500,000 fans when they held 34 concerts in 10 cities. If they exceed the 1 million mark this year, it will set a record for concert attendance in Japan. Around 600 crew will accompany the group on tour in 150 trucks and vans.
Meanwhile, Filipino fashion designer Zaldy Goco will be in charge of their costumes for the tour. Zaldy is well known for designing outfits for big stars, such as the late singer Michael Jackson and Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger, 66. It is the first time for Goco to produce costumes for Asian stars. He said his costumes will match the tour's title of "FANTASY."
© Japan Today
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they probably have time to add a few more members to the group....
Aren't EXILE that group where 2 of them do something and the other 9000 of them prance about like idiots in the background?
Why would people want to see that? Isn't TV enough?
Only a modest fan of their music, and yeah only 2 of 9000 sing, but the dancers are quite good and their shows are spectacular. For me, TV will never surpass a live gig.
I still don't understand their appeal to the teenyboppers. Except for 2 of them, they look old enough to be playing gateball at the local park. One of the losers has a mole on his face big enough to confuse his nose with.
I don't think they do appeal to teenyboppers. I think they appeal to ahem ladies. Did they grow again? I mean, HOW many dancers do you actually need? Didn't there used to be like only 6 of them?
Well I have seen little of them, but from what I have seen I actually find them entertaining...a mole has nothing to do with talent, and the obvious expectation of a number of fans I think shows their growing success, which I applaud..And as far as cosutumes go , I am sure they are very happy to have someone like Zaldy Goco, designing outfits for them..
You mean watching 2 guys sing karaoke while a battalion of poseurs mess around behind them? I’d hardly call that a “live gig”.
Does one of the prancers press play on the cassette at the start of each song?
When I first saw Exile perform I thought it was a comedy skit. I was the only one in the room laughing.
Will 1.1 million break the Guiness record for most number of tone-deaf people to witness a concert tour?
hah guess im not the only one who thinks exile is a farce. 40 y.o. karaoking and dressing like 20 y.o. gimme a break.
Love them!
Are they characters based on some Manga? Are they successful hosts with a thing for singing? Are they birds? No! They are the silly exile : - )
Where have all the singer/songwriters and players gone? They are the real musicians in this world.
Exile should be ejected from society for their sheer lack of talent, personality, and anything else made of a substance more dense than their hair.
Exile are another formulaic pop act, sure, but they're laughing all the way to the bank. Ninety percent of you don't like Exile (including me) would gladly trade your stringent artistic standards for the truckloads of yen and poon-tang the band is enjoying.
Goes to show you where society is at...
Are there any foreigners in this group?
I think it looks like three or four bands performing together. And is it 1.1 million for ALL of the shows attendance? Could be some repeat ticket buyers, but who am I to say. They look REALLY special. Too bad I'll miss it.
Why do you care if you don't like them? I'm pretty sure none of us like 90% of the music out there, but we all like something.
TRUE...its a matter of taste, like country music, jazz hip hop, rap..i for one like visual kei and j-pop...Dir en grye. etc..where I live many ask me WTF, you listening too, but not all genres or bands appeal to the same ppl..
Dir en grey..sorry...
That's a big band. Looks like most of the fans are actually members of the band.
Each member to receive a record-breaking 2,400,000 yen salary for tax year 2010.
Wow, there's a lot of haters on here!!!
If you don't like Exile, that's fine, but some of your comments are ridiculous! I happen to know quite a few members personally. They are about the nicest set of guys you could meet. They are doing what they love and making tons of cash doing it, all while maintaining a humble attitude.
To the guy above that made the 2,400,000 yen comment: I have partied with these guys many times, one of which I have seen them spend about $30,000 USD (roughly 3,000,000 yen) in one night ON DRINKS ALONE! Never drank so much Dom Perignon in my life.
Name 1 artist on the Billboard top 10 in the US that is doing a tour that brings in 1.1 million people in the US alone. I rest my case....
Now that you mention it, maintaining a humble attitude... that sells well too in this country, doesn't it?
Your comments are ignorant to say the least. Just making fun of the 14 members though there are some groups that have a ridiculous number of people (AKB85, for example.) And you seem to overlook the fact that EXILE actually make good music!! The dancers are professional performing on stage for hours! I dare you name one artist that can do that. Go watch their concerts. People don't go there for pretty faces and silly choreography ; they go to have fun and enjoy because EXILE are real entertainers.