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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Film depicts Black Lives Matter, #MeToo as new feminist wave
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This is a joke right.......anybody even slightly paying attention would realise that women get MUCH lower sentences etc then men when it comes to the criminal justice system by a MASSIVE margin, totally & utterly UNFAIR!
Same in family courts men have been railroaded BIGTIME for decades, nobody cares.
Ladies need to be careful or this is going to backfire just like it is with metoo
One part I agree with is white women getting an enormously HUGE privilege compared to women of colour.
Sadly society is now way past a battle of the sexes, its become a war!! NOT going to end well I am afraid
Toasted Heretic
Amazing times we're living in, those who cling onto the past will be left behind. Not a bad thing.
The 500 million selling (at least) author, who's got over 14 million followers on twitter and a recent BBC drama series?
Yeah. So very silenced.
Toasted Heretic
LOL. I'm sure the "ladies", are quivering in fear.
Which criminal justice system? There's more than just the US one...
The attempt to destroy Rowling, a feminist with defensible views, was a disgrace but it was by an intolerant, noisy minority with an outsized voice.
She’s too intelligent, talented and popular to be silenced.
Alfie Noakes
Fox News is the mainstream media in the US. Did they try to silence JK Rowling? I must have missed that...
Toasted Heretic
And not the examples I gave above - the BBC, twitter and those who publish her multi million-selling books?
Not to mention, as mentioned above - Fox? Or the Daily Mail?
I’ve come across this before.
I read the mainstream media and came across this story many times. As I read media on the right and the left, I saw the usual suspects on the virtue-signaling left talking about phobias and the usual suspects on the reactionary right delighting in progressives squabbling with each other.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who could predict exactly what position each outlet would take.
So, the mainstream media did not silence JK Rowling. They actually loved the trouble it stirred up.
Toasted Heretic
I would have said Ursula Le Guin, who wrote the Earthsea stories (among many other great works), was more of a feminist.
I heartily recommend the Earthsea stuff. They concerned a boy who goes off to wizard college... I wonder if that storyline ever influenced any other writers...
I agree.
Very, very true.
Yes and it is already backfiring in many ways against women, more and more women are more reluctantly being turned down for many work positions for fear of being politically incorrect, one complaint, one lawsuit and their careers are over, no one wants to go through that. So expect to see a slow escalation of this.
It will not and at the current trend this wave can and will hinder or destroy the society.
I thought the new hashtag is "#MeToobin"
Toasted Heretic
BLM, making white conservatives uncomfortable the world over. But no mention of white supremacists, cops repeatedly murdering black citizens, an administration using racist rhetoric to instill fear and loathing in its base support and a rise in neo-nazi activity.
Joe Blow
BLM was never really about black lives, just like the Green New Deal isn't about the environment and is really about socialism (AOC's top aide admitted it) and antifa isn't just about opposing fascism but pro-communist.
All of these "grassroots" movements are essentially Bolshevik movements trying to overthrow America as we know it. And I wouldn't be surprised if nations like China, Russia, etc. were funding it way in the background.
Toasted Heretic
That's odd. The Green Deal "socialism" thing has been widely debunked, both here and elsewhere.
Not that socialism shouldn't be an aim for all of us - when there is so much poverty and misery, everyone needs a helping hand. After all, if big faceless corporations can get bail outs, those most in need should be able to.
As someone who has been antifascist for as long as I can remember, I find it somewhat bemusing that still there are some who don't get it.
Anyone, whether they are conservative/liberal/socialist/anarchist etc, who opposes fascism is automatically antifascist. You don't get a membership card. It's an common sense ideology. And so what, if some of us are communist?
David Michael Lockard
Let's not forget to include 'Privileged White Americans", that way we will be avoiding the segregation and racial supremacist cards as well as expanding our audience base.
"Racism is now the new screech that heretic used to be. It has lost the power the label needs to have. It is now a fad label for those one disagrees with on any issue. It is very dangerous it has devolved into this."
Bill Ayers
Toasted Heretic
I think (some) of our American contributors don't really understand what being left wing entails. The news outlets you mention are not "left wing".
Bob Fosse
McCarthy called, he wants the 50’s back.
Joe Blow
McCarthy's methods were wrong, but he was right that there is a far left in America, including communists, who want political power. That's not some crazy CT.
Joe Blow
I rest my case. Communism's body count is higher than Nazism's. And yes Virginia, that was real communism, and no it doesn't work.
Bob Fosse
If you think there is even a small chance that America will someday become a Communist country you are falling into the exact trap that has been laid for you.
Sure it’s about political power, but not in the way that you seem to think it is.
Toasted Heretic
Capitalism's body count surpasses all ideologies.
How many times, I wonder, does communism have to be explained to certain vocal groups, I wonder?