Japan Today
Image: Instagram/aoi_sola

Former Japanese porn star Sola Aoi announces pregnancy; hits back at trolls

By SoraNews24

After making her adult video debut in 2002 at the age of 18, Tokyo-born Sola Aoi quickly became one of the biggest names in the industry, with a huge following in Japan and overseas.

Over the last decade, though, Aoi has moved away from the adult video world, appearing in mainstream TV variety programs and dramas, and the Japanese media no longer refer to her as an “AV actress”, choosing to refer to her as a “sexy actress” instead.

However, the 35-year-old still remains a porn star in many people’s eyes, and despite announcing her marriage to Japanese musician DJ Non, – who, in her words, is “neither handsome nor rich, but has removed all of my uneasiness about having been in adult films, as well as everything else” – Aoi has had to bear the brunt of online trolls and their hurtful comments.

In her latest blog post, published on Dec 11, Aoi announced her happy pregnancy news with her husband, but before doing so, she wrote a whole page of thoughts on the insensitive comments she’s received, opening with: “These AV actresses who have children…poor children.”

According to Aoi, she saw this comment online after the announcement about her marriage to DJ Non was made, and it’s one that’s appeared numerous times, again and again, even before she was married. While she acknowledges the fact that people have a right to express their opinions, it appears that Aoi herself now wants to speak her own mind on the topic, hitting back at trolls by asking people to focus on what’s important: the happiness of the parent and child.

▼ Aoi has often expressed her fondness for babies.

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Writing in short phrases that read like a stream-of-consciousness poem, Aoi says “The unhappiness of a child is an unhappy thing for an actress’ parents and an unhappy thing for a non-actress’ parents”.

She goes on to write:

“If you think that children of AV actresses will definitely be bullied in the future, then that’s more a reflection of your core values.”

“To people who say, ‘If you’re poor you’re unhappy. If you’re rich you’re happy’, I want to say that’s not true. It’s a simple way of looking at things.”

“Of course, it’s better to have some money, but I don’t think if you’re poor it automatically means you’re unhappy.”

“Of course, it’s better not to do AV, but if you do AV it doesn’t mean you’re unhappy. It might be a far-fetched excuse, but either way, I want to have a child. My desire to have a child is like anyone else’s.”

“Good relationships between parents and children are not necessarily based on parents’ professions, they’re based on the child’s environment.”


“A long time ago, I received comments and messages on this blog from people saying ‘My mother worked in the sex industry, and I was unhappy. So please don’t have a child.’ But that’s your environment, it’s not my child’s environment.”

“My parents, siblings and other relatives knew I was an AV actress. Regardless of what path they wanted me to take, they always supported me as an individual and never disowned me, which was really wonderful.”

“They never told me ‘do this, do that’ or ‘don’t do this, don’t do that’, without listening to my side of the story, so they’ve always respected my opinions, ever since I was small.”

“They know my character better than anyone else because they’ve watched me grow up since the day I was born.”

Aoi says she has a good relationship with her family.

“Of course they gave me guidance, but because I’m the type of child that does whatever I set out to do, my mother had faith in me.”

“I didn’t want to just be an AV actress until the very end, so when I told them that, they believed me.”

“So when I told them I was getting married, they were really happy.”

“I thought about so many things before having a child, and decided I want to give them grandchildren.”

“Even though some people say AV actresses shouldn’t have children, no matter what, I want to have a child.”

“And I want to become a mother like my mother. I know it won’t be easy.”

“And I have a report. It was announced for me at an event already, but I’ve now been blessed with a new life.”

“I am five months pregnant.”

“I had a bad time with morning sickness every day for about two months. I’m anxious as it’s my first pregnancy, but I will become a mother next May.”

“I look forward to your continued support.”

“Sorry this was so long for just reporting my pregnancy.”

And with that, she included the picture at top, beaming with happiness in an elegant ball gown.

Aoi appears to be pre-empting the trolls with her extra-long pregnancy announcement, sharing her views and family experiences in an attempt to get people to broaden their minds and be more accepting of her pregnancy.

Aoi and her husband want everyone to know that their child will be raised in a loving environment, and they’ll be doing everything they can to ensure their child’s happiness, starting right now by protecting their baby-to-be against the inevitable public backlash.

Source: Sola Aoi official blog via Kinisoku

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Congratulations! It’s wonderful news. I hope that she has a very happy and healthy baby. Isn’t it wonderful to see a woman who is thrilled to have a baby.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

If I was her child, I would be scared to browse the internet in case of what I might see - there are some things no one should have to see.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Congratulations! After reading some of her comments above, I have a lot of newfound respect for her and her way of thinking.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

A great role model for all! When going out to battle, would you follow a seasoned veteran or a fresh lacky?

Her work has helped me get through a lot of hard times. Congratulations!

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

From her side, she has every right to live a normal life after an AV career. However, she has to realize that what she created will be out there for the kids to see in the future.

For the trolls, they just sound jealous. The majority of her fans are Japanese and Chinese men. Two nations known to be full of adults who act like children. Enough said!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Good for her!  Glad to see she doesn't let the opinions of others guide her.  As for her child, if children at a young age begin to bully the kid on their mother's past, I think the bigger issue would be what parents have told their children about sex and porno at such a young age to have them bully her children?  Again, if kids do "find" it on the internet, the bigger issue is why are children looking at porn on the internet?

Wish her the best in raising her kid!

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Actress? Ha! Ha!

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Unfortunately, there's not many people like her in the celeb world in Japan who are thinking of good family values and child upbringing. Congratulations to her.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

She has every right to be a mother and her child has every right to a normal, i.e., not tainted by mother's past, upbringing.

“Of course, it’s better not to do AV, but if you do AV it doesn’t mean you’re unhappy.”

That she is saying this herself shows how muddy the waters are regarding porn. I would be interesting to know in what way in particular she thinks "it’s better not to do AV" .

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I would be interesting to know in what way in particular she thinks "it’s better not to do AV" .

The comments on this thread are probably a pretty good indicator of what way.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

there are some things no one should have to see.

Imagine the teasing in JuniorHS & HS. I guess brutal honesty and a few years of judo should stop most of the problems.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I would be interesting to know in what way in particular she thinks "it’s better not to do AV" .

The comments on this thread are probably a pretty good indicator of what way.

Are we reading the same comments. The ones I see are overwhelmingly supportive. Maybe some were deleted?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yeah, the whispering, bullying and hate for the child will come from ‘normal’ people like us.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Imagine the teasing in JuniorHS & HS

Again, I was no saint as a lad and looked at a mag or two but by the time that situation comes along that will be over 15 years from now.  Are some kids really going to be going through some 30 years of porn looking for someone's mother?  Again kids will only know what the adults tell them.

BTW, I am sure those very same kids who may be doing the kidding, will probably want to know where there mom and dad's are when they are supposedly "working" from what I have seen here in Japan.  The porn industry is in business because business is good here.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

"I will become a mother next May!"

For the sake of your own sanity, Sora, do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Take things as they come along...

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Can you imagine how better life was before hatred saturated the internet? Good on her and she's a far better human being than her detractors. Wishing her the very best.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Every family have their challenges. She and her child will too, but it can be worked through and she's clearly put a lot of thought into having a child. I say good on her and congratulations.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Best wishes to you!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Good on her for leaving the porn world and starting a normal family life.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

fwiw, I think its interesting that she said "Of course, it is better to not do AV". It suggests to me that she doesn't think it is just a matter of simple personal freedom.

It should be remembered that Sora Aoi was a genuine porn star, not simply a porn actress. That means porn gave her celebrity that she retains to this day, adulation, and most probably a lot of money. These are actual benefits. There are plenty of documentaries about porn that show that most actresses have less than one year in the industry and make less than 10,000 USD from it, with potential lifelong consequences. It is interesting to me that even one of few female "winners" from the porn industry thinks it is better to not do porn.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

She does not deserve to be trolled for being in AV.

She doesn't do it anymore and she is settling down having a kid and getting married.

In any country if your job was in the porn industry, people will have something to say afterwards.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Rather than saying what others have already stated, I'd like to comment on what Ms. Aoi Sora has said.

Her husband is neither handsome nor rich

Well, that's definitive proof of what women really desire. All those rich handsome guys with no personality are doomed.

Of course, it's better to have some money

Well, yes obviously.

Of course, it's better not to do AV

Well, why did she?

My parents...never disowned me

Well, family usually support their kin. I get it. She wants a child. I wish her all the best. My question is, if she just wants to get on with her life, why go public? Does she have an ulterior motive?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

It's the Traci Lords transition


0 ( +0 / -0 )

This woman, who, for years, sold herself out to the highest bidder and bowed and worshiped at the god of sex, eroticism, and pleasure, now wants the rest of society to accept her as normal and her past acceptable? Sora does realize that there are still examples of her "art" and her "work" out there for the viewing public to see, does she not, and that it will likely remain out there for as long as civilization has and utilizes advanced technology? She also realizes that the HIV virus can lay dormant and innocuous and undetected for decades, right?

My fear is that the consequences of her past "practices" and her professional "activities" over the last sixteen years will be visited upon her child. My prayers are for and with her and her husband and her unborn child...

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

if you didn't want so many hurtful comments, then you shouldn't have been taking so many men into yourself, for money, being a common prostitute

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

if you didn't want so many hurtful comments, then you shouldn't have been taking so many men into yourself, for money, being a common prostitute

And what’s wrong with being a prostitute, if it’s of one’s own volition? Do you think it’s acceptable to berate and trash talk prostitutes on the street? Where I grew up, young guys would throw beer cans at prostitutes while yelling all sorts of obscenities and derogatory terms, some would pretend to pick them up and dump them on the other side of town for fun, some were murdered or beaten. Is that also their fault? If you despise prostitutes and porn stars for religious reasons, remember that Jesus’ girlfriend was a prostitute.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

if you didn't want so many hurtful comments, then you shouldn't have been taking so many men into yourself, for money, being a common prostitute

She wasn't a prostitute, and if she was - so what? Your misogyny is showing.

I wish people would leave her alone to enjoy her pregnancy.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I guess it's good that some have positive comments.

A star is basically a prostitute"sex for money",but the images and dvds will remain for porn stars. Not something thats good for a family, it will surface and cause problems.  Not saying she shouldnt have kids or a husband but daym, stay off twitter announcing your're a pregnant pornstar.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

@ beerguy - So quick to judge. I don't despise prostitutes and pornstars, and I don't agree with berating people. I'm merely saying it comes with the territory. Pun intended.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

She’s pregnant!

I missed that.

So not only is she smoking but she’s also getting inked, putting herself and her baby at risk of hepatitis - she’s a joke!

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

So not only is she smoking but she’s also getting inked, putting herself and her baby at risk of hepatitis - she’s a joke!


2 ( +2 / -0 )

"Your 'prayers' are with her, but your sympathies are not."

What, so should I bow and kiss her feet, because she's some AV "Star" who married and has a child on the way? I can't criticize someone who's sold herself to the highest (and, oft, lowest) bidder, who wants to be taken legitimately and wants a "normal" lifestyle, when she's put her child and that of her husband's at risk through the very means she used to gain fame? I should sympathize with that? Please, BigYen, feel free to explain why...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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