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'Gangnam Style' second most-viewed YouTube video after Justin Bieber


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I wonder if japanese still thinks its done by f5 forces behind the screens by koreans. If you look at the view counts by countries, its palpable that who's actually pressing f5 when watching the videos like akb48 on youtube. lol

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

I just checked the top viewed vids on YouTube.

Humanity is doomed. Especially judging by the top viewed Japanese one.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

It's Everything that comes from Korea, I can only say one word; Fake,fake,fake!

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

It's Everything that comes from Korea, I can only say one word; Fake,fake,fake!

Yes...just like everything that comes from..er...Japan.

That Beiber is No1 is beyond belief ! That this Gangham rubbish is No2 is mind-boggling.

There is no accounting for taste, is there?

3 ( +7 / -4 )

It's the second most viewed because of hype.

I'm sure there are many who have checked it out to see what all the fuss is about and then switched off after less than a minute when they realise how rubbish it actually is.

All hype.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Hey JT , we know you like this video !

4 ( +6 / -2 )

It's probably because I'm old, but I often spend time looking at fantastic live music clips and classic recordings, get blown away by the talent and genius - then read an article like this and get blown away again.

I really hope there aren't people around who judge talent by youtube counts. Then again, I've never watched a Justin Bieber song all the way through...

But I guess I should if Baby is even more popular than Gangnam Style ...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Keep it up. You're ALMOST as good as Bieber.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

JT keeps pluggin this Korean chimpilla video and any other vacuous pop culture it can parade before the glazed over gazing eyes of the sheep grazing in Internet land...

What's the agenda?

The snowballing decline of Western civilization is about to crash into the villas in the valley...

1 ( +4 / -3 )

A sad testimony to our culture, this

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I wonder if japanese still think its done by f5 forces behind the screens by koreans.

Hope not. I know a lot of my friends who have kids that watch this video and all the variations on their i-phones almost daily. It's just a novel video and culture to them. Silly to think it's some kind of conspiracy. And if this Psy stuff is so sad, then what is AKB ad nauseum? AKB is something most Westerners cannot relate to....

0 ( +2 / -2 )

What is this aggressive marketing campaign about this worthless song? Franky, we could do without one less stupid "artist" around. There are so many already.

Hey JT! What is the agenda here? Are you officially supporting this guy?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

issa1: "It's Everything that comes from Korea, I can only say one word; Fake,fake,fake!"

And yet K-pop, Korean dramas, and Korean celebrities in general often grab more attention in Japan and generate more interest than the home-grown variety. What does that say about Japan? And certainly no Japanese band could EVER see the success that Psy is having (certainly not little girls in panties rotating their hips and absolutely garbling the English language!). So again, what does that say about Japan, Issa? and what does it say about jealous people such as yourself?

I think the whole Gangnam-style thing (and Gangnam is a fun area, BTW) is quirky, but I can understand how it's caught on why people might like it. Either way, the guy deserves credit where credit is due. Practically no one knew who this guy was even half a year ago, and now he's one of the biggest musicians in the world. Let's see if he can keep it up or if he's just a very successful one-hit wonder.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

I only saw a few clips of it on a news show with him, and it looked pretty funny. It didn't strike me as the usual airhead pop, as many other commenters here claim, but it is humor, I think. Maybe they just didn't get the joke. No idea about his other music, tho.

The interview w/him also showed him to be a very chill dn to earth guy, a sense of humor about himself, and no egotistical pretensions. Very likeable. And I hate pop, and the pop machine, so, well, he passed my bullshit meter. Again, don't know if I'll go out and buy it or anything.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

No is not rubbish when it is so when so many people like it around the world.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Why all the hype for a Korean song that clearly Japanese people don't give a toss about?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Yeah it's big. When a high school kid in Iowa tries to be cool by singing in South Korean, that's big.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

ok just watched the whole thing, got a good laugh. he definitely has a good sense of humor and is not pop trash.

i was number 626,320,768

iowan- not necessarily, in my hs, all the weird kids, my friends, were into telling jokes in russian, and studying jpns. internet just makes them less weird, easier to find distant friends, and easier for minor stuff to catch on.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


-5 ( +7 / -12 )

and Gangnam is a fun area, BTW

that adds a twist to it for me, since i have lived in seoul and used to speak korean!

...assuming that the song is also intended to be a bit of a spoof of the people in the nouveau rich kangnam-ku district, which they have started using "g"s instead of "k"s to spell out in english. that would probably negate the "gang" "nam" analysis of the name...

somewhat embarrassed about that, but using the "g" in english is fairly recent, and i have forgotten much.

anyway, i don't think that will motivate me to go back and check the video again, at least not in the near future.

the fact that ban moon got in on the act would still seems to indicate that the song is as much a national celebration of the shallow materialism there as a spoof.

at any rate, it's one phenomena in respect of which i'm not unhappy to be out of the loop.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

How is Bieber number one? Wasn't Lady GaGa the first to reach a billion? I call fake on those numbers!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

However, the amount of views do not reflect the popularity of either. I am sure most views were just people curious about what the fuss was all about and because it is free to check it out. The balance of the views would be kids watching them 20 times a week.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Give Psy a break. At least the dude came out with something unique, wild and funky style and he was game enough to try it.

For my personal musical taste, the music sucks and he can never be compared to a real rap artist. But that does not matter. He is not trying to imitate anyone.

When Psy appeared on the Ellen show and said "The mindset of this dance is to dress classy and dance cheesy"

I was like okay man,I like this guy!


0 ( +5 / -5 )

I rarely watch you tube clips, but I was curious a few weeks back at all the posts about this Gangnam Style article. Out of curiosity, I clicked the link, and quite honestly would like those few minutes of my life back. The song lacks originality...not even a catch to the song, until the N. Korean leader look-alike goes into a crazy, but admittedly, funny dance. I've never heard the Beiber song, but like @Yasukuni, maybe I should. Can't be any worse, right? My niece is really into a different clip, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=astISOttCQ0 and though she's only 6, I think she and 200 mil. + other users know when music has a beat, a catch, and a cool looking dance. In time this will shoot past both Beib's and Psy's.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Why all the hype for a Korean song that clearly Japanese people don't give a toss about?

So much so that it was just played at Tokyo Dome before the beginning of game 6 of the Japan series baseball.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

NON-SENSE AT ALL... haaaaayyyyyyssssttttttt...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This song makes me wanna puke!!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

It gets lots of hits because lots of people make parodies and pay tribute to it and like to do the dance, and thus other people check out where all these come from, and many become fans of it and do the same things - then the process repeats all over again. That's how videos become viral - ya need many other people who propagate the process and keep the process repeating over and over again. Without those other people making the parodies and tributes and dances, the process would die out eventually. So it's not just the song; it's the tributes that make it happen.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

ikkoikki: "Why all the hype for a Korean song that clearly Japanese people don't give a toss about?"

Yeah, they obviously don't 'give a toss', especially since it'll be #1 in hits EVER within a month. Another jaded Japanese throwing in their two cents, I guess. I'm not a fan of Gangnam style, but the guy has a good sense of humor, is down to earth, and creates his own stuff (unlike much J-pop and K-pop, or mass produced bands anywhere for that matter), and the fact is that a LOT of people not only 'give a toss', but LOVE it. Stew about it all you want, but denying the facts is just that -- denial.

ubikwit: "...assuming that the song is also intended to be a bit of a spoof of the people in the nouveau rich kangnam-ku district, which they have started using "g"s instead of "k"s to spell out in english. that would probably negate the "gang" "nam" analysis of the name... somewhat embarrassed about that, but using the "g" in english is fairly recent, and i have forgotten much."

For a guy who lived in and could speak Korean, surely you know that 'Gangnam' is the correct spelling according to direct conversion from Hangul characters to Roman-ji is actually 'g' not 'k' (though of course that presents phonetic problems for people not familiar with the Korean language). Same of course with 'f/p', 'ch/j', and other sounds when at the beginning of words. I doubt it's so much a spoof as it is the correct spelling.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

ikkoikki: "Why all the hype for a Korean song that clearly Japanese people don't give a toss about?"

Sorry, missed that you were referring solely to Japanese people. Regardless, hype itself is not limited to the Japanese, obviously. The question better asked is why so many Japanese react so poorly to news of a Korean song and artist doing so well around the world when Japan can produce no such results.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Would rather have this than Justin Bieber at number 1....

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The question better asked is why so many Japanese react so poorly to news of a Korean song and artist doing so well around the world when Japan can produce no such results.

Because the Japanese are already used to K-Pop so its nothing special to them. Wherelse people in the Western world watch it because they think its just a bunch of funny Asians?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I guess one of those "views" is mine, I clicked the video, click thumbs down and then exited in about 4 seconds. I have seen enough highlights not to have to be subjected the whole video. I guess it could be worse. It could be " Nuki nuki nuki - Japanese girl" doing the mentos/coke experiment has 238 million hits. The most inane bizarre 25 seconds in history to garner such massive viewership. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6Jlv8F9cerA

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I just checked out this Gangnam Style video. Incredibly, it has more than 633 million hits now.

I've seen Bruce Springsteen videos that are better than this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There are worse problems in the world than the popularity of Gangnam Style.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

he's one of the biggest musicians in the world

Are you kidding? So, I guess you think the same also about Bieber. Sorry but you don't know what true music is, and it's not a simple matter of taste, in this case. Both of them aren't real musicians, period. You can say both these guys are popular for different reasons (Bieber is loved by tons of crazy teens because of his look, the other guy got populat just because one of his song got viral on Youtube). But they aren't REAL musicians, please.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

OMG. I'm not blaming Psy or the buttloads of butthurt Coreans that keep posting "yea yea. F5 what" "He is talented" "Kpop/Kdramas are so good even Japanese love them"

Get off of your inferiority flavored butthurt pony.

I'm not saying its bad but when all I see is "why you no like gangbang style" "he is so talented" I start headbutting my keyboard (and I'm running out of keyboards)

I'm actually happy for Psy but in reality he has about as much talent as Rebecca Black and....

Ice Cube, Ice T, A Tribe called Quest, Wu Tang, Common are all rappers

Stop calling this worn out pocket p@$$y a rapper

1 ( +3 / -2 )

First I've heard of this. Sounds lame, just like bieber. NOT GONNA GET MY VIEW.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Look, I'm a professional musician and have no gripes about this at all. Everybody is looking at this from the wrong angle. The video is a parody, nobody intends it to be anything serious. It works because the song is well written, well produced and completely goofy. It is fun. If Frank Zappa did something like this, everybody would have called it genius. What makes AKB silly is the fact that it is supposed to be serious. Whoever said that Westerners would never get this obviously didn't read the article, it is charting in America.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The song sounds terrible and the video just as bad. It's only popular cause it's spammed by ppl. It's no different than the Wii, the iPhone, Bieber, etc. Aren't all that great, but do well cause of stupidity.

It'll just die off after a while. Just like the crap that came before. Other things will keep surviving like Johnny's, AKB, Hello Pro, etc.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Psy even said this song was for jokes not serious like his old hiphop songs, but leave it to some Americans..and I said some, to take this music as a great song from Asia just like they do their weaboo pop anime songs, when clearly there's better Korean music that never will get to see the light of day cause it's not goofy enough.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The song doesn't sound terrible, it is actually recorded rather well. The video is supposed to be bad, why you can't see that it is a joke is beyond me. I'll say it again: IT IS A JOKE. Nobody is watching the video because they think it is art, they are watching because it is humor. It is actually poking fun at the music business and excess. Music doesn't have to be serious, it is like any art form, sometimes it can be humor. People watch it and laugh. You are taking it too serious. I would personally like to shake his hand, he is signed to an independent label who managed to circumvent the major music business and make a hit using social media. In my circle, this is something to be applauded.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

You people don't seem to get the issue. It's not a question of quality or creativity. No one cares if you like it or think it's crap. There's a whole lot of rubbish out there that's plenty popular (remember the Macarena?). The question is why is this music so popular everywhere else in the world except Japan? It's certainly not because Japanese have better taste or some other nonsense. It's more likely because somewhere, there's a power at that has been at work successfully censoring it from Japanese public. I have my own theories and it has to do with powerful interests that would rather push AKB48 (also plenty hyped on JT) on the public rather than a parody of Asian pop from outside Japan. Me thinks some people in Japan must be plenty threatened by Psy's success.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I hope he makes enough money to live off it the rest of his life.

It is funny how everytime there is a super worldwide hit like this something happens which I like to call the "Macarena effect" nope nothing like the "Butterfly effect", no I am not talking about the movie.

What will happen sometime within the next 3 months is folks will become bored with this song and then the ride is over.

But then the "effect" happens, people start to realize that they didn't actually like the song they just liked being part of something that everyone else liked. Fads are an excuse for people to act silly and garner attention by mimicking the fad. We are all pack animals and that is the bottom line.

Then comes the,"Oh my word!" moment. Folks will start realizing that they were not being individuals but infact were acting as a whole and everyone wants to be an individual! Folks will start throwing out everythings they bought that remind them of how silly they looked and acted. Then 5 years later, no one will say word one about the song out of complete embarrasement and if anyone ever mentions the song folks will change the subject faster then trying to change a channel to avoid seeing one more AC JApan commercial.

So in closing, enjoy yourselves, act silly as hell, go out and see a concert. But just remember this, this is not 20 years ago, everyone now has a video camera and everyone is taping you. ;)

0 ( +1 / -1 )

@AtsushiExiled It could be that Psy guy doesn't have anything else worth selling, except for that one un-catchy tune. OK, what if he were to advertise himself / the song on TV networks in Japan? They are already saturated with the all-girl Japanese/Korean bands (AKB48, KARA, etc) and all-boy bands (SMAP, ??). Instead of Psy, the Korean Guy, relying on becoming a viral video on youtube alone, gaining international fame and stardom, maybe he has to work a little harder marketing himself in other countries that don't care so much about viral wonders.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

KariHaruka: "Because the Japanese are already used to K-Pop so its nothing special to them."

No, it's because they are busy watching children in panties singing "heavy rotation" or some such tasteless garbage by untalented 'tarento' hacks. There are some amazing non-Jonny's Japanese artists with actual talent, but they can't make it very far internationally, and are buried under the inane 500 member girl/boy bands assembled by corporations. SK has those as well (minus a few hundred members per band), but at least they can actually sing and dance.

"Wherelse people in the Western world watch it because they think its just a bunch of funny Asians?"

No, that's where Japanese videos come in. The guy is famous WORLD WIDE, meaning in Asia as well, save for embittered Japanese who are jealous of the man's success. If it were just 'laughing at funny Asians' it would never have gotten this far.

The question is, can he keep it up? If Psy's next song/video creates even half the hype of Gangnam Style that will be all the proof you need.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I have to admit that its sticky but i wouldnt get another view to them caise i dont like korean stuff like their nong shim

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Maybe japanese dont get famous videos just because Japanese dont like that kind of garbage that moves youtube most viewed videos

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I don't understand why this has to be a Japan vs. Korea issue. @ smithinjapan, why would the Japanese be embittered by Psy's success? Japan doesn't need to prove its cultural worth to anyone.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


For a guy who lived in and could speak Korean, surely you know that 'Gangnam' is the correct spelling according to direct conversion from Hangul characters to Roman-ji is actually 'g' not 'k' (though of course that presents phonetic problems for people not familiar with the Korean language). Same of course with 'f/p', 'ch/j', and other sounds when at the beginning of words. I doubt it's so much a spoof as it is the correct spelling.

oops, guess i'd forgotten that, too. it's been a long time.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


The question is why is this music so popular everywhere else in the world except Japan? It's certainly not because Japanese have better taste or some other nonsense. It's more likely because somewhere, there's a power at that has been at work successfully censoring it from Japanese public.

What if people here just don't like it because it seems too much like a rip off of American hip-hop or gangster rap by a Korean dressed like a chimpilla yakuza. Most Japanese are not big fans of chimpilla yakuza.

Japanese pop idol groups are all manufactured and the content is vacuous, but it doesn't look like it is copying something else.

i don't think that there is any censorship involved. Korean pop culture is otherwise fairly well received.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It has a nice beat and some of the parodies are pretty good. I saw the MIT parody and it was pretty good and lots of participation from those brainy students. They even got Noam Chomsky and another guy, forgot his name, to make an appearance. Give the song credit for getting people up and doing something rather than just tapping their toes and nodding their heads.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

It's playing in the Top 10 on mainstream radio stations in America. Not bad for a non-English foreign song.

It's not a masterpiece of music, nor is it supposed to be. It's just fun music, funny video, easily imitable moves; people like to do their own funny version of the music video. People just like to have fun with it. That's why it caught on.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Gah.. The song was funny this summer, but after being subjected to it 10-12 times a day over the radio, it's worn out its welcome with me.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

i gangnam styled on my way to work this morning (^_^)

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

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