Japan Today
Image: Twitter/@shonen_sunday

Harry Potter and Detective Conan announce 'collaboration of glasses-wearing boys'

By SoraNews24

On the surface, Detective Conan and Harry Potter might seem like polar opposites. One is a manga/anime where criminals are brought to justice through logical deduction, while the other is a novel/movie series in which pretty much every conflict is resolved by means that really can be boiled down to “a wizard did it.”

And yet, there are similarities between the two franchises. Conan and Harry are both protagonists who achieve their heroic deeds through their smarts, not their brawn. Both regularly have to work under the extra constraints of being kids facing adult-level crises. And, of course, they both wear glasses, which brings us to a surprising tweet from the official Twitter account of "Shonen Sunday," the manga anthology in which Detective Conan runs.

“A collaboration of glasses-wearing boys that will surprise the world is beginning,” says the text in the image, which shows two pairs of eyeglasses in front of a brick wall. With the "Shonen Sunday" connection, it’s pretty easy to recognize the bottom set as Conan’s, and the tweet text’s series of lightning bolts quickly had people thinking the top pair, with its circular lenses, is modeled after Harry’s, which can be confirmed by a tweet from the official Japanese-language Harry Potter account which was made the same day.

With both Detective Conan and Harry Potter having remained consistently popular in Japan for close to 30 years, the reaction from Japanese Twitter users has been overwhelmingly positive, with comments such as:

“Seriously? Seriously? Two of my favorite series are doing a collaboration? This is awesome.”

“Can’t wait for this!”

“I’d buy ‘em.”

“That brick wall looks like it could be either from Platform 9+3⁄4 or the Conan opening animation.”

“Conan says ‘There is always only one truth,’ but there might be more than one if magic is involved.”

“I think those glasses would look good on someone even if they weren’t a boy.”

Some commenters also pointed out that back in 2002 there was an illustration of Conan dressed up as Harry Potter.

However, while the released image is definitely showing Conan’s and Harry’s glasses, it’s not yet clear how the two franchises will be crossing over. The glasses alone don’t seem like they’d qualify as a collaboration, so perhaps there’s more artwork, items, or other aspects to the eyewear that’s yet to be revealed, and "Shonen Sunday" and the Japanese Harry Potter account are promising more details on January 15.

Source: Twitter/@shonen_sunday via Nijimen

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Can’t wait. /s

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

With that Potter garbage, pathetic..

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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