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© 2020 AFPHollywood split as Democrats swap glitzy fundraisers for rallies
By Andrew MARSZAL LOS ANGELES©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2020 AFP
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You keep posting this. What kind of productions do you want to see?
What or whose moral standard would you use to decide what is good for the public? Your own?
Viktor Cernatinskij
Everybody is confused, even Hollywood... United States of Confusion...
These Hollywood elites get rich thanks in large part to the healthy economy in which they work -- and those healthy economic conditions are allowed to develop in very large part to the tax & fiscal policies of pro-free-market leaders like Trump.
The nerve of them to want to replace him with someone like Sanders or Warren, whose policies will no doubt still leave these Hollywood stars rich but will economically devastate everyone else.
This is no different when rich multinational corporates donate to politicians
They donate primarily to make themselves richer, not for their lower employees
Concerned Citizen
Is spite of there being some great folks there, generally Hollywood and its productions is cancerously infected with violence, objectification of women, sexual harassment, pedophilia, perversion, selfishness, materialism, hypocrisy, and more.
So, whatever or whoever Hollywood is for, the opposite is usually the best for society and that includes politicians.