Celebrities Akina Minami, 19, and Aki Hoshino, 31, were on hand Thursday at a joint promotional event “Coke Glass Campaign” by McDonald's Japan and Coca Cola Japan. The two introduced special glass presents which will be given to customers who order sepcial sets that feature L-size drinks and fried potatoes.
Hoshino said, “When I was a kid, having a birthday party in McDonald's was my dream.” Minami said, “Coke my favorite drink. I drink 2 to 3 liters everyday.”
The campaign starts on Friday.
© Japan Today
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2-3 Liters of Coke a day is quite a bit.
I'll drink 2-3 litres of Coke a day if I can get a body like Aki Hoshino. She must have so much fun taking a shower!! Who is Akina?
Would you like Diabetes with that combo?
"Coke('s) my favorite drink. I drink 2 to 3 liters everyday"
And she's so svelte! Well, she is only 19...
Is that a real foreigner behind the counter?
That is grotesque, 2-3 liters of coke a day? We're talking those big 2L size bottles worth everyday.
I seriously think that's an unhealthy consumption level.
“Coke my favorite drink. I drink 2 to 3 liters everyday.”
Every day is two words.
Pssst: Japan's indernshinal, or doncha know?
McDonalds is evil. Read fast food nation to see the effect of Micky D's on Japan. Or wiki it, to get the highlights.
And 3RENSHO is right. "every day" is correct here, as it is used as an adverb of frequency. Now, if it were being used as an adjective, like "coke is my everyday drink" then it would be ok.
Guys let's take our minds off the 2-3 litres of coke a day thing okay. What she chooses to drink is her issue. Sticking to the topic as the JT moderator is so prone to saying....
I would like to add my two cents wiorth of comments for the day, both Hoshino Aki and Akinna Minami are fine representatives of the "Golden Arches" and a nice choice by Mickey D's to be the spokesmen for L-Sizing something!
They can serve me in a mickey D's anyday!
Never seen fried potatoes at McDonalds before.
She also consumes yesterday's product endorsement in surprisingly high levels, and though she doesn't know it yet, she loves tomorrow's product, has used it since she was a kid, and finds men who use it just irresistable.
Fried potatoes, LOL
If 19 year old Miss Minami wants to look like Miss Hoshino does at 31, I suggest she lay off the cokes.
Arrgh. I wouldn't like to have her skin (or bones) a few years down the line if she keeps that up.
Not that she's likely to be skin and bones if she insists on drinking 2-3 litres of empty calories daily.....
Ms. Minami has proclaimed her love of the Coke on TV before (in a non-advertising situation).
Apparently she won't drink water or tea...
Akina loves Big Macs with extra mayonnaise. She is also rumoured to enjoy it on hot dogs.
so nowadays Aki Hoshino is "celebrity"? I thought she used to be a bikini gravure idol
HA, I'm the only guy who is HONEST about my BODY!!!] And she's giving both Coke and McDonalds a real first class endorsement. She's famous for exaggeration!!!! You---you---DUMMIES!!!
2 to 3 litres a day? Say hello to diabetes.
Doesn't make me wanna go to Mcdonalds anytime soon, however....
I was just at McD's today for yet another free coffee - every time I go get a free coffee, they give me another free coffee coupon! I'll be back tomorrow...
What the heck are those things on Aki Ho's legs... Wait... did that gaijin behind the counter come all the way to Japan to work at Mac-D...
and rest-room !
Classic. A gaijin behind the counter. Can't say I've ever seen one in my 8 years here. Would he flip the menu over the English for me??