Japan Today

If you had a baby with an AKB48 member, what would your child look like?


AKB48's Internet provider service, AKB Official Net, opened on Tuesday. If you register for membership on AKB Official Net, you can use the service AKBaby which synthesizes your photo with the image of your favorite AKB48 member to simulate how a baby would look if the two of you were to have a child.

Yes, you read that right.

The homepage shows Yuko Oshima asking “Would you have a baby with me?

The membership fee is 1,480 yen a month. Once you become a member, you can use an AKB48 email address (for example, @akb48.ne.jp, @atchan.akb48.ne.jp and so on), so you can communicate with other fans too.

Also, you can get advance tickets to the AKB48 theater and can register for the AKB48 Official fan club at the same time for free.

AKB48 Official Net says it will add more services for AKB48 fans.

© Japan Today

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the mere thought of this kind of question makes me want to throw up my breakfast.

12 ( +17 / -4 )

As an AKB fan even I hit my limits on this one, way too creepy and untasteful.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

I refuse to take this seriously, so my answer is:

Boris Becker?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

This crap needs to stop.

9 ( +15 / -5 )

When does AKB Nation secede and start issuing passports?

4 ( +6 / -2 )

this stoops to an all new low in 'entertainment'?!? unbelievably ridiculous ad campaign. the creator of this group needs to checked in to a psych ward for serious pedophilic tendancies.

yesterday someone brought in onsen AKB sembei crackers??? Wha...?!?

4 ( +8 / -4 )

If I were to have a baby with an AKB48 member, I would be placed in prison. Aren’t if not all of these girls under age? What a sick society!

12 ( +16 / -4 )

AKB48 Official Net says it will add more services for AKB48 fans.

What a stupid advertizing ploy. The next service is probably going to be pay this amount and you will be able to have a baby with a member. LOL!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

In an era where men and women should be treated as equals, we see us drop to a new low. I am thoroughly disgusted that the management of AKB could even think of this. And I'm equally disgusted that the girls would agree to do it.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Here is my reaction to this article, in three words: W T F.

I'm not one of those who judge people for their hobbies or obsessions, live and let live. But this is way creepy.

Especially considering that these girls are forced to be single (or at least appear to be) to remain in the group. I am wondering what kind of fans the marketing "geniuses" behind AKB48 want to attract... and I hope that they have the decency to pay for the security of the girls, because the obsessions they are cultivating do NOT seem healthy.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

agree with you sillygirl: this is totally pukable

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Where are the people who were claiming before that this group's target demographic is the kids, and that they are great role models for them?

Very creepy, but completely understandable as a money maker here in Japan.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

How sick is this?!? Are not most of the AKB48 girls still children? I mean it is bad enough that these teenage girls have legions of sick 30-40 something guys obsessed with them, but now you want them to think about what their children might look like?

I mean don't you people understand the concept of child abuse, pedifilia and the moral wrong of sexualizing children? Wait.... I guess not. One thing that really bothers me about Japan is the sexualization of young women and society's tacit acceptance of this behavior. Is it any wonder that you have teens selling themselves or being sold by parents? Is it any wonder that so many attacks happen against young girls?

Clean up Japan, this kind of thing is SICK! AKB48 girls are children for the most part, stop promoting them as something else.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

"AKB48 Official Net says it will add more services for AKB48 fans."

Mercy help us all for what they will come up with next.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Well, the baby would look like any other baby, except for the face being partially obscured by metal bars.

How moronic.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

This is truly sick. Are there no limits to their exploitation? All the would-be stalker otaku out there are going to love this!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Does the face you send in have to be human?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I've been an AKB fan for several years, but regarding this I think, "Sore ga chotto..." would be apt. The site's homepage was up October 30th I think, but the links didn't become active until today. I found out about this due to the different AKB forums which I follow and participate in. I've actually been checking JT all day waiting for this story to break, and now it's here.

Personally, I find the picture morphing thing funny since I have fond memories of Conan O'Brien's segment on the Late Night Show, "If They Mated", where he would take celebrities who were rumored to be dating and morph there pictures together in interesting and humorous ways. However, the context of the AKB site, regarding baby making, is little bit outside my personal comfort zone.

That being said, there are three typical reactions that I've observed from other fans. One, general feelings of distaste often combined with the second reaction. Two, Aki-P is trolling fans the way he did with Eiguchi Aimi of the Glico commercials. Three, fans are more interested in combining members' faces in the morpher rather than their own. On a personal level, I'd be interested in seeing the imaginary love child of Oshima and Kojima Haruna.

At the end of the day, this is going to get a response, and probably a fair amount of backlash from the JT posters. I certainly can't blame people for having such a reaction, but considering that Akimoto Yasushi-san likes to raise public awareness now and again maybe this will end up with a positive spin. We read reports of babies being abandoned and abused on here fairly frequently. There's the potential for using the shock value of this to raise awareness of a problem. Who knows? I might be projecting wishful thinking on this whole thing after all, and I will say that during the report on JIJIPRESS Oshima Yuko looked rather sheepish during the interview.

LOL...this comment is probably a lot more involved than this article really deserves. I guess we'll just have to wait and see the end results of this whole thing. I hope everybody has/is having a fantastic week.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Hopefully one with 10 fingers, 10 toes, one head and a decent brain. After that it's just a matter of seeing who showed up.

But yeah, marketing has sunk to a new low with this one...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

LOL, what next? If you become member, not only can you try out this feature, they will provide you with the necessary seeds to make it become reality at the tiny cost of Yen 100Man.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

to sum everyone's comment up in one word. WTF.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

LOL. I thought many of you guys will go for it....

2 ( +2 / -0 )

WTF? Who to ... ? Decisions decisions..

But seriously, this is pretty sick... and the Japanese media doesn't see anything wrong with this?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I've stated in a previous post that the average age of AKB48 as of Dec. 2010 was 18.4 years of age.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Just awesome.

Hundreds of people out there are now 1480 Yen worse off - but they are strangely happy.

I love when stupid people have their money taken from them. A bit sadistic yes but it entertains me.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


We read reports of babies being abandoned and abused on here fairly frequently. There's the potential for using the shock value of this to raise awareness of a problem. Who knows?

I know that's not going to happen. Quite the opposite. Along with all the other sickness generated by the AKB machine, this gimmick only reinforces a juvenile fantasy-world mentality toward relationships and parenting, a mindset that in this country too often carries over into adulthood. People are not just commodities to fulfill your wishes.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

It might as well say "would you have unprotected sex with me"... it's another seller for the dirty old men that are the fans at the events of these girl groups. Sick!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Of course, first the girl would have to give up her career, and become a sweet housewife to make this happen. Then she will loose all her youth friends and just talk to other mamas, while cooking and cleaning at home, and taking care of the sweet baby until you come back late and drunk from the local izakaya.

Isn't this the Japan way?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

How sick is this?!? Are not most of the AKB48 girls still children?

Most of them aren't still children, but it's still bizarre as hell.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yuko Oshima was shown at a press conference on the morning shows yesterday. When she said, 'Won't you have a baby with me?' One of the reporters chimed in with 'on the internet'. To which she replied, 'Yeah, on the internet! Whew! That was close!"

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Question: What kind of question is this?

Answer: A dumb question!

My answer: Our baby would be beautiful, even if he/she was born with all kinds of defects!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

How sick is this?!? Are not most of the AKB48 girls still children?

Most of them aren't still children, but it's still bizarre as hell.

I read once that the ages of all the AKB48 members ranged from 12 to 24, with the average being 17. So they may not all be children, but if the average is 17 then most of them are underage I guess. So yeah, I'm sure there'll be a number of guys curious about seeing what their baby would look like (and imagining the real process of making one) with some of the younger members.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This will be wildly popular with their creepy 40-something male fans who no doubt fantasize having children with some of the 15-year old members.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I read once that the ages of all the AKB48 members ranged from 12 to 24, with the average being 17. So they may not all be children, but if the average is 17 then most of them are underage I guess.

They are older than that average for sure. All the popular girls on TV and such are in their 20s.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I would like to think that this "service" is causing an uproar in Japan, but I doubt that it is. Can't these young women, and in many cases young girls, say "no" to these types of over the top money making ventures?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I'm not interested in teenage kids.

This webiste is considered child pornography ? Don't they have laws for this kind of perversion ?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

How old do you have to be ?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

while some members are of legal age....some are totally not...isnt the youngest member like 14??? This island is creepy.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

LOL. Now while this more or less registers as "WTF" in my head, I can't say I'm surprised. This is Japan after all. Things like this, I notice, are par for the course for them.

As for those of you who say this is immoral, blah blah blah. Morality is relative. The Greeks used to screw little boys you know.

Nothing is really intrinsically "right" or "wrong". While there is a general "consensus" what is "right" or "wrong" among a group of people at a specific period of time, it's not universal - heck every aspect of said "consensus" might not even apply to the whole group.

In a Darwinian sense, the only things that you can say is "right" (for an individual) are actions that allow him/her to survive and reproduce, if it's prevents him/her from doing so then it is "wrong".

IMO when it comes to entertainment, I say do whatever you want - as long as no one is being harmed. No matter what you do, someone or another is going to get offended. But of course please exercise some care as to who you market to - I mean why offend people un-necessarily by flashing stuff they don't like in their faces?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

I was also wondering how old they are, so I check Yuko Oshima's age : she's 23. That's my "wtf" right there. She doesn't look a day older than 18. Anyway, they did one with her and Mr. Noda. The results were hilarious.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I was also wondering how old they are, so I check Yuko Oshima's age : she's 23. That's my "wtf" right there. She doesn't look a day older than 18. Anyway, they did one with her and Mr. Noda. The results were hilarious.

the day she does is they day shes out!!! ages range from i believe 14-24...24 is the get the heck out age cuz then they are obaa-san.... Then they become members of SDN48 or TV talents...most hope for SDN48 membership cuz they have have been known to pose in a famous magazine with a rabbit on it

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'm a girl but this sounds awesome! I'll definitely register! love these legends!

-8 ( +1 / -9 )


But they are openly asking for it!

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Could you guys reflect your Christian values a little more, please?

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Agency who put this together should be ashamed. Really tasteless.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Hans, I am not Christian and still think this is sick. Maybe you should throw your absence of values some other way mate.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

icanthinkofone. Social Darwinism is a much depraved and disreputable set of values that can be used to justify nearly any behavior. While it is a good topic for debate over beer, it is certainly not a good model for how to run a society. And you know it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I was stuck for a comment for this article, but I think I came with one, "Ludicrous!"

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Why would I? They're a bunch of air heads. I wouldn't want my kids to turn out that way.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

I don't know how it will look like but it will be talent-less like each and every AKB member.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Some really sick pedophiles in this country. Fantasizing about having babies with underage girl is sick.

Personally I don't want to see any of these girls procreate. Tie their tubes now and save the future.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

The baby would look like Wayne Rooney anyway, same as every other baby.

C'mon now - there has never been a baby as hideously ugly as Wayne Looney...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Male or female they would all look like Tamori.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Hans, me either. Shalom. But I have values.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This will be a nice money spinner for someone.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I think this is just a way for the AKB girls to get child support once their careers stall, sputter and fade away.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Would. I'd love both my wife and our baby, no matter how he will look like. I'm smartest, give me prettiest and we will born strongest!

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

I would much prefer the chance to do this offline to online................

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

I literally fell off my chair when I saw this commercial. This is unbelievably wrong in so many different ways. Congrats to AKB members, you are officially the words largest sell-outs!! And considering that you were designed to be sell-outs, the fact that a shameful and even disgusting level has been reached is quite an incredible feat to have accomplished. Selling ones image, voice, innocence, or even body still doesnt compare to selling the thought of having someones baby....

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

First and foremost, calling this pedophilia is wrong. These are not children, nor is any actual sex involved, it's just photoshopping two images. Saying that this is not good marketing is also wrong, as it's generating plenty of attention. It may be irresponsible marketing, but sex sells the world over. This marketing campaign is in no way supportive of any claims that Japan has more (or less) perverts than any other country.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Marketing geniuses! All ye naysayers should heap praise onto to the marketers for thinking outside the box on this one. Isn't there a law to protect minors like her, though? What is she like 12?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

*Greeks used to screw little boys you know.

Nothing is really intrinsically "right" or "wrong*

Im afraid you are wrong there, screwing little boys IS absolutely, one hundred percent intrinsically WRONG, no doubt at all there. Sometimes I worry about some posters on here, and hold my children that little bit closer when Im out and about with them.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

If you had a baby with an AKB48 member


0 ( +3 / -3 )

If it were a boy, I guess it would look like another one of my sons. Then again, my wife would divorse me for it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Hahaha, I foresee a rise in stalking cases!

"Look look, Yuko-chan, what beautiful babies we could make together!"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But what if I use a photo of my car? What would the baby look like............

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I've stated in a previous post that the average age of AKB48 as of Dec. 2010 was 18.4 years of age.

So half of them are underage and half are not........... So then, you're saying there's a 50-50 chance nobody's going to jail!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

If I had a baby with one of AKB48, it would be an adorable wide-eyed paragon of beauty like my own real-life little girl, or, if a boy, a tousle-haired larrikin with a twinkle in his eye and a plus-sized hampton.

I, on the other hand, would look like a badly-mutilated John Doe, found in several different carrier bags with multiple stab wounds and blunt instrument trauma, if Mrs Coughanaffalot found out.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I just shake my head in disbelief and wonder what they will come up with next.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Jail bait?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

comon Japan using sex to sell is one thing, using it on minors (women dressed to look like minors) is just promoting pedophilia. then again in a country where having pedophila on your computer is not a crime, what do you expect!?

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

what next? how about life size doll replicas of AKB48 members for those lonely salary men to take home with them!? wouldnt suprise me if theve got them now.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Aren't they all children? What disgusting man thought this up??

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Age of consent? Maybe if some of you calmed down for a second you would realize that legal marrying age, with parental consent is 16 just about anywhere on the planet, including where the most outraged and extreme commenters hail from, the good old U.S.A., historical home to the lowest ages of consent on the planet. You folks just can't seem to make up your minds!

You are entitled to your opinions of what is sick, but could some of you at least get your panties unknotted long enough to separate what is fact and what is your opinion? Or maybe you could cite just one bit of research declaring the desire to procreate with a teenager (as your great grandpa probably did) as sick?

And if you don't like things in Japan, don't vote with your mouth. Don't vote with your hands. Vote with your feet. Sayonara. Aloha. and Good-bye!

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

And Japan wonders why it continues to be a laughing stock.

ShootandScoot: "And if you don't like things in Japan, don't vote with your mouth. Don't vote with your hands. Vote with your feet. Sayonara. Aloha. and Good-bye!"

Ah, yes... the 'if you don't like it leave' I cannot-retort-response. I find it interesting you are more inclined to defend something as disgusting as this site than you are to argue against it. Oh, and some of the AKB48 members are under 16, my friend, but my guess is they are included in this site. A quick search of the band members' ages will reveal this, and not surprisingly they are accompanied with photos of the little girls bent over in 'maid cafe' outfits or with legs slightly open in junior highschool uniforms. Trust me, I nearly puked to bring you these truths.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

And Japan wonders why it continues to be a laughing stock.

I don't laugh at Japan as a whole - just some of the AKB48 fans, and the foreigners who claim to loathe such groups yet are strangely well-informed about them and even have opinions on how they rate against equally silly Korean groups.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

If you had a baby with AKB 48 member ..? Its not sure whether The baby looks like me, or some one else ... Because they act like prostitutes to me

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Ok, this article is extremely inappropriate, as well as the content of the newly opened site.

Arent some of the girls in current AKB lineup minors?

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Four of my 25-35y/o male Students lined up for two hours at makuhari-messe on Saturday just for a five second handshake with an AKB48 member. I told them about this article in this evening's class and they are all going home to sign up. They told me they would show me the pictures, to which I replied, "No thanks!"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I see a virtual world which can be made into a movie or TV series titled 'Terrible Nova'.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I'd pick all of the ones that are old enough. Doesn't matter which.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I am a big AKB48 fan and am often on here defending them,but this is just wrong.All publicity is not always good publicity.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Disillusioned - That 5-second handshake your students got was well worth their 2-hour wait!

And I'll bet all their babies would be beautiful!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

unreconstructed: "...and the foreigners who claim to loathe such groups yet are strangely well-informed about them and even have opinions on how they rate against equally silly Korean groups."

'Well informed'? Perhaps others are, yes, but a quick internet search will give you any of the info I provided. That, and the fact that AKB48 are in the news pretty much every day. As for Korean groups, which are equally as silly and pose 14 year olds in lingerie and have them gyrating to 'heavy rotation' (that was also in the news). There was an article just the other day about how Korean groups are booming around the world but Japanese groups are barely popular outside of Japan because 'other nations do not like the idea of little girls dressed up sexy' (or something like that). At least the Korean bands I know of don't do so. Japan? it has for ages, and continues to do so, hence in this arena it is a laughing stock (of course I don't mean ALL of Japan).

0 ( +1 / -1 )


WTF? Who to ... ? Decisions decisions..

But seriously, this is pretty sick... and the Japanese media doesn't see anything wrong with this?

Extremely shameful indeed. That's the child pornography-loving Japan for you. Utterly criminal and disgraceful.


Could you guys reflect your Christian values a little more, please?

Can't do that. I was raised in a pagan family. Sorry.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

papasmurfinjapan: "But seriously, this is pretty sick... and the Japanese media doesn't see anything wrong with this?"

They never do. Here's the way it works:

1) some ridiculous celebrity or event is created.

2) The Japanese pat themselves on the back and ask you to take a look so you can pat them on the back, too.

3) When you are disgusted they are utterly surprised, thinking all human beings share the same depraved image of little girls as the men who market this kind of thing (and subscribe to it!) do.

4) Instead of taking your disgust as criticism, they merely react with a 'we don't need foreign input' response, despite the fact that they asked you to look.

I remember when 'hard gay' (who's not gay at all) came out and starting thrusting his crotch in an American actor's face and she left the show, disgusted, and everyone on the stage was like, "b-b-b-but... it's funny... isn't it?" Soon after? no more hard gay.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I've signed up already.

I mean it was only 1480 yen, you bunch of cheapskates.

Did the photo merge with Atsuko Maeda and the baby looks like... Takashi Okamura!

I don't whether to laugh or cry...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I admit that I'm not the most perapera dude hanging around the town, nor do I go frequently to Roppongi Bars, Gas Panic, or get too bogged down in AV, but.... is there any other way to interpret "わたしと赤ちゃん作らない?" other than "Let's Shag"??? I mean, really?!?!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Would look like a japanese with a nice taste for tacos... :)

0 ( +2 / -2 )

I know that AKB 48 is the brain child of a famous producer, but this is a very creepy idea. Is this the reality that the only way to make money off of these singers is to use perversion? Will they target the younger version of AKB48 next (sorry I do not know the name of them). Too creepy. I have seen a lot of hard core 30 + year old male fans that follow this group. They are a strange bunch of men that still live at home and have not successfully made it into a society and live with their parents.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Humm, if paying for this service, I would be a 'virtual' john having sex with a 'virtual' hooker. Is there a 'virtual' law against this sicko money grabbing service? In the real world, I'd be seeing bars for this...

0 ( +0 / -0 )


Personally, I find the picture morphing thing funny since I have fond memories of Conan O'Brien's segment on the Late Night Show, "If They Mated", where he would take celebrities who were rumored to be dating and morph there pictures together in interesting and humorous ways.

I think you have a great point there. Instead of morphing your images together to create a small child, it would definitely be more interesting to see the adult version of an offspring. Those pictures always turn out very funny when I watched Conan's show.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I don't laugh at Japan as a whole - just some of the AKB48 fans, and the foreigners who claim to loathe such groups yet are strangely well-informed about them and even have opinions on how they rate against equally silly Korean groups.

Agree. Korea is the one that's laughable with their industry-wide practice of the casting couch for those who want to make it into entertainment. Practically all of those female Korean groups had to sleep with some record executive just to get their break.

http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jan/09/entertainment/la-ca-cultural-exchange-20110109 http://www.allkpop.com/2010/11/snsd-fans-angered-over-taiwanese-tv-show-accusing-snsd-of-providing-sexual-favors


0 ( +1 / -1 )

genjuro: "Agree. Korea is the one that's laughable with their industry-wide practice of the casting couch for those who want to make it into entertainment. Practically all of those female Korean groups had to sleep with some record executive just to get their break."

Are you one of the guys who is all upset because Korean artists are more popular in Japan than Japanese 'tarento'? You sound like it. Just be happy the people hosting the New Year's show decided not to follow through with their promise to make due on cutting yakuza ties -- there would be nothing left to show! Wow, so a few Korean idols provided sexual favours to get a gig! Monkey see, monkey do. I'm quite sure I could do a search and find the same thing of Japanese 'tarento' at any turn. Thanks for the blog links.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Enablers. Next up POV of the making of...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Could you guys reflect your Christian values a little more, please?

I'm not a Christian either but I like to think I have common sense. Maybe I just old fashioned but I still feel like there is something to be said for common decency.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Could you guys reflect your Christian values a little more, please?

I gots no values

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Maybe I just old fashioned but I still feel like there is something to be said for common decency.

Hilarious how you think new wave morality is old fashioned. Athough this concept of picture morphing was either unknown or little known in your grandpa's time due to tech limitations, I doubt he would have such a problem with this as all the screaming kids here. Old fashioned? Just another example of improper use of terms and a willfully skewed view of the world.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Ah, yes... the 'if you don't like it leave' I cannot-retort-response.

I cannot stop anyone from retorting. And I will not begrudge you or anyone else your opinion though I might disagree. Its the all mighty self-righteous way of presenting opinions where my problem lies. Such extreme condemnation and use of extreme words like pedophile and sick, but not one citing of fact or research to back up faulty and forced uses of the words and what all this means for society as a whole. And all this rage and accusation to defend what amounts to a silly cultural bias and an attempt to quash a mere fantasy in pure thought police style.

The whole concept of AKB48 is definitely not my cup of tea. But they are not hurting anything except some tortured gaijin minds who think they are God appointed bearers of all that is right, good and just. For someone who uses the word sick so much, it is amazing that you can't see the real sickness here.

When I mentioned this baby picture thing to my Japanese wife, her mind did not immediately jump to sex. Reading this thread, I can only conclude that every time these commenters see a baby, the first thing they think of is sex. That is a problem. Doctor, heal thyself.

And despite seemingly caring so God awful much, it is pathetic how little time has been devoted by commentors to actually research and examine the topics they purport to care so much about.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

How many comments! Many fans of AKB48. Who else would enter to read a note with a title like "If you had a baby with an AKB48 member, what would your child look like"?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I photo of this girl with her boob out feeding an unknown baby is not cool

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

icanthinkofone. Social Darwinism is a much depraved and disreputable set of values that can be used to justify nearly any behavior. While it is a good topic for debate over beer, it is certainly not a good model for how to run a society. And you know it.

I'm not advocating any sort of values. I just saying there isn't a universal "fixed" set. Every culture has their own rules set and values.

If any rule that can be considered universal, it would be Darwin's "survival of the fittest", as when you come down to it that's how mother nature operates. **

** Fittest can be measure in a lot of ways BTW, including getting along with other members of your species by obeying whatever set of rules the specific society you are in imposes.

Im afraid you are wrong there, screwing little boys IS absolutely, one hundred percent intrinsically WRONG, no doubt at all there. Sometimes I worry about some posters on here, and hold my children that little bit closer when Im out and about with them.

No you consider it wrong - and so do I for the matter.

But the ancient greeks didn't.

Slavery is nowadays considered wrong. But American's in the early days consider it perfectly fine.

Values change and shift with time and location.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

irodriguezsoza: " Who else would enter to read a note with a title like "If you had a baby with an AKB48 member, what would your child look like"?"

People who who are concerned with the further degeneration of this society? Only someone in denial would proclaim all commenters to be fans, let alone buy into the site.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

sigh most people are taking it way too seriously...

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I like older women so I'll say no to the offer.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

a unique opportunity to know what would it look like if Chewbacca had babies with AKB48 members

1 ( +1 / -0 )

this is the stupidest thing i have ever read on this website.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I am absolutely sick with posters being allowed a platform to defend men having sex with any child who happens to already menstruate or is over 13 years old. Its sick, its illegal and it should not be allowed.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

i guess japan is desperate to boost birth rate

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The article is a puke. But what really made me feel sick was reading some JT posters declaring they're AKB fans. What, in my mind, AKB is something only Japanese people could like. I never thought foreigners would like this sort of band.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

photo of this girl with her boob out feeding an unknown baby is not cool

I had to look at the picture again to see what you were talking about... Oshima is actually posed as if she is breastfeeding that baby!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I did not notice at first either. But anyone all frazzled about a picture of a woman breastfeeding has crossed the line from being an anti-sex zealot and gone straight to being anti-humanity. This may be a result of having been fed exclusively on formula, thereby not getting enough nutrients to the brain as a baby. Anyone with strong negative feelings about a breast-feeding picture should probably quit this planet and go live on the moon.

goinggoinggone, I guess the freedom of speech is only for special people like yourself? If anyone is attempting to use this site as a promotional platform, its you babe.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

A child's freedom from sexual exploitation trumps any deluded person's imaginary right to molest, sexually exploit or use children for sexual gratification. But the die-hard pedophile -defenders are intellectually incapable of grasping that fact. I wonder why?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

I suppose what I cannot grasp is how anyone could defend sex with children, or see it as acceptable, nor any grade of child pornography as being something acceptable and undamaging to children. But that is where you and I are different. Im glad its something I cannot comprehend, and whatever I say you will still be shrieking about people's rights to use, abuse and exploit children.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Im glad its something I cannot comprehend,

So you happily shriek from ignorance?

I suppose what I cannot grasp is how anyone could defend sex with children

This is not about sex. This is about morphing pictures. Even little 4 year old girls pretend they have babies, but don't know anything about sex! How old are you? But don't let it get you down. Look up. You have lots of company here who also can't comprehend the level of a 4 year old!

Besides, the youngest, according to a quick wiki search is 15 and will be 16 this month. They are not children. They are teenagers. They have been having babies for millenia until suddenly in the middle of the last century, people like you up and decided it was demented....and still can't explain why exactly...except to say you don't like it and don't want to understand it....all the while trying to rip the eyes out of anyone who dares get the facts....and rains on your parade of unbridled biased fury. Are teen females a threat to you or something? Because other options to understanding your stance are drying up fast!

people's rights to use, abuse and exploit children.

IMHO, these teen girls are exploited, but still far far less than the real little girls on Toddlers and Tiaras. Even so, I would love to see these girls get some protection from their contracts, foremost among them, the right to date as they please. Do you know what dating is? It does not mean being used, abused or exploited. But somehow I think you are going to insist on seeing it that way anyhow, because this topic is like a drug fix for you, but only if you see 100 percent abuse.

The real abuse here is from people who are literally locking them up from love and society, just as you advocate. The fact that they have to work and work hard while making other people filthy rich is secondary to that, because they are teens, not children, and made this decision. All signs point to their being much happier and safer in this job than I was as a paper boy with ice, snow, rain, and belligerent customers who robbed me of my salary through non-payment of their paper bill.

I sincerely hope you educate yourself and find some other topic to be unnecessarily short-sighted, self-centered and wildly emotional about. Toddlers in Tiaras would be a good start. But I would be happy even if it were just what Kim Kardashian is wearing this fall.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

*Do you know what dating is? It does not mean being used, abused or exploited.

The real abuse here is from people who are literally locking them up from love and society,*

Dangerously deluded. I hope you have never acted on these strongly held convictions. We are talking about children here. As far as I am aware, the youngest is 12 or 13, and more than a few under 16. Dangerous sexual predators should not be encouraged to fantasize about making babies with these children.

Ive no desire to interact any more with someone who holds these views, it makes me feel sick.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

this is pure exploitation. Are there no laws in Japan at all?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I did not notice at first either. But anyone all frazzled about a picture of a woman breastfeeding has crossed the line from being an anti-sex zealot and gone straight to being anti-humanity.

What is surprising is that they took this thing so far as to not just write, "Would you have a baby with me" but also have Oshima simulate breastfeeding someone's baby. I suppose they decided not to pull any punches on this advertising campaign. As for being frazzled about breastfeeding, as far as I am concerned if a young lady wants to pull her breasts out in public you aren't going to get any complaints from me. But don't forget, many members of this group are far from being adults - with some as young as 14. If the group were all adults I don't think many people would have a problem with this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Ed 209.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This really just makes all my hair stand up. Freakishly weird stuff! But we all know who AKB48 fan types are don't we :)

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Everyone back on topic please!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

im starting to liking akb, maida atsuko, but this kind of advertisement and yuko the main model , vomit im not kind of desperate to figure out my babies looks? they are not pretty .. hell why jap guys love them so much or just because of the schools uniforms?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Obsessing on a whole nother level.. ewww

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It is borderline mental illness to even consider having kids with plastic baby-dolls. What's next, Toshiba...child bearing robots? How does this s*** benefit Japan?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I actually set up an ANTI-Akbaby page on facebook but since closed it down.

Some of these girls with AKB48 are too young to make any kind of mature decision about raising children. I question the contract they signed. Forced consent?. Some of their biggest followers are teenage girls, what does this tell them, hey grab a guy and get pregnant, its OK, it's fun. Those poor socially deprived Otaku will have a field day, great this really helps the declining population of Japan. Next virtual AKB48 weddings, son you gotta marry the girl she had a baby online!!.

Plus the actual style of the advertising is so wrong, at first glance it looks all innocent and right but in reality its so wrong, now if it were Lady Gaga or Kumi Koda, hell it would just funny and acceptable. Fact is they are saying that these girls are yours for a price, boarder line prostitution. WAKE UP JAPAN and START COMPLAINING.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Wow - just saw the TV advert which ends with a baby sucking on Oshima's right boob. Gone through the bottom of the barrel now, this really does seem to have gone a little ott.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This is just creepy...just...pure....creepy o.o

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I'm just laughing...xD But actually there are many their fans. So I guess they'll pay money for it and get "virtual" baby. Where did this idea come from? lol I want to ask AKB member "How do you feel?"

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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