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© 2012 AFPIndonesian organizers fight to save Lady Gaga gig
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The Munya Times
I knew many great female singers who could sing good enough to step on the stage without stripping, without creating scandal or dress like a patient from the happy home. They are is history.
Again I would never care what this voiceless little monster does if she and her giant promotion team didn't rob many young talents from their chances by squeezing them out of the entertainment industry with this street roller giant multimillion dollar Gaga promotion project. Gaga yearly income yen 7 000 000 000 JPY, for this garbage and great talents are begging to studios to record and publish their albums.
Munya, if it wasn't her it would be someone else. The public (and media) have to idolize something. You could just as easily complain why the Queen of England and Pope can always command coverage, although they seldom do anything to deserve it. As far as L.G., well lots of big-name stars lead rather unhappy personal lives, with the predictable tragic results, c.f. Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Elvis, etc.
How about she performs in burqa ?
Hope she sings "Poker Face" if she's allowed to perform, lol
Oh, is that so...
Gaga worked herself up from the very bottom. She's a classically trained pianist, a talented singer and she writes her own songs. Every performance she does is live and genuine. And besides that, she's a strong social activist that does a lot of good with her money. Don't whine because she's famous - as far as I'm concerned, that girl has earned it.
"The Jakarta police have said they do not recommend the Lady Gaga performance"
So? That wouldn't dissuade me from going.
The Munya Times
VirtuosoMay. 16, 2012 - 07:26PM JST
That is correct. It doesn't make me happy.
AliasisMay. 16, 2012 - 08:42PM JST
Thank for your advice but I will whine when I am in a mood to whine. O.K.? I do not whine because she is famous as you put it, but because she is popping up everywhere and because I saw her performing and I saw better days. Otherwise she seems to have hard time recently in many countries, I might not be the only one who whines, but no problem her aggressive team will push her through whatever it takes. As for her social activities, she does what her promotion team team orders her to do and will stop when she will be told to do so.
I doubt that would happen. The country would go into turmoil if it did.
“The biggest threats to this country are not Western artists but the corrupt government, including the police and FPI,” a reader of the Jakarta Globe daily posted in a comment on the newspaper’s website.
Another reader identifying as Bilbo Baggins wrote: “Does Indonesia want to be part of the global community or a religious backwater of ignorance?”
Says it all really about his religion and its backward ways.
Herve Nmn L'Eisa
Considering the extremist mindset of those opposed to her performance, and the police stating they could not provide adequate security, I hope she decides to take her show elsewhere for the safety of her fans and for her own safety.
Zen student
The Korean Association of Church Communication vowed in March to take action to stop young people from being “infected with homosexuality and pornography” during the star’s concert in Seoul.
I don't know what these guys have been smoking but........what?
How could her act infect people with homosexuality? And by the way, did you notice the verb, 'infect', like homosexuality is a disease according to Korean Christians.
There are a few things I like about Korea more than Japan (food, not hesitating to help tourists when they are lost etc.) but the uzai Korean Christians is definitely not one of them!
Lady Gaga is an affront to Islam. Nudity and immodest behavior are negative values.
The ban is correct!
A simple solution would be to just ask Lady Gaga's rep to tell her not to wear a rotting meat costume or walk around in lingerie on the stage while performing.
In regard to Lady Gaga, putting her under a burkha would actually be an improvement, so I have to agree with that.
But there are lots of other things that are an affront to islam, including free speech, democracy and equality under the law, Do you agree with all of those?
Chairman, on behalf of the rest of the world... YOU NEED TO GET A FREAKING LIFE.