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© 2020 AFPIndy's last crusade? Harrison Ford to reprise iconic role
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Haaa Nemui
I loved the first 3 films... but 4... OMG I found that disappointing. Maybe just leave this one alone now.
Haaa Nemui
But I’ll still watch it.
80? Time to hang up that Fedora.
Sh1mon M4sada
Indiana Jones and his lost dentures
I want to watch the movie another young actor plays Indiana Jones.
I bet you they'll kill this Indy like they killed Han Solo
Each movie has got progressively worse, although I did enjoy the first three.
I hope this one provides a nice ending to the series. Good for Ford for still working - I doubt he needs the money.
Dan Lavender
Dear oh dear...sigh
Indiana Jones & the Old People’s Home
Toasted Heretic
I must be one of the few who enjoyed the last one. Set in the 50s and having aliens in it was good fun, as was the ridiculous nuking the fridge scene. Overall, though, it was inferior to what went before.
Out of duty, I'll probably go see the latest one. It's the quality of the film, not Harrison Ford's age, that bothers me.
After all, before you know it, you'll be "old" sooner than you think.
No more ideas. Kaput.
Please no. That last Indiana Jones film was appalling. Let’s just remember the first three.
Don't really trust LucasFilm to make a decent movie. But Harrison Ford's return in the Blade Runner sequel was well-done, so there is hope. Except he has to tone down the grumpy old man act. Guys who live like Indiana Jones don't become grumpy old men.
If it's got Harrison Ford in it, I'll watch it.
Well, they gotta reboot the franchise if they want to continue it. Just give INDY a son and kill off Ford. That seems to be the norm in his movies I think. Continue on with the new INDY Jr.
Hollyweird. Woke and bankrupt of ideas. Pass.
The last Indiana Jones film added to the language with the expression ‘nuke the fridge’.
A catchy and memorable phrase.
Mark my words, he will be there to hand over the reins to a young female indy. This is Disney and it's 2020.
I have to say, the first three were classics. They make them like they used to.
Sal Affist
I hope they set it around 1975, so that an 80-year old actor will be successful in playing an 80-year old character. (The excavation of the Cross of Coronado was set in the 1910's, when young Indiana Jones was in his teens.) It will be difficult to believe an 80-year old actor playing a character in his late 50's, if the film is set shortly after the Crystal Skull.
No German Nazi's in 1975 but still plenty of Russians and terrorists are available as bad guys.
Hard to believe that even Crustal Skull is now over a decade old. I guess that would mean this next one will take place in the late 60s? Like is he going to take on some hippies or something?
If he's still working, maybe it's Indiana Jones and the Pension of Doom.
Indiana Jones & the Enchanted Adult Diapers
Toasted Heretic
I see this crop up a lot in discussions about film.
It seems to miss the point that films have always recycled ideas, made sequels, spin-offs, crossovers etc.
The Indiana Jones series was, itself, highly influenced by the old Republic serials of the 30s/40s.
Oh, I dunno. Marathon Man and The Boys from Brazil spring immediately to mind, I'm sure there's others.
Or he could go up against the CIA and other US government agencies very active abroad in those days. His distrust of Washington bureaucrats and brushes with the CIA have been hinted at in previous instalments.
Logan was a good ending for Wolverine