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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the first bisexual Superman


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As for the picture that this article used? Hard to unsee that.

14 ( +17 / -3 )

The comic industry is probably on it's last leg by now. I am not even sure the ones in charge even want to save it anymore at this point.

26 ( +30 / -4 )

tired to see that all is done nowaday is to fit with lgbt wave...What is next? expending to people interested of lolicon and shotacon freely?

14 ( +21 / -7 )

I'm sure the 9 year old audience will appreciate the gay sex in their comics.

37 ( +47 / -10 )

Business must be really bad, and they're desperate to get in the news.

19 ( +24 / -5 )


lolicon and shotacon freely?

lolicon and shotacon are crimes in the US.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

I mean ...really???

Do kids comic really need this bunk as well???

26 ( +34 / -8 )

LOL! - Superman fans don’t need to be upset by this “*news” [?]. - Superman is not bisexual, or gay, or anything else other than “Superman”. *Even his alter-ego, Clark Kent, is a straight, loving husband that cares about ALL human life on his adopted home, Earth.

This current storyline mentioned above is non-canon, non-fan “fiction” from writers that never understood or took the time to read about the origins and back lore of the source character. - They incapable of creating there own, sustainable, original characters. - Let these kids have their fun, while it lasts.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

The latest Robin in the Batman comics came out as bisexual in August.

Can I be offended at Robin not being gay?! I don't think he likes girls.


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Hate to state the obvious, but shouldn't it be....Superperson?

21 ( +26 / -5 )

0/10. Do not recommend

6 ( +15 / -9 )

Sooner or later, every movie will be rebooted with a gay or minority character just to appease the LGBTQ or black community. They've already rebooted Ghostbusters featuring women, so next is 4 gay men I imagine. Batman and Robin...well, I guess they could either have a Black gay Batman or perhaps a transgender Batman and Robin. They could really get creative with these characters. I'm not so sure how the Chinese market will react though. That seems to be the main financial driving force behind Hollywood (making movies appeal to Chinese boys), so I imagine there is going to be LGBTQ/minority movies made for the American audiences and then the real straight-as-an-arrow action movies made for the Chinese.

12 ( +18 / -6 )

This is actually not so new.

Homosexuality in the Batman franchise - Wikipedia

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

The comic industry stoops to a new low.

19 ( +24 / -5 )

Waiting to see how far dehumanization has come of late?

Try picturing, 'Super-Body with Vagina' on the next comic cover.


Lancet Describes Women As 'bodies With Vaginas', Issues Apology After Heavy Backlash


5 ( +9 / -4 )

Perhaps we should also all be applauding a presumedly Japanese-American gay male as Son of Superman’s love-interest? Shouldn’t Asian Americans have there own superhero or always the sidekick?

*- “…romantic relationship with a male friend, budding journalist Jay Nakamura” -*

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

This bit of fiction reads like they will be a nice futari (Japanese: couple) and will have many adventures. Maybe Jay has some additional surprises for Superman’s son after their first kiss?

- “the son of Clark & Lois will have a romantic relationship with a male friend. Jon Kent and budding journalist Jay Nakadashi struck up a friendship, will share a kiss, Following a scene where mentally & physically burns out from trying to save everyone that he can, Jay is there to care for the "Son of Kal-El" headlined "Jon Kent finds his identity."

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

There will be many conflicts for Son of Superman to explore with his lover. Will they go deeper into the potential problems of interracial marriage like traditional Japanese breakfast vs. simple yogurt on nuts & granola each morning?

*- “Today, more people can see themselves in the most powerful superhero in comics,"*

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

The publishers have left their back door open, so to speak. - A possible concluding arc to this bit of fiction would be an equivalent slap in the face to the LGBTQ+ community if bisexual Jon Kent later decides on a straight lifestyle instead, claiming that kiss and resulting relationship were at a critical time when he was just confused under extraordinary stress:

- “Following a scene where mentally & physically burns out from trying to save everyone that he can, Jay is there to care for the "Son of Kal-El" -

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

I am kind of surprised there is really any backlash to this at all. I am not exactly a big comic fan, but my understanding is that Superman (his father in this case?) had a love interest in Lois Lane in a lot of the classic stuff, so the romantic side is obviously not treading any new ground. Honestly what is the objection? I cannot think of any good reason this should bother anybody that isn't homophobic.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

How do people survive sex with superman?

5 ( +9 / -4 )

That's pretty gay

8 ( +15 / -7 )


-23 ( +2 / -25 )

This current storyline mentioned above is non-canon, non-fan “fiction” from writers that never understood or took the time to read about the origins and back lore of the source character

I'd love to see you substantiate this.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

Folks trying to paint this as left or right is just, well lazy!

Making Superman bisexual is just stupid plain & simple, no need to bring lame left this or right that BS into it.

I wish these ""creators"" would do just THAT....CREATE, as in something NEW....then you MIGHT have a chance at genuine success.

Changing old moves & superheroes into something woke isnt going to FLY, sorry couldnt resist!

10 ( +15 / -5 )

I think we should all be grateful to our true heroes on here defending Western values from fictional bisexuals.

They have PCs and smartphones. With great power comes great responsibility.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )


It isn't changing an existing character, it's a new character. It says at the top that this is the son of the existing (and still heterosexual, don't worry!) Superman. The character happens to be bisexual, because bisexual people exist. Sometimes characters in fiction aren't going to be the same as you, and that is okay.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

This really is jumping the shark. Wokeness gone mad. Do comics really need all this sexualization? Just get on with fighting crime and doing superhero stuff please Superman!

What's next? My money is on a gay, black, handicapped James Bond.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

They aren’t taking it far enough.

Superman should also be having a sex change and gender reassignment, while saving the environment.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Superman should also be having a sex change and gender reassignment, while saving the environment.

Christopher Reeve as Superman helped save the environment in the past. I remember him clearing up an oil spill in one of the films after he stopped being a tit.

Tree-hugging do-gooder.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

It is good. More of this should be promoted, it will reduce value of Superman more which will benefit some other franchises. Maybe some Japanese franchises. Lol

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Thank goodness, I was incredibly worried that Superman wasn't haven't enough sex with both sexes. The movies are all about being a hero and saving people and doing what's right. Children don't want that.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

It is fun to see how the "symbols" of maleness and "masculinity" of the US and pop culture are turning to diversity

A straight couple is 50% man, 50% woman.

A gay couple is 100% man.

Gay couples are twice as manly as straight couples.

-9 ( +7 / -16 )

Once again @Kentarogaijin 12:17pm you’re 100% off-target. - First, Superman is fiction. Like your Japanese ‘cartoons’ and ‘cosplay’, he’s not **really, “real”**:

*- @Kentarogaijin 12:17pm: “But he obeys science and is smart.” *

Well, at least, the character is smart but his ‘powers’ often defy our presently-known “science”s .

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Yes, You would. But, the onus is on You … @Expresssister 9:58am … to ‘substantiate’ that it is.

*- @Express sister 9:58am: [This current storyline mentioned above is non-canon, non-fan “fiction” from writers that never understood or took the time to read about the origins and back lore of the source character]. - “I'd love to see you substantiate this.”*

Sorry, can’t do the reading for You. And, seems like You have a lot of ‘back issues’ to read through. Let me know, perhaps in a few months, with what You learn,… ‘mkay?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

It’s was easily explained ‘how’ @ian 9:33am & @zichi 1:46pm, in 2 past issues of about ‘the one & only’, original “Clark Kent / Superman character”. But “Sorry”, if it’s explained here, @Expresssister won’t do the required reading to understand how this current storyline’s incarnation of a superboy’ came to take to mantle of “Superman” from his “father(?)”.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

When I was a kid in the 80s, I remember several programs on TV dealing with gay themes. It wasn't that unusual. This included gay relations between junior high students in my favorite program 毎度おさわがせします (I'm afraid I'll do it every time). And this was before I realized I was gay. Japanese TV has toned it down a lot since then.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Yuck. Wouldnt mind if they come up with 2 lesbians teasing each other every now and then, but 2 muscle guys hugging and kissing? Gross! Who would enjoy reading this crap

3 ( +14 / -11 )

Yes, You would. But, the onus is on You … @Expresssister 9:58am … to ‘substantiate’ that it is.

It isn't. You made the claim, you need to substantiate it.

If I say, "snowy is a criminal", I have to prove it. I don't have to say to you, "prove you're not a criminal".

But, since you want to: the use of Jonathan Kent, who has been established in DC Comics for well over a decade as Superman's future son, shows that they have read through the back issues and understand the lore. They've just added to his character.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

And your dog “ate your homework@Expresssister 2:44pm? - Maybe “they” did, maybe “they” didn’t… but did YOU do the required reading yet? - Not debating You about what sexuality the writers have chosen for the Jonathan Kent character or if they’ve added to the character but why do you refer to him as “*Superman’s future son,…” *?

@Expresssister 2:44pm: “… the use of Jonathan Kent, who has been established in DC Comics for well over a decade as Superman's future son, shows that they have read through the back issues and understand the lore. They've just added to his character.” -

Do You NOT include him in the ‘current’, ongoing DC comics universe?

Are you also doubting the longevity ****of the current storyline as well?

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Stop the world i want to get off, the world has gone stark raving mad!!!

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Ok. I’ve edited out the words “fellow Australian” but pretty sure @Kentarogaijin has expressed where they are from before. Just wanted to counter his point that not all Western ‘pop culture’ ideas originate from the “U.S”. Some come from Australia, the U.K. and Europe, yes?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

correction: please change from “his” to “their” point” …

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Do You NOT include him in the ‘current’, ongoing DC comics universe?

Are you also doubting the longevity *****of the current storyline as well?*

What are you talking about? I'm saying that you said the writer had never read the comics and didn't know the lore, and want you to substantiate that. The writer, by the way, has written for DC Comics for years, and has even won awards for his work.

So how can you think he doesn't know the lore and hasn't read the origins of the character?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Secondly, @Kentarogaijin 12:17pm you’re 100% off-target. THIS ‘current’ storyline diverges from the mind of one of Your fellow, former countrymen, writer Tom Taylor, NOT from the “U.S.”.

- @Kentarogaijin 12:17pm: “It is fun to see how the "symbols" of maleness and "masculinity" of the US…”-

Not all Western ‘pop culture’ ideas originate from the “U.S”. - Some come from Australia, the U.K. and Europe, yes?

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

With a title and photo like that, it seems kind of laughable. Will that be the trend of superheroes? I'm sure the original creator of Superman and Marvel Comics are turning over in their graves.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

That's ridiculous!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Does anyone care?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

I hope DC Comics go broke pandering to the woke audience

8 ( +13 / -5 )

With a title and photo like that, it seems kind of laughable

It is odd that JT decided on a "humorous" picture to illustrate this, rather than the actual picture from the comic of them kissing that almost every other news outlet is using. Almost as if they don't take the LGBTQ seriously.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Next up Thor and Spiderman get together for some smooching...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

There's 7 colors in a rainbow !

I always wonder why the Non heterosexual community always have a rainbow that's only 5 colors.

Are they really that confused? or is there a reason for the only 5 colors ?

Perhaps someone who clarify that for me ?

And isn't it now innapropriate to label a bisexual man a man ?

Even if it is a mythical superhero or toy character.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

There's 7 colors in a rainbow !

I always wonder why the Non heterosexual community always have a rainbow that's only 5 colors.

Are they really that confused? or is there a reason for the only 5 colors ?

Perhaps someone who clarify that for me ?

This took five seconds. Why are the right so lazy?

Originally devised by artist Gilbert Baker, the design has undergone several revisions since its debut in 1978, first to remove colors then restore them based on availability of fabrics.[1][2] Baker's first rainbow flag had eight colors, though the most common variant consists of six stripes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. The flag is typically flown horizontally, with the red stripe on top, as it would be in a natural rainbow.

And isn't it now innapropriate to label a bisexual man a man ?


“Clark Kent and Louis Lane”. Does that sound right to you?


-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Its a bit difficult to save the world when your too busy with personal identity crisis.

Hollywood will finally change the classic subliminal programming of " save the world and get the girl" as most movies have all traditionally have the same ending.

What's becoming normal and acceptable and justified is a bit disconcerting .

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Now superhero can save the world and get a sex change.

Get a pink suit with a rainbow cape and diamonds on his nails.

Watch out for the cryptonite toy apparatus don't get ya

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Its a bit difficult to save the world when your too busy with personal identity crisis.

You’re going to lose it when I you find out that most superheroes have a secret identity.

Hollywood will finally change the classic subliminal programming of " save the world and get the girl" as most movies have all traditionally have the same ending.

What's becoming normal and acceptable and justified is a bit disconcerting .

1: Why won’t Hollywood ever make new stuff!?!!

2: In this comic, which is not a “Hollywood product”, Superman’s som kisses a boy.

1: Ive decided I want all Hollywood movies to be exactly the same at all times now

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Now superhero can save the world and get a sex change.

Get a pink suit with a rainbow cape and diamonds on his nails.


-5 ( +1 / -6 )

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