For the most part, Japan doesn’t really do political comedy. Linguistic and social norms combine to make sarcasm a hard thing to convey in Japanese, and so satirizing politicians and world leaders becomes such a difficult endeavor that most entertainers choose to mine other sources to elicit laughs.
But U.S. president-elect Donald Trump has caught the Japanese public’s imagination in a big way, with his unique flair for the dramatic in his speeches and public appearances. Trump has already inspired manga, masks, and makeovers in Japan, and now he’s inspired a parody by Japanese comedian Razor Ramon RG (also known as Makoto Izubuchi), in which the real estate-mogul-turned-politician is lampooned as relying on easy stereotypes and a pronounced fondness for the phrase “Get out [of] here!”
The performance is part of a recently taped episode of broadcaster Fuji TV’s sketch comedy program “Baku Show Character Parade.” Izubuchi, dressed as Trump (although he’s identified as “Shrimp”) and surrounded by stand-ins for the recently elected politician’s family members (including, of course, Barron) stands at a podium, ostensibly speaking to press conference attendees. He calls out Japanese actress and Kyoto native Hiroko Mita, bellowing:
“Miss Hiroko Mita, where are you from? OK, Kyoto. Kyoto…Get out [of] here! All Kyoto people only eat nishin soba. Nihin soba only. Get out [of] here.”
Granted, nishin soba (noodles in broth with grilled herring) is a traditional Kyoto specialty…but saying that it’s all people from Kyoto eat is kind of like saying Americans eat hamburgers every single day. Still, “Shrimp” seems very amused at the zinger he’s just dished out, letting out a satisfied laugh before moving on to Kiyotaka Nanbara, a comedian from Takamatsu, the largest city in Kagawa Prefecture, which is famous for its sanuki udon noodles. So, of course, “Shrimp” lets everyone know that:
“All Takamatsu people eat only sanuki udon.”
That’s where the clip ends, but with 47 prefectures in Japan, each with its own local delicacy, we’re sure “Shrimp” has plenty more people he’d like to say “Get out of here” to.
Source: IT Media
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I am wondering how the foreigners standing behind feel about being part of such a lame skit.
Eat your heart out, Oscar Wilde!
That was way too lame to be qualified as a parody
This is almost as irritating as Donald Trump himself.
wouldn't want to shave with that razor
@moonraker ... exactly my thought! People nowadays have no self pride or dignity and just put themselves out there even if the skit is so lame!
I'd love to see what would happen if they tried to lampoon Abe!
Incredibly lame and unfunny.
@Bertie...To take it one step further, I wonder how Japanese would react if the U.S. tried to parody Abe in this way? They probably would not be so keen on it.
I agree with everyone else...the skit is not really that good.
At least they didn't do a softbank and use a monkey as Obama in 2008.
"For the most part, Japan doesn’t really do political comedy." What a shame they can't keep it like that!
Sorry it was e-mobile
Tokyo-Engr, good point. You can bet thered be much indignation in japan if Abe was parodied in the US.
Mike L
That was the lamest "comedy" I have seen in a while. Not a patch on Alec Baldwin.
Alistair Carnell
What biting satire (sigh) watching this, it's obvious why Japan doesn't have its own Mock the Week, Have I Got News For You, Jonathan Pie ... Please stick to the squeaky rubber mallets.
Obviously, they are :)
The Womp
So if an American white dude parodied a Japanese politician, how would the Japanese react?
The kid playing Barron Trump is pretty good and looking bored and staring at the ground.
Alfie Noakes
Really? I always thought it was because the comedians don't want to get beaten up or have their faces slashed or get thrown off buildings by yakuza / uyoku thugs. Or have their families threatened.
This sketch is cringingly bad.
It's the Hard Gay guy isn't it, I guess confirming what everyone suspects about ippatsu-ya (single gimmick) entertainers.
Apparently his missus has some now-huge online fashion brand thing going, so the tv people should just put him out of his misery. He certainly won't need the money.
is that the hard gay guy? he became fat, i dont think its him.
I tried watching but it was super cringeworthy, ughhh
Aly Rustom
Me too!!
They'd howl, scream, and point fingers about how the US is racist. They are more thin-skinned than Trump himself- if that is physically possible.
First five seconds was decent. That's it.
He's done the impossible and set a new low for Japanese TV. Not a shred of humour, intelligence or meaning to this. Also, "Get out here!" is not English.
This is not the same comedian who played the character of Hard Gay, that guy's name is Masaki Sumitani.
Oh for god's sake, I know all white guys may look and speak the same, but pleeeez. Alec Baldwin, come back.
They don't need to do political comedy - the entire political class here are comedians and the daily round of political issues are a joke.
the boy looks like he's about to puke the whole video
Emily Brandstaetter
He's comedy fodder for the whole world. He's an embarrassment.
No-one would bother in the U.S., since a majority of Americans have no clue who Abe is and since Abe is less of a buffoon than Trump.
I hope these guys know that with Trump's character, if he sees it as mockery, relations between the two nations could be put in peril. haha. In any case, at least they left out the "Western long nose" this time.
Better (especially after bothering to watch this);
"For the most part, Japan doesn't really do comedy."
Christopher Glen
I'm waiting for a parody of Abe. Oh but it's ok to mock Trump? How convenient.
Readers, please stop trying to turn this thread into a discussion about Abe. It is not relevant.
Even with the sound off its chuckle free from start to finish.....Now if Razor Ramon teamed up with Piko-taro, there's a perfect comic opportunity impaled somewhere between the Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen.......get outta here.......
thats the problem with Japan, they dont have the nads to take the mickey out on their own, but can do it to foreigners. hey but not that im complaining as Trump deserves everything he gets, just a pity that it not even funny. Alec Baldwin does a great DT, and even the Donald himself is annoyed , priceless.
Really rude! Very bad taste!
Why do the Japanese feel it is so funny to dress up as the US president and then have him say stupid or strange things. Before this guy, there was the other comedian who would dress up like Obama, I think he even used black face to look more real. It just isn't funny, childish and uninteresting is my opinion.
Jay Que
Suggest he take a little sulphur hexafluoride before the skit, let the hilarity ensure.
Razor Ramon was more funny as Hard Gay. I guess now he would have to play a fat Hard Gay. He'll appeal to chubby chasers (デブ線). I hope Trump doesn't see this.
That was so bad it was actually funny.
As a Japanese I'm afraid I find this skit extremely racist towards the gaikokujin. It will only promote inaccurate stereotypes that already exist.
Mike L
I just remembered this guy has done worse. There was a show of Japanese "comedians" trying to make other nationalities laugh - Chinese, Koreans, Americans. This numpty impersonated Steve Jobs quite soon after his death, his entire schtick being "I'm Steve Jobs".
Fell flat on his face in front of the Americans.
Use this to show your Japanese friends the difference between laughing with and laughing at.
This is not true. I remember commercials that mimicked the speaking style of PM Masayoshi Ohira around 1980. There was also a commercial for "Donto" warming pads that made fun of the then-premier of the Soviet Union, Chernenko, by inviting people standing in line for goods in freezing weather to warm up by "Don-to irenko" (just pop it in). There were probably more, but these immediately came to mind.
Razor Ramon is the name of the comedy duo. This is RG (Real Gay). HG (Hard Gay) is his partner. And yes, I feel stupid for after writing that.
I don't think that is the reason for the dearth of political comedy, or any sort of comedic social commentary, here.
The real Trump is much, much funnier than this dross.
Yes it would be great if there was political satire in Japan. Or political cartoons. Sorely missing.
Brian Wheway
It a shame that I can't down load the vid clip, its blocked apparently, but I still would like to to see it.
Derek Grebe
Wow, that is truly pathetic. I'd like to know if anyone genuinely finds that amusing.
I've had more giggles getting a root canal.
Trump is already a parody...
In my humble opinion, I think people who believe they are too good to do some kinds of work are lacking pride and dignity. It's a stupid TV skit, and presumably they were paid to stand there. Not their problem if it's not funny.
I've seen a parody of Abe on TV, also of Obama and many many others.
Man oh man that was bad, even by j-tv standards, youch!
As to why there is no political satire on tv or print here, its simple, Japan Inc WONT allow it. Anyone who tries it would be out of a job in short order(tv stations would get hauled into the govt office for a brow beating), there simply isn't the freedom to do satire about local politicians
Anyway right parody indeed.
You people are evil. The teacher has scolded you for not saying what she wants you to say. Shame on you. Stay on topic you awful children! Respect her authority.
You saved me from writing it, thanks! ;-)
Im with Ms Delicious - I thought it was kinda funny in a weird ass about face kinda way
"The uploader was not made to play video in your country" is what the video says here in California
Have to agree with many comments above, I had hope, in the screenshot the kid looks awesome. Then I hit play. Terrible.
Might be interesting to watch if it was available in this country. Authors must be frightened by something.
The only person that can truly make a mockery of Donald Trump is only himself.
Sucks, shame on you Japan.
Stupid, unfunny, a child's level of humor, boring, etc...
I think wtfjapan really said it.
The Japanese TV channels, comedians and public don't have the courage to satirize their leaders.
Some posters in this thread are trying to say "Oh I saw someone doing Abe on Japanese TV".
The truth is you might see someone do a mild impression of Abe or another leader ONCE IN A BLUE MOON.
Funny, biting satire, week after week, like SNL is not happening in Japan.
The reason?
The Japanese are too meek and too scared of their leaders.
A Japanese comedian dressing up as Abe and doing an Abe impression during an election campaign (a la Alec Baldwin doing Trump)... it's absolutely unthinkable in boring, conservative, heavily controlled Japan.
The Japanese criticize the Americans for many things but look at SNL... look at that freedom... SNL is a credit to American freedom and democracy.
As GW notes above, it could even be the case that "Japan Inc." won't allow biting satire on prime-time TV.
On a similar note, I saw a Japanese school textbook a few years back that was making a big deal of how important it is for the students to make up their own minds about issues... how to look at an issue from different standpoints... how to weigh up pros and cons, etc. What did the textbook choose as an example? America going into Iraq of course. No suggestion of opposing the Japanese government's policy of course.
Nippori Nick
No one does satire like the Brits. Imagine a show like Spitting Image in Japan? Unheard of.
F***** Pathetic!
MrBum, Thank you for the reminder. Totally gay Gokai only paid attention to Hard Gay, who was pretty unique (and maybe funny) at the time.
Mike L
I always getting a giggle thinking about Japanese people doing a web search for "Hard Gay" skits.
Kobe White Bar Owner
I dont like Donald at all but that was pathetic, ive had funnier colds.
Typical Japanese humor.
Pat Telzrow
Not funny. I recommend NHK's " Life" its the best.