Japan Today

Japan's indifference to 'Gangnam Style' riles S Korea


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I think it may be because it's not very good. I just watched it and I would agree that it's pretty lame. Especially Psy. Sorry.

46 ( +54 / -9 )

It's lame...but it's SO lame that it comes out the other end as awesome.

-7 ( +17 / -25 )

Anyone in Korea that has problems with this may want to dig into the history. Ozone's global charting Europe wide # 1 happened two years after it did in Europe. Scatman did likewise. Eurodance novelties like Gangnam Style take longer to break in Japan. The additional problem of PSY breaking here this time, is that the charts themselves have been dominated with so many K Pop acts that there's a chance he's competing with over-marketed hitmakers from his own country aside all of those others challenging for a chart position.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Whatever "childish" response in Japanese music blogs KWRI may be angry at, their reaction appears to be equally silly in pretty much condemning the entire nation for not appreciating their particular composition.

26 ( +27 / -1 )

JT, are you trying to dethrone AKB48 with PSY's, stupid news of the day?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

It is supposed to be lame. Don't your recognize irony and self deprecating humour? Psy isn't trying to be Mozart, he is trying to make you laugh and be happy by poking fun at the whole music industry. The song is silly, vacuous and trendy, like 99% of the fluff Japanese pop artists spew out every year. But Psy isn't being serious, he is making fun of it all.

The problem with Japan is that it needs more sense of humor.

0 ( +17 / -17 )

The 'problem' with Japan is that Korean stuff isn't so new or special to them. It doesn't have the novelty factor in Japan that it does in other markets,

14 ( +15 / -1 )

"On Monday, the Korean Wave Research Institute (KWRI)—a non-profit body established in 2010 to “aggressively” promote Korean popular culture around the globe"

Some people are too aggressive.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

I'm sorry Han Koo-Hyun but it appears that you're the one being rather immature and acting like a child by not only getting shirty at the Japanese for not liking this song (why should they have to like it) and also secondly for this comment

Currently ranked 29th with more than 237 million views, the video shows a young Japanese woman engaging in the popular Internet meme activity of dropping some mentos candy in a bottle of diet coke so that it sprays soda everywhere. Mocking what he described as the “most grotesque and preposterous content” on the entire chart, Han said it was “another lowly example showing the video-related preference of the Japanese.”

Don't tar all of the japanese with the same brush. Otherwise you look very ignorant and foolish my friend.

16 ( +18 / -2 )

akb48, psy. who cares. people like what people like. its tiresome to read about what the tastes are of an entire nation from youtube statistics.

12 ( +12 / -0 )

Whatevaah! So Koreans are making this a national issue? When Japan's pop culture(anime, games, manga etc) became a world phenomenon did they wonder why some parts of the world didn't liked it? It is just preferences. Don't pour silly malicious conclusions behind it such as insecurities, jealousy, lack of sense of humor blah bla blah. Such a childish point of view.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

He's an entertainment industry tool promoting a

punk yakuza gangster style.

Obviously that is not something with which the Japanese should be impressed.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

I first heard about this song which has "taken the world by storm" on this site so I listened to it on YouTube. It's completely dreadful, horrendous, awful. I can't believe anyone above the age of 10 can possibly like it.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

The Koreans are really pushing it, with this braindead idiotic clip... It sucks big time, that's why Japanese don't give a damn about it.. OK?

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Is there anything that Japan/Korea/China will not get ffended about in the behaviour of the other(s)?

And as for this idiotic statement: Denouncing the “conspiracy theories” of YouTube chart manipulation, KWRI president Han Koo-Hyun said the “outrageous” Japanese argument was “tantamount to doubting a world record in an Olympics marathon.”

Defies belief. One hit wonder = world record?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

And with the fabulous homegrown talents of AKB, Kanjani 8, Kis-my-FT2, KinKi Kids, French Kiss etc etc as well as all the other Korean interlopers - who needs a tubby novelty singer?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Being full of irony and being lame aren't mutually exclusive. They can be both, as this song is for me. Japanese don't politicize things as much as Koreans and Chinese seem to do, that's all.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

I have to agree that this one is a little over the top on SK's part -- I doubt VERY much it has anything to do with the island row, given that many other K-pop bands are not only NOT being shunned, but continue to grow in popularity, with major K-pop concerts spanning the nation.

Maybe they just don't like the guy, his fashion, or his music, and that's all there is to it. When I look at the picture of this guy I notice he looks like the dime-a-dozen male 'talento' that come and go every few months, and that could be a big part of it. Given how popular the guy is world-wide, I doubt that's the case in terms of actual talent, but again maybe it's the image.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Who? What? Obviously not that popular.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Now, they only have to do a version with an underaged girl in school uniform and i am sure it will be a success

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

It is supposed to be lame. Don't your recognize irony and self deprecating humour?

Jokes that are "supposed to be" lame seldom get funnier because of it.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

There's "Beppu, Kyushu STYLE!" http://fukuoka-now.com/2012/10/gangnam-style-beppu-kyushu-style-exclusive-report/

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This is just a one-hit wonder, novelty record and I'd be surprised if Psy ever made it into the charts again. The scantily-clad Korean girl groups seem to do OK in Japan, so I don't think anti-Korean feelings have anything to do with Psy's lack of success here. Short skirts are what the punters want in Japan.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Im pretty sure the majority of Koreans couldnt give a rats donkey whether the Japanese like their music or not. However, if the Japanese were to boycott kimchi....!!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I asked a couple Korean university students studying in Japan why the song wasn't a big hit in Japan. Both gave the same answers: Oh, it just isn't "Japanese style" (with no trace of irony intended.) One student said, "Oh, it was just so totally "Psy!" I asked several Japanese college students who said, "I looked, but it just wasn't that interesting or novel." (No trace of anything anti-Korean - all these students have studied Korean and some have actually studied in Korea.) While only anecdotal, at least I asked some of the people whose intentions are being guessed at

As quite the student of Korean and K-dramas myself, I watched and understood most the the memes about class and Kangnam, but fould it to be similar to much of what I have seen in East Asia, so wasn't that interested. I am glad that something new from Asia has caught the attention of the West (if only for a moment.)

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Because there is no money to be made for a talent with no Japanese management. The Yakuza run all the "talento" agencies in Japan and control the "talento" on TV. Someone that doesn't fall in line doesn't get promoted and doesn't get popular in Japan because no one told the public that this is cool.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

To call that tripe "Music" is an affront to the art -people seem to have No Taste At All these days!-Gang -bang Noise is all there is to it!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

This song was number one on the Japanese Oricon singles chart at the end of September. From a Japanese consumer persective I would NOT call that "indifference."

1 ( +4 / -3 )

One song falls flat in Japan and that's grounds for all this? Yes, let's just ignore the massive popularity of K-Drama and K-Pop and instead focus on this ONE FREAKING SONG!

I've got a better suggestion -- how about Japan, South Korea, and China all stop acting like children?

5 ( +8 / -3 )

One word : Boring.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The neto uyos in Japan coming up with conspiracy theories and claiming that Gangnam Style gained 530 million views due to South Koreans hitting F5 over and over again is hilarious. It's called a meme, people, and it doesn't take much to see that in the other side of the world it was a huge viral hit. It just goes to show that the Japanese pop culture is seriously isolated from the rest of the world. Gangnam Style was a hit in other parts of Asia but not in Japan.

On Monday, the Korean Wave Research Institute (KWRI)—a non-profit body established in 2010 to “aggressively” promote Korean popular culture around the globe—hit back.

However, this is equally as ridiculous. An NGO that promotes pop culture? The heck? Don't people usually get paid to do this stuff?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Oh my, another gangbang style article. I'd watch AKB48 all day rather than listen to this song.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Me and my kid just love this song but my wife hates it. Its just about preferences, no big deal. And no my wife is not japanese!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Currently ranked 29th with more than 237 million views, the video shows a young Japanese woman engaging in the popular Internet meme activity of dropping some mentos candy in a bottle of diet coke so that it sprays soda everywhere.

Mocking what he described as the “most grotesque and preposterous content” on the entire chart,

Well, birds of a feather..

It's the ludicrousness of these videos which makes all these videos watchable. Unfortunately, the Japanese just don't get irony..as funny, and I highly doubt that they were the viewers who pushed that mentos video into the charts.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Japanese don't like it and that's that!!!

6 ( +8 / -2 )

It's not to hard to figure out, the Japanese music fan base is all about the good looking, girls and guys and even the the song is cute and it's laughing at itself, Psy is not the most handsome guy in the world, and that's what' the Japanese fan base (girls/women) are interested in. Hot sexy men and beautiful fashionable women.


-3 ( +7 / -10 )

First of all, again the media and individuals exaggerating stories for their own benefit. Congratulations, this has more comments as of now than the Okinawa rape and radiation stories. Ordinary Koreans actually don't really care about what Japanese think about Psy. We sell enough k-pop in Japan anyway and likewise enjoy Jpop as well. Honestly, we don't even know why so many Americans find it amusing either.

Second, for those who think Psy is a one hit wonder, he's been around for 10 years and was already a household brand in Korea. Just because someone isn't popular internationally doesn't mean that he/she is unpopular.

Third, to those who think the music video is stupid - that's the point. People like Mr Bean for his stupidity. Koreans like Psy for his wtf-ness. He's a guy that enjoys making fun of ppl who takes themselves too seriously.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Mocking what he described as the “most grotesque and preposterous content” on the entire chart, Han said it was “another lowly example showing the video-related preference of the Japanese.”

The Internet is a virtual rubbish heap, and the Japanese share of it is no better or worse than anyone else's, especially Korea's.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Yeah, right, sorry S. Korea... The only place that seems to think it is fun to make fun of the chubby asians are the European Countries. Yes, certainly that is the point that Psy is making with this video and this song... But that doesn't mean that Japan (or any other Asian nation) will necessarily see the humor in it.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Boring piece and not art at all. For comedy, I would rate it very low.

2 ( +6 / -3 )

Second, for those who think Psy is a one hit wonder, he's been around for 10 years and was already a household brand in Korea. Just because someone isn't popular internationally doesn't mean that he/she is unpopular.

PSY was generally unknown to the Korean public until his latest album, actually. get a clue.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Mocking what he described as the “most grotesque and preposterous content” on the entire chart, Han said it was “another lowly example showing the video-related preference of the Japanese.”

Two points : the mentos videos have been up for a number of years, and it wasn't the Japanese who did it first or made it popular. Also, it's the only Japanese video in the top 30 worldwide, not the most viewed video on youtube in Japan. Get your head out of your you-know-what, Mr. Han.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Who wants to watch a fat, middle aged, half naked guy dancing to bland music? His looks, moves, and music are nothing compared to those of other Korean boy bands (or even Japanese boy bands, and that's saying something).

8 ( +11 / -3 )

glidingneedlesOct. 24, 2012 - 10:28AM JST

We sell enough k-pop in Japan anyway and likewise enjoy Jpop as well.

BOA and Girl generation are doing will in Japanese market. However not all K pop stars have got the fair share of Japanese market. Winter Sonata TV drama was the most successful export to Japan from Korea. However it was not K pop. It was a K drama.

Honestly, we don't even know why so many Americans find it amusing either.

Not only Americans but also Europeans are amusing Gangnam style. In the touch economic time, people need to escape from the reality. The audience got joy and excitement watching his art.

Just because someone isn't popular internationally doesn't mean that he/she is unpopular.

he/she isn't popular internationally mean his/her income is limited. The highest paid star in Asia is Actor Bae Jong Yun from Korea according http://www.pinolobu.com/2011/05/14/the-highest-paid-actors-in-asia-are-not-bollywood-or-hong-kong-stars/. PSY is potential for becoming another Bae Jong Yun however he is not good looking for capturing Japanese market. Japanese are image worshipers.

He's a guy that enjoys making fun of ppl who takes themselves too seriously.

There was one weakness from his clip. He ridiculed elderly person in the bathroom. He ridiculed Gangnam district residents. Some conservative Asians feel he does not have respect to others. He is natural and talented however he has to be more innovative for future hits.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

glidingneedles: Even if Psy was the most popular artist in Korea, he may still turn out to be a 'one-hit-wonder' in the rest of the world.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Yes, certainly that is the point that Psy is making with this video and this song... But that doesn't mean that Japan (or any other Asian nation) will necessarily see the humor in it.

Gangnam Style is a hit in Asia, like China.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

We have enough comedians making fool of themselves on TV. Too many of them and I think people are tired of seeing the on TV. I don't enjoy watching another fool making fun of himself.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Skepticism about the song’s worldwide popularity on YouTube “should be viewed as a primary school kid’s jealousy and envy”, Han said in a press release.

It is the "Korean" way of thinking. If ignored, concludes to being envious/jealous??? What a funny statement.

Currently ranked 29th with more than 237 million views, the video shows a young Japanese woman engaging in the popular Internet meme activity of dropping some mentos candy in a bottle of diet coke so that it sprays soda everywhere.

The Japanese don't even give a d"'''' about it. And besides higher view rank in Youtube relatively means nothing!

Forget about YouTube. If we sum all the people who watched anime from the 20th century until up to date. It will be not only hundred million views, I'll approximate it trillion TV views from all the countries who aired it. Even if there is a statistics like this, I highly doubt that Japan will boast its data.

This is a mentality from a former victim of war. You don't recover until you mock on your former occupant!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Stop over PSYchoanalyzing. You can't win them all. And you can't like them all. Isn't it enough that TVXQ, Big Bang, Girls' Gen, Kara, etc., etc. have taken Japan by storm?! Perhaps it's simply a matter of taste or mood. Yeah, Japan just isn't in the mood for this right now heh.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

I was in El Paso Texas 3 weeks ago, and I heard Gangnam Style on a radio station originating in Ciudad Juarez Mexico. So it's popular internationally, OK? Who knows why? Why is it so important if Japanese like it or not? That's a question for anthropologists and sociologists. Many Japanese stopped worrying about whether their own popular music was popular in the US, or anywhere else a long time ago. Good stuff and bad stuff comes out of Japan, same as anywhere else. I'm sure mature Koreans can understand it's the same when it comes to Korean popular culture. Stop printing unimportant news that a few idiots think is important.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

It is the "Korean" way of thinking. If ignored, concludes to being envious/jealous??? What a funny statement.

I know. That's what you'd expect from a emotion-based culture where they can't argue rationally. It's kinda like the reasoning of 8-year-olds. They're amusing that way, and they don't even know it.

As for the one-hit wonder guy and his MV, terrible. Anyone under the age of 10 should enjoy it, though.

-6 ( +8 / -11 )

i think koreans are indifferent about the song's popularity in japan. all i hear is the japanese news reports like rbb today and cyzo and searchina fabricate the facts and report something like f5 play by koreans or bribed to youtube by koreans stuffs, which is absolutely bull shit.

i believe, regarding the gangnam style, japanese are more butthurts that its actually popular.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Korea is strange. It's a worry that they start to berate their neighbors for not showing due interest in a.......song?! That is an uneasy blurring of the boundaries of culture, entertainment and nationalist sentiment.

It's also a bit wierd that they attach such nationalist pride in the success of one of their local musicians. That is a nation with more than a couple of identity issues.

5 ( +8 / -2 )

seriously, all i see PSY and Japan related articles are either from japanese news papers or from japanese /JPOP websites like here. I think japan/japanese should get over the fact that Gangnam style is actually popular worldwide before it brings more worse accusations and make japan look even more butthurt. lol

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Japanese have no swagger what so over. If there were some unaged girls, it would be a hit.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Maybe they don't like it cos it is childish rubbish and maybe the don't like Psy because after more than ten years of performing he only has one song that is even remotely famous.

News flash Korea: I am not Japanese and I don't like it either! Get over it!

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I saw it and found it to be childish and really annoying.

If you like, well more power to you.

This song will go down as another one of those fads that come and go.

Five years from now you will not find a single person that will speak a word about it.

This song and dance ranks right up there with "Achy Breaky Heart Line dance", "Macarena", "The Smurf dance".

They come, they go and next week another one will take it's place.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

YankeeXOct. 24, 2012 - 12:15PM JST Japanese have no swagger what so over. If there were some unaged girls, it would be a hit.

Oh please, the song and it's dance are a fad suited for 10 year olds.

1 ( +5 / -3 )

Kind of wish I didn't read the article, maybe then I would have saved myself from checking out the clip. Oh the regret...

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Well Psy, your now a multi-millianaire. Who cares what the Japanese think or your song. So The Japanese don't get your song, should they? There are plenty of stange groups and singers to distract the Japanese masses here already, go make your millions elsewhere. personally I think there are plenty of other ways to express daytime nobility and nighttime insanity, but I don't think that is a very good thing. Nice beat though.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Korea is strange. It's a worry that they start to berate their neighbors for not showing due interest in a.......song?! That is an uneasy blurring of the boundaries of culture, entertainment and nationalist sentiment.

It's also a bit wierd that they attach such nationalist pride in the success of one of their local musicians. That is a nation with more than a couple of identity issues.

It's an inferiority complex Korea has. Having been under the shadows of China and Japan for so long and being the least recognized culture in East Asia, anything, even things as trivial as this they'd attach nationalist pride to it to compensate. And if you point out that it's much ado about nothing, they get emotional. Kinda like the mannerisms of an 8-year-old kid.

-1 ( +10 / -10 )

It is a bit "different"... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Japanese are just jealous. I promise you if Psy did a japanese version of his song it would be a huge hit in Japan, because japanese fans are easily brainwashed into believing if it is sung in Japanese then it must be Japanese. Japanese fans have no idea how much gaijin power is behind all there so called Japanese hits.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Finally broke down and endured this rubbish. It isn't even funny as a shtick, let alone musically inventive.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

This has more class... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XzG5dTjeYI

0 ( +0 / -0 )

The Koreans come up with ANYTHING to protest about. Seriously, they protest anything and everything.

I'm not Japanese and I think this gangnam stuff is a bunch of baloney, worst than the Macerena.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

American weaboos, and half most American's like the song still cause they don't know real Korean music, it was alright at first but summer is over and 3 months of this in the media and fan videos on youtube is getting old, we moved on lol. Psy only was doing it for fun but of course America and other countries make a big deal out of a silly song as usual just like Macerena as mentioned, he has good hiphop music from the past, but people aren't gonna look for it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Fat, little man with a big head and a silly little dance. It's crap.

Had it been a fat, little Japanese man, it would be right up there with dango san kyodai.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

On Monday, the Korean Wave Research Institute (KWRI)—a non-profit body established in 2010 to “aggressively” promote Korean popular culture around the globe—hit back.

Mr. Han Koo-Hyun and his government does't realize that their real Korean culture is being eroded. How do we put this? Ask somebody about Japan's culture(not POP) and immediately nouns like "Samurai","Ninja","Geisha","Mt Fuji", "ramen","Katana","kabuki" etc. Now try to ask someone about Korean culture. you will get answers like "KPOP", "Girl's Generation","PSY", "DRAMA", "HALLYU", "Gangnam style" etc. See the difference? PSY's silly song is just giving Korea a new identity, that is Korean culture is POP-culture itself.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

This is a nonsense story.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

"Who wants to watch a fat, middle aged, half naked guy dancing to bland music?" I do. It's hilarious!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I apologize to all readers for being a jackass.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Mr. Han, you can't please everybody all the time. Get over it!

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I watched it once and it was funny, but I simply didn't need to see it again. Period. Not sure why this Han guy is upset about.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I liked it, especially when the camera panned to show him on the toilet (sorry, maybe I have poor taste)

But, sorry Korea, other performers have done the same thing, and better, friggin years ago. MC Hammer did it better than this guy IMO.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Geez, South Koreans, at least these "aggressive culture promoters" (their words) need to get over themselves!

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Actually, I think the video is pertty funny. It's clearly a p*ss take of Korean materialism and the desire to be part of the 'it' crowd. I dig the sentiment, even if the music is rubbish.

But to get bent out of shape because the Japanese don't dig it quite as much as you do? Dummy time.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

That track sucks so much that it hurts.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Dennis Bauer - you are spot on! Like I said in another message...if it's not cutsie and all colorful with annoying squeaky voices, it will not be a a hit. I for one have watched the video countless times. It's funny and entertaining! It gets my vote! Thanks Psy!

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

onedragonOct. 24, 2012 - 12:51PM JST Japanese are just jealous.

If the Japanese were jealous they would be making knock-offs of it like the PRC does of everything Japanese.

Trust me, no one in Japan cares about that silly song.

It's a worse fad than "La Macarena" was and I never thought anything would get worse than that, but I was wrong.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Japanese loves young Korean not him.. Timing is bad ., with Islamic dispute ., who cares ?? Japan is just a small market but pays .. Buys albums , concert ticket , etc .. Strict piracy law us implement .. So what the is Gangnam is unpopular !!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

What's gangman style. Wait.... Where is Korea? On second thought what does this word "pop music" mean? Oh well. I hope not knowing these things I can continue on with my life without too much interference.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

still miles and miles ahead of any "music" from AKB48. none of them can sing a note.

at least psy has some flair and the song has a good beat.

signature dance + good beat = instant chart hit

(case in point - lmfao with "the shuffle")

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Oh well, Japanese people don't like it too much because ....they don't like it that much ! I watched one video of his "exercise"on youtube, and thats that.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well I do have to admit that Gangnam style is the first Korean song to go international, and quite successful too!!

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Yeah, the Japanese prefer to watch a washed-group like SMAP where one member refuses to cut his hair for movie parts, another member who was arrested naked and drunk in a park and its taboo to mention his sexual orientation and the rest for the group of talentless hacks who are just warm bodies mouthing the words...

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Bahh, Japan's had Tamori for decades... this look is getting old.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

So this song has topped UK charts and is second in the USA? In France it's 2nd too...the same phenomenon seems to happen evrerywhere in the world... congrats to the Japanese for having good tastes and not to like this crap too much!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Unlike other K-pop singer/group, his production not pay enough money to Japanese media that's all. Also I heard he has a criminal record for drug, so he couldn't come to Japan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

It is just a peace of crap in a backet full of it. Plus, he misses the "idol" wagon by far! No chance.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Come on guys! Gangnam Style is HALARIOUS. It's great for a laugh.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Just to add, 530000000 hits. PSY must be doing something right...

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Just a difference of tastes. There are a lot of things which is popular in Japan but not in other world and vice versa. Why do they think it must be popular in Japan? I've never seen this, but it is sung by Korean language, right? K-pop singers which are popular in Japan generally sing in Japanese. I guess it is also a reason.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Using the number of views to determine popularity has been inaccurate since the beginning of the Web.I remember when ads first started appearing on web pages, and the web page hosts used counters to determine popularity. It took web hosts about .5 milliseconds to realize they could increase ad revenue if they artificially inflated the web page "hits". TADAAAAH! and the first "bot" was born.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This song was number one on the Japanese Oricon singles chart at the end of September.

? Where of Japan? This kind of rap-like music (Only rhythm, no melody) is not liked by the Japanese. It is just that so-called Korean wave has proved cooked up illusion by mobilized Korean ethnic and repaid Tel request.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I find most pop out of anywhere, Asia or otherwise, to be mostly fluff...but it catches on from some recognized recycled musical phrasing. In the case of Psi, it's the rip off of the underbelly of LM.FAO. Anyway, they all rip each other off so it's not a problem, but it's all pretty idiotic.

So the fact that the Japanese public recognizes it as effing stupid is actually a plus point in my books. Maybe the Japanese are starting to finally grow some musical sensitivity to recognize the good from the bad. Whatever it is, I highly doubt it's a conspiracy. Conspiracy requires understanding, and most Japanese don't even know WhoTF that guy is or what his moronic horse dance is. Ignorance is bliss in this case.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

In Korean the word "nam" of "Gangnam" is written with the character (男) read "otoko/dan" in Japanese, and means "male".

Basically, one way to read the title "Gangnam" is to take the English term "gang" paired with "man", yielding "Gang man", i.e., "Gang man style".

If there was more obvious parody in it, it might be funny, but it seems to be working the genre more than trying to parody it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Psy's "Gangnam Style" is a phenomenal success world wide. It's not a huge hit world-wide go no reason. Japan is obviously incapable of producing anything like Psy so it's clear, they are jealous.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

what's gangnam style? is that a Television thing? i think i saw something about it on the sidelines of youtube somewhere. Is it the next internet meme or something? I don't do trends very well i'm afraid. They pass and tend to be pretty meaningless

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Never heard of "Gangnam Style" until this article, so I doubt it could be classified as "a phenominal success worldwide." For the record, I don't frequent clubs or listen to current music, but even I have heard of Dubstep. "Dubstep"? Yes. "Gangnam"? Not until today. So someone needs to tone down their praise of this genre.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

As someone who's lived in Japan, Korea, and now the US, let me offer my perspective.

First off, PSY's hit is legit, I could ask almost anyone here (NY) and most of them would know of 'PSY' and 'Gangnam style'. Whether his current success would amount to anything long-term for PSY (and K-pop) or just be a passing fancy is another thing. That anyone would be suggesting that it is a hit only because of 'bots' is ridiculous, it may have been started that way, but it has now taken a life of its own. The level of success of 'Gangnam style' has not been matched by any other Asian artist, and I think without any (and probably because of this lack of) conscious effort to be 'likable' on PSY's part.

However, the Japanese shouldn't be jealous of Korea (or of a Korean) for this success because Japanese culture and art is so entrenched in the western consciousness. So much so that Korea actually has to make a conscious and 'aggressive' effort to wrestle some of this cultural identity from Japan, through agencies like the Korean Wave Research Institute (KWRI) whose reaction to this 'perceived slight' is also ridiculous. I think smithinjapan and Carolee Thumma hit the nail on the head for the reason why 'Gangnam style' simply isn't a hit in Japan - it's not 'cute', nor 'pretty' - things that Japanese look for and are attracted to in Korean music.

Disclaimer: I'm not at all into K-Pop, my favorite Korean music being from a group called 'Bye Bye Badman' who are heavily influenced by 'the Stone Roses'.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


You are certainly correct that PSY is a worldwide hit.


Here in the US, just missed being No. 1 for two weeks. But, as you say, it is a hit. Gangnam is everywhere: on daytime TV, Dancing with the Stars, Flash Mobs, SNL and now T -Shirts. Whether it is a pop phenomena, I suppose that comes down to what one defined as a pop phenomena.

It certainly is the first hit to come out of Asia in living memory to meet with such world wide success. So, in that way, it is phenomenal.

And that is, I believe, part of the reason, if not the primary one, why Japan's music industry is not promoting it, why it is downplayed in the Japanese press, and why some (not all!) Japanese don't like it.

Yeah, sour grapes.

But the evidence I can marshall to support this impression is anecdotal and circumstantial. Anectodes include personal experience seeing Japanese nationals in America really did the song, and reports from my sister in law that her friends like it a lot. And other reports from people I know who tell me that Japanese kids like the beat and the sound of it, and when realizing its from Korea, and not Euro or American, they put it into a different conceptual box.

I think the sound of the song is key: it really is well-produced, with a thumping beat. Like Kesha. I think that it is satirical character in a way makes it more authentic in sound, strangely enough. PSY fully embraced his broad side against too-cool-for-school/what-a-poser the new rich in ROK. And blammo, stuck gold.

Plus the video really is funny as hell. Bottom line: its catchy, cheesy, fun and has a easy dance step. That is pop gold.

And it is not like Japanese haven't tried, time and again, to break into the Euro and particularly American market. In all forms of media. In some areas, obviously, they have met with great success. In pop music, they have not. Because their pop musik, by our standards, sucks.

It is that simple.

And they've had their quirky, pudgy, middle-ageing dance guys: the Dance Man comes immediatly to mind. It just that they suck as well. Because Janis and that other Osaka company, or maybe I have it reversed, produce crappy, throw-away crap that surpasses American crap pop or any other. For the simple reason that J-pop follows American music trends. That, it is a imitation of crap music. Y'know, imitation crap.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )


The great thing about Gangnam is knows it is crap, embraces the imitation crap, and has fun with authentically poking fun at itself, at himself, at the audience, at Korea itself. It wasn't made for Americans, or Japanese. It has its tongue so firmly planted within it cheek, we all instantly understand the joke, even though we have no idea what he saying, we get it.

And that makes it authentic.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Do not like it as one can not understand a word in Korean and second it is stupid.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

It is junk. Why should any one waste their time or care on this?!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Gangnam Style makes fun of the affluent class. Japan where the F4 still commands undue respect, probably don't get it.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I don't think that anyone mentioned it but Psy is not the first Asian singer to have a successful single in the US. Kyu Sakamoto had a billboard #1 hit way back in 1963.

Korea just jealous they are 50 years behind Japan.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

David GastonOct. 25, 2012 - 12:21AM JST Psy's "Gangnam Style" is a phenomenal success world wide. It's not a huge hit world-wide go no reason. Japan is obviously incapable of producing anything like Psy so it's clear, they are jealous.

You do understand that the song and dance are fads, right? Five years from now you will deny that you ever liked the song and deny that you made this post.

Remember the Macarena?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Some ignorant Japanese netizens have been relentlessly conjuring up rumors about Koreans inflating the video's views with F5. They don't even understand how YouTube counts views or they pretend to not know. However, the KWRI guy shouldn't have stooped down to their trolling level. That's sad. Japan can ignore whatever all they want. They just shouldn't make false rumors.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

The song is stuck in my head. I find it fun and silly. Aside from that the world is liking the song yet some Korean entity is upset that Japan just doesn't care? Really? Why be mad that 1% of the world isn't interested. Sounds like angry child syndrome.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

put a dozen or so 12 year old girls with big doe eyes doing the gangnam song in frilly butt high skirt can guarantee you a number one hit here in japan. fire the marketing manager!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Who cares!

Everybody just enjoys this for fun, not for music nirvana!

It's easy for people doing their own funny versions:

University of Oregon




Philippine prisoners


Indonesia flash mob


-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Denouncing the “conspiracy theories” of YouTube chart manipulation, KWRI president Han Koo-Hyun said the “outrageous” Japanese argument was “tantamount to doubting a world record in an Olympics marathon.”

You mean like Lance Armstrong? I'm just saying...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

This is too funny. My 12 year old American son had this on last weekend. First, I actually thought he was singing something about Gundam style. Second, I also automatically assumed it was Japanese. And lastly... I thought it sucked, and told him to wear headphones or turn that "cr4p" off.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

“should be viewed as a primary school kid’s jealousy and envy”, Han said in a press release.

So because someone may not like something that suddenly popular, it makes them jealous?

Great logic.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

primary school logic.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Several reasons have been suggested for “Gangnam Style’s” lack of success in Japan, including the fact that Psy didn’t follow the path chosen by most K-pop stars of releasing a Japanese-language version.

It's being played in Korean here in Canada and people don't care and just like the song.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

the same phenomenon seems to happen evrerywhere in the world

Also in Italy this song isn't a hit. Are we jealous? I don't think like that. xD

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This article is hilarious and is very typical of Japanese hubris. It states that "JAPAN's" indifference riles "S KOREA." As in, the entirety of Japan riles the entirety of S Korea. All I see in the article is evidence of one misguided, shallow, and stupid SKorean man, Han Koo-Hyun, who is waging a solo campaign against the infinite numbers of Japanese youtube/blog trolls with regards to their dislike of Gangnam Style/SK in general. Now I will be the first to admit that I can't stand Gangnam Style myself and just don't get the hype about it. However, to suggest that Japan's opinion matters at all with regards to SK pop culture, politics, whatever, is laughable. This article's headline is totally misleading. It should say "Japanese Youtube and Blog nationalists' dislike of Gangnam Style and anything Korean riles Han Koo-Hyun." That would be accurate. Don't think your opinion matters, Japanese netizens, and certainly, don't flatter yourselves. If you don't like Gangnam Style or SK, who gives a rat's ---? That's fine with me.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Korea expects the World to listen to their music yet they do not support artists from outside their country.

Korea has one of Asia's lowest percentages of international marriages too.

I went to a Korean supermarket near my house in Cali. At the table where they were giving out calendars to each Korean customer, I reached out my hand to grab one too. The lady behind table said, "not for you."

This is all connected folks.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

that's because Psy is not a kawaii girl of 12 with ultra short skirt

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I dunno I don't think being on the radio every single day, playing in stores, and even in my local post office is considered being shunned.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

music is good. psy is a quarky guy in a quarky video...so it's catchy

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Really though....Is that the fat guy from NK moonlighting?

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@oberst, totally agree, if you had a choice of watching cute girls dance around on stage in short skirts, or that fat slob Psy bounce around singing that brain dead crap, sorry but Ill have to side with the Japanese on this one.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Who cares if Japan doesn't like it. There are several billion who do! And why is this even news?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I live in Korea and nobody seems to be "riled up" about Gangnam Style not being popular in Japan. Nobody really cares what the Japanese think any more. It's just like, "So what? They're Japanese..." I don't think this article is accurate at all by just quoting some idiot and saying Koreans are worked up about it. While it's a big and highly profitable market, K-pop stars don't need the Japanese market any more. They are going worldwide.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

I'm sure some Japanese loser will come up with a video on Nichanneru or YouTube showing "evidence" of "cheating" and "sneaky" behavior by the Korean government to promote Gangnam Style. It will be so believable with actual photos and clips. The Japanese are very, very good at this.

Did you know that the Japanese took thousands of photos of abject poverty in Korea when they colonized the country, but not a single photo of the magnificent Gyeongbokgung palace? Nobody knows for sure what this palace actually looked like because the Japanese destroyed most of it. Another palace they turned it into a zoo. They took all these photos to show that Korea was a "backward agrarian" society that "deserved" to be colonized and "modernized".

Little do people know that Seoul in the late 19th century was modernizing and became the first city in East Asia to have access to electricity, trolley cars, water, telephone, and telegraph systems simultaneously.

It was a bit late though as Meiji Japan had already emerged into a major power with a British/German model of colonial plans.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The song is really stupid. Regardless of wherever it was made, I am ashamed that this kind of thing is so popular in my country. Is life really so empty?

-2 ( +2 / -3 )

His 15 minutes of fame should be up by now. Horse Dance? That's what excited 4 years olds do around the room if you give them to much sugar just before bed time.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

There is a Japanese style version of this Korean hit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4plfe3nsf0

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know that nations were obligated to like rap music videos.

Perhaps there should be a fine for not watching it.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

over the years Korean artists have produced outstanding movies, drams and dancing etc, which created a good image for them but this particular song looks below the average, how so many people came to the streets to dance with it well ???

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Why are we Asians so small-minded about the other's success?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

,HIS stupidGangnam Style Dance is like a 12y old BOY dance!,ppl are Watching his stupid dance because Western Celebrities have talked about it,nothing more

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Speaking as an American of East Asian descent, and as someone who understands something about music creation and production, I can honestly say that I'm happy for PSY's success. PSY created a funny, quirky, and most importantly catchy tune that captured the imaginations of much of the world. Good on him. He also seems like a pretty down to earth chill dude, which is another plus. For anyone turning this into some sort of political issue, grow up.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Did anybody catch the latest episode of "South Park"? There's a Halloween party, this song is playing and nearly everyone is dressed up like Psy in the video. Hilarious!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I saw that episode of southpark Jeff, was frickin funny! i was actually thinking about heing psy for halloween haha!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There goes the South Korean's inferiority complex again.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

By the way, for a video with over 500 million views, his latest CD (which includes Gangnam Style) only managed to sell 70,000 copies...

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The song is OK, but the video is what makes it really hilarious. It's catchy. I agree with the "school kid jealousy," thing too.

But let's face it, this is a fad! In 6 months no one will be playing Gangnam Style anymore.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Sorry I don't see the message behind Psy's lyrics. But that one says it all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXdkbL6sRic

0 ( +0 / -0 )

This video sucks, to me it seem like a copy of LMFAO-I'm sexy and I know it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GdyTnd-xtQ

what do you think???

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

MC Hammer on crack-kimchi. lol

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Well I don't know about you guys but this song ain't that good, it looks stupid and amateurish in nature.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Being a non-Japanese, I'm thanking god that there's at least one nation that is sane enough not to worship this gangnam crap.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Who cares if Japan doesn't like it. There are several billion who do!

Yup, seems to be pure jealousy that a Korean song and video has become a sensation in the Western world and elsewhere. The No.1 Halloween costume this year for kids in USA was the blue Psy tux. This song has made a major impact on the Western music scene--Something you won't say about J-music labels promoting 12 to 16 year-old idols who cannot even harmonize with the lame tunes they crank out these days.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The No.1 Halloween costume this year for kids in USA was the blue Psy tux.

I was back in the States during Halloween and I call bs on that one.


0 ( +2 / -2 )

i agree with you :P ''Oh my, another gangbang style article. I'd watch AKB48 all day rather than listen to this song.''

they think so baka Japan have to like this song?? not anymore!!! i no love but i not care about it just for this song loves i respect! but Korean people not do it!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

He's mad that Japan doesn't like Gangnam Style. Ya...whatever. All I hear when I hear Gangnam Style is some kind of terrible offshoot of Benny Benassi's Satisfaction song. Satisfaction was good....Gangunam Style is not.

I'll go back to listening to idol groups. While their songs aren't all that great, the girls are cute.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I agree with some other posters about the main reason behind its success is that the song is a parody of the state of pop music. I have no doubt that the 600 million views on YouTube is real, but it is likely that another video within the next 12 months will break that record. As with everything to do with technology, it only goes upward and onward, with more people being connected to the internet everyday. No doubt we will see a video that breaks one billion views and it could be most senseless video just because of an recommendation algorithm.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

I totally agree with them. What is there to appreciate about a fat guy who can't even dance? His moves (heaven no, we can't call that a dance) are gross.... such a moron.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"Essentially, it is just an over-the-top video where a fat man does a comical dance and sings repetitive lyrics that don't make sense to most of us." Arwa Mahdawi - The Guardian

and everyone wants to be a foolish slapstick comic .... LOL

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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