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© Thomson Reuters 2022.Jury finds former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein guilty of rape
By Lisa Richwine and Tim Reid LOS ANGELES©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Donmar Acol
This is what happens when a man can't keep his sexual urges and pudendum in check.
& when they abuse their power
hopefully in jail, he will get to experience what his victims went through
Must be true because no woman in her right mind would sleep with someone that ugly !. Anyway in his defence its just odd that these women didnt report it at the time....then suddenly years later with no DNA proof they pop up and start saying ' Me Too '.
This scumbag just got his just desserts today. He also tried to get Uma Thurman killed in a Jeep accident after raping her, to 'shut her up'. Like R Kelly and all the other rapists, this guy is an abusive pile of filth and it's time for him to PAY.
Lock him up and throw away the key. What a disgusting excuse for a human being.
He becomes the Republican Nominee for President? (But I digress....)
Harvey "is going to go through some things."
A serial rapist and a physical bully until he got shown the short end of the Karma -stick.
Suddenly he is old and infirm and bedraggled and in need of the court's mercy. Sure he is.
Don't worry, H. Guys in the joint won't mind a bit.
Let's make sure that he can't off-himself, shall we?
I want him to endure a fair amount of suffering given what he has done to the women he controlled.
"I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything, grab them by the pu55y. You can do anything."
Now we all know who said this. Is he also a 'piece of crap'? Or is he just a piece of crap that's on your side?
Nuno Teixeira da Cunha
For thouse who know rich people it is commun behaviour for them to sexual abuse like predators but it is also commun that rich women have young brazilian male prostitutes to abuse casually and occasionaly just to keep their reptile brain operating on a alpha mode.
No it's not, that's ridiculous. I know a lot of rich people.
It may happen, and it may happen at a higher rate than poor people, but let's not pretend it's common. That's just ridiculous rhetoric.
Put this bastard in solitary or suicide watch. Make him live the rest of his days in a living hell before he goes to the afterlife hell. Rape destroys, it puts its victims in psychological hell. It's a giant stone wheel they carry all their lives.
No it isn't. Even it's been said that 'every girl crazy for a sharp-dressed man', this creepy cretin is rotten and UGLY to the core. Deep down inside is an evil that stinks worse than a sewage dump in Flint, Michigan. A moral rottenness with a sickening stench of a wall of doo-doo.
Have fun, Harvey. time to pay the piper, you piece of crud.
Dejavu? Wasn't he convicted 3 years ago? Surely the trial didn't take that long.
That scumbag is lost..
Different trial, different crimes.
Ewww! This guy is sooo creepy. How could any girl enter a room alone with this guy?! He's like Bill Cosby without the tranquilizers.