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© (c) 2014 AFPJustin Bieber says sorry after visiting Yasukuni shrine
By Harumi Ozawa TOKYO©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Let the sh1tstorm begin.
I think I ruptured my spleen from laughing too hard when I read the title to this article.
Cancelled tours in China and South Korea?
Surely this is irrelevant if he was visiting the shrine in a personal capacity.
The only reason this guy is popular because his marketing teams makes him do stupid things like this.
CGB Spender
I never thought I say this but: Well done, Bieber!
It would be cool now to see Abe and Obama visit Yasukuni together! That would really p*ss off China.
I am sure that the Yasukuni rabble rousers are proud to have had "troubled Canadian pop prince" Bieber pay a visit.
How exactly does that help the Japanese right wing cause by having a douchebag visit your holy site?
At least he didn't urinate on it - or did he?
Laugh if you like but Japan will not come off looking good with this because many of his screaming little fans will actually look up Yasukuni and will not like nor agree with what it stands for. This guy has just given the Chinese and the Koreans more publicity than they could ever dream of.
Personally, I'm glad he apologized and raised awareness on this issue. The Japanese government needs to grow up and stop going. Plenty of other places to pay your respects at.
I don't think anyone really cares about this. The Chinese know he doesn't know anything, just a chance to blow off steam. The jpns care even less, it is a shrine for their war dead and they don't care one way or another if a foreigner goes there (unless they are disrespectful).
It wil be forgotten in 48-72 hours. (But it is pretty funny!)
Im a believer
I believe he signed the registry as such:
Did he declare the Class A War Criminals as Beliebers like he did with Anne Frank?
OMG now Bieber's getting in on the shrine thing? How about not reporting every little thing that happens there.
This is how freedom of religion is killed by an oppressive power.
Tomorrow, people will be removing the bodies of British officers and soldiers who fought in the Opium Wars from the tombs.
Oh, well, the apologies were forthcoming:
(Note to staff: Bread buttered by large population.)
Who suggested he even go there in the first place? A right wing teeny-bop fan?
Mirai Hayashi
Who CARES what this little piece of crap does? I wish he'd just GO AWAY!!!
Ya don't have to be smart to be a pop star now, do ya eh?
John Galt
What's funny is that I read this article before the one about Abe taking Obama out for sushi.
Maybe Beiber was feeling a bit left out of the media of late. How did he get past immigration?
Oh for cryin' out loud, Bieber wasn't paying his respects to the war criminals.
Haha. Love it. Justin Bieber visits Yasukuni. The world needs more idiots like this just to remind world leaders that they are all idiots too.
Michael Barnard
If he pissed China off, well done to him.
Maybe Bieber join the crackpots in the black vans and regale the good citizens of Tokyo with live performances pumped from the speakers. I'd rather have the yak crackpots screaming shite myself.
It's a shrine. Will I anger China if I go to take pictures in there and post them online?
Stewart Gale
I think to suggest that there was any kind of political motive to this is to credit the clown with having a brain or an education.
I'll be honest, as much as I dislike Beiber, I actually made the same mistake he did. I went to Yasukuni Shrine thinking it was just a beautiful place without knowing anything about it. I was recommended by a half Japanese half Taiwanese friend and since it was nearby and I had nothing else to do, I went. I went with my then girlfriend who is Japanese and took pictures. Didn't do any of the shrine stuff, just took pictures from the front and pictures in the back where the pond was. Oh, I'm ABC btw.
Who cares if he visited Yasukuni? It's only the Chinese and Korean governments and frothing-at-the-mouth nationalists in those countries it bothers. There are a small number of war criminals remembered there... you can't claim that everyone who goes there is a raving militarist nutter only honouring the war criminals. That says more about the mindset of the complainer than the visitor.
If I visit the shrine, am I honouring the war criminals? No. Do I care what the Chinese think about that? No. So why is a private visitor any different from a stupid pop star or a politician? When does it change the meaning of the visit?
As funny as this is, it really is kind of understandable. I would imagine that if you can't read the signs, it is just a beautiful shrien as felguard mentions above. He saw it and took a photo. In fact, I would guess that if you asked most Westerners what Yasukuni Shrine is that they would not have a clue.
shrien= shrine
This is just so ridiculous. He has nothing to apologise about.
There is nothing wrong with a Japanese or a Canadian visiting Yasukuni.
"“Yasukuni shrine is the place where to worship the Japanese WWII soldiers." Many people go to Yasukuni for many different reasons. Some old guys go there to remember their comrades in arms and fulfil a promise made on a battle field.
"And do u have any efing idea that is how the Japanese Nazi killed American and other Asian countries innocents?”
Why am I not surprised that a "belieber" can't make a coherent sentence.
"One user wrote: “I would like to scold him and beat him like a child”
Well lots of people have felt like that, but not for going to Yasukuni. But seriously, "beat him like a child"?
Class A tit
Funniest headline I've seen in a while! LOL This really shows just how stupid the whole "Yasukuni" thing is.
I'm in no way a belieber, but I don't see how he could receive backlash for visiting some site (which I'm sure was beautiful and worth seeing). Is he expected to be aware of a past that china is holding on to? Would every international celebrity be shot down if they didn't respect and acknowledge china's childish ways? how annoying!
I've been there too. I even took photos of the resident right-wing thugs while they were giving me dirty looks. I guess I'll have to leave Asia altogether cos the Chinese, Koreans and the Japanese all hate me for being a normal tourist.
Juan Carlos Barbosa Padilla
Justin could fit well there...
I just can't believe people will let this upset them. GROW UP
Horray!!!! Mr. Bieber! Thank you for showing respect to the shrine and to the war deads ! P.S. Don't worry about pissed Chinese fools.
Doesn't this idiot have a criminal record? How did he escape Narita? Is Abe a belieber?
And this shows how Communist brainwashing and propaganda is working on their diaspora abroad. That person needs to go reflect on the history of colonialism and how civilian casualties were considered 'collateral damage' on both sides (allies and axis)
First the "Belieber" entry in Amsterdam, then an "accidental" visit to Yasukuni. Clearly planned. He may be smarter than people give him credit.
Bieber should next invite the Dalai Lama to house for dinner. Will he then issue an apology? In the free world people, even celebrity idiots, are free to go where they want.
Thunderbird2APR. 23, 2014 - 09:18PM JST
Speak for yourself - I went there, it's a nice garden and shrine but but don't go there like a mindless tourist (unless that's what you want to be which is cool). Educate yourself about its background, who runs it (hint; they drive black vans playing loud music), who is interned there and what they did. And the museum is a disgrace to humanity.
I think you may be giving him too much credit.
As much as I regret that the White House didn't back having him deported back to Canada after over 200,000 signatures on the White House's "We The People" webpage, (and I LOL'd when I heard that someone had even CREATED such a petition), I kind of have to be on his side in regards to this issue.
Yes, there are people who were declared war criminals listed in the rolls at the shrine, but there are overwhelmingly MORE names listed there who weren't named war criminals. Add to this the fact that some of the named war criminals were tried, convicted, jailed and/or executed for "Crimes Against Humanity": Specifically, they were tried for planning to start a war. George W. Bush did the EXACT SAME THING when he started the war in Iraq, yet I don't see any Hague Courts being convened to try him. So being a "war criminal" is mostly defined by who was the winner. That severely weakens "war criminal" as a negative label.
I feel the whole Yasukuni Shrine issue is a tempest in a teapot. The one post given as an example of the negative responses says it all:
A perfect example of someone who only believes what is spoon fed to them without doing any research of their own. Yasukuni Shrine has the names of ALL who fought and died for the various Emperors of Japan. There are Chinese and Korean names listed there along with the Japanese names. The names involved with WWII are only a part of the lists. And you "worship" Gods. The names listed at the shrine are not considered "Gods". People go to the shrine to honor ALL of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, much in the same way people flock to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C. to honor the names listed there. Some of THOSE names in Washington would be war criminals had anyone bothered to try them. Anybody who thinks the My Lai Massacre was the only atrocity committed by American soldiers during the Vietnam War is unbelievably naive. And yet, I don't see or hear of any protests about "honoring criminals" when government officials visit the Vietnam War Memorial - nor SHOULD I see any. They're not there to honor those who committed atrocities, they're there to honor the dead AS A WHOLE.
@igloobuyer... it's a shrine. If muppets in black vans have adopted it then that's up to them, it doesn't change the fact that it's a shrine to the war dead. Same as Arlington in America. Same as any number of war memorials all over the world. Yes there are a handful of war criminals enshrined there, but does that make the place a no-go zone? Of course not. If people want to go to remember their comrades in arms who never came home, or their fathers and uncles, grandfathers and brothers they should have every right to do so without slavering nay-sayers making them out to be war mongers and miltarists.
Justin just cant seem to find a break. He didnt know and while i think its a little preposterous everyone is exaggerating and trying to find faults in everything he does i do believe that the driver or at least the people who were supposed to be more knowledgeable should have warned him. He cannot be expected to know everything about the culture and history of every country he visits
how about the bliebers, including those 51million followers on twitter, consider them being banned as well..lols
This is the greatest story to ever appear on Japan Today. Made my day.
Bieber is NOT A US CITIZEN nor does he hold Permanent Resident status in the US - but only hold a VISA.
On Bieber's flight back to the US, I hope that the TSA doesn't LET HIM PASS CUSTOMS AND TOUCH US SOIL until he clear up his drug, racing, and assault charges.
If he is convicted on any of the charges, the homeland security should NEVER allow him to enter the US.
This is just too funny/good to be true. LMFAO!
Ehh... how's he supposed to show up in court to RESOLVE the "drug, racing, and assault charges" if he's not allowed to re-enter the U.S.? A little more logical thinking is needed here.
FadamorAPR. 24, 2014 - 12:52AM JST
You make a very good point, I misspoke. Though I believe, Bieber is facing drug charges in Canada.
Bieber should still be deported.
All of you are jelous of bieber sucess
No, because we're not famous people who hope to make a lot of money by selling things to SK and China.
However "accidentally" Bieber (or his p/r people) made this decision if he has a visa for China I bet it gets revoked. What a bunch of uncultured morons the Bieberisti must be.
In the free world people are responsible for the results of their poor decisions. In the free world, people can chose to boycott those with whom they strongly disagree.
Laughed at the headline. Laughed harder that the Chinese Foreign Ministry bother to respond to Bieber's actions.
Just passing by?... I know some teenagers think the Yasukuni controversy is mysterious and cool but they should at least know Yasukuni is a religious institution that preaches that past military aggression was there god given right as chosen people and believes they do not not need to apologize for the suffering they have caused. I truly wish young people to really look into what Yasukuni Shrine stands for and understand why there are so many who fiercely oppose it.
Darryl Woodrow
grabs popcorn and sits down to enjoy the Bieber bashing
The millions of people who visit the shrine every year aren't any smarter, my friends.
Randall Baker
Lol that poor kid can't catch a break!
A spineless jellyfish just abjectly kowtowed to the authoritarian government that rules over one-fifth of humanity. Why is anybody surprised? Yeah, Bieber's accountant told him to say sorry after converting an extremely high number in Chinese yuan into Canadian dollars.
This could be Justin's another publicity stunt. He does not know what is good publicity stunt.
A storm erupted across social media after the posting, with fans lambasting the 20-year-old star for historical ignorance, and even Chinas foreign ministry suggesting the young singer should educate himself on the issue.
The young star is a person and not a political figure to be used by nations to make political points. The Chinese foreign minister was completely out of place making any remarks about this story. I find it childish that a Foreign Minister makes these kinds of comments about a public figure.
But wait, I forgot we are dealing with a nation that jails anyone that they want just for speaking their minds. Freedom to make a mistake or ask simple adult questions is treated as great offenses to public order in Communist China.
While in Japan I asked my driver to pull over for which I saw a beautiful shrine. I was mislead to think the shrines were only a place of prayer. To anyone I have offended I am extremely sorry. I love you China and I love you Japan.
Shrines are places where you go and pray/worship. This guy now believes that shrines are something more than religious sites.
No one ever said that entertainers use their brains what so ever. All they have to do is look pretty smile and read pieces of paper. Wow, entertainers and politicians have a whole lot in common.
Oh wow, the existence of Yasukuni Shrine has actually helped prevent new annoying beleibers from popping up in Asia.
Please, comparing Japan institution to any German counterpart will only give Japanese right-wingers a hard on.
$4.4 billion> $92 million. If in fact the accountant told him so, he/she should of been fired for failing basic math.
I can see a bunch of Koreans claiming "foul" for being left out. LOL.
What's next? A gig in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park? Maybe a music-video shot at Genbaku Dome?
It's a poor decision to go look at a public place? And you're wrong, in a free world people are not controlled into actions only approved by a government, a foreign dictatorship no less. Nor is it up to such a government to decide what is or isn't a "poor" individual decision.
I guess he missed this part of his Canadian education....
His legal problems seems to very recent: Brazil 2013 - charged with vandalism Jan 2014 - Miami- DUI, exp lic, resisting arrest - on bond Jan 2014 - Toronto - assault on limo driver
I think the first was just a fine, but the other still has to go to court.
@MonakaAPR. 24, 2014 - 06:32AM JST
What's next? A gig in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park? Maybe a music-video shot at Genbaku Dome?
Hope he gets just 1 % of your brain so that he will not goof anymore. Love your prediction !
I wasted too many minutes reading this article.
People seriously need to get over themselves. Past is the past.
Stop bashing Mr. Bieber, it's just a shrine visit. Let him enjoy. Stupid Chinese and Koreans.
Yasukuni is NOT "just a place for war criminals". It is actually a beautiful setting in the middle of Tokyo that is a peaceful place to chill out and reflect. As a westerner going there is more about the education. There is a museum there with interesting artifacts from the war. Those from the US who decided to fire bomb 100,000 citizens are no different than war criminals in my eyes but that would not stop me from visiting a national cemetery in the US. The kid deserves criticism for many of his behaviors but in this case people are jumping on him just to bandwagon. I understand many Chinese are a little miffed but to expect a western entertainer to have deep knowledge and feelings about a Sino-Japanese feud is silly and the boy should be given a pass. Just going in the place does not mean you support one side or the other.
Why apologize, Bieber isn't allowed to perform in China. He should support free and democratic Japan over Communist China.
Awesome publicity stunt. He knows exactly what he's doing. Next time he might have a concert on Senkau and Takeshima islands. BieberFest 2000...all right wingers invited. "Be a Belieber!"
Another AFP article, the same old propaganda slant ... does those guys really not have anything better to write about?
How many times does it have to be said ... they don't "worship WWII soldiers" at the Yasukuni.
He should have burnt a Chinese flag whilst he was there to really inflate his international PR.
It seems the only thing to do is wind up the Chinese until even they realise how silly they are being and become tired of it all.
Richard Burgan
Justin Bieber doesn't need to say he's sorry. He already is.
The only way for this guy to stay in the media is to do things like this.
I think most people are missing the fact that non-Japanese visitors are highly unlikely to accept that, t "more than 2,466,000 divinities are enshrined .. at Yasukuni Shrine". (from their official website)
A Canadian like Bieber would not believe in that the enshrined are divinities.
Of course, I am sure someone here will likely point out that in Bieber's world, he is the only divinity.
This is all about losing out on the almighty dollar - the money from China. Visit it if you want, kid. I personally hate the history behind the shrine but I still want to visit the place.
Bieber....belieber....true idiocy.
Of all his transgressions, and there are quite a few, this is the least offensive, in my opinion.
Joffrey Bieber, beloved throughout all seven kingdoms.
Hilarious and tragic at the same time. At least he didn't graffito the shrine and annoy Japan into the bargain!
Fox Cloud Lelean
I didn't even know Bieber was in Japan. Oh well. This sounds about right for the Canadian baka no kamidesu. Can someone please give him a one way ticket to North Korea and just leave him there. They'll either love him, in which case they can keep him, or they'll hate him, in which case we'll never have to hear his god awful music ever again. Either outcome is fine by me, and by the rest of the sane world.
hahaha this is news! LOL!
Visually, it's a quite a stunning looking monument. It's no surprise he went to investigate. It also has quite a special feeling that is nothing like or about all the claims and comments made by the various Race Hate mobs.
If you are upset about war there are plenty of statues to mass murders in practically every city in the wall to go and protest at, if you cannot make the effort to come to Japan and see what it is really like, like Bieber.
"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." - Voltaire, to which the people add, "and our mass murderers were perfectly acceptable but, everyone else's are surely evil!".
Michael Craig
Beijing and Seoul might also soon declare him persona non grata!
Hmmm...wonder if he went there in his official capacity of one of them most annoying teeny pop stars on the planet, or in his private role as complete nincompoop?
And would have been better if he had said sorry throught the medium of song and dance........
A mistake is sneaking into North Korea dressed like Uncle Sam not entering a shrine open to the public.
I just look at it this way, we hate this generation's music as much as the generation before us hated our music. I always heard "He isn't that talented or that interesting" about a lot of artists I listened to when I was a kid.
wow, Bieber article got near 100 posts. Unbieliebable!
I want to know if he finished his sushi........
Magnus, my sentiments exactly! Online Korean and Chinese right-wingers have been attacking Mr. Bieber and threatening him for being INNOCENT! They get so butthurt and upset with an UNINTENTIONAL visit.
I'd recommend any foreigner visit Yasukuni.
**Shrines are places where you go and pray/worship. This guy now believes that shrines are something more than religious sites.
No one ever said that entertainers use their brains what so ever. All they have to do is look pretty smile and read pieces of paper. Wow, entertainers and politicians have a whole lot in common.**
Shrines are visited by tourist and Japanese alike to look at the buildings and take pictures. The bashing of this guy over this is pretty pathetic from a group of adults. He's certainly not a perfect kid but did any of you really have a clue about Yasukuni when you were his age? I didn't. Some of you need to look in the mirror and grow up.
Hasn't anyone figured out that this is an publicity stunt. Bieber's agents told him to go to the Yasukuni shrine and then offer public apologies to make headlines in Asia to keep his face in the tabloids.
I wonder if that is true? If so, he's done something beneficial and shown the world how idiotic and reactionary the CPC can be be ... I wonder if China's notorious Ministry of Public Security are now having to sit down and analyse all his lyrics to establish whether there are anti-Communist messages in them.
They have a history of killing off, imprisoning and putting artists into forced labor camps to "re-educate" them even until this day. Freedom of expression is not one of their strong points.
Can we invite him to tour the Senkaku, and wave a Kyokujitsu-ki flag for his Japanese fans as well?
Hawkeye, your conspiracy theory makes no sense!
Mr. Bieber just wanted a photo of him on a beautiful on the spot shrine, which coincidentally the beautiful Yasukuni.
14 criminals vs thousands of dead! What's with that China!
By the way, his photos of Yasukuni are awesome.
As a tourist, I visited Yasukuni shrine. And the museum. I reflected on the sacrifices made by men and women on both sides of the Pacific during WWII. And, privately, I bowed and prayed for the souls who died. I suppose, deep within me, I was choosing not to bow to the truly evil criminals. It was a personal and private religious moment for me.
Justin Bieber did nothing wrong by VISITING Yasukuni. Acting like an ignoramus and posting "Thank you for your blessings" as if it were any random Kyoto temple or shrine was his big mistake.
Even if you go there (or any other memorial site) and with your full conscience you pray only for the souls people call "war criminals", then it is still not wrong or bad. They are human too. People make mistakes. Even those that have done something horrible are just disconnected from themselfs, just like you when you are not feeling well or when you're angry.. When people die, they just live on and come back another life. So they need your support in becoming a better person, not your bad mood or ignorance. That just makes it worse. It's just like Abraham Hicks says; "When you see someone bleeding in the street, we know you would help them. But when you see someone so disconnected from source energy that they are flailing about hurting others, you don't want to help them you wanna..hurt them you wanna taser them, you wanna hit them with the billy club, you want to kick them when they're down. [..]" Too bad most humans work this way... The souls that need our support the most, alsmost never get it.. From a spiritual point of view, it is literally impossible to do something wrong when you honor soldiers or "war criminals". If you really want to understand what i'm talking about, I suggest you listen to Abraham Hicks herself:
Sorry, but that's very short-sighted thinking. Now the whole world knows that going to Yasukuni is a very bad idea. And that people who still have something to lose apologize for it.
What a publicity seeking punk. Why didn't he visit HIroshima and make a statement for peace and honor the survivors if he wanted to use Japanese anti-culture to promote himself.
China making mountains out of mole hills, way blown out of hand. Get on with business and who cares if Bieber went to Yasukuni shrine.
Asakura Cowboy
He only did it to get attention and if anyone sees it as anything less than that then they are complete idiots. Do you honestly think that spoilt little ignorant brat knows anything or cares in any way about the Yasukuni situation? He does what he does to keep the media interested, just like his female equivalent Miley Cyrus because of their rapidly waning popularity. And of course, the stupid media lap it up.
Very much non news to me, but I find it very hard to believe that he did not know what the shrine stands for. One does not just go somewhere without knowing a little bit about that place in most cases. Maybe he is so much into himself that where he was going was not even an issue.
As someone interested in history, that museum is offensive in how much it warps the truth. That being said, I agree with everything else in your post for the most part. I'm completely disinterested in Bieber, but not everyone knows what is going on in every conflict over the globe.
Chinese and korea attacks for who visited for yasukuni so make them look like victim so they can get more compensation and justify occupying japanese island.
We all know who is real militarist and what happened in Tibet and uygur, don't we?
Crimson and Clover
I visited Yasukuni. But I did not pray or offer any money. I will not apologize.
I went to confirm the obfuscations and glorification of Japan's wars of rape and plunder. And I found it was all true.
I will never go again unless its in protest.
As if Bieber didn't have enough problems all ready.
Which shrine did you go to? The one I went to looked like just about any other big shrine in Japan. The museum that contained military history and exhibits was very cool though. I didn't see anything "glorifying rape and plunder".
Jeff Huffman
I think every Western tourist who goes to Tokyo should visit Yasukuni. It's an eye-opener.
While lots of people like to make out that the shrine is not only the "resting place" for a collection of Class A war criminals, but also for thousands of others who gave their lives to the nation during WWII, it's still a rather sinister place thanks to the claptrap war museum on the grounds. Imagine a Catholic cathedral having a museum showing all the implements of torture used during the Inquisition(s) with no mention of how primitive the church's behavior was at that time. Well, that's the military museum at Yasukuni. I guess the odd juxtaposition doesn't register with most Japanese.
Markus L
The museum contains an entire wall of photocopied pages from revisionist history books in English, with sentence claiming that Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor was completely justified under the circumstances, highlighted with a yellow marker. There is also a huge painting of Sikh soldiers who chose to fight with Japan with a caption saying something about "our Sikh brothers in arms fighting against British colonialism". It also glorifies the Kamikazes, without any condemnation of the militarists who ordered that madness. So when the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said “I hope that this Canadian singer after visiting the Yasukuni shrine can have a clear understanding of Japan’s history of invasion and militarism, and of the source of Japan’s militarism”, I doubt that happened. The museum, while indeed containing some unique artifacts, is a disgrace to Japan.
Who cares?
YOU care. You care enough to scroll down to the bottom of 121 comments to post "Who cares?" someone who TRULY didn't care wouldn't have posted anything because they would already be reading another article.
I'm neither "for" or "against" his visit to Yasukuni however, I feel that when one is already internationally "infamous", it's better to keep a low profile...
That's a total fabrication. You think I would have missed that? Or the countless American and other tourists that have been there?
You don't get to decide if it's fabrication or not. You are a visibly Pro-Japan, of course you'd say anything that is the best interest of Yasukuni shrine.
On topic, I don't know why anyone should be mad about Bieber visiting Yasukuni, he probably doesn't even know the significance behind the Shrine. And some right wing is happy about something like this? How predictable.
@ Markus L
Has the Apologist Wing every offered what the alternatives course of action for Japan, and what it's ramifications would have been ... at that time and place in history?
People bandy about the "revisionist" in the same way medieval Christians would have done "satan" or "evil" to establish a collective taboo, or as a puerile insult. It's becoming meaningless or degraded along with the other tiresomely over used one, "right wing" ... as if to suggest there are only two ways to see things; "our way, or the wrong way" by individuals or nations whose politics are every bit as totalitarian; our way, or the forced labor camp").
As for young Mr Beiber ... perhaps we'll never know if his actions were cynical attention seeking, or whether he just just lured by a visually and spirituality strike shrine in an attractive location whilst sightseeing.
And another poster said ... really, who cares? Since when did Beijing get to decree the world's holiday schedules? WWII is dead. If you want real time human right abuses, all you have to do is go to Tibet, or visit the Uighurs.
Perhaps Justin might consider a trip there next for his public awareness raising efforts?
Markus L
It was there alright. Perhaps there were so many complaints it was finally removed. I took my brother, who teaches Modern History at a university, and he was appalled.
But here are some accounts from recent visitors (and there are literally hundreds to be found online)....
If you are a priest, and the public place is a bordello in Nevada, then, well, yeah. IOW, it depends on the person and the the public place.
That just the thing you don't appreciate: Opposition to Yasukuni is not just a Communist China cynical plot. It is a heartfelt nationalist reaction. And, to the extent that Japan was wrong in WWII, and the War Criminals enshrined in Yasukuni make it more than just a 'public place," no I am not wrong.
I am right. And you are wrong. Terribly wrong.
No, you are not "right". Your understand is wrong, and far too black and white.
It's hard to response just why in any depth because so many posts are censored here as "off topic".
Japan wasn't "wrong". It was just played by a more experienced and far better resourced belligerent, and came second.
None of which we can be sure Justin has any interest in.