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Kendrick Lamar tops Apple Music's 2024 song chart and women make history


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Of the 100 songs included on the list, 39 are from female-identifying artists, a record first in the global chart's 7-year history.

Why is every other article on here today praising women? Are they wallflowers that need moral support or something?

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Eat the leftToday  08:53 am JST

Of the 100 songs included on the list, 39 are from female-identifying artists, a record first in the global chart's 7-year history.

Why is every other article on here today praising women? Are they wallflowers that need moral support or something?

That ain't the issue for me. There are some good women performers (who need to be recognized) and a flurry of no talent sex dolls.

This year I saw Heart, which consists of the sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson for the second time. They may have been head-turners back when they started but those chicks have long paid their dues. They've been successful for so long (nearly 50 years) because they have what it takes - the talent. And they never ever pushed the 'sexual' image during their long career. Talented women stars don't do that, they don't need to.

And I also saw the pioneering German synth band Kraftwerk. While waiting to get into the arena theater I interacted with some various folks - synth hobbyists and junkies, people who have worked in audio manipulation (I've done some of that), new wavers, proggies and more. We also threw around a few ribald jokes about Taylor Swift and all the other pop tarts that I won't repeat here. And let's not forget the woman synth player Susan Ciotola, who has written songs and pieces for ads, station identifications, etc. She's not in the limelight so to speak but she is there.

Just because the charts have a lot of women doesn't mean that they're good. Remember the dumb Spice Girls and all the hype they got? Ciotola has been at the game since the 70s, at least. So have Heart. Will TS or Suzi Carpenter be around in 40, 50 years or so? I doubt it.

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