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© 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Korean film 'Parasite' takes best picture Oscar; acting honors go to Phoenix, Zellweger, Pitt, Dern
By Jake Coyle LOS ANGELES©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Spirited Away with Best Animated Film in 2003 and now Parasite winning Best Picture in 2020 (becoming the first non English language film to win this award). This year's Oscars has been an amazing night for the Korean film industry. And not just an amazing night for Korea. It's also a fantastic night for Asian cinematography and I hope that the success of Parasite and the earlier success of Spirited Away aren't just one offs. I really hope that the world wakes up to some of the amazing talent that Asia is offering. Because there shouldn't be any self imposed language barriers when enjoying the artistic talent that can be found in Asian film and music!!!
Korean's are really talented when it comes to films, especially their actors/actresses.
Watershed moment for the Oscars. 1917, while a great film, is not unique in being a war epic which moves you with a show of human bravery.
Parasite is one of a kind, wonderfully quirky, funny, thrilling and unpredictable to the end and a reflection of our society.
Well deserved, the Korean entertainment industry has been getting all sorts of plaudits the last couple of decades but many will look back at the Best Picture award at the Oscars as when it stepped out truly into the mainstream limelight.
Parasite was a very entertaining film. Glad it won.
Well done to the director and those in the movie. I was surprised the film beat out 1917, but am glad for those involved, and for SK and Asia.
Ready to do Bongs would be more likely. It is legal almost all over the US...just saying.
I wonder how this will play in Japan? I hope they are congratulatory and that we get to see this movie soon.
Its playing right now - But obviously in Korean with JP subtitles. My Blu-Ray from the US fortunately arrived last week so I actually watched it home Saturday evening. I think its available for rent on US iTunes also.
I haven't seen 1917 so impossible for me to judge one over the other but I really did enjoy Parasite - its actually fully deserved. I wanted Tarantino to win and I'm pleased Brad Pitt finally for an (acting) Oscar - but this WAS the better film.
Well done! Well overdue that a non-english film won the Best Movie Oscar. I look forward to watching Parasite.
I don't get how Irishman even got a nomination, just a long movie that could have easily had half of it cut out with no negative impact, I swear people only care about that movie because of the people involved.
Bugle Boy of Company B
For the 87th time, no women were nominated for best director this year
Come on, women! Step up your game!
Bugle Boy of Company B
So... it won because of "diversity" eh? Too bad. I was hoping to watch it.
JJ Jetplane
I am with you Bugle Boy. Every single article keeps trying to take away from an amazing film by saying Hollywood is trying to show diversity and trying to recapture its weakening influence in Asia. While certain blockbusters hit in Asia, other films have been bombing. Regardless of what the reasons are behind it, it's an amazing film and well deserved.
Now, while Joker was a nice film, I truly believe Adam Sandler should have won it this year. "Uncut Gems" was a chance to see Sandler take his acting to a new area and show real evolution. His character was believable and it shows how gambling addiction can destroy someone.
Bugle Boy of Company B
I hope so! I generally don't watch foreign films, but I have enjoyed a few. I would love to enjoy this one and not quit halfway through because it was a meaningless gesture.
Haven't seen it yet, but he looks great in the trailers. I liked his comments after the award show tho! Ouch!
Good to see them honoring a film which isn't from America nor in English. I like a lot of the Korean movies and have enjoyed many Asian films since coming to Japan, after having seen only 5 or 6 while growing up in the U.S.. Diversify your thinking.
Forget about that crap. It's entertaining so worth watching.
JJ Jetplane: watched Uncut Gems last night. It was hard to watch because you knew what was coming (won’t say anything). Best fo Adam Sandler since Punch drunk Love. Very intense movie.
Alfie Noakes
I thought Parasite was the best film I saw last year so I'm glad it won.
I didn't like Joker much at all. It was too long, the crowd scenes were poor, it seemed old-fashioned and cobbled together from bits of far better movies made in the 70s but Phoenix's performance was impressive. Uncut Gems was fantastic, a real intense blast of a film and Sandler's performance was astonishing. I didn't know he had it in him. He would have got my vote if I had one.
I say, I have no idea and no interest at all in K-POPs ( actually I hate those K-pop young guys who do too much make-ups and cosmetic surgery) , but among regular posters here, I think I would be the one of those who know the most and have seen so much of K-drama, K-movie ( I think I have seen them more than ordinary Koreans in SK)
1-inch barrier of subtitles to be overcome actually works better for me rather than straight listening, to watch movie/drama without it and think what's going on. And quite often, good for my improvement for listening an speaking skills.
In this entertainment business fields, S-Korea has been doing great. Congrats!
I remember the expression that if you saw how a sausage was made, you wouldn’t eat it. I thought something similar about films - if you saw speeches at the Academy Awards, you couldn’t watch these people in movies.
Does anyone know if Korean actors and actresses are generally as annoying, self-congratulatory and annoying as the Hollywood types? The luvvie British types are even worse. I boycotted all British films a long time ago.
Can someone give me the green light to watch Parasite?
JJ Jetplane
Best way for me to describe "parasite" without ruining it is to say it's a very realistic movie where you can genuinely picture the entire events unfolding in real life even if you don't have experience in either spectrum of the lifestyles. It's a movie that can be applied across all languages and all cultures.
I once stumbled into this movie rather coincidentally. Now I learned it was nominated and even won, which is great - Me too, I recommend to watch this sneaky movie, the plots and twists are great.
For those who don't like subtitles don't worry, I assume a Hollywood remake will become available soon ^^;
Bugle Boy of Company B
I “stumbled” onto The Matrix knowing nothing about it. THAT was a fun surprise! It’s nice to watch anything good without any hints at all.
Much appreciated my friend, but I need to know if the actors are tossers.
Alfie Noakes
Yes, unfortunately all of them are total tossers except for two who are complete wankers. And one may be a twat, but I'm not quite sure about that. Just watch the film, it's good.
Cheers. I’m getting closer.
Does anybody know the Korean equivalent of double-barreled surnames, ‘Benedict Cumberbach’, ‘Phoebe’ or ‘Grant’?
We Japanese envy Korean movie industry, as we know our recent movies are trash.
I don't know whether it was worthy of an Oscar or not but I certainly enjoyed it. Thanks to the airline on which I saw it. I probably wouldn't have watched it had I not read that it had won an international award, but so glad I did. I enjoyed the twists and turns. There's just something about Korean movies that gives them an edge over Japanese movies. Congratulations to the director, actors and the rest of the crew. Also glad it wasn't yet another one of those Asian slapstick comedies with tarentos or 'singers'.
Just one question - why is their toilet up half a level and not on the ground?
And I have no problems enjoying films with subtitles - better than dubbed movies.
Trouble trying to separate him from his comedy. His highest grossing films are always his comedy. People don't want to watch his films unless it's comedy
There is no doubt the Academy voters chose Parasite as best film solely to deflect criticisms of how "White" the Oscars was/is.
Certainly Parasite was the best movie out of the nominees, and it was the right choice, but the Academy voters chose it for the wrong reasons.
Bugle Boy of Company B
dont worry. Older Japanese movies were mostly trash too.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Jeff Ko
Pparasite is a story about a poor family infiltrating a wealthy family but the twist is that the wealthy family was already infiltrated by yet another poor family to begin with. So those two poor family fights for scrabs in the basement of the house and the husband of the maid hiding in the basement ended up killing the daughter of the poor family disguised as the art therapy teacher. And the father in rage ended up killing the patriarch of the rich family. So what started as a comedy end up in a killing spree.
I highly recommend you watch it urself.
@ Jimizo
Can someone give me the green light to watch Parasite?
I've not seen it yet, but judging from two Korean films I saw last year, Train to Busan and A Taxi Driver starring Kang-ho Song (my favorite Korean actor), who plays a role in Parasite, I wouldn't hesitate to give anybody a green light to see any modern Korean movie recommended by reliable movie critics. Sadly, the over-commercialized Japanese film industry (with a few exceptions like Koreeda Hirokazu, Kurosawa Kiyoshi) has become moribund, afraid to take artistic risks or make serious films that present adult themes to Japanese audiences who have been infantilized by years of watching trash TV and blockbuster celluloid pablum.
Joe Blow
There’s this myth that the Oscars are an international awards event.
Well, they’re not really. It’s the American film awards, and there’s a category for Best Foreign Language Film.
To win Best Picture, the movie needs to be in English.
This is just more anti-white woke propaganda from the left. Their ratings will tank next year, especially after they double down and pick a Spanish-language film for Best Picture.
Samit Basu
@Bugle Boy of Company B
He's talking about Akira Kurosawa era of Japanese movies, which Hollywood tried to remake and imitate.
Those were bygone era, when Japan was freer than it is today under the dictatorship of LDP and Abe san.
It is the creative freedom that produces great movies. Korea has that, Japan doesn't.
Thanks to all recommending the film, but I need someone to tell me that the Korean film industry isn’t awash with the kind of posturing crap we see in Hollywood, or even worse, the British film industry.
Is there a Korean Phoebe-Cumberbach-Fiennes-Grant type in this film?
I have allergies.
Jeff Ko:
Yeah, I know, but can you give other people a few spoilers from the movie.
Kentarogaijin: "Unbelievable..."
Which movie do you think should have won?
@old man - So the 8,000 plus voters of The Academy, in their quest to award the year's best film, had the wrong motivation to simply prove a point about diversity, and in doing so gave the award to the best film of the year?
I wonder what LDP and Abe have got to do with the creative freedom. How about the quality of Japanese animation then? that attracted and interested so many youth worldwide. Isn't it they have got more to do with Directors Guild of Japan if there's any reason Japanese movies seem inferior you want to find out? The chairman of it is, needless to say, a Korean.
Bugle Boy of Company B
Toasted Heretic
I speak English but I'm having difficulties understanding the above statement.
Toasted Heretic
Why not watch it and make your own mind up?
@Bugle Boy of Company B
a troll or you don,t know anything about ( the history of ) Japanese cinema. ( excluding Hollywood here ) Japanese film industry goes side by side with the British film industry, the French and the Italian. ( note: not talking about numbers, talking about quality )
that didn,t make much sense but... when you say... "Akira Kurosawa era of Japanese movies"? do you think Japanese cinema in the 50,s, 60,s, 70,s, 80,s and 90,s was just Akira Kurosawa? i don,t like when people think it,s enough to say those two words when they want to summarize the history of Japanese cinema.
i watched Parasite and what a great movie that is, but, it,s funny, when people say that South Korean film industry is a lot better than the Japanese. the success ( and quality ) of South Korean movies is relatively recent. they will never gonna catch the Japanese because no one can erase the history of Japanese cinema.
Youtube 80's 90's J-POP, you would remind yourself of how great they were , influencing entire Asia including S-Korea. Who, I actually think , cares about Oscars!!
Dunno if it can be discerned - whether people voted because it's different or because they really like it
How does one go about trying to prove one or other?
Haven't seen the movie, but congratulations to South Korea for such a huge achievement. It'll undoubtedly give a boost to its entertainment industry.
With that said, why are people comparing the JP movie industry with the Korean? There's nothing to compare.
Korea just started its journey to making great movies.
Japan had been doing it since the 60s, if not earlier. ONE movie doesn't erase history. Nothing and no one can erase history. It's up there with American, British, and Hong Kong cinema.