Japanese pop singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, 20, has been chosen by director J.J. Abrams to provide the theme song for the Japanese release of his new film, "Star Trek Into Darkness," which opens in Japan on Aug 23.
The song, "Into Darkness," was produced by Japanese music producer Yasutaka Nakata, 33, and the director himself (Abrams has experience producing music for the American TV show "Lost"). He said he chose Kyary Pamyu Pamyu because she perfectly fits the song's image, Sankei Shimbun reported.
The singer, known for her cute fashion style, completed a successful tour across America, Europe and Asia earlier this year.
To promote "Star Trek Into Darkness" internationally, Abrams did similar collaborations with musicians from six countries to produce a different theme song for each version. Nakata said: "It was like exploring an unknown world. As a musician, it was a great experience."
© Japan Today
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I actually like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu but please tell me that this is really just something from The Onion...
Well if J.J. Abrams picked her then you can't really say anything against it!
Knox Harrington
No. Just no.
While she has ambition, I find this whole concept utterly childish and tragic. She is promoted heavily and it is evident she could not have done this on her own, not in Japan. The choice of her doing a song for an international movie has, of course, nothing to do with talent, but rather promotion. They know how Japanese prefer local performers to anything "foreign" and this put one in their production to sell more. They did it with AKB in "Wreck-it Ralph", now this and they will do it again. Don't think for a moments this has anything to do with talent...
Jack Stern
Who cares? I and most other foreigners won't go to the Japanese dubbed version anyway.
Well, she does kind of fit the alien profile... Still her music is similar to what you'd hear in a room full of kids throwing tantrums.
Mike Critchley
Love her or hate her, this is smart promoting in the Japanese market. Actors do Japan-only commercials; movies do Japan-only antics. It gets more bums in seats and dollars in the coffers.That they do it with a straight face must take a bit of self-restraint -- but that's what sales is all about. I hope the movie does well in Japan!
John Master
@Mike Critchley Still, couldn't they have tried to find someone who is more suitable for this task?
Perish the thought. Her annoying voice makes my skin crawl. JJ Abrams must have been taking ハブ when making the decision.
Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi
I love KPP but this is most highly illogical.
I think she's great. At present, are there any other Japanese artists that can embark on a world tour and pull any kind of crowd at all? Like it or not, she has managed to expand out of Japan significantly with her kooky weirdness. Smart all round.
"Scotty, engage the AUTO-TUNE device!"
Oh, and while we're on the subject. J.J. Abrams is turning Star Trek into something that it was never meant to be. More action, less thought. His new ST films can't hold a candle next to say ST II, The Wrath of Khan. Might as well have let Michael Bay direct them...
JJ Abrams did such a bang-up job with 2009's Star Trek, especially with the casting, I mean, aside from Bill Shatner, we couldn't ask for a better Captain James T. Kirk than Chris Pine, nor aside from Leonard Nimoy, a better Spock than Zachary Quinto, a better Dr. Mccoy, a better Lt. Uhura, etc, etc, i am so looking foward to this...
Let's see what J.J. and Disney will do yo the Star Wars sequels.
Good luck to her, she has had a great career/success so far worldwide and don't think she has turned 20 yet.
By the way, I love how so many of the Japan bashers on this site love Kyary Pamyu because she's been adopted as the latest ironic icon of cool by Western hipsters. She'd be bashed to high heavens for her infantile voice and weird dressed sense by users on this site if she didn't have that seal of endorsement from the West.
ME - The only good Star Wars movie was the first one in 1977.
Take your pick here is Hatsune Miku singing the original theme.
Kyary is a good choice as the new films aren't aimed at the old trekkies.
ME - Thanks for the link. It could have been worse, ha ha
When my friend in England saw a Kyary Pamyu Pamyu video, she asked "Is this kids' TV?"
Nah, too imbecilic for kids.
Cool. I liked the second one leaps and bounds more than the first one. So go for it!
50 years ago, the movies had Shirley Bassey singing "Goldfinger." Now, this.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu- a tangue twisting name. What does it mean? Anyone?
She looks like some hyper over the top version of Ayumi Hamasaki.
I love Kyari but...the theme song for a movie like Star Trek? absolutely not if she tends to sing it in her regular style..
Well she may fit the song's image, but what about the movie's image? This is clearly just done for marketing as Knox said above about Wreck it Ralph and AKB.
Well, haven't even thought about the new Star Trek movie yet, but I guess it's become a comedy?
The crystals are all shot to hell?
And her voice, even more hyper and over the top than Hamasaki's.
The new star trek movies do generate all kind of opinions eh? I'm not a trekkie, so I'm not a purist in terms of the star trek saga all the movies and the actors, I do recognize Leonard Nimoy, and of course I admire the way he gained so many fans because he's such a great actor.
I don't know this Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, never heard 1 song from her, but it's because whenever I see her I think in some childish that aims at "cute", sinde i'm well over my thirties, I'm not attracted to that, but I do like J. J. Abrams' productions... so I hope his was an educated choice.
Nenad Jovanović
OMG , haters of KAWAII culture , stop all ready , you prove your self totally clueless of Japan culture , go listen your western barely dressed singers where they shake ass and boobs on stage , KPP is unique , your hate against Japan clouded your minds , so you can see how good person she really is, she is entertainer , the one that gives you smile in your life, she shine with goodness , even if you think her song are bad, she will still be great person , her character is what is so special about her . And now as a former fan of Star Trek , when original producer died ,old Star Trek franchise died with him , this new thing , I would not watch it , only thing what I want to see is that song of KPP , and the part of the movie where it will be shown , and for those who think KPP is too much promoted, the reason of her promotion is her first MV from 2 years ago "PONPONPON" who got over 40 milion views , with no promotion what so ever in that time , so of course , when some Japan artist get so high level of view , no wonder they are promoting her now, and for her voice , if you cant listen her voice, then that proves you hate J-pop , and you forgot one more thing , main audience in world today are not grown ups , its teens and young adults , so if you dont like this kind of voice, that means you are old .
(sob) LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE!!!!(/sob)
Nenad: "you prove your self totally clueless of Japan culture , go listen your western barely dressed singers where they shake ass and boobs on stage "
Hahaha... and yet you support underage girls pillow-fighting in lingerie because it's supposedly 'kawaii'? Kamyu is a joke, and a wannabe Lady Gaga, and that's all. She gets respect for designing her own costumes, but that's not saying a lot given the gaudiness of them.
"if you cant listen her voice, then that proves you hate J-pop"
Not at all. It merely proves people who cannot listen to her voice cannot listen to her voice. There is plenty of other J-pop that people may be able to listen to and even enjoy. I tend to prefer people with talent, and who can sing, write their own lyrics, and play instruments. They are unfortunately grouped into the same category as all the Johnny's assembled bands who can do none of the above. Kamyu has some originality, but her voice is still as pleasant to hear as a few forks across a chalkboard at the same time. And to be put in a Star Trek soundtrack? talk about a mis-match! (and I'm not a Trekkie, by the way, nor do I like Western artists 'shaking their boobs' or whatever you said).
Kevin Crocker
I like Kyary but I think Utada Hikaru would have been a better match.
Exactly, couldn't have said it better, even if I wanted to.
No offense but japanese mvs in general are only popular in Japan.
Dennis Bauer
@Mohamad Taufiq Morshidi
Fascinating, at least her fashion sense has boldly gone where no man has gone before!
Nope. You just don't know how popular she is in the world. Her songs occasionally hits no.1 on itunes charts as electronic music in some countries such as Finland. And she's done a world tour this year. Surely she seems to have attracted some kind of fans internationally. I think she hadn't been that popular in Japan, but now she was "re-discovered" because of the world attention toward her. Off course, they don't include middle aged conservative men as seen here obviously...
@kevinc crocker
I agree.. I get the feeling that Utada Hikaru could've composed something nice for the movie
Let me just get this straight. I love Japan and its culture. I know how to speak alot of japanese. I love the music. Kyary Pamyu is a great singer and I dont see why you are venting at her. I know they promote her as some kooky girl but that's just how her music is. It would be strange if it was a tomboy singing this, correct? Dont vent when you have no proof. And it doesn't matter if her song is in that movie, you aren't forced to watch it. You make the decisions and every human being does. You cannot offend her for being herself when she did nothing bad like othe musicians have.